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舊 06-10-07, 12:39 PM   #201
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Halo 3 Box Art
The image that will change the world and all worlds beyond.

by Nix

June 8, 2007 - Mankind is not a patient species. We are ravenous with desire and hunger, but unlike the world's other great predators (who must stalk and outwit their prey), our omnivorous genetic design allows us instant access to gratification with just the stretching of our muscular limbs and a grasping of our opposable thumbs to take that which the world proffers. Unless the universe one day proves otherwise, we are what this planet was created for, and we are by creation designed to take, to have, to not be denied all that we covet.

It is without the need to be said, then, that the agonizing wait for the release of the official box art for Halo 3 has been a trial of endurance set against our kind. To not be given the opportunity to have this box art upon the very moment the idea of craving official box art was first imprinted in our brains -- the exact date being the 16th of May in the year Two Thousand and Five -- is to deny us all that it is to be a human being. Are we not Man? Is Man not created to be able? What is life if Man is no longer what Man was made to be?

And then, the world was set right again. And then, Microsoft did raze this gauntlet challenging our fortitude. And then, it alighted upon us, the Box Art of the Halo 3. And thus was the world once again free to turn in a universe of planets and stars and righteousness.


神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-14-07, 09:06 PM   #202
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898


根據微軟的統計,在5月16日到6月10日的beta測試期間,共有超過82萬的玩家參與其中。遊戲開發商Bungie宣稱,所有測試玩家的累計在線時間達1200萬小時——相當於一個玩家連續玩上了1400年遊戲。微軟的遊戲工作室總裁Shane Kim認為遊戲的表現「令人驚愕」,並相信本作有能力「將會掀起前所未有的新玩家購買X360和進入Xbox Live對戰的狂潮。」

神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-14-07, 10:33 PM   #203
Game Master
註冊日期: Oct 2006
文章: 2,377

噹噹dondon 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-15-07, 07:26 PM   #204
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Oct 2002
文章: 689
作者: 噹噹dondon 查看文章

最好搵返halo 1 同2返黎玩下先~故事真係唔錯,講人類比halo星既人入侵,要由唯一著住生化戰甲既主角士官長帶領反攻,打仗咁,好熱血!
武器方面,主要分為地球人既實彈系槍對外星人既激光系槍同劍。交通工具都係分開地球人款式同外星人款式,不過當然無論咩武器咩交通工具,你都可以攞上手用~操作簡單直接,玩落好爽快,仲可以單機兩人一齊合作過版添~當時唔係咁多fps game可以咁做 當時我係同細佬一齊雙打玩到爆機,互相合作同保護,又諗d屎橋點樣引開人同追擊人,好玩到爆
辦公室潛水專家 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-29-07, 09:24 PM   #205
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
マイクロソフト、Xbox 360「Halo 3」
9月27日 発売予定

 マイクロソフト株式会社は、Xbox 360用シューティング(FPS)「Halo 3」を9月27日に発売すると発表した。価格は7,140円。また初回生産分に関しては、メイキングDVDなどの特典が付く「Halo 3 リミテッド エディション」となる。なお、米国では9月26日(現地時間)に発売される。

 Xbox 360「Halo 3」は、2003年秋に「Halo」がリリースされて以来、多くのFPSファンから人気を集めている「Halo」シリーズ3部作の最終章となる作品。Xbox 360専用タイトルとしては、同シリーズで初めてリリースされることになる。

 また、5月6日から1カ月に渡って全世界同時に実施された「マルチプレイヤー パブリック ベータ プログラム」の実施結果も発表された。こちらは、トータルでの参加者数が82万人超、総プレイ時間が1,200万時間を突破したという。1,200万時間というのは、1人のユーザーが1,400年間休まずにプレイし続けた時間に相当する。

 記録したプレイデータの動画を、「Xbox LIVE」を経由してフレンドと共有可能な新機能「セーブフィルム」に対するユーザーの評価が高く、この機能を通じて実に58万件もの動画がユーザーによって作成されたという。

 これら、「マルチプレイヤー パブリック ベータ プログラム」の実施結果について、Microsoft Game Studiosのコーポレートバイスプレジデントであるシェーン・キム (Shane Kim)氏は以下のように述べている。

 「『Halo 3』マルチプレイヤー パブリック ベータ プログラム」には驚異的と言っていいほどの大勢のユーザーが参加しました。ゲームの一機能を体験して頂くにしか過ぎないこのベータプログラムに、これほど大きな反応が寄せられたことは大いに勇気づけられました。これは『Halo 3』に対する好意的評価と期待の現われです。『Halo 3』の発売により、これまでに例のないほどの新しいユーザーがXbox 360とXbox LIVEに加わると確信しています」


Halo 3 リミテッド エディション。ゲームソフト、メイキングDVD、ハードカバー仕様のリファレンスブック(非売品)の3点が、特製メタルケースパッケージに同梱される
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-02-07, 10:17 PM   #206
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Halo 3 Beta Post Mortem
Bungie talks about what was learned from the most popular beta in console history.

by Hilary Goldstein

June 29, 2007 - The three-week long Halo 3 multiplayer beta was a huge success. Hundreds of thousands of gamers participated in the biggest gaming event of the spring. While Bungie's purpose was to gain feedback and statistical information to help nudge Halo 3's multiplayer towards perfection, most gamers were just interested in dropping into one of their favorite franchises for a sneak peek at what's to come on September 25.

