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舊 04-02-07, 09:40 PM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Rock Band(齊來夾Band)

Rock Band
Published by: Electronic Arts
Developed by: Harmonix
Genre: Music
Release Date:

Harmonix's Next Game Revealed
Become a virtual rock band in... er, Rock Band.

by Rob Burman, IGN UK

UK, April 2, 2007 - Having cranked up the volume to 11 and wowed rock fans with Guitar Hero, Harmonix is planning to take the virtual videogame group genre a step further with its latest release, Rock Band.

The game, which was unveiled in the latest issue of USA Today, sees developer Harmonix, along with its owner MTV, teaming up with Electronic Arts to offer budding musicians the chance to create their own rock group. We're talking the shebang too, because the game will support four instrument controllers including lead guitar, bass, drums and a microphone for the lead singer.

Scheduled for release on PS3 and Xbox 360 this Christmas, Rock Band promises a wealth of online features, including the chance to team up with musicians in other countries and the ability to download songs.

Although a track listing has yet to be announced, EA has revealed that several major music labels are involved with the project. EMI Music Publishing and Warner/Chappell Music are allowing "unrivaled access to their catalogues of incredible songs". While EMI Music, Hollywood Records, Sony BMG Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group's Universal Music Enterprises and Warner Music Group's Rhino Entertainment have all agreed to supply master recordings by their artists for use in the game.

Alex Rigopulos, co-founder and CEO of Harmonix said: "Rock Band is Harmonix's most ambitious project to date, and it will take music gameplay to an entirely new level. MTV has given us the freedom and the resources to really swing for the fences and make the game we've always wanted to make."

此篇文章於 05-09-07 10:54 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 04-02-07, 09:57 PM   #2
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Music games won't be solo gigs anymore
By Mike Snider, USA TODAY

Red Octane photo
A scene from Guitar Hero II. The popular game is teaming with MTV for Rock Band, which includes drums, two guitars and a microphone.

Guitar Hero was just the opening act. MTV and the developers of that video game have a headliner in the works called Rock Band, which lets four music lovers gig together in person or online.
Expected in stores for the year-end holidays, the Electronic Arts game (no price set) for the Microsoft Xbox 360 and Sony PlayStation 3 will be played with four instrument-based video game controllers: two guitars (lead and bass), a drum kit and a microphone.

In the popular game Guitar Hero, players tap color-coded fret keys and strum a guitar-shaped controller in time with scrolling on-screen notes. Rock Band "takes the core premise of Guitar Hero and expands it tenfold," says Alex Rigopulos, co-founder of Harmonix, which developed the game and the Karaoke Revolution games. "It lets you create a complete collaborative band."

MTV is supplying creative and financial support to Rock Band's development, as well as helping make deals with various music publishers.

That means Rock Band will have performances by the original artists. In most previous music games, almost every song is done by a cover band. For Rock Band, some labels plan to supply original recordings. "This game offers a meaningful way for labels to participate in a segment of entertainment they, for the most part, have not been able to," MTV's Jeff Yapp says.

FIND MORE STORIES IN: MTV | Xbox | Electronic Arts | Sony Playstation | Guitar | Hero | Rock band | Guitar Hero | Alex Rigopulos | Music games
The songs on the new game haven't been revealed yet. Current games include the Allman Brothers, Joan Jett, Kansas, Nirvana and Wolfmother. "We'll be covering a great breadth, from metal to classic rock to Southern rock to everything in between," Rigopulos says.

Online connectivity is a key to the game. The developers envision additional songs for online purchase beyond those in the retail version. And players need not be together to jam. "You could have one guitarist in Germany and another one in Texas, a drummer in New York and a singer from somewhere else, and they can play together online," EA's David DeMartini says.

The music game phenomenon continues its crescendo. 2005's Guitar Hero and this year's Guitar Hero II (both for the Sony PlayStation 2) are top sellers, having sold about 3 million copies total, according to The NPD Group. Research firm Interpret says about 6.8 million have played Guitar Hero II.

A version of the game for Microsoft's Xbox 360 is in stores on Tuesday ($90), and Hands-On Mobile today is expected to announce a cellphone version.

