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舊 06-05-08, 11:03 AM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
NBA Live 09

NBA Live 09
Published by: Electronic Arts
Developed by: EA Canada
Genre: Sports
Release Date: US: September 23, 2008
Available On: Wii, Xbox 360, PS3, PS2, PSP

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舊 06-18-08, 09:27 PM   #2
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
NBA Live 09 (PS3)
Published by: Electronic Arts
Developed by: EA Canada
Genre: Sports
Release Date:
US: September 23, 2008
Also Available On: Wii, Xbox 360, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 2

NBA Live 09 Preview
Take players to school with the NBA Academy.

by Jeff Haynes
June 17, 2008 - While the drama of the NBA Finals continues to play out tonight, the development team at EA Canada is starting to put the first polishing touches on NBA Live 09, this year's version of the long-running basketball franchise. Last year, there was a heavy focus on refining elements of the gameplay, adding features like Quickstrike Ballhandling and improvements to low post play. Although they're going to build upon a couple of these mechanics, a large amount of this year's title is about going back to basics, remaking both the offensive and defensive side of the ball for newcomers and veterans alike.

The first thing that players will be introduced to is the NBA Live Academy, which will act as the hub for all activity within the game. Essentially a practice facility for your favorite team, this gym features two full courts where your team will work on skills, such as their jump shots and defensive plays. To further help you with your game, you'll find a number of assistants and the head coach scattered around the court observing your practice and your moves. By taking a player over to one of these coaches, you can work on one of 40 separate skill challenges designed to get you accustomed to NBA Live 09's new gameplay mechanics.

Ready for tip off?

Some of these skills relate to some of the adjustments that have been made to this year's game, such as shot timing. Instead of relying upon hitting the shot button and keeping your fingers crossed that the ball will go in, success or failure will be tied to the release at the top of your jump. Again, spending some time getting down your shot, especially the Signature Shots of some players, will be key to your success in the game. You'll need more than a good shot, though. You'll also need to take advantage of some of the other features of the game, such as the redesigned Pick and Roll Control for ball handlers, which allows players to instantly call for and set two-man plays.

Instead of having to specifically run a play to manipulate a ball handler and a screener on the court to exploit the defense, players can quickly pull the L2 button to immediately call over the nearest player to the ball handler. This move will place a basketball icon over the screener's head, and provide one of three options for players. If you want the screener to immediately slip away from the screen and cut towards the basket before the screen has happened, you release the trigger early. If you want them to roll towards the basket after the screen, you fill the icon half way. If you'd rather that they pop out for a shot after the screen, you fill the icon fully. This provides a lot of flexibility on the offensive side of the ball, as you can quickly and efficiently dish the ball to players and get around defenders.

Calling plays is much easier this year.

Another thing that will help players get around defenders are the newly included Quickstrike Anklebreakers. Similar to the Ballhandling moves from last year, the Anklebreakers are tied to the right analog stick. However, by pulling and holding turbo along with the right analog stick, players can perform hesitation steps, larger crossovers and bigger moves that are rather hard to defend against. That doesn't mean that defenders won't be able to stop these steps. Thanks to the new Lockdown Control, players can immediately put a body on a ball handler, placing additional pressure on them. What's more, if a handler tries an Anklebreaking move, defenders have a second or two to pick which direction they think their opponent will move. If they guess correctly, they lock down the other player even tighter, making turnovers more likely. If they are wrong, however, they lose a step and will probably get blown past as the other player goes for a score.

Apart from these quick maneuvers, players have a redesigned play calling system that instantly makes it easier to choose plays for your squad. As soon as players hit the L1 button, the play menu pops up with one of four plays: Isolation, Post Up, Off-Ball Screen or Get Open Play. By hitting the corresponding button, a prompt will pop up on the floor that tells you where to go to start the play. Players wait there until a teammate gets open, at which point they can pass the ball to them, take a shot or run a new play.

We managed to get a little hands-on time with these changes, and while the build that we played was still early alpha, it gave us a sense of some of the changes that are being made to the title. For example, Pick and Roll Control seemed to be a little sticky at times as players tried to determine the closest screener to set up the play. This could complicate the timing-based system to determine a flash or a pop out to the perimeter, but after a few rounds of practicing with the mechanic, it became second nature. It also helped us when it came to exploiting the hot zones of players, which return for this year. However, we still couldn't help but notice that there were a few issues down in the paint, particularly when it came to the speed of fast breaks (which went at the speed of molasses) and layups (which were practically impossible to pull off). However, we were assured that these were still being worked on as we played the game.

