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舊 02-09-04, 10:44 PM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
[全機種]Burnout 3圖片及影片,美9月發售,PS2日版秋季預定

Burnout 3
Publisher: Electronic Arts Developer: Criterion Studios
Genre: Driving Release Date: September 2004

Burnout 3 details emerge
EA confirms that it will publish Criterion Games' arcade racing sequel for PS2 and Xbox later this year. First screens inside.

Electronic Arts and UK-based Criterion Games today confirmed that they have entered into a development and publishing partnership for Burnout 3. PlayStation 2 and Xbox versions of the arcade racing sequel are currently scheduled for worldwide release in September this year, although the GameCube version also rumored to be in development last month has not been confirmed.

"Burnout is already a hit arcade racing franchise and we are delighted to be working closely with Criterion to take the series to the next level in order to achieve the level of success that the series has always deserved," said Bruce McMillan, executive vice president, EA Worldwide Studios. "With its action-oriented game design and remarkable production values, we believe that Burnout is a perfect fit for our racing game portfolio."

Burnout 3 promises to be the most action-packed entry in the series to date, rewarding players not only for driving dangerously but also for using their car as a weapon with which to eliminate opponents via slam, shunt, and takedown maneuvers. Street circuits in the game will be set in North America, Europe, and the Far East, each with plenty of opportunities to gain bonuses by racing towards oncoming traffic.

Single-player gameplay modes in Burnout 3 will include both race and crash championships, as well as other options that are not being announced at this time. Single-player races in the game will be against five opponents rather than three as in previous Burnout titles, and the new "Hollywood-style" stunt crashes promise to be the most spectacular seen to date.

Exclusive to the PS2 version of Burnout 3 will be online gameplay modes for up to six players. Specific online gameplay modes have not been announced at this time, but we're told that both single races and crash modes will be available.

"Working closely with EA's European Studio on the development of Burnout 3 is exciting for Criterion and the Burnout series. We are thrilled that the game will benefit from EA's development and publishing expertise that ensures a worldwide audience will be able to enjoy this phenomenal game," said Fiona Sperry, studio head, Criterion Software. "We are confident that through this partnership, this fantastic game will be made even better."

We'll bring you more information on Burnout 3 as soon as it becomes available.

By Justin Calvert, GameSpot [POSTED: 02/09/04 04:02 AM]

此篇文章於 05-30-04 01:35 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 02-10-04, 12:14 AM   #2
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 1,134
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舊 02-10-04, 12:21 AM   #3
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
EA to Publish Burnout 3
And with Xbox Live?

January 20, 2004 - Electronic Arts, the world's biggest independent publisher, has acquired the rights to publish and distribute the third in developer Criterion's Burnout series, IGN learned today.

An independent source confirmed with IGN that Burnout 3 (working title) had indeed switch hands, going from Acclaim Entertainment, which published the first two games, to Electronic Arts, which also publishes the mega-popular Need for Speed franchise.
"BURNOUT is the working title of a project in EA's London studio," an EA representative told IGN today. "Details will be available at a later date."

The super fast, arcade-style Burnout 3 is slated for a 2004 release on three consoles (PS2, Xbox and GameCube), and is unofficially confirmed as an online title for PS2 and Xbox. Based on inside reports, IGN believes there is no online support for the GameCube to date. The fact that the game is rumored to be on Xbox Live is further evidence that EA has worked out a solution with Microsoft regarding online games.

Acclaim published Burnout and Burnout 2: Point of Impact to great critical acclaim in North America and Europe, but the game lacked major marketing and hype in North American and hence it sold below expectations. Both games sold ridiculously well in Europe. Criterion holds the property rights to the game, so legal ramifications with Acclaim aren't an issue. Instead Criterion was probably more focused on which publisher would support it best financially and in marketing and distribution.