Wedbush Morgan Securities analyst Michael Pachter expects music gaming to grow. "Socially interactive musical games will work well, especially if they have a 'party game' aspect to them," he says. Rock Band "could definitely expand the game demographics."

Posted 11h 52m ago
Updated 2h 8m ago
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-03-07, 11:09 PM   #3
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Rock Band on Wii
Harmonix CEO says "Absolutely."

by Hilary Goldstein

April 2, 2007 - During a conference call to announce its latest music game Rock Band for release on Xbox 360 and PS3, Harmonix CEO Alex Rigopulos hinted strongly that a Wii-specific version of the title would be coming out in the future. When asked if there was any chance Rock Band would arrive on Wii, Rigopulos said without hesitation, "Absolutely."

"We will, at some time, bring Rock Band to every [important] platform," Rigopulos said. He added that Harmonix would optimize future versions of Rock Band to fit the strengths of the platform. "I think the Wiimote is something that holds enormous promise."

Rock Band comes to Xbox 360 and PS3 this holiday. No Wii version has been officially announced.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-05-07, 11:38 PM   #4
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Harmonix 、MTV 音樂與 EA 發表次世代音樂遊戲《搖滾樂團》 2007-04-04 23:49:45

  曾製作推出暢銷音樂遊戲《吉他英雄(Guitar Hero)》的研發商 Harmonix,與 MTV 音樂電視部門以及 EA 美商藝電於日前共同發表,將推出 PS3 / Xbox 360 音樂遊戲新作《搖滾樂團(Rock Band)》。


  遊戲中所收錄的音樂囊括各式各樣的搖滾曲風、經典歌曲與藝人,包括 EMI、新力 BMG、環球音樂、華納音樂與好萊塢音樂等多家大型音樂公司,都已承諾將會在遊戲中提供許多膾炙人口的歌曲。

  《搖滾樂團》預定 2007 年推出 PS3 與 Xbox 360 版,美國、歐洲與澳洲將由 EA 獨家發行,包括鼓、吉他、貝斯與麥克風等週邊設備的搭配販售方式,以及遊戲內容與畫面等詳細資訊,尚待後續發表。
(Sam 報導)

神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-06-07, 01:16 AM   #5
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 9,033
if they are really making a wii version, i hope they will allow multiplayer with one person playing drum with the wii-mote

Wii FC 5690-8031-2592-7760 <US Version>
Endless Ocean 8750-0794-4051 Mario Kart Wii 2020-0652-1136 Smash Bros Brawl 3480-2241-4047 PES 2008 / Winning Eleven Maker 0173 2123 0553

此篇文章於 04-06-07 01:33 AM 被 GimGim 編輯。
GimGim 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-06-07, 01:23 AM   #6
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2002
文章: 7,416
作者: GimGim 查看文章
if they really make a wii version i hope they will allow multiplayer, one person play will be playing drum with wii-mote :cwm:
綁多個 wiimote 係隻腳度, 踩 bass
Kaga 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-06-07, 01:42 AM   #7
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2007
文章: 968
XBox Live Gamertagsupremehk

21/3 - 31/3 英法之旅 !
曼聯屠殺利物浦 , 受死啦!!
PlayStation 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-09-07, 09:58 PM   #8
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Rock Band (PS3)
Published by: MTV Games
Developed by: Harmonix
Genre: Music
Number of Players: 1-4
Release Date:
US: November 2007
Europe: December 31, 2007
Australia: December 31, 2007
Also Available On: Xbox 360, Wii

Rock Band Signs Fender Instruments
BOSS and Roland also set to have their brands in the game.

by Rob Burman, IGN UK

UK, May 8, 2007 - Rock Band, the upcoming musical game from Guitar Hero legends Harmonix, is set to have a controller modeled on the iconic Fender Stratocaster, it has been announced.

Harmonix revealed that it's signed a deal with Fender that sees Fender guitars, basses and amps featuring exclusively in the game - alongside the specially built Stratocaster-style guitar controller.

