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舊 07-11-08, 01:02 AM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
EA Sports Active(EA Wii Fit)

EA Fitness
Published by: Electronic Arts
Release Date: TBA
Genre: Sports (other)

EA Fitness (Tentative Title)
Nintendo Wii

EA has confirmed that its still-unnamed exercise game will replace the eastern-style workouts in Wii Fit with westernized exercises designed to make you sweat and have fun at the same time. Executives have also provided vague hints that they may not solely use the Wii Balance Board in order to achieve those results. We know for sure that the tentatively titled EA Fitness is going to be a very, very big deal for the company and we're really excited to see what the publisher has brewing. If it can devise a method to allow more freedom of movement and even a better means to count calories and monitor health progress -- a heart-rate monitor, Nike-plus integration and online tracking? -- we're going to be instant converts. And we know that millions of moms across America will be, too.

Pre-E3: Our EA Fit Sports Wishlist - July 9, 2008
Sports Features: How will EA Fit work with EA Sports?

此篇文章於 11-13-08 08:04 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 07-20-08, 12:46 AM   #2
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
E3 2008: EA Fitness a No Show
Exercise game nowhere to be found. Could it be at Leipzig?

by Matt Casamassina

July 17, 2008 - Electronic Arts has publicly revealed that it is underway with an ambitious exercise title for Wii, which we have tentatively dubbed EA Fitness. Although we had believed the game would be debuted at E3 2008, it appears that the publisher is holding off on pulling back the curtain for now, as it is nowhere to be found.

It is possible that the effort could show up at the German Games Show in Leipzig next month. It is also possible that it might make an appearance at the Tokyo Game Show in October. Regardless, though, we expect to see it in one form or another in the next few months.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-30-08, 11:27 PM   #3
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
EA要做比《Wii Fit》更有趣的健身遊戲?
來源: 時間:2008-10-30 編輯: 六段音速

最新一期的美國《男性健康雜誌》,也就是Take-Two主席Strauss Zelnick做封面的那一期,透露說EA準備推出自己的體感運動遊戲,與任天堂的《Wii Fit》爭奪非核心用戶市場。

根據GameSpot的報道,EA Sports執行製作人Dave McCarthy在一次採訪中透露,這家全球第二大的第三方發行商正在策劃開發自己的體感運動遊戲,相比《Wii Fit》更貼近西方人的運動偏好和身體特點。

McCarthy保證說,EA的這款遊戲可以比《Wii Fit》更好地調動用戶鍛煉身體的積極性。他還透露,這款遊戲可能將會讓用戶將遙控器手柄綁在胳膊或大腿上,模擬更為逼真也更加激烈的運動,上躥下跳應有盡有。

鑒於這已經不是我們第一次從EA那裡聽說他們有辦法讓大家保持完美體形了,所以實際效果如何還得有待進一步驗證。但不管怎麼說,要使用遊戲代替健身鍛煉,首先要面對的問題是如何讓用戶做到長期堅持,而這也正是連任天堂和《Wii Fit》都沒有解決的難題。

EA Sports looking to outsweat Wii Fit?
Posted Oct 28, 2008 5:06 pm PT By thorsen-ink
Source: Muscle-obsessed monthly Men's Fitness, of all places.

What we heard: Last week, gamers perusing newsstands were flummoxed to find the Take-Two Interactive chairman Strauss Zelnick plastered on the cover of Men's Fitness. Typically the domain of ultimate fighters, professional athletes, and the occasional buffed-out rapper, the magazine decided to highlight Zelnick's cyclist and fitness enthusiasm as a way to segue into an article on games. Ironically, though, the executive isn't even mentioned in the piece, titled "Virtual Fitness: Tomorrow's Reality."

Instead, Men's Fitness correspondent David Kushner examines how two publishers are blending exercise and gameplay. The first, Nintendo, is fairly obvious, thanks to the triple-platinum sensation that is Wii Fit. Second up is Electronic Arts, which has been emphasizing the Wii with its family-friendly--and fairly controversial--line of All-Play sports games.