Pick and Roll Control is a big plus for ball handlers.

We also managed to notice a couple of additional tweaks made to the ambient surroundings within each arena. For example, there are many more unique crowd members scattered throughout the seats, making it a bit harder to spot the same person seated next to each other. In fact, there are at least 64 different people in the stands, along with mascots, vendors and dance team members along the sidelines. This adds to the overall environment of the arena. On top of this, there were additional camera angles that had been placed in the game to highlight the game action.

Off the court, there have been a couple additional changes made to some of the other gameplay modes. For example, the Dynasty mode has been augmented to take advantage of the newly included Live Academy, which will allow you to take your team into the gym once a month to boost their stats. What's more, players will be able to take a member of the upcoming rookie draft class into the Academy prior to the draft to see whether or not their play style will fit into your system. This will cut down on your frustration during a season as well as trim down any potential lame ducks that you might draft and discover aren't really what you need.

Don't crumble under this defense.

Outside of that, FIBA Mode returns with 24 separate teams that can be selected from around the world. These teams have their own courts and the AI abides by FIBA Rules, which can make it somewhat of a challenge for players accustomed to the NBA. In fact, players can take an NBA squad and pit them against a FIBA team to see which organization is better. Apart from this, players can also enter the Be A Pro mode, which allows players to select one player from a team and experience the game from their perspective. This can be done offline or online as well, now that there is five on five online team play where ten different people can control separate players on the court. Along with online custom leagues, there could be quite a lot to NBA Live 09 when it's released this October.
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舊 06-18-08, 09:31 PM   #3
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

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舊 06-18-08, 10:09 PM   #4
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
NBA Live 09 Hands-On
EA Sports drives to the hoop with its latest basketball game and we've got a first look.

By Shanker Srinivasan, GameSpot
Posted Jun 17, 2008 6:55 pm PT

Because NBA basketball games feature competing titles from both EA Sports and 2K Sports, there is always a great deal of anticipation to see how they evolve from year to year. Although we have yet to see what headway 2K has made on NBA 2K9 (besides getting Kevin Garnett on the cover), we recently had a chance to check out NBA Live 09 at EA's spring press event and, again this week to get some hands-on time with the latest build. Although some of the major additions to the game are still under wraps, we do have the green light to break down how NBA Live 09's presentation, controls, and gameplay feel this year.

From the loading screen alone, it's that EA intends to bring more life to the practice sessions that precede the game. Gone is the solitary half-court shoot around; in its place is a full training facility complete with two full courts, as well as fellow teammates practicing their jump shooting, ball-handling skills, and of course, their dunking. The addition of the NBA Live Academy (as it's known) isn't purely aesthetic though. In addition to giving gamers familiar with the series a chance to brush up their game, the training facility features a series of tutorials geared toward the fundamentals of the game. The tutorials are presented in the form of minigames in which you run actual basketball drills with the rest of your team. Drills include boxing out, low post defense, and outside shooting, among others. One drill that seemed particularly interesting was the fastbreak drill in which you need to score in transition before the defense can recover.

As with all of the drills, subsequent levels in that discipline become progressively more difficult. In the case of the fastbreak drill, for instance, the drills start with 2-on-1's, while higher levels require successful conversions of 3-on-2 and 3-on-3 breaks. While the more than 20 drills do hone skills you may use in a normal game, the focus on fundamentals (especially without the ball) has far greater application to Online Teamplay (OTP), a 5v5 online game mode released via patch for NBA Live 08 and returning for 2009. While OTP has undergone exciting changes, we won't be able to discuss it for a few more weeks (but trust us, it will be worth the wait).

As is routinely the case, every iteration of NBA Live features better visuals than the last, and NBA Live 09 is no different. New animations have been added for layups and dunks. Players now shoot off-balance fingerrolls and their bodies seem to adjust in midair to avoid defenders as you would see in an actual NBA game. In addition, the subsequent motion to the other end of the court has been tied in with the finish at the rim to eliminate the herky-jerky transition following a basket. One example of this was the wide arcing path that Kobe Bryant took following a baseline jam. The motion was exactly what you would expect from his momentum. Collisions near the basket also factor in the weight of the colliding players to determine which animation plays out.