In addition, both Roland Corporation - famous for its electronic keyboards - and effects pedal maker BOSS have also agreed to have their brands featured within Rock Band.

"The Stratocaster has been the weapon of choice for many of the world's legendary guitarists. Giving players the opportunity to rock out using a guitar peripheral modeled after the Strat really adds to the authenticity of the experience," said Alex Rigopulos, president and co-founder of Harmonix. "Many of the staff here at Harmonix play Fender and Roland instruments and use BOSS effects pedals in their own bands, so we are thrilled to be able to work with these companies."

"Fender is pleased to be part of Rock Band and the exciting opportunity it offers passionate music fans and gamers," said Bill Mendello, CEO of Fender Musical Instruments Corporation. "Our friends at Harmonix have done an amazing job of capturing the power and style of legendary Fender products within the virtual gaming experience and delivering it all in the spirit of rock 'n' roll."

Rock Band is set for release on both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 this Christmas.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-10-07, 12:24 AM   #9
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2003
文章: 212
PSN  IDguychoi
XBox Live GamertagPu Lei Mor
芥菜 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-10-07, 09:54 PM   #10
Game Master
註冊日期: Jul 2005
文章: 3,495
作者: PlayStation 查看文章
Wii 有隻 game 係 Wii Music 今年出,
Netnet 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-10-07, 12:34 PM   #11
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Rock Band Blowout
The CEO of Harmonix gives us the scoop.
by Alex Simmons, Erik Brudvig and Chris Roper

神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-10-07, 04:15 PM   #12
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Oct 2002
文章: 4,046
作者: Netnet 查看文章
Wii 有隻 game 係 Wii Music 今年出,
咪話also available on wii囉..
WAL1 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-13-07, 09:25 PM   #13
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
原名 Rock Band
機種 PS3/X360
廠商 EA/Harmonix Music Systems
類型 MUG
價格 未定
發售日 2007年第四季度發售預定

著名音樂遊戲開發商,曾製作過《吉他英雄(Guitar Hero)》等風靡全美的音樂韻律遊戲的Harmonix Music Systems公司近日宣佈,將推出一款面向次世代主機平台的全新音樂遊戲《搖滾樂隊(Rock Band)》,本作目前預定於今年第四季度正式發售,目前售價未定。


神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-05-07, 12:35 AM   #14
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Pre-E3 2007: Rock Band Hands-on
We want it now.
by Tal Blevins, Jeremy Dunham

神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-08-07, 12:32 AM   #15
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Rock Band Hands-On
Guitar Hero who? The new rhythm game from Harmonix rocked our proverbial socks off when we finally got our hands on that faux Strat for the first time.
By Brad Shoemaker, GameSpot

Posted Jul 5, 2007 5:26 pm PT

Guitar Hero was just a jam session compared to Harmonix's next effort, Rock Band. We got to try an early version of the ambitious new rhythm game at an Electronic Arts press event in advance of E3. (EA is merely distributing the game to retail; Harmonix and new parent company MTV are handling the actual development and publishing duties.) As rhythm game fans are no doubt aware, Rock Band will flesh the core Guitar Hero concept out into a full band experience, featuring lead guitar, bass, drums, and vocals. In other words, Harmonix is basically blowing the doors off the original formula it helped create a couple of years ago. EA had prototype guitar and drum controllers, a microphone, eight demo songs, and a case of Pabst Blue Ribbon on hand at their event, and for some strange reason, we felt compelled to spend all our free time at the event glued to the Rock Band Demo kiosk. Let's just say it wasn't the free beer that kept us there.

Rock Band won't shake up the Guitar Hero formula in a serious way, but it sure will add a lot to it.

Of course, you've been clamoring for Rock Band's set list as much as we have, so here's what Harmonix had to show at the demo: The Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again," David Bowie's "Suffragette City," The Hives' "Main Offender," Weezer's "Say it Ain't So," Nirvana's "In Bloom," Blue Oyster Cult's "Don't Fear the Reaper," Black Sabbath's "Paranoid," and Mountain's "Mississippi Queen." Even better? All but the last two of those songs will appear as original recordings by the artists themselves in Rock Band. Harmonix is leveraging MTV's enormous record-industry clout to ensure that as many original recordings as possible will appear in the game; purportedly, the only songs which will be covered in a studio are the older ones for which no master tapes have even survived.