That said, the All-Play series' intent is to level the playing field between casual and hardcore gamers, not burn calories. That's where EA Sports executive producer Dave McCarthy comes in. Four months after first revealing that EA was pondering affordable, bundled peripherals for its sports games, the industry veteran elaborated on his employer's plans.

"We [at EA] think we can take a more Western approach to fitness, something a little more active that gets you moving," he said. McCarthy then described how EA is planning a new peripheral for an unnamed fitness game which will fasten Wii Remotes to players' bodies. Besides position, the add-on will help the Wii Remote "measure intensity, how strong your thrusts are, [and] how high you jump."

Currently, the Wii Fit board does not let players jump into the air but does let players squat and stand up quickly for its ski jump event. And while Wii Fit does let players hold the Wii Remote or stick it in their pockets to run in place, EA's peripheral will apparently be suited to a wider range of exercises. Players will use the device to "strap the remotes to their arms or legs to facilitate more athletic movements, from running to jumping jacks." As a consequence, the remotes will measure a "more authentic, full range of motions."

The official story: EA Sports reps had not returned requests for comment as of press time.

Bogus or not bogus?: Not bogus. According to many critics, Wii Fit is an ambitious but flawed attempt to get gamers off their posteriors. Given its gangbusters sales, EA likely figures it has nothing to lose--and millions to gain--by working up its own workout game.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-13-08, 08:00 PM   #4
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Q&A: EA Sports Active-ating Wii
By Tor Thorsen, GameSpot Posted Nov 13, 2008 3:02 pm AEST Peter Moore reveals first installment in his company's long-rumored fitness franchise, which will combine aerobics, nutrition, and resistance training in spring 2009 for $59.99.

When Wii Fit launched last year, it was advertised as the perfect union between working out and games. Billboards nationwide dangled the prospect that anyone could tone themselves by gyrating on a new peripheral from legendary Nintendo designer Shigeru Miyamoto. Gamer religion meets physical fitness in a $90 box, if you will.

However, once people took Wii Fit out of its box, many were quickly disappointed. The game focused on the Asian model of fitness--stretching and balance--instead of the weight loss favored in the West. Only a few minigames offered aerobic exercise, and some of those had to be unlocked by playing other games for hours. The game's shame-based motivation and use of the widely criticized BMI metric made many-a-Mii droop their head by calling even stick-thin children obese.

Such critiques, though, have done nothing to dampen Wii Fit's popularity, especially among the "Blue Ocean" of non-gamers. The game has sold over 2.3 million copies domestically, according to the NPD Group, generating nearly $210 million in the US alone.

Wanting to get in on that massive payday, Electronic Arts today announced EA Sports Active, its long-rumored exercise game. As speculated, the title won't require the Wii Balance board at all, but will instead rely on a neoprene peripheral which will strap the Wii Remote or Nunchuck to a player's leg. The game will also come with a rubber resistance band for strength training when it launches next spring for $59.99.

In addition to over 20 sports, EA Sports Active will feature a range of fitness tools, including a calorie counter, virtual personal trainer, 30-day weight loss program, and customizable workouts. To learn more about how the product will work and the philosophy behind it, GameSpot spoke with EA Sports' outspoken president Peter Moore.

GS: So my question to you is, if somebody owns Wii Fit, why would they want to buy EA Sports Active?

PM: It's a completely different fitness experience. There's a different philosophy between the East and West about what fitness means, and Wii Fit does very well with some of what I'll call the Eastern philosophy of fitness, which is balance and coordination. But you're rarely in danger of breaking a sweat and getting your heart rate up. It's just not intended for that. We looked at that when Wii Fit came out and said, "How can we be complementary and yet differentiate and be more applicable, if you will, to a Western consumer who looks for a different fitness experience?"