The most important animation tweak this year, however, may actually be a fix to an issue that plagued NBA Live 08. Many of you have probably experienced the frustration of being stuck in an animation in NBA Live 08 where you could do nothing but watch as your player was forced out of bounds. This year's game addresses that issue in two ways. First, the addition of sideline contextual animations, such as leaning up against the defender while tight roping the sideline, should eliminate many of these turnovers. Essentially, there is a soft barrier that prevents animations from taking you out of bounds (though you can still run out of bounds on your own accord). Second, NBA Live 09 gives you the ability to break out of driving animations such as this at any time by disengaging from the defender (left analog away from the defender). Between the two additions, there should be much less cause for ripping out your hair this year.

NBA Live 09's shooting has changed for the better as well. Much like the system used in NBA 2K8, players must now release the shot button as close to the peak of their jump for the most accuracy. The difference is that NBA Live 09 will also offer a visual indicator to help players time their release. As of yet, the visual indicator has not been finalized, so we are unsure how intrusive or helpful it will be once the game is released.

The evolution of last year's "Quick Strike Ball Handling" feature, the "Quick Strike Ankle Breaker" feature places greater impact on the first step and its impact on the defender. By EA's own admission, last year's rendition brought flair to dribbling but was often unnecessary to blow by the defender. While the Quick Strike Ball Handling controls remain in this year's game, holding down the right bumper while initiating the dribble move will cause the ball handler to make a pronounced hesitation move directly prior to his next move. This is significant because it signals to the defender that a move is coming and that he must react in order to shut it down.

As with the low post game that debuted in NBA Live 08, the defender must correctly choose the appropriate counter or risk getting beat. For instance, if the move that follows the hesitation is a drive to the right, the defender must slide to his right to counter the move. Although this may seem to favor the offensive player (especially considering the array of options he has following the hesitation), the offensive player also risks turning over the ball or picking up a charge if the defender reacts properly. Other factors play a part as well. A Shaquille O'Neal may turn the ball over on his own accord while initiating an ankle breaker, whereas quick players, such as Chris Paul, will recover quickly on defense even if guessing the wrong way.

Although much of the focus in the past few years has been on the offensive end, NBA Live 09 does introduce one feature that may help to level the playing field for the defender: Lock Down Defense. Although LDD may sound a lot like the lock-down mechanic introduced last year and is mapped to the same button (right trigger), there are significant differences. First, LDD is not simply a means of staying in front of the ball handler and countering his movements. Instead, initiating an LDD will cause the defender to close the gap on the offensive player, forcing the ball handler to turn his back on the basket. While the offensive player can still slide to his right or left, his motion directly toward the basket is restricted as is his ability to shoot or pass. The move serves as a quick closeout on an open shooter because proximity to a shooter in NBA Live 09 will automatically affect his shot (no need to manually raise the defender's hands or jump). The defensive animations on a shot default to a conservative hand raise but can be overridden by the user if he or she chooses. Another difference from last year's version of the lock down is that the defender will not follow the offensive player automatically. Instead, the defender cannot even move while engaging an LDD and must release the right trigger in order to move.

Despite being a powerful defensive tool, an LDD poses many risks. While an LDD can serve as an effective counter to the ankle breaker (as the offensive player will not be able to initiate the move while facing away from the basket), if the offensive player initiates his move while the defender is closing in, he will blow past the defender. Alternatively, the offensive player can disengage from the defender by stepping back, provided he hasn't picked up his dribble.

Another new feature, pick and roll control, allows you to control two players at once, both the ball handler and the player setting the pick. Although this control is not unique to NBA Live 09, the feature implements a unique control by which you can direct the screener either toward the rim for a pick and roll or away from the basket for a pick and pop. Pressing and holding the appropriate trigger calls for the screen. As the ball handler comes off the screen, a meter fills up. Letting go of the trigger early directs the screener toward the rim while a late release directs the player toward the 3-point arc. This mechanic gives the offensive player a greater amount of control in both directing his offense and playing to the strengths of his personnel on the fly.

