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舊 08-02-06, 04:00 PM   #301
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2004
文章: 13,613
作者: kin~kin
洗唔洗講到咁誇, 咩一時差d買左?
咪係lor, nds/psp都有好玩game, 有自己想玩o既game就得啦, 唔好跟風買機好唔好?

ELT 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-02-06, 04:33 PM   #302
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 11,131
Nintendo Switch ID1803-0934-0218
3DS Friend Code2148 9542 0542

作者: ELT
咪係lor, nds/psp都有好玩game, 有自己想玩o既game就得啦, 唔好跟風買機好唔好?
雖然我唔鍾意 sony,但係都唔可以完全否定 sony 嘅存在價值,有競爭先至有進步。


3DS FC: 2148-9542-0542
NS FC: 1803-0934-0218
阿聰 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-03-06, 08:01 PM   #303
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2004
文章: 1,840
作者: jim Tsang






where did Sony say 'PSP銷售敗於NDS'???

However,PSP did beat NDS in europe.

nds sales:

PSP sales:

PlayStation Portable

Gamers whinged all-year-long at Sony's decision to delay the European launch until September 1st, but in reality the intense hype surrounding the machine built up a must-have aura around the system, and when it launched sales were way beyond everyone's expectations. In the first few days on sale the PSP smashed all previous hardware launch sales figures by a factor of two - and all this despite rampant import sales that Sony had been preoccupied with squashing all year long.

Needless to say, software sales were exceptional, despite serious doubts from the critics who complained bitterly about the load times and the lack of killer apps.

Although the Chart-Track figures are heavily skewed by the presence of mandatory software bundling from Sony, the tactic worked, with total unit sales of 2.63m, or 4.8 per cent of all games sold. By value the picture is even rosier for Sony, with sales totalling some £8.17m, representing 6.7 per cent of the total market value - instantly catapulting it ahead of the GBA market (£6.05m) and almost double that of the DS market (£4.14m). In context, this percentage puts it ahead of mainstream launches of home systems like the N64, Saturn, Dreamcast, GameCube and even the Xbox at a similar stage in its life cycle - both in terms of software unit sales and value and even hardware sales. Next to any other handheld launch, the figures are unprecedented whichever angle you look at them.
Zoom in'2005 UK Sales Review' Screenshot liberty

Game sales wise, you can probably guess that GTA: Liberty City Stories completely ran away with it. In just eight weeks, Rockstar clocked up over 360k, making it the best selling handheld title since Pokemon Yellow back in summer 2000. World Tour Soccer did incredibly well, too, with sales of not far short of 200k, but these figures are somewhat bogus because the game's sales were largely because of Sony's cunning bundle deal which obliged consumers to buy the game with the console for a while - during a period when demand was intense and supply very short.

Beyond that, football titles appear to be the hottest property among PSP owners long starved of decent handheld games in the genre. The arrival of Pro Evolution Soccer 5 in week 47 was very warmly received indeed, with sales of almost 150k - over 20k ahead of FIFA 06, which gives a fair indication of the continuing shift in the balance of power in the all-important football market.

EA's overall performance on the platform was excellent, though, with Need For Speed: Most Wanted and Burnout: Revenge both selling around 100k - two of the biggest sellers on the platform. In general, racing games proved to be a massive lure for the game buying public, with Midnight Club 3, WipEout Pure and Need For Speed Underground: Rivals selling over 50k, and TOCA Race Driver, Crash Tag Team Racing and even WRC not far off that figure - respectable quantities that would be considered successful on most other home systems.
Zoom in'2005 UK Sales Review' Screenshot lumines

In the 'EG favourites' category there were also some heart-warming successes. Top of the list was the surprise number ten success of the brilliant Lumines (over 70k), while other cracking titles like Ridge Racer (over 90k), Everybody's Golf and Virtua Tennis (both around 70k) also performed exceptionally well.

Even leftfield titles like Archer Maclean's Mercury (over 35k) did reasonably well, and - for once - we don't really have any major sob stories of brilliant underperforming titles. Maybe Frantix and Gripshift deserved to do better (less than 5k each), but they barely had any publicity and were released during the Christmas rush, so it's hardly a shock.

What is a surprise is just how many competing titles there were available in such a short space of time. To have 53 titles on the shelves from September 1st to mid December (13 each from Sony and EA alone) has to represent the biggest array of launch software on any platform, ever, and it's doubtful it will ever happen again. Of course, the massive delay ensured there would be a vast glut, and much of the quality was patchy at best, but Sony made the impact it wanted to.