So we immediately started building the product with a view to having a condensed time period in which you can get your heart rate up. It will measure your calories burned. It will measure time as you're doing things. Of course, the real secret to the whole thing is building a peripheral that allows you to attach the Wii Remote to your body and then reflects the motion of your body on the screen with an avatar. Then, tuning that and getting it right. We've been working on this for a long time now.

Not that there's anything wrong with what Wii Fit is doing. We just think the applicability of what Western consumers look for in fitness is difficult to achieve with the Wii Fit board.

GS: Are you saying that this won't require the Wii Balance Board?

PM: That is correct. It will not require it, but if you have one, we've got enough exercises in there that you'll want to put it in front of the TV and use it.

GS: So, if you just have a Wii, and you don't have Wii Fit, this is actually an alternative to Wii Fit?

PM: Absolutely, but it's great complement if you've got it.

GS: And I guess for those of you who maybe found Wii Fit too expensive, pricing wise, will this be generally more in line with a regular software?

PM: Absolutely. This is suggested retail of $59.95. You get the software, you get the two straps, you get the resistance band, and you get the nutritional booklet, all for the same price of a single game.

GS: OK. So we'll continue with that. But, first off, in terms of the peripheral, when I saw it, it was basically a little neoprene strap. I ride my bike to work every day and have something similar for my iPod, so I looked at it and said, "That's it?"

PM: Well, all that does on your bike is it just holds your iPod in place. We've spent a lot of time working with Nintendo on making sure it's snug, that it doesn't move, that it's not inadvertently hitting buttons on either the Nunchuk or the Wii Remote. Either of them can go into the pouch, so getting the pouch shaped right was crucial. So was getting the sizing right, as it will come with two strap sizes in the box, one large and one small.

The real secret is getting the remote snugly attached to the body through these straps. Then, obviously, the software recognizes what you're doing, and that's reflected on your character on the screen. It knows if you're going too deep in a squat or not going deep enough, and it knows if you're pounding away when you're running on the spot trying to catch up with two people on the track ahead of you. So that's a lot of the tuning we're doing here in getting this thing right.

GS: So, are you going to have any endorsements from celebrity trainers like Jillian Michaels?

GS: Bob Greene, who is Oprah's trainer, is endorsing the game and is helping us build the game out. He obviously will be a big link to that consumer, which is important to us, and we can talk about that in a moment. Then there'll be regular iterations of software updates that might be sports specific, or it might be body part specific, like your lower body, your upper body. Then we're also working with licensees to have a line of peripherals that would enhance the workout experience in front of the television. It's a pretty expansive product line--just not a singular piece of software--that will be constantly refreshed and added to as the years go on.

GS: Now you just said "product line"...

PM: Yes, think of EA Sports Active as a pretty comprehensive product line. It's not just software but peripherals as well. Down the road, there will be more of a total workout [title]. But you can imagine there's an abs version down the road. There's a soccer version down the road. So, EA Sports Soccer, EA Sports Abs.

GS: EA Sports Soccer? Is there the possibility of an EA Active FIFA or something like that? You could training with [Brazilian soccer star] Ronaldo or something.

PM: We're looking at that, but for this consumer, we're not quite sure. We know that the authenticity of the experience is more important than the authenticity of the visuals. I'm sure mom would love to train alongside Cristiano Ronaldo for a number of reasons. But I don't think that's integral right now.

Having said that, a couple of years from now, having Ronaldo or [Manchester United player] Wayne Rooney, or whomever in soccer be your trainer and doing something with them individually may not require the FIFA overall branding. Also, in terms of ways of making FIFA or Madden even more broad in reach, we could certainly look at that.

So, I'm not saying we're not going to use our licensed properties, but right now we're focusing on expansion of the EA Sports Active brand, bringing positive experiences into the living rooms for these consumers, and talking to a consumer we've never spoken to before.