The beta game to a close several weeks ago. So what now? Well, Bungie has to sort through all the data they've gathered and decide how to tweak the multiplayer to make a product that will satisfy themselves and Halo's loyal fanbase.

We spoke with Bungie's world famous writing lead, Frank O'Connor, about the beta. Our initial list of questions were pretty hefty, but due to time Bungie's time constraints, we had to drop many of the smaller questions. So our Mongoose tangent won't be found below. What you will find is an overview of what Bungie found out about Halo 3 multiplayer thanks to the beta.


IGN: What was Bungie hoping to gain from a public beta? Did you get what you needed?
Frank O'Connor: We wanted a large-scale stress test of networking, with some focus on UI and gameplay features - including control schemes and so on. We certainly got what we needed. We've been able to amass a vast amount of data and every single bit will have a relevant, positive effect on the eventual state of our netcode and online experience.

IGN: What's the process for analyzing the data collected? Is it heavily weighted on a statistical analysis or is it more about what Bungie witnessed when the public got its hands on the game?
O'Connor: It's a combination of statistical analysis, raw number-crunching and of course instinct. We look at what people liked and didn't like and think about ways to mitigate those concerns, without wrecking the core ideas or principles.

IGN: How much of Halo 3 multiplayer was revealed in the beta?
O'Connor: A small fraction of Halo 3 multiplayer was revealed. A small sample of maps, but more vitally, a tiny sample of features, gametypes, weapons and vehicles. To describe it as feature-lite would be an understatement.

IGN: Reaction to the graphics in the beta weren't always favorable (or polite). Before its release, did you expect a negative reaction? How much more polish can we expect to the multiplayer graphics before release?
O'Connor: Multiplayer will always look, almost by necessity, more sterile and "plain" than Campaign. The tightly controlled gameplay experience of multiplayer requires a clear line of sight and as little visual noise or interference as possible. As with other Halo games, the Campaign mode will be a far larger and richer graphical experience. That said, we're very happy with the way visuals for both modes are progressing, and we hope folks will enjoy the large scale, global HDR and ambitious content of both Campaign and Multiplayer graphics.

IGN: Based on your initial reactions to the beta, are there any weapons you're looking to tweak? Maybe tone down the Needler or make the SMGs more useful?
O'Connor: Every single weapon has already been tweaked, several times. Some subtly, some dramatically. And that tweaking will continue in the polish phase we're entering, although big, dramatic changes will become fewer and fewer.

IGN: Which weapon did you feel was the most underappreciated by players? Any that were more popular than expected?
O'Connor: I think players probably didn't play around with combinations as much as they should, but otherwise our statistics showed that folks enjoyed playing with a wide variety of weapons. The strangest statistical blip was probably the use of sniper rifle relative to Beam Rifle (even taking availability into consideration). Statistically, folks just plain preferred using the human Sniper Rifle. And they practically ignored the excellent and powerful rocket launcher.

IGN: Snowbound seemed to get a lot of vetoes as the beta wore on. Was this a shock? Why do you think people favored High Ground and Valhalla over Snowbound?
O'Connor: It may have "seemed" to in your experience, but our stats showed that it did just as well as we'd hoped. The most common cause for Veto is a repeated map.

IGN: What did you take away from the feedback that might help you improve on this cool, but underappreciated map?
O'Connor: We've made some minor changes, but it's actually a staff favorite and provides a wide range of mid-range, close-quarters and long distance combat opportunities.

IGN: There's been some negative reaction to Team Talk. Is the functionality of Team Talk something you might consider changing?
O'Connor: We knew that would be controversial. It's one of the things we were testing and there have already been changes. Some are code, some are control scheme additions.

IGN: Did the three gadgets in the beta turn out as you'd hoped? Did people use them in unexpected ways or was it on par with Bungie's private beta testing?
O'Connor: People used them just as we'd hoped, and we think that the introduction of more of them in the final game will be easily accepted and adopted by players as a result. Some of them are cool, some of them are plain nasty. Using equipment in Campaign is really interesting though. You're not the only one who can deploy equipment…

IGN: There seemed to be some confusion on RP and how your ranking improved. Can you explain the factors that determine how much RP is gained?
O'Connor: RP is being tweaked right now, but it should work in a similar fashion in the shipping game. Experience points are earned for playing and doing well in games in social hoppers and ranked playlists, with measures taken to address griefing, deranking and so on.