On the gameplay side, Harmonix hasn't messed with what's already worked in multiple Guitar Hero products. Mechanically, the two guitar players in any given song will see the exact same fret-board-based five-note patterns they're familiar with. The drummer will see his patterns in the middle, between the two guitar tracks, and this track will show only four notes, to correspond to the four pads on the drum controller. A solid line will appear on the drum track indicating when you need to hit the bass drum pedal. Finally, the song lyrics will run along the top of the screen, using a style similar to those you've seen in numerous Karaoke Revolution and SingStar games before, and singers will get to hit the mic with their hands to approximate a tambourine or cowbell in some songs. If you were wondering how Harmonix was going to fit all this gameplay onto a single screen, you'll see in the screenshots that there's still plenty of room left over for denim jackets, mohawks, and flaming frets in between all the gameplay interface elements.

The clean, stylish look of the interface and characters is pure Harmonix.

If Harmonix hasn't shaken up the gameplay model that made Guitar Hero great, it's certainly bolted some interesting new mechanics onto that model. Like in Guitar Hero, you'll build up a points multiplier as you play without missing a beat, and this time around the bass player can achieve a 6x modifier, compared to 4x on the other roles, because bass can get a little dry sometimes. Harmonix is specifically emphasizing Rock Band's multiplayer action with some of these new features. For instance, sometimes you'll hit a "unison phrase" section of a song that will require all players to perform perfectly for the duration of the phrase to nab a big score bonus. Luckily, all players can select their own difficulty levels before a song, but if one of your bandmates fails out of the song, you'll be able to bail them out by pulling off exceptional performance.

You'll actually get to go off the rails from time to time in Rock Band and freestyle a little. Singers will encounter sections where they can sing (or shout) whatever they want for big points (the louder the better, of course). Similarly, drummers can play their own fills during preset sections of the song. But the best of these features, from what we saw, was the wild full-band flourish that happens at the end of a particularly rollicking song. You know how a good band will draw out the end of a big song and improvise for a few bars before pulling off a huge simultaneous finish? Yeah, you get to that in the game. Everyone will flail on their instruments (or scream into the mic) as the points rack up and the song finishes with a big bang. Hey, we saw it work brilliantly in action--this is going to be a half-decent party game, we're pretty sure.

Those extra buttons will exponentially increase your ability to shred during solos, trust us.

Harmonix is going all-out to extend the Rock Band experience beyond your own console. For starters, you'll be able to create your own rocker by choosing from tattoos, ripped jeans, piercings, and various ridiculous hairstyles. You can use that custom shredder in the game's four-player online mode, but even better, you can join up with some friends to create a persistent band that you'll all belong to, even on the Harmonix Web site. Our favorite part, though, is that the game will generate custom loading screens and band T-shirts based on the custom appearances (and presumably, on the silly name) that you've come up with for your characters and band.

So about those controllers. As we mentioned, the devices EA had on hand weren't finalized, but the new Fender Stratocaster-style guitar controller and the drum kit were looking quite solid. The drums are no-frills--you've got four pads and a pedal. But the guitar blew us away. Unlike the previous Gibson controllers used with Guitar Hero, Rock Band's guitar isn't immediately recognizable as a toy; it basically looks like a miniature Strat. The colors and styling are extremely consistent with the real thing, and there are some nice nods to detail, too. The five-way tone switch on the body actually works, letting you subtly adjust the sound of your guitar in-game. The fret buttons aren't colored on their face--you just get a small colored bar on the edge of the neck instead--which preserves the authentic Stratocaster look. Easily our favorite new feature, though, is the addition of a second set of fret buttons right up next to the bridge for wailing during the most enormous solos. Clearly there are people with a hand in this game who know how to rock with deadly efficiency.