One of the most exciting features of last year's game was the introduction of the dynamic playcalling, which featured play art displayed directly on the court. The play art would serve as a guide to progress the play. Although the play was precise, the feature suffered from two issues. First, triggering the play itself often took a few seconds; seconds that the offense has lost to engineer a quality shot. Second, the play was structured to allow only one possible sequence of ball movement. If the precise passes dictated in the play art were not executed, the play would be abandoned leaving the offense with few seconds to find another shot.

NBA Live 09's signature playcalling feature solves both issues. First, playcalling no longer involves displaying complex play art over the court. Instead, the intended recipient of a pass will have a letter (corresponding to the button), which will light up when the player is ready to receive the ball. This removes much of the court clutter from NBA Live 08. Each team can dynamically call eight plays consistent with the offenses used by their real life counterparts. Each play is designated not only with a generic name, but also with the focal player for which the play is targeted. The eight plays available are dynamically chosen based on the personnel on the court. For example, if Kobe Bryant and Pau Gasol are on the court at the same time, the vast majority of plays will be targeted to getting one of them an open look. If, instead, Lamar Odom is on the court with the Lakers second team, two plays may target Odom while another attempts to get Sasha Vujacic a 3-point look. And, yet another, may attempt to get Luke Walton a backdoor look near the rim.

In addition to being contextually based, the plays offer multiple branching options. In case the defense is playing ball denial to the primary pass target, the offense can hit a secondary target to trigger a variation of the initial play. This serves to keep the defense honest and also allows the offense to adapt on the fly to the defense. The onus of player movement is now entirely up to the player hopefully facilitating a better understanding of why certain movements are necessary rather than a simple dictation to the player. Unfortunately, there is no option to simply have the game call plays for you.

NBA Live 09 also boasts revised turnover mechanics to allow for ball interceptions in midair. One example we saw was of Tracy McGrady picking off a lame pass and immediately progressing up the court for a dunk at the other end. The animation played very smoothly throughout. The players, in general, seem more aware of passing angles and are more willing to come off their man to make a play for the ball.

The franchise mode has been expanded slightly to allow for the evaluation of the current draft class in scrimmages at the team's training facility. You will be able to evaluate how well these players perform in your team's particular offense and defensive schemes, as well as draft, based on the results of what you learn. So far, this is all we have seen of the franchise mode, though EA has mentioned other additions to the online leagues as well, which we will cover once we learn more.

Limited to just eight nations and somewhat generic gameplay last year, the FIBA game mode has seen a good overhaul in NBA Live 09. The list of available teams has been expanded to 24 and the actual FIBA playoff format will now be used in game. The authenticity is further enriched with the implementation of both the actual FIBA courts (trapezoidal key, for instance) and the FIBA basketball rules (slightly different from the NBA). The mode not only features all of the players from the actual FIBA tournament but each team's play also mimics its real life counterparts. In contrast to the flash of the NBA game, FIBA teams tend to move the ball around more, play more zone defense, and their bigs can typically shoot from outside. The mode even features full online stat tracking.

Although we are still many months from the game's release, it is clear that EA focused heavily on improving the gameplay in NBA Live 09 to make it more consistent with play seen in the NBA. While the game still plays a bit too fast (luckily this is adjustable with sliders), there does seem to be a balance between tools available to the offense and defense. Ball movement seems to play a bigger role this year than in years past, while such elements as Lock Down Defense provide the defense with a quick way to close out on jump shots. EA's focus on the fundamentals of basketball suggests a greater emphasis on player lock game modes, both online and offline. We will continue to bring you updates on NBA Live 09 in the coming months as we learn more.
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舊 06-19-08, 09:48 PM   #5
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Exclusive Features Trailer
Exclusive Features Trailer HD
NBA academy, play calling, and pick and roll control are just some of the features in the new NBA Live.
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舊 06-22-08, 10:23 PM   #6
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
NBA Live 09 All-Play (Wii)
Published by: Electronic Arts
Developed by: EA Canada
Genre: Sports
Release Date:
US: September 23, 2008
Also Available On: Xbox 360, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3

Hands-on NBA Live 09 All-Play
The finals are over, but Wii's year of b-ball has just begun.

by Bozon

June 19, 2008 - You better believe that the first thing we did when booting up NBA Live 09 for Wii was select Play Now, grab the Phoenix Suns, put Shaq on the three point line, and fired away. After last year's rough entry into the NBA world on Wii, we couldn't shake the 80% three point shooting that virtually anyone on the court could pull off, so we were happy to see Diesel himself line up at the top of the arch, fire away, and not come anywhere close to the rim on any of his shots. Score one point right away for NBA Live 09.