GS: Now, you said there's EA Active and EA Active Soccer. Do you eventually see the EA Sports Active technology carried over into other Wii EA Sports games? Or are you sticking to EA Sports All Play?

PM: Yeah, I think right now our plan is to continue with our core business. In other words, if it's throwing the ball, we're already doing that quite a bit right now in our All Play stuff.

But it's a great question. Who knows, when the Wii Motion Plus comes, when we figure out really how much more sensitivity that gives us, what we can do. And I think the long-term vision, yes, is to make what you do in front of the screen as an individual be reflected in what happens in the game, and that's always been Nirvana for us in video game sports. But the technology really doesn't quite allow that yet.

But, yeah, the teams constantly look at where we will be five years from now. I don't think three years ago, if I had said we're going to be launching EA Sports Active and here's what it's going to be, you couldn't have even imagined it.

GS: So this comes with a packed-in nutrition book. One thing that struck me is whereas Wii Fit offers you that advice via piecemeal tips--"Hey, don't eat at night!"--this seems like it's going to be a much more kind of, I guess, for lack of a better term, personal trainer-ish approach.

PM: That's exactly what it is. It's a trainer in a box. My background is, as after working as a PE teacher for a number of years, I worked at Reebok building Reebok Step and Reebok Slide products. I know enough about this to be dangerous. I do not want people to think if you simply work out for 20 minutes doing this every day that all of a sudden the weight is going to drop off you if you then take a visit to the pizza parlor.

So this is about getting balance. We're going to try and help. Bob Greene is very good at this stuff. He's been very cooperative with us for months now in helping us think about this holistically and trying to help people out. We're going to be working with him both as an endorser as well as a very, very keen adviser, and he's very involved in the product line.

But, yeah, this is about balance. This is not only working out but also getting a little bit of whether it's portion control or eating the right foods, this is going to be done in tandem with nutrition. It's just not going to work on its own, that's for sure.

GS: There's a calorie counter as well, right?

PM: Correct.

GS: And apparently you can just randomize the exercises?

PM: You can do like a shuffle, but I think what most people will do is what I've started to do, is you can build custom exercise playlists. Imagine a playlist in music for workouts. Rather than just have an album, you build a bunch of songs that fit what you're doing. I do it when I'm running. I'll get something to get me going, and then there'll be some thrash metal in the middle, and then I'll probably come down to a bit of Coldplay on the way out.

I like to build the music for whatever mood I'm in for at the particular time, and we can do the same thing with EA Sports Active. I've already found myself building some of my favorite exercises. In there we've got cardio boxing. We've got cardio dance. We've got softball. We've got tennis. So, you can customize what you want to do or what exercises you think you need to do more of, as well as things like squats and lunges and running on the spot and all the other stuff.

So, there's a very strong customization level. There's a 30-day custom workout that we'll build for you, and we think the elements of personalization and customization are very important as well here, allowing you to do whatever you want to do. But at the same time, we'll give you a lot of recommendations, what we think is good for you.

GS: Another one of the things I found frustrating on Wii Fit, was a lot of the exercises I wanted to play, like snowboarding, were locked, and it took forever to unlock them...

PM: No, there's no locking here. It's applying a game mechanic to something that we think is a real experience. You'll go in and you'll set up a profile and then it'll ask you what you want to do as a workout. It'll give you right now, I think, three levels, so let's say, easy, medium, and high. Then the best thing to do is probably just go through all the exercises and say, "Boy, I like that," or "Boy, that was a little hard, but I know I need to do that."

Then, you can either let us do it for you, which we can do with our custom 30-day workout, or you can do this drag and drop. It's not easy to explain, but simply think of pointing that Wii Remote, clicking on an exercise that's a module, and dragging it down into your playlist. At the same time, we have a music player, and we have music embedded in there, so you can also pick what mood of music you're in, what speed of music you're in on a beats per second level, and what genre.