Needless to say, we're extremely excited about the direction Harmonix and MTV are taking with Rock Band. It's not putting the rhythm genre on its ear the way Guitar Hero did, but it's evolving that initial concept to such an extent that it's practically a new experience anyway. Stay tuned for a whole lot more to come on the game next week at E3 and in the months leading up to the game's release on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 later this year.


神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-12-07, 01:42 AM   #16
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
E3 2007 Trailer
E3 2007 Trailer HD
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舊 07-13-07, 08:36 PM   #17
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
● ROCK BAND~ボーカル、ギター、ベース、ドラムの4人で挑む音楽系なりきりゲームの究極形態


 特定の楽器をテーマにした音楽ゲームはこれまでに数多く登場してきたが、ボーカル、ギター、ベース、ドラム……のロックバンドを構成するメインの4つの楽器の全てに対応した、いうなれば究極形態の音楽ゲームがEA Casual Entertainmentより発表された。それが「ROCK BAND」だ。








The Who「Won't Get Fooled Again」(master)
Mountain「Mississippi Queen」(cover)
David Bowie 「Suffragette City」(master)
Black Sabbath「Paranoid」(cover)
Blue Oyster Cult「Don't Fear the Reaper」(master)
Nirvana「In Bloom」(master)
The Hives「Main Offender」(master)
Weezer「Say It Ain't So」(master)
などが収録される。追加楽曲はネットワークなどの仕組みを利用して提供される予定だ。協賛レーベルはEMI Music、Hollywood Records、Sony BMG Music Entertainment、Universal Music Enterprises、Rhino Entertainmentなど。

ROCK BAND開発元のHARMONIX、CEO/Co-Founder、Alex Rigopulos氏

 「ROCK BAND」開発元のHARMONIXのCEO/Co-FounderであるAlex Rigopulos氏は「ROCK BANDはゲームだが、音楽をミュージシャンになりきって楽しむための全く新しいプラットフォーム、またはツールだと思っている。様々な楽曲をROCK BANDシステムで楽しめるように、様々な楽曲を新たに追加していき、このプラットフォームを育てていきたいと考えている」と述べた。現時点では北米でのみの発売タイトルだが、収録する楽曲のチョイスをローカライズし、プロモーションを工夫すれば、日本でもかなり“化ける可能性”を感じさせる。

 開発は数多くの音楽ゲームを手がけてきたHARMONIXが担当。北米での発売は2007年末を予定。プラットフォームはPS3とXbox 360となる見込み。


神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-15-07, 11:28 AM   #18
God of Gamer
youtube 頻道
註冊日期: Mar 2002
文章: 17,244
Wii U IDeightsin88
Nintendo Switch ID3414-6520-7624
3DS Friend Code1762 2635 0638
PSN  IDeightsin88
XBox Live Gamertageightsin88
好正,看過 E3 時遊戲製作人員及 Peter Moore 一起 JAM,

大家一起 Online 夾 band。


[ 歡迎讚好 八仙果遊戲頻道,只要跟 TV games 有關的,都想跟大家分享,多多指教 ]

PSN ID 收集區:[這裡]
| Switch ID 收集區:[這裡] | Xbox One ID 收集區:[這裡]
八仙果 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-25-07, 12:23 AM   #20
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Rock Band Price Revealed?
If GameStop is to be believed, Harmonix's next will cost about what we expected.

by Daemon Hatfield

July 23, 2007 - Ever since Harmonix announced Rock Band, speculation has run rampant as to how much the game and instruments would cost. Retailers such as GameStop and Amazon have begun taking pre-orders for the band simulator, and they list SKUs for a bundle as well as each instrument sold separately. If the bundle price of $199.99 is accurate it will be right in line with what most of us were expecting.

The standalone game disc is listed for both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 as $59.99. The drums are going for $80 and the microphone for $30. Strangely, the 360 version of the wireless guitar is listed as $80, while the PS3 guitar is $60.