IGN: Can you earn a rank above Master Chief in Halo 3?
O'Connor: Master Chief is the highest non-comm rank in the Navy. We have plenty of commissioned ranks above that. So yes and no. Depending on how hardcore you take your ranking and respect for the brass.


Four of our questions went unanswered either due to lack of time (Bungie does have to finish the game, after all) or an inability to offer details at this time. We've included them below so you can ponder them as well (hey, we don't like to ponder alone).

*Why didn't we get to see Elites in the Beta? Is there something unique about them in multiplayer or are they just like Halo 2 -- more or less just a different skin than anything unique from a Spartan?

*Did you anticipate people would find a way to crack some of the code in the beta to reveal things such as the pistol and the elite sword?

*Of course it was a great gift for gamers to be able to play Halo 3 early, but is there anything planned to reward beta players once Halo 3 comes out? Maybe a special Achievement or some recognition of beta accomplishments?

*Any chance the beta will be reopened -- even if it's just for some special one-day playtests -- or is September the next time people can expect to enjoy Halo 3 multiplayer?

As if you didn't already know, Halo 3 ships on September 25. While Microsoft has not confirmed anything publicly, we assume our next look at the most anticipated shooter of the year will come in two weeks at E3 2007.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-02-07, 10:21 PM   #207
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-02-07, 10:35 PM   #208
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2003
文章: 4,970
PSN  IDAnson-225
XBox Live GamertagAnson225
what the heck = =

Fine. Stay here. Be just like everyone else. I wanna boldly go where no man has gone before.
Anson225 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-11-07, 12:54 PM   #209
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2003
文章: 8,090
3DS Friend Code3523 2002 7295
PSN  IDLeifeiPatrick
XBox Live Gamertagfpatrick
將會出青BB限定版xbox360 boxset...

莫問我是誰~!! ╮(﹀_﹀" )╭

無論你多接近神, 都依然係一個凡人, 別以為自己很了不起
破戒僧 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-11-07, 01:08 PM   #210
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2002
文章: 7,416
the color of the xb360 halo edition is awful.
Kaga 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-11-07, 01:24 PM   #211
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2003
文章: 6,272

 ├─┏┛────┗━━┓─┤ みなさまのリクエストにお応えして、
 ├─┣━━┳━┳┳┳━┛─┤      ファミコンミニ第2弾登場!!
 ├┃┃┃┗┓─┗╋┓─┗┓┤   【発売日】   :5月21日(金)
 ├┃┗╋━┛─┏┛┗━┳┛┤   【希望小売価格】:各2,000円
 ├┗━┫───┗━━┳┛─┤           (税抜価格1,905円)
6402oen 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-11-07, 01:29 PM   #212
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 3,696

neo 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-11-07, 02:16 PM   #213
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2003
文章: 8,090
3DS Friend Code3523 2002 7295
PSN  IDLeifeiPatrick
XBox Live Gamertagfpatrick
作者: Kaga 查看文章
the color of the xb360 halo edition is awful.

莫問我是誰~!! ╮(﹀_﹀" )╭

無論你多接近神, 都依然係一個凡人, 別以為自己很了不起
破戒僧 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-11-07, 02:19 PM   #214
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2005
文章: 1,417
PSN  IDshinshiden
XBox Live Gamertagshinshiden
作者: 破戒僧 查看文章
都幾特別丫 不過...最緊要都係解決左 3紅 呢個問題先好d

Solid[Metal Gear Online PC ID : Shiden_Cloud]Solid
白騎士2 阿凡達ID : 雷電
jp psn ID : shiden_cloud
ShinShiden 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-11-07, 07:07 PM   #215
Game Master
註冊日期: Feb 2004
文章: 2,024
Halo 3 - E3 2007 Trailer

† your worst fears ( 恐怖 )
† the inevitable destruction of society... ( そして破壊 )
† trust your inner senses ( 新しい刺激 )
† you've never seen biohazard this before ( 今までとは違う )
romrom2004 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-11-07, 10:07 PM   #216
Advance Moderator
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 58,240
Halo 3 - E3 2007 Trailer


new things:

- Arby + MC replacing Mel Gibson and Danny Glover as best on screen buddy team ever
- Non wussified Scarab fight
- Johnson getting owned by Brutes
- Warthog variants
- Emo Chief
- Drones being way cooler than before
- The new (???) Halo ring looks bad ass
- Epic space battles
- Lara Croft cameo
- Longsword action
- Guilty Spark having the last laugh in his rivalry with Cortana
- Arby taking karate lessons from Chuck Norris
- Civilians for the win
- Epic vehicle assplosion fests

neo2046 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-16-07, 09:30 PM   #217
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
【E3 07】《最後一戰 3》軟硬體同步出擊 提供豐富戰役重播功能 2007-07-16 17: 06:04

  由微軟 Bungie 工作室製作、堪稱 Xbox 平台代表作的《最後一戰》,即將於 9 月推出三部曲完結篇 Xbox 360《最後一戰 3》,本次 E3 中微軟也以《最後一戰 3》為展出主力。

  微軟本次特別包下 E3 展總部附近的 Viceroy Santa Monica Hotel 來提供採訪媒體的專訪與遊戲展示行程,並以飯店中最大的會場來進行《最後一戰 3》的簡報展示,足見微軟對這款即將上市強作的重視。

◆ 比多人連線模式更華麗的單人戰役模式



◆ 超豐富多人連線戰役重播功能



  如果玩家捕捉到難得一見的場面時,還可以暫停下來並拍照留念。相關資料將透過 Xbox LIVE 上傳到 Bungie 提供的儲存空間中,讓所有《最後一戰 3》的玩家分享。

◆「Xbox 360 最後一戰 3 特別版」主機同步推出

  簡報現場同時也展示了本次 E3 最新發表的「Xbox 360 最後一戰 3 特別版」主機,該主機採用與遊戲主角 士官長 相同的斯巴達綠金色,以軍綠加上金色與黑色點綴,並印有機械印象的紋路與遊戲標題,將同梱附屬相同配色的無線控制器 2 隻以及耳麥 1 組。

  「Xbox 360 最後一戰 3 特別版」主機將配備有 HDMI 數位影音輸出端子,與 Elite 版相同;硬碟容量則維持現行豪華版 Xbox 360 主機的 20GB,而非 Elite 版的 120GB。

  Xbox 360《最後一戰 3》中文版預定 9 月 25 日全球同步推出,定價 1390 元。「Xbox 360 最後一戰 3 特別版」主機將採限量方式同步在台推出,價格尚待後續公布。
(Sam 報導
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-16-07, 10:38 PM   #218
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2003
文章: 5,877


天空 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-16-07, 10:40 PM   #219
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
作者: 天空 查看文章
Xbox 360《最後一戰 3》中文版預定 9 月 25 日全球同步推出
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-17-07, 12:37 AM   #220
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 11,382
作者: 神祕人1號 查看文章
Xbox 360《最後一戰 3》中文版預定 9 月 25 日全球同步推出

ai. 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-02-07, 12:46 AM   #221
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 3,696
「《光環》系列」的開發公司Bungie確認《光環3》將會支持4人合作戰役模式。玩家可以通過Xbox Live或是連接主機來實現這一功能。和通常的分屏合作模式一樣,主機只支持最多2人分屏,而要實現4人合作就要通過互聯網或是連接兩台主機。

很多玩家都來信詢問為什麼新作沒有在線的雙人合作模式。我們當然在製作合作模式,只不過我們在做一個更棒的合作模式。不是2人、不是3人,而是最多支持4人同時合作進行戰役模式。你可以用Xbox Live實現這一功能,當然如果你樂意也可以通過連接主機來合作。

neo 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-02-07, 01:04 AM   #222
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: Oct 2005
文章: 336
作者: AiStudio 查看文章
當日人地好心做晒中文 , 點知就比人笑足咁多年

以後做 game 一定要做一隻可以比人玩一世都玩唔完個
story mode o既game呀 , 因為d人會用一隻game長短黎
josecheng 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-02-07, 10:05 PM   #223
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-06-07, 02:45 AM   #224
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: Aug 2002
文章: 289
XBox Live GamertagNewbie Dog
作者: josecheng 查看文章
當日人地好心做晒中文 , 點知就比人笑足咁多年
心淡 ...

有得4co-op一齊打story 喎 ,
到時睇下個fd list 多唔多人玩先~
gtrr344 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-06-07, 11:46 AM   #225
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2006
文章: 361
1st Person Shooting? or 3rd Person Shooting?

I just physically not a good fit for FPS... i m ok with GOW ..
ttchan111 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章


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halo wars 行貨係繁體中文+英文配音 ching0606 電視遊戲討論版 3 02-24-09 02:41 PM
[討論] 16 year old kid Kills His Mother for Halo 3 GimGim 電視遊戲討論版 9 12-18-08 04:30 PM
Halo 新作已經在開發中! 神祕人1號 電視遊戲討論版 40 07-25-08 12:17 PM

現在的時間是 06:04 AM

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