GS: Will that music be licensed through the EA Trax program or EA's Artwerk label?

PM: Yeah, down the road we will. Right now, it's relatively generic, things you'll hear in a gym, if you've ever done spinning classes and stuff like that. Stuff that is more based on beats than particular artists and gets a level and a rhythm going. But then, down the road, I think, yeah, incorporating stuff on EA Trax, a little bit of Airborne, which I don't know if you know those guys, but they'll get you going. Junkie XL is an EA artist and so, obviously, the ability to build mixes and have a real DJ feel to the whole thing is important. We got one of the best in the world as part of our label [Artwerk].

GS: You mentioned the "Oprah demographic." Exactly what demographic is that?

PM: Well, this thing is aimed at everybody, you, me, girlfriends, wives, kids, anybody can do it, but we've also learned in marketing that you've got to have a focus. If I were to target a sweet spot, it would be a woman in her mid-30s, maybe got a couple of young kids, finds it difficult to get out, likes the idea of getting a 20-minute workout right in front of the television. It's convenient to her. You'll see her featured a lot on our packaging when we start launching that.

GS: She's the model on the video, you mean?

PM: Yeah, well, she may or may not be in the packaging, but that type of person will be. But at the same time, when you flip the box over, you'll see dad, you'll see the boyfriend, you'll see the kids also taking part. So, if there was a target, yes, that's our target. But it's gender neutral, age neutral, fitness-level neutral.

GS: Is the inclusion and production of peripherals posing any challenges?

PM: We've got to make a lot of resistance bands and straps and get them shipped in and get them packed up. This is not a normal software launch by any stretch of the imagination! (laughs)
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-13-08, 08:01 PM   #5
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
EA Sports Active
EA Sports EA Vancouver Sports Release: Q2 2009 (US)

神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-13-08, 08:04 PM   #6
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

EA Sports Active Official Trailer 1
EA Sports Active Trailer - work out at your own pace in an exciting new environment!

Hi-Res H.264 MP424.5MB

Lo-Res MPEG20.5M

Lo-Res IPOD / PSP5.7MB
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舊 11-13-08, 08:05 PM   #7
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
EA正式宣佈挑戰《Wii Fit》,進軍健身遊戲市場
來源: 時間:2008-11-13 編輯:六段音速

還記得我們之前報道過的EA正在醞釀比《Wii Fit》更好玩的健身遊戲的消息嗎?現在這件事終於有了下文,EA官方今天正式宣佈,他們的最新作《EA運動活力(EA Sports Active)》將參與健身遊戲市場的競爭。

正如之前EA官方透露的,《EA運動活力》將瞄準歐美市場用戶,相比《Wii Fit》中多採用瑜珈功等頗具亞洲特色的運動項目,EA的這款遊戲將設計更多針對歐美人身體特點和運動習慣的健身項目。

據悉,《EA運動活力》中將收錄20多種運動項目,此外也附帶了諸如「卡路里消耗量測算器」以及「虛擬健身教練」等要素,在這一點上與《Wii Fit》非常相似。遊戲中甚至還收錄了體感網球等類似於《Wii Sports》中的內容。

我想能夠讓大家把《EA運動活力》和《Wii Fit》直觀區分開的最主要特徵,就是前者使用遙控器和雙節棍手柄,而後者基本上得依靠平衡板才能操作。


EA Sports宣佈首款Wii健身遊戲
驅動之家[原創] 作者:Skyangeles 編輯:Skyangeles 2008-11-13 17:26:39

EA公司今天宣佈了首款Wii平台健身遊戲《EA Sports Active》,目標仍然是吸引在家鍛煉身體的女性用戶,號稱要挑戰任天堂遊戲《Wii Fit》在這一領域的地位。EA認為,《Wii Fit》中的瑜伽等運動項目過於東方化,不適合歐美用戶,而他們的《EA Sports Active》則是為歐美女性量身定制的。