The interesting thing will be to watch whether the platform's momentum stalls. Certainly, the quality of software has been a major talking point all year, and many question marks remain. Hopefully E3 will provide one or two pointers as to the direction of future PSP output.
Montella 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-03-06, 08:14 PM   #304
Game Master
註冊日期: Jan 2006
文章: 3,120
PSN  IDrijienriya
作者: Montella
where did Sony say 'PSP銷售敗於NDS'???

_張學良_ 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-03-06, 08:51 PM   #305
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jul 2005
文章: 3,985
PSN  IDhkboy2007
nds贏既主因 有自己開發遊戲 同埋 肯見到強小小既對手 便出返 強小小機能既機 psp就無之前既條件~ 加上係首次出場 同埋呢次係唔同 ps時代咁 有咁好先決條件~呢次係對著開發多次遊戲機既對手 nds贏係必然 睇下psp由而家重要蝕幾耐 同埋睇psp既軟件開發商 會蝕幾多開發費用 先知 psp仲可以捱幾耐~呢d做psp既(番薯) 祗可遠觀 可以做既其實各大大都做哂~啦 psp呢個名 在香港可以企得咁好 都係各大大既支持 ~當然佢既主人($ony)必定唔會滿意~


遊戲怪 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-03-06, 11:58 PM   #306
Junior Member
註冊日期: Aug 2006
文章: 35
作者: Montella
where did Sony say 'PSP銷售敗於NDS'???

However,PSP did beat NDS in europe.

nds sales:

PSP sales:


Although the Chart-Track figures are heavily skewed by the presence of mandatory software bundling from Sony, the tactic worked, with total unit sales of 2.63m, or 4.8 per cent of all games sold. By value the picture is even rosier for Sony, with sales totalling some £8.17m, representing 6.7 per cent of the total market value - instantly catapulting it ahead of the GBA market (£6.05m) and almost double that of the DS market (£4.14m). In context, this percentage puts it ahead of mainstream launches of home systems like the N64, Saturn, Dreamcast, GameCube and even the Xbox at a similar stage in its life cycle - both in terms of software unit sales and value and even hardware sales. Next to any other handheld launch, the figures are unprecedented whichever angle you look at them.
Zoom in'2005 UK Sales Review' Screenshot liberty

You read the article incorrectly. The article is comparing the LAUNCH figures of NDS and PSP in Europe. It's true that PSP sold more units in Europe at launch time when compared to the NDS, but NDS have always been ahead of PSP in TOTAL sales figure. This article is also ridiculous because it used market VALUE. We all know that it costs more to buy a PSP, so even if 70% of the market belongs to NDS, PSP will still win if you go by market value. We have not even taken into account that Sony loses money for each PSP sold while Nintendo MAKES money for each NDS sold.

Anyway we know that NDS has sold over 21M worldwide (Nintendo's announcement), but we can never tell exactly how many PSPs were sold, because Sony always use SHIPPED figures only.
linsivvi 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-04-06, 12:22 AM   #307
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 1,099
作者: Montella
where did Sony say 'PSP銷售敗於NDS'???

However,PSP did beat NDS in europe.

nds sales:

PSP sales:

gc64 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-04-06, 12:26 AM   #308
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Apr 2005
文章: 7,520
Wii U IDtsuiwil
3DS Friend Code1461 6149 1247
PSN  IDtsuiwil_jp
Chart-track 好似只係英國國內o既統計機構
enishi 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-04-06, 01:23 AM   #309
antony chan
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2003
文章: 11,216
Wii U IDantony34
Nintendo Switch ID2591-1991-9995
3DS Friend Code4038 5946 9782
PSN  IDantony34
作者: linsivvi
Anyway we know that NDS has sold over 21M worldwide (Nintendo's announcement), but we can never tell exactly how many PSPs were sold, because Sony always use SHIPPED figures only.
main point....

Wii 癮君子FC列表
名:Antony ID:49466199
antony chan 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-04-06, 10:17 AM   #310
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2004
文章: 19,134
作者: enishi
Chart-track 好似只係英國國內o既統計機構
最大問題係篇文用 "總值" (即係數量x價錢), 而且只計推出時銷出的 "總值". PSP賣得貴d,加埋bundle software的售價, 比NDS貴得多, 當然個 "總值" 會高.
wing 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章


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