Last year wasn't so hot, but we're going to put that out of our minds right now, and pretend it was all just an unpleasant nightmare, as it looks like EA is doing the same thing already, pushing a stronger – but still not perfect – NBA experience on Wii. Our first hands-on with the game was pretty basic, as the game is still very early on in development, but already we're noticing some new aspects of the game that'll make sure this year's NBA Live experience stacks up well above what we've seen so far on Wii.

KG's famous jumper.

For starters, NBA Live 09 is an All-Play experience just like the other EA sports properties this year. That mean that players can get into the game in traditional, "advanced" play like they did last year, but the previously titled Family Play has been morphed into a new All-Play design, which takes the simplicity of Wii-mote only controls, but then expands it out into a more all-encompassing game design. Last year it was easy to grab a controller and just flick forward to shoot or jump, left and right to steal or pass, and squeeze the trigger to drive to the basket automatically. This time around though, All-Play combines the ease of control with a more "full" feeling, so you can still use the nunchuk to move around, but you'll get gameplay aids along the way helping you to shoot, giving feedback when you pull off a late or early release for a jumper, or congratulate you on an alley-oop. All-Play is set into place so anyone can pick up the controller and play, whether they want to use the Wii-mote only, remote and nunchuk, opt for the advanced controls and difficulty, or even tilt the controller sideways and play in a classic "NES-like" button layout with minimal motion control.

As far as general gameplay goes, NBA Live 09 feels less like a sim, and more like an arcade take on the game of basketball. If you've got someone like Rey Allen, for example, he's going to drop the three if he's uncontested; simple as that. There's also more attention to the "star attributes" of stronger players, so someone like KG is going to come up with the rebound during games a whole lot more often than other characters (even when controlled by AI), Kobe is going to control the ball a lot more and fire away, and characters go through ups and downs as their momentum swings during a game.

The oop.

To add to the faster pace of the game in general, the alley-oop is extremely easy to pull off, and is going to make defense in the paint a critical tactic for anyone looking to go more in depth with the game, and not focus 100% on offense this time around. With a quick squeeze of the A and B buttons together, the current ball handler will toss the ball towards the hoop for a quick setup. If you have a player in the paint – and if that player has enough skills to pay the bills – he'll automatically jump up, grab the ball, and go for either a dunk or lay-up depending on height, skill, position, and amount of defense guarding him. It isn't uncommon to see four or five oops in a game though, since it's easy to scout an open lane, press the buttons together, and watch someone like Shaq or LeBron throw it down with ease. Of course if nobody is home for the setup, your player will throw the ball at the hoop like an idiot anyways, and make you look foolish for trying to force something that wasn't meant to be.

There are a few other noticeable changes in the on-screen HUD and interface this year as well. The game's front end is still extremely basic, but the icons themselves have been simplified and redesigned to look like small basketball hoops with different text across the backboard. When you select an option, you'll also throw a ball at the hoop and sink or miss based on where specifically you clicked on the icon. When in-game, there's more Mii involvement across the board, so you'll select your Mii before the game (just like in Madden and NCAA), and then see feeback as you play, with your Mii sitting front and center. The referees are also Miis this time around.

More importantly though, there are a few new effects that change up the game considerably. For starters, a new IR passing mechanic has been added, which draws an arrow from your player to the intended receiver based on who you're pointing at. There are still some oddities to it and minor glitches, but seeing as the game is still pre-alpha it's to be expected. For the most part though, click passing already works pretty well, allowing you to move around the IR pointer on-screen, having the arrow automatically shift to your teammates, and then make a quick pass directly to the player with a quick A button tap. We also found that it's a bit easier to tell if passing lanes are open due to this system, since you can actually see defenders physically breaking the semi-transparent arrow with their body, instantly telling you if it's even possible to make the pass work.