We'll have more on Burnout 3 in the near future.
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舊 02-11-04, 11:14 PM   #4
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

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舊 02-18-04, 02:24 AM   #5
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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舊 02-18-04, 02:25 AM   #6
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舊 02-18-04, 02:58 AM   #7
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2003
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舊 02-18-04, 10:00 AM   #8
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Wii U IDlastwill
3DS Friend Code5241 1873 3778


WILL 3780-8206-2363
按此看我的3DS Mii
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舊 02-18-04, 11:07 AM   #9
The One
註冊日期: Jul 2002
文章: 20,647
但 XB 冇得 live 就......
Zaku 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 02-24-04, 11:18 PM   #10
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
  由Criterion所開發製作的火爆賽車遊戲「Burnout」,於2001年推出第一代,帶給喜歡尋求刺激的玩家充滿快感的動作賽車體驗。緊接著 ,「Burnout 2: Point」於2002年推出,提供了與其他同型產品與眾不同的賽車樂趣。這兩款遊戲均獲得玩家們的熱烈迴響與支持,並且在全世界賣出了超過兩百萬套。

  「Burnout 3」是該系列的最新作品,提供獨特的「撞毀與燒毀」賽車概念,以及能夠產生華麗視效的獨一無二特效引擎。遊戲會隨著玩家在擁擠的交通中飛馳,與撞毀,爭取頂尖飛車高手頭銜的過程中,變得越來越刺激。透過「Burnout 3」多種單人、多人撞毀及賽車模式, 玩家可在擁擠的城市街道上奔馳,並在經歷危險的驚險動作和震撼撞擊後,獲得豐厚的獎賞。

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舊 03-18-04, 11:21 PM   #11
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Burnout 3 Interview
We saddle up with Criterion for a chat. New details and 10 new shots.

March 15, 2004 - Criterion might be best known for its Renderware middleware, which has assisted many developers in their task of outsmarting the current consoles' innards, but in the last few years it's also made a different name for itself. As a good gaming developer. While Airblade was an interesting endeavor in the early PS2 days, the company's Burnout series turned far more heads -- critics, consumers and publishers alike.

Originally published with Acclaim Entertainment, the series is an interesting take on arcade racing, with a magnifying lense design tightly focused on ultra high speed racing with bonuses given for skimming oncoming traffic, and terrific, neck-breaking wipeouts.

Criterion is no fool, never giving up the legal rights to the Burnout IP. Meaning that as the master of its own fate, it could make or break the series. Acclaim never put much muscle in marketing the first or second game, and the series has succeeded mostly due to word of mouth and good reviews.

Having shopped the third game around, Criterion seems to have won the motherlode of all publishers, Electronic Arts, that might actually be able to support it technically, with solid online play, and with powerful marketing, one of EA's biggest strength. We sat down with Director of Design Alex "The Yapper" Ward and Executive Producer Matt Webster to talk about the game's new face and direction, the newly implemented online play, and the unholiest of unholy car crashes.

IGN: Fittingly, the Burnout series has been blazing a trail of sequels since it first released in 2001. What made you decide to bring Burnout 3 to the market so quickly; why not save it for next-generation system launches?

Alex Ward: Overall, the team was very happy with what we did in Burnout 2, but there's always room for improvement. In building from a strong technical base we started out looking for ways to improve the performance we could get from the machine which would in turn allow us to make a faster, more graphically stunning, bigger, deeper racing game. After we completed work on B2 for Xbox and Gamecube we took a break and began to work on some new concepts, some of which you'll see later on this year. But we got so many requests to do B3 and we had so many new ideas we just had to do it. E3 was not quite the same last year without you seeing a hot new Burnout right?

IGN: Burnout 2 was decidedly different from the original, featuring a lot more burnout time. We thought it was a little too easy. Comparatively, how are you approaching Burnout 3's difficulty?

Alex Ward: We have a very extensive test program here at Criterion, and EA also takes game testing very seriosly. I think overall it's difficult to please everyone, but most of the people who thought B2 was easy tend to be more hardcore players. It's definitely not been reflected in the people we've got letters and mails from. Personally, I think we got a lot of balance right with B2. You guys are too hardcore anyway. I bet you completed Ikaruga on the first go...