《EA Sports Active》提供了20多項體育運動,還包括一系列的瘦身應用程序,諸如卡路里計算器,虛擬私人教練,30天減重計劃等。這款遊戲並不像《Wii Fit》那樣必須使用一塊平衡板來進行遊戲,只需要標準的Wiimote和Nunchuk就能夠完成控制,但它也為已經擁有平衡板的玩家提供了一系列對應運動遊戲可選。

《EA Sports Active》將於明年春天上市,附贈可以將Nunchuk綁在腿上實現動作感應的尼龍帶,以及一條增加訓練強度的阻力帶。售價60美元,比《Wii Fit》的90美元便宜1/3。
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-13-08, 08:50 PM   #8
God of Gamer
註冊日期: May 2004
文章: 8,699
PSN  IDpalfong
XBox Live Gamertagkapal
wow, 睇完片後, 好想玩!!
仲support埋wii balance broad, 勁!!

此篇文章於 11-13-08 08:55 PM 被 卡柏 編輯。
卡柏 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-14-08, 10:05 AM   #9
God of Gamer
沒有妳, 還是愛妳
註冊日期: Nov 2006
文章: 11,468
3DS Friend Code3222 5528 5573
XBox Live GamertagAhHon Go
d鬼佬其實出呢類game都幾得意, 專for鬼佬地方用既, 如果對香港黎講, 一來唔係個個都有咁大間屋, 二來佢條片做到企定定黎做運動, 如果係咁我玩wii fit入面既game都夠啦...

呢隻game我覺得唔多掂, 可能外國地方可以賣得好, 但黎到香港就差d啦, 希望之後有更多片睇下就好啦~

HON HON 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-14-08, 09:36 PM   #10
God of Gamer
註冊日期: May 2004
文章: 8,699
PSN  IDpalfong
XBox Live Gamertagkapal
作者: HON HON 查看文章
d鬼佬其實出呢類game都幾得意, 專for鬼佬地方用既, 如果對香港黎講, 一來唔係個個都有咁大間屋, 二來佢條片做到企定定黎做運動, 如果係咁我玩wii fit入面既game都夠啦...

呢隻game我覺得唔多掂, 可能外國地方可以賣得好, 但黎到香港就差d啦, 希望之後有更多片睇下就好啦~
hon, 所以呢d野好個人, 我同我既屋企人就幾期待喇
我想佢快d出加有日版 (我冇美版機呀 )
卡柏 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-18-09, 09:02 PM   #12
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

Jen Riley Walkthrough HD
EA rep Jen Riley walks us through the finer points of Sports Active.

Season Opener Doc HD
Witness a demonstration of this personal trainer in-a-box.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-02-09, 10:24 PM   #14
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
【E3 09】 《我形我塑》《Active》強調針對玩家聰明塑身
(GNN 記者 RU 報導) 2009-06-02 20:14:28

  塑身遊戲成為時下新寵兒。Ubisoft 今日在 E3 展前記者會中出了道問題,「較前一年同期相比,是哪個領域的遊戲在美國過去十二個月中創下最高的銷售成長率?」結果答案是塑身遊戲。美商藝電也宣布,5 月 19 日才發售的 Wii 塑身遊戲 EA SPORTS《Active》,短短兩個星期就已經賣出 60 萬套。

  Ubisoft 指出,此項熱潮仍持續延燒,美國 2009 年至目前為止 Wii 平台上前七名遊戲就有三款為塑身遊戲,分別是《Wii 塑身》、《我的塑身教練(My Fitness Coach)》、《Jillian Michael's Fitness Ultimatum 2009》。Ubisoft 決定在今年底、耶誕新年假期期間新推出 Wii 塑身遊戲《我形我塑(Your Shape)》,結合任天堂 Wii 新開發的攝影機,與專利的體型塑造技術,要讓玩家可以依照個人部位來鍛鍊。