Kobe with a huge dunk.

A few other design changes were made on-court, and help add a bit more of an arcade vibe to it all. Star players will now shoot with smoke smoke trails and fire coming off the ball itself, buckets are accompanied by a quick star effect inside the hoop, and player icons change from regular blue to a green shade when a dunk is available in the paint, so you always know when a guy like KG or Kobe are ready to take it to the hoop and dominate. All these new offensive weapons make defense a challenge though, so we'll see just how balanced EA can get the game as development continues. Right now players hit pretty much any uncontested shot with relative ease, and we ended a few of our latest games (specifically our own reenactment of the NBA Finals game six, which also ended in Boston domination, we might add) with 80% and over in both field goals and three-point shots. That's a lot of quick plays, and easy baskets.

Graphically NBA Live hasn't seen much of an upgrade since last year, but there's still plenty of time for that. Character models look decent, and feature different body sizes for NBA, WNBA, and FIBA players, but face detail is really simple. We've also noticed (again, something that is sure to be ironed out) some oddities when stealing the ball, as players have trouble picking up the loose ball or keeping a stolen ball witout just knocking it away. It happened pretty frequently, but given how early the game is, it's an understandable bug.

This year's game also adds in a few new modes into the mix, some of which we've had a chance to try, and others that'll have to wait. Play Now has been upgraded, now allowing for both 5 on 5 and 2 on 2 matches, with the latter allowing for legendary players and NBA Jam-like power-ups to keep things fast and interesting. It'd be nice to get some added speed in fast-break situations (both in 2 on 2 and 5 on 5) since you can get around a defender and still be running at a moderate speed towards the hoop – where's the fast break, baby? – but the mode has its high points, and the legendary players make for a good time. We had a chance to pit KG and Larry Bird against Kobe and Magic Johnson (a historic little Boston/Celtics grudge match) and it was pretty fun.

New interface and Party Mode.

Also included this year is season mode, playoffs (a standalone tournament style game), superstar challenge, all-star game, rookie challenge, and online mode. In the returning Party Mode, players can go head to head in 21, the returning motion-based slam dunk contest, three point shootout, and 2 on 2 modes. We'll have to wait to try out a few of those, but so far the mode list seems pretty robust as long as EA can get the main gameplay on lockdown.

We'll have more on NBA Live 09 as development continues, but already the game has some pretty solid concepts showing up, so it's just a matter of nailing the gameplay. Players are already acting a bit more realistic on the court though (no threes for Shaq), and the general gameplay is noticeably quicker and more arcade-like in nature, so we'll see how the rest of development pans out. Before you split, be sure to check out the new screens of NBA Live 09 in action in our media gallery below.
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舊 06-22-08, 11:01 PM   #7
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Oct 2006
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舊 06-22-08, 11:17 PM   #8
Ultimate Gamer
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舊 06-22-08, 11:54 PM   #9
Crazy Gamer
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感覺上由PS2質素去返DC 時代咁..

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舊 06-23-08, 04:05 AM   #10
The One
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Waiting around for somebody to change your life for you is a loser's game.
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舊 06-26-08, 01:20 AM   #11
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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NBA Live 09 Screenshots
By: César A. Berardini - "Cesar" Jun. 25th, 2008 6:32 am

NBA LIVE 09 is back with new features like Pick and Roll Control, Defensive Lockdown Control, Signature Playcalling and Quickstrike Ankle-Breakers that will make the NBA LIVE experience fun from beginning to end. For those in need of some extra coaching, NBA LIVE 09 takes you to training camp with the NBA Academy that gives you a chance to hone your skills.

Now featuring 24 authentic FIBA teams with realistic team play styles and rosters, NBA LIVE 09 features a FIBA World Championship Mode using FIBA tournament structure, rules and court dimensions. Take your game online with 5 vs.5 team play, where 10 people can play together on 10 different consoles around the world.

NBA LIVE 09 will be available for the Xbox 360™, the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system, the Wii™, PlayStation®2 computer entertainment systems and the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable). The game will be in stores on October 7 in North America, and on October 14 worldwide.