Matt Webster: This is a really difficult one for developers and producers. At EA we take a lot of time to make sure that we get this right for each title. This includes lots of play-test with people who match our target audience, as well as those who don't. If we make our games too much for the hard core then we run the risk of alienating newcomer to the game, and that doesn't make any sense at all. I think that we can help Criterion balance this, but I also think that the extended depth in modes and rewards in B3 will help. There's much more for players who want to go looking for a challenge.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-18-04, 11:22 PM   #12
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Burnout 3 Interview Page 2 of 3
IGN: We've got two words for you: "Takedown +1000," from one of the first in-game screens. What is a "Takedown" and how does this tie into the new combo system? Is the game going to be more cutthroat?

Alex: In B3 a takedown is what you do when you send your opponent off the road. It's the best way to earn boost in the game. Just like a knockout punch in a boxing match, a takedown is the ultimate smack in the face to your opponent. You can ram him from behind, you can swerve into him, you can nudge him off the racing line and head-on into a truck, or push him through a barrier and down the side of a cliff. It's very Burnout and we're all scratching our heads wondering why we never did this in the first two games!

Matt: B3 is much more of a battle to the finish line. It's an awesome extension to the race, risk, reward structure and it's great to see people getting in to a different way of playing an arcade racer. Burnout has always encouraged the player to take more and more risks, the battling angle is another layer on top of that, and the way that it's wired in to the core boost aspect of the game is really cool, encouraging the player to fight with the car...then you play online, and it feels perfect!

IGN: Is the opponent AI making any big leaps, if so, how? Please give us examples. Is there more traffic, less traffic, smarter traffic?

Alex Ward: In a nutshell, all of the above!

IGN: Will single-player be handled in the same fashion, or will there be more modes, possibly arranged differently?

Alex Ward: There are a lot of new modes as we're out to really open up the racing experience. And the game is a lot less linear than has been before. This time there is a much wider variety of types of races to enter, as well as a much, much bigger variety of types of vehicle to race and wreck.

IGN: The first screens show a more interesting lineup of vehicles. With EA backing the title, will we see more licensed vehicles, or at least cars that resemble Chargers, Mustangs, 'Vettes, Supras, Porsches, and so on?

Matt: I think that you need to have a good reason to add licensed cars to a game, and the questions are: Is it necessary? Are the fans asking for this? Is it feasible? Burnout is all about taking risks in a car, with the payoff being that when you push a risk too far, you crash. The amazing technology that Criterion have, and indeed the work that they have done over the past few months, means that they can effectively tear a car in half. We have great relationships with all of the manufacturers that we license and it's clear that while we can have some aspects of realistic damage, there's a limit to how far this can go. Burnout would need to push this much further, so we'd have to hold back the crashing intentions, and that compromises the core of the game, which is a dumb thing to do. So, no, we're not pushing for licensed vehicles in the game.

IGN: Have you been tuning the handling again? Burnout 2 was a little looser than Burnout.

Alex Ward: Yes, the drift was different from B1 and we're improved from B2 if that makes any sense. This time the cars are faster and crazier than ever before, and they run to a much higher top speed that we ever dared try on B2. So it's faster overall and we've made a few slight changes to accommodate that.

IGN: Do you think Burnout 3 will control as fluidly on PlayStation 2 as Xbox? The PS2 analog stick has a little dead spot?

Matt: I think the one thing that Alex and his team have done over the last versions of this game is create a great handling arcade racer. This is even more the case this time around. The key to racing well in the Burnout world is drifting, controlling the slides, knowing when and how to take risks and boosting as much as you dare. This makes it more about rhythm and therefore it's built in to the way that they deal with the controller inputs. What I'm saying is that these guys tune like crazy for both platforms.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-18-04, 11:24 PM   #13
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Burnout 3 Interview Page 3 of 3
IGN: Let's talk tech. Is this a new engine, and how many polygons were in the B2 cars versus the average Burnout 3 car?