GameStop says Rock Band will be released November 20. Of course, retailers often list preliminary price and release dates for games in order to begin taking pre-orders, and we'll have to wait for the official announcement from Electronic Arts to know the final information. But it's looking likely that Rock Band will set us back two Benjamins.
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舊 07-26-07, 09:55 PM   #21
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
E3 2007 Steven Van Zandt Interview
E3 2007 Steven Van Zandt Interview HD
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-04-07, 09:37 PM   #22
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Rock Band Post-E3 Interview
Harmonix answers our questions about downloadable content, instrument changes and The Monkees.

by Hilary Goldstein and Chris Roper
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-27-07, 12:41 AM   #23
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
No Encore Performance
No Encore Performance HD

Deep Purple Demonstration
Deep Purple Demonstration HD

Drum Annihilation Gameplay
Drum Annihilation Gameplay HD

Jet Gameplay

Faith No More Drums Demonstration
Faith No More Drums Demonstration HD

OK Go Demonstration
OK Go Demonstration HD
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-05-07, 09:28 PM   #24
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Rock Band Update
We face off with some hot drummer-on-drummer action.

by Chris Roper

September 4, 2007 - Like any alcohol-driven rockers worth their weight in leather, we never turn down an opportunity to hit the stage, strap on our instruments and rock out until we fall over in a dazed stupor. Indeed, EA gave us another chance to step behind the guitar, mic and drums of Rock Band, and as always, we still want more.

Today's demo gave us the opportunity to play a few unannounced tracks as well as a couple that we already knew about but hadn't played, like Should I Stay or Should I Go by The Clash and Gimme Shelter by the Rolling Stones. The new tracks we checked out were:

*Celebrity Skin - Hole
*I Think I'm Paranoid - Garbage
*Maps - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
*Wave of Mutilation - The Pixies

Along with the previously-announced tracks, we now know 30 of the 40 songs to be included on the disc. Of course, one of the most promising things about Rock Band isn't what's included directly on the disc but what's promised after launch with weekly updates of new tracks, including full albums for download, like Who's Next by The Who and Nirvana's Nevermind.

While any opportunity to rock out is a welcome one, the coolest and most interesting part of the day came in the form of the head-to-head multiplayer modes that we were able to try out in the form of drums vs. drums. You'll of course need two of any given instrument to make this happen, but the result is simply awesome.

Score Duel works like the multiplayer mode from the original Guitar Hero where you attempt to outscore your opponent over the course of the song, with the two of you trading parts back and forth. You'll both play some sections together, but most of the time one player will play a short section before it switches over to the other player. Tug of War is similar in nature, though instead of trading sections you both play the entirety of a song and see who can rake in the highest score. This is similar to the Pro Face-Off mode from Guitar Hero II, except that there's a meter on top of the screen that goes back and forth to show who's currently in the lead (hence the Tug of War aspect). Tug of War allows you to choose different difficulty levels, but you must both play on the same setting in Score Duel.

Playing either of these modes with the drums is awesome, mostly because it's cool as hell to see and hear two people playing the same drum line at the same time. When two players get in sync and are able to properly keep the beat going, visions of a drum line begin popping into your head. It's really cool stuff, even if you're just listening to the taps of the drum set and not paying attention to the actual song.

But the craziest parts happen when the freestyle sections come up and both players go to town with their own fills. The ending of Celebrity Skin seemed like a good 30 seconds of freeform chaos where Hilary and Erik went ballistic on the pads, scurrying to up their score by whatever points they could muster and come out on top. It was, in a word, hilarious.

While we'd spent most of our time at previous play sessions on either Easy or Medium settings for the drum parts, we stepped it up a notch today and played a good deal of the songs on Hard. This changes things a bit in that the kick is much more prevalent, and you need to have good separation between hand and foot control. It's tricky, but more rewarding than playing on either Easy or Medium. For a couple of the Tug of War matches we even kicked things up to Expert difficulty, one of which was on Nirvana's In Bloom. The difference between Hard and Expert on this song almost feels like day and night because you really need to have your footwork under control at this level. The pad sections weren't that bad, but mixing in the oft-used kick changes things entirely. It's awesome fun, but extremely hard. But that's why it's called Expert...

Now, if only EA would send us a kit for play in the office. Expect days of missed updates when that happens.
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舊 09-05-07, 09:30 PM   #25
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
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