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舊 06-26-08, 10:55 PM   #12
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Tony Parker Trailer
Tony Parker Trailer HD
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舊 06-26-08, 11:54 PM   #13
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
NBA Live goes global for cover stars
Frenchman Tony Parker of the Spurs lands global cover slot, with Gasol, Deng, and Bargnani taking the honors in their respective homelands.[/B]
By Brendan Sinclair, GameSpot
Posted Jun 25, 2008 11:05 am PT;title;1

NBA commissioner David Stern has been vocal about turning the North American pro hoops league into a global institution, starting with a team playing out of Europe within the next 10 years. That international approach appears to have dribbled down to the league's gaming adaptations, as Electronic Arts today announced a starting lineup of four cover stars for NBA Live 09, none of them Americans.

Parker has also been featured in Subway ads.

San Antonio Spurs point guard Tony Parker will take the main honors, fronting the game around the world, including in his native France. However, gamers in some regions will instead see their fellow countrymen on the boxes. Los Angeles Lakers power forward (and NBA Finals runner-up) Pau Gasol, Chicago Bulls small forward Luol Deng, and Toronto Raptors power forward Andrea Bargnani will grace covers in Spain, the UK, and Italy, respectively.

The international emphasis in NBA Live 09 goes deeper than the cover. Electronic Arts is tripling the number of teams from international hoops federation FIBA in the game, allowing gamers to play for the pride of one of 24 countries. The game also features a FIBA World Championship mode using the leagues rules and tournament organization.

North American gamers upset at their countries having to share the spotlight with the rest of the world can take solace in the fact that they'll at least be able to get their hands on NBA Live 09 a little bit sooner. The game is scheduled for release on the Xbox 360, Wii, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation Portable in North America on October 7, with the rest of the world receiving it October 14.

For more on NBA Live 09, check out GameSpot's hands-on preview.

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舊 06-27-08, 12:03 AM   #14
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
東尼.帕克獲邀擔任美商藝電《勁爆美國職籃 09》全球封面運動員 2008-06-26 20:02:38

  美商藝電今天宣布,由聖安東尼奧馬刺隊控球後衛東尼.帕克擔任《勁爆美國職籃 09》的封面球星與代言人。而其他 NBA 國際知名球星也將現身義大利、西班牙和英國產品包裝封面 。

  二十六歲的東尼.帕克,在 7 個 NBA 球季中,兩次獲選加入 NBA 全明星隊,三次拿下 NBA 冠軍,並獲提名為 2007 年 NBA 總冠軍賽最有價值球員。帕克將成為《勁爆美國職籃》遊戲史上首位歐洲出生的全球封面球星。

  下了球場後的帕克是一名癮頭十足的遊戲玩家,在去年 2 月於紐奧良舉辦的 EA SPORT 全明星挑戰賽上,帕克於對抗其他 NBA 球星的《勁爆美國職籃 08》錦標賽中獲得了勝利。

  帕克表示:「我和 EA SPORTS 有相當久的歷史淵源。連續五年,我都在法國版的遊戲封面上現身,而且從我開始打球以來,我就一直在玩《勁爆美國職籃》。對我這樣的歐洲球員來說,終於能夠擔任全球封面球員,實在是一項莫大的殊榮。」

  帕克將和一些 NBA 國際知名球星共同出現在世界各地的產品包裝上,包括洛杉磯湖人隊的加索爾(Pau Gasol - 西班牙)、多倫多暴龍隊的巴格納尼(Andrea Bargnani - 義大利)以及芝加哥公牛隊的鄧恩(Luol Deng - 英國)。

  《勁爆美國職籃 09》挾著諸如「掩護轉走控制」、「防守鎖定控制」、「招牌戰術犯規」以及「迅雷墊步」等特色重返球場,帶來全場精彩有趣的《勁爆美國職籃》遊戲體驗。針對那些需要特別指導的玩家,《勁爆美國職籃 09》透過「NBA 學院」為玩家進行集訓,讓玩家有機會磨練自身的技巧。

   今年的《勁爆美國職籃 09》有採用 FIBA 錦標賽架構、規則和球場尺寸的「FIBA 世錦賽模式」,收錄了 24 支真實的 FIBA 球隊以及寫實的球隊球風和球員名冊。至於5對5的線上球隊比賽,更可讓 10 位來自世界各地、坐在不同遊樂器前的玩家同場較勁。