Alex Ward: The whole graphics engine is between 50 and 100% faster this time than we did for B2. This has given us the performance to do realtime radiosity lighting and proper environment mapping effects (the type of which you've only ever seen so far on the best Xbox titles) on the vehicles which makes them absolutely real and better than ever before. Add to that more complex and much richer detailed courses and you'll notice the improvements. And all that is before we begin to mention the amazing and incredibly complex deformation and particle effects such as sparks, volumetric smoke and shattering glass. To top it all, we're pushing more polygons around than ever before. Oh and sixty frames a second. Did I forget to say that?

IGN: Tell us about the new crashes. The chassis are bending, twisting, and squishing now, aren't they? Does this all happen in "replay" style, or real-time?

Alex Ward: It's all realtime and we're out to smash up the car like never before. You hit the nail on the head. It's all about twisting and er, 'squishing' as you call it.

IGN: What kinds of improvements will you be making with the Xbox version over the PS2 build?

Alex Ward: This time we are developing both versions in parallel so we hope to push the Xbox as hard relatively as we are doing with the PS2.

IGN: We know you're going big with PS2 online. What's going to separate it from other racers out there, and why not just play it split-screen?

Matt: I think that B3 can be something that really pushes racing online. The introduction of the offensive driving elements of the game really work perfectly when you go online. You know that people are going to try everything to win, like slamming in to other drivers, or trying to psyche you out by driving erratically. Now the game actually requires this behaviour!

Criterion have worked wonders, as have our online support teams to get the game working at it's benchmark 60fps, with full traffic and 6 players racing online. It's a total blast!

IGN: Are you going to flesh out the Cop chases a little bit with different kinds of challenges? If so, how?

Alex Ward: No. Because we've taken the cop stuff out. But Pursuit Mode has been reborn in the shape of something called 'Road Rage.' It's Burnout and it's best played when there are no cops around. But maybe we should put a black-and-white in there somewhere, perhaps carefully hidden.

IGN: What kind of online functions are you thinking about? How many people can race at once? What kinds of games will we be able to play? Will players be able to use USB headsets to talk to one another?

Matt: I've mentioned some details earlier on, I think that we should keep some of the other cool features under wraps for a little while, but what we can say is that there is already support for headsets.

IGN: Console games always seem to have pretty weak interfaces. What kinds of ideas do you have for the lobby interface?

Matt: Obviously EA has led the way for online console games and we've learnt a lot from the feedback that we've received from those playing online. We're making sure that we share all the information that we have to make a great experience online, not just playing, but all the aspects of setting up the game and how information is displayed.

IGN: Thanks!
-- Douglass C. Perry and Fran Mirabella
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舊 03-18-04, 11:29 PM   #14
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

此篇文章於 05-01-04 10:46 AM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 03-26-04, 12:22 AM   #15
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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舊 04-05-04, 10:09 AM   #16
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
販売元: EA 開発元: Criterion Games
発売日: 未発売 価格: ----円
ジャンル: レース

PS2用「バーンナウト3」の国内発売が決定 - 今年の秋に発売

エレクトロニック・アーツは、プレイステーション2用「バーンナウト3 (仮 )」を国内で今年の秋に発売することを発表した。欧米ではPS2・Xboxで発売が予定されているが、国内ではPS2版のみの発売となる。開発はCriterion Gamesが担当。

 この「バーンナウト3」は一般公道でレースを行うゲームだが、おなじくEAから発売されている「ニード・フォー・スピード アンダーグラウンド」との大きな違いは"クラッシュ"がよりクローズアップされている点だろう。

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舊 04-29-04, 06:31 PM   #17
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

First Movies: In-game blazing 320 x 240 3.3MB

First Movies: Crash mode 320 x 240 3.6MB

*right click to save
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-29-04, 06:38 PM   #18
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Burnout 3: First Movies
The first blazing in-game movies of Criterion's third spectacular arcade racer.

April 27, 2004 - The Burnout series is one of those peculiar titles for this generation of games. It's not a big license game, it's not based on a movie, and it's neither Metal Gear Solid nor Halo. The strength of Criterion's title is based purely on its spectacular gameplay, graphics, and sound, which makes it old school in the best sense of the phrase. It's a tightly focused, unapologetic arcade-style racer, plain and simple. For those who haven't played any of the Burnout games, you really need to get on the ball, and for those who have, boy, do we have a treat for you -- these premiere Burnout 3 movies, courtesy of EA and Criterion.

First, the game is incredibly fast looking and feeling, and for those who had any doubt, these movies are the real deal. They are actually 100% in-game movies taken straight from the game, no effects added. This is straight gameplay goodness. The first movie was grabbed from a regular course in regular 60-FPS action. The crash itself happens just like that, with slow-motion taking effect and players seeing an unbelievable amount of car model damage and particles galore. Really, these stunning crashes are like the Fourth of frickin' July every single time.

The second movie shows off the popular mode added to Burnout: Point of Impact called Crash Mode. Here, the goal is to cause as much destruction to other cars as possible for as many points as possible. The nifty thing here is the barrel truck, which just happens to have been hit, sending multiple barrels flying like collateral damage across the screen and causing addition damage to other cars. So incredibly sweet.

While many Burnout 3 details already have been revealed, many have not. If you missed our in-depth interview with Criterion a while back, check it now. If so, then you'll remember these details. This third version fleshes out the idea of risk-taking in many ways. Cars drive with the greatest sense of speed you may have ever experienced in a videogame ever. The sense of speed is shocking; it's so literally out of control it's hard to describe the feeling it evokes. The game now offers takedowns, which are like knockout punches, so to speak. Players now acquire points for taking out other cars, and the bigger and badder the takedown, the more points and boost points you get too.

"You can ram [enemies] from behind, you can swerve into him, you can nudge him off the racing line and head-on into a truck, or push him through a barrier and down the side of a cliff," Designer Alex Ward told us (in our previous interview). The Takedown is a natural extension of the game's normal gameplay mechanics and goals, but what adds to the game's intensity is the increase in traffic and the aggressiveness of the opponent AI. Just as players will want to take opponents down, the opponents are actually more aggressive than ever before, too.

A few more already-released details are out: There are more game modes, the game is less linear, there are different course structures, and many more of them, there are tons of new cars, there is way more car deformation than before, and finally, the graphics engine is 50% to 100% faster than in Burnout 2.

That's all for now, but we'll have more on Burnout 3 in the near future.
-- Douglass C. Perry
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舊 04-29-04, 06:44 PM   #20
The One
註冊日期: Jul 2002
文章: 20,647
作者: 神祕人1號
Zaku 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-29-04, 06:45 PM   #21
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
由 EA 和英國遊戲開發商 Criterion Games 合作開發的Burnout 自 2001 年推出以來,帶給喜歡尋求刺激的玩家充滿快感的動作賽車體驗,以及與其他同型產品與眾不同的賽車樂趣,Burnout 3是該系列的最新作品,提供獨特的「撞毀與燒毀」賽車概念,以及使用能夠產生華麗視效的特效引擎。遊戲會隨著玩家在擁擠的交通中飛馳,與撞毀,爭取頂尖飛車高手頭銜的過程中,變得越來越刺激。透過Burnout 3多種單人、多人及線上撞毀及賽車模式, 玩家可在擁擠的城市街道上奔馳,並在經歷危險的驚險動作和震撼撞擊後,獲得豐厚的獎賞。Burnout 3預定於 2004 年 9 月推出 PS2 和 Xbox 版本。

此篇文章於 04-29-04 06:48 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 05-01-04, 10:44 AM   #22
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Burnout 3 Barrels 3.7MB wmv
Burnout 3 Corners 3.4MB wmv
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-26-04, 12:03 AM   #23
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Burnout 3 E3 2K4 Trailer 8MB mov
Burnout 3 E3 2K4 Trailer 7MB wmv
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舊 05-28-04, 10:42 PM   #24
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舊 05-29-04, 09:59 PM   #25
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