  《勁爆美國職籃 09》將推出 Xbox 360、PlayStation®3、Wii™、PlayStation®2 和 PSP 多種平台版本,北美地區預定 10 月 7 日上市,其他世界地區預定 10 月 14 日上市。最新相關資訊都會在官方網站公佈。
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舊 07-15-08, 09:01 PM   #15
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舊 07-15-08, 09:54 PM   #16
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Tony Parker Gets Nasty

E3 2008: Tutorial

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舊 07-23-08, 11:24 PM   #17
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

Live 365 Trailer
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舊 07-24-08, 04:23 AM   #18
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2003
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PSN  IDJapbee
XBox Live GamertagSleepyEyes23
ea 好似幾有誠意咁喎 dna系統
唔同fifa同nba都要買09? (winning收檔)
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舊 07-24-08, 01:21 PM   #19
Crazy Gamer
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期待的目標作品 // 本人已玩遊戲LIST
Gears of War 2 血腥GAME評
Dead Space 驚嚇評測
Little Big Planet 創意之評測
E兩個月買左三千幾蚊Game 破產
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舊 07-25-08, 08:05 PM   #20
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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Exclusive Global Athletes Sizzle
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舊 08-01-08, 09:30 PM   #21
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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FIBA Teaser
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舊 08-17-08, 07:25 PM   #22
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舊 08-17-08, 11:35 PM   #23
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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NBA Live 09 'Signature Play Calling' trailer
Gameplay Producer Jeff Antwi talks about the game feature. NBA Live 09 from EA Sports is coming to PC, PS2, PS3, PSP, Wii, and Xbox 360.

Gasol in Action

Fadeaway Shot

Kobe Free Throws

Camby Scores
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舊 08-17-08, 11:39 PM   #24
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
NBA Live 09 Online Team Play
Why clubs are cool again.

by Bill Barnwell

August 14, 2008 - Shortly after its release, EA released an update for NBA Live 08 that introduced users to Online Team Play, a mode that allowed up to ten players to play in an online game of NBA Live at once.

That was last year, though. In NBA Live 09, EA's blown out Online Team Play into a full-fledged community experience with enough nuance and challenge to make the whole shebang one of the most exciting features of this year's game.

In 09, the Online Team Play experience is built around clubs, EA's way of organizing players. Clubs can have up to 50 players, and gain points for leaderboards by competing and winning as a unit. Any five players from a club can represent together, while players can leave their clubs to join others if they find that the life is better elsewhere.

Club members can communicate with each other through team blogs, available on EA's servers, that also give the latest updates on club members and expectations. Want to get a particular five together for a big match at 8 PM? A blog post informs them all of what the plans are. You'll also have a trophy room for your club achievements, with the game awarding you trophies for accomplishing certain tasks. In addition, you'll have the ability to create clubs with a specific preferred language, allowing you to join a club that communicates and discusses things on and off the floor in the language of your choice.

As the leader of a club, you have multiple responsibilities that only you handle. You can choose to invite players to play for your club through one of the mode's niftiest features, a player search screen that allows you to drill down by player stats in a particular position. If you want to find a center who crashes the boards, or a point guard who doesn't turn the ball over, you can look at each user's stats at a particular position and invite him to join your club. You can also see the percentage of games each player's finished, to ascertain his likelihood of actually making it through the entire game. You'll have the option to kick players out if they're not meeting up to your expectations.

Of course, when you add a player to your team to play a particular spot, you'll obviously want them to stay there; using the Position Lock option, you can do just that.

The game's also built in a performance rating system similar to how EA handles post-game ratings in FIFA's Be A Pro mode. Obviously, the game notices when you put the ball in the hoop, grab a board, or dish out a dime; what it also notices, though, is how you play relative to what your position is supposed to do. If you play as a center, do you get on the low post and clear out space? Do you set screens for your point guard and roll to the basket effectively? If you're a center who decides he needs to play point, your overall rating will be poor, and you won't be getting invited to any club parties.

As the game's release date draws closer, we'll be showing off more details on NBA Live 09 and its new features exclusively here on IGN.
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舊 08-24-08, 12:03 PM   #25
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

Pick and Roll Control Gameplay HD

Golden State Gameplay HD
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