  Ubisoft 表示,《我形我塑(Your Shape)》是首款搭配 Wii 攝影機使用的塑身遊戲,Ubisoft 採用專利的體型塑造技術,透過鏡頭去掃描玩家的身體線條,並反映在遊戲內,創造出具個人化的玩家角色和加強遊戲的互動性。遊戲根據每位玩家獨特的體態、健康程度和個人目標,會作出精密的分析,讓《Your Shape》的玩家可以設定目標、獲得適合的健身課程。



  Ubisoft 指出,玩家在遊戲中可以編排塑身課程,遊戲內有多樣化的運動,保持玩家塑身時的新鮮感;玩家還將有虛擬教練,虛擬教練會示範適合的動作,並依照玩家的實際表現、即時給予意見。《我形我塑》首席設計師 Felicia Williams 笑說,玩家在遊戲中並不能取巧,因為攝影機隨時盯著你的身體與動作。

  玩家在體驗《我形我塑》時,不需要手持 Wii 控制器,可以輕鬆地舒展身體;Ubisoft 表示,攝影機與專利體型塑造技術會隨著玩家課程進度,顯示玩家努力運動的效果,以便讓玩家有成就感,鼓勵玩家繼續運動。


  Ubisoft 執行長 Yves Guillemot 表示,Wii 新開發的攝影機加上 Ubisoft 專利的體型塑造技術,將為運動遊戲提供一個互動體驗;Ubisoft會繼續循著革新的里程,開發出真實和個人化的運動遊戲,讓玩家因運動修身的成果而繼續努力。

EA 公開《Active》銷售成績

  EA Sports 總裁 Peter Moore 今日在 EA 的 E3 展前記者會上宣布,5 月 19 日才剛上市的 Wii 塑身遊戲《Active》受到歡迎,上市兩周銷售量達 60 萬套,且第二周的銷售力道比第一周還要強勁;《Active》預定今年再推新資料片內容,屆時將會有 30 種新運動融入其中,且相信新資料片也將會像《Active》受到歡迎。

  EA 表示,EA SPORTS《Active》這套健身軟體是特別為玩家設計,將徹底顛覆傳統的健身方式;遊戲透過營養與生活方式因子、結合各式活動,強調全套健身方法,讓玩家在家中客廳即可方便地健康瘦身。遊戲包括可重點鍛鍊上半身、下半身以及心肺功能的自訂健身課程,以及考驗肌耐力、協調能力和靈敏度的導引式 30 天挑戰訓練,讓玩家輕鬆有趣地保持健康身材。

  EA 指出,遊戲具有超過 25 種不同的遊戲模式讓玩家進行「30 日挑戰」,體驗針對個人體能設定的各種運動。循環訓練內容將隨著個人每天持續健身而改變,EA SPORTS《Active》會在這段過程中詳細記錄個人熱量消耗、激烈程度以及健身進度。玩家將 Wii 雙節棍控制器滑入特製的腿帶中,一手握住 Wii 控制器,同時追蹤個人上半身和下半身的動作。這套產品也包含了一條伸縮繩,用來增加挺舉運動和肩上推舉運動的激烈程度。玩家可以依據自己的喜好及體能來自訂循環訓練內容、挑選適合個人運動時間、激烈程度,並設定目標,包括消耗熱量和健身分數、並可支援兩名玩家同時遊玩。遊戲相容於 Wii fit 平衡板,可帶來的眾多額外運動功能,增添 EA SPORTS《Active》的健身效果。

《Active》預定今年 8 月在台問世。
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-03-09, 11:43 PM   #15
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舊 06-04-09, 11:08 PM   #16
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《EA Sports Active 私人教練》家中的虛擬健身房
(新聞稿) 2009-06-03 23: 32:32

【美商藝電提供】美商藝電(NASDAQ: ERTS)旗下的EA SPORTS™品牌,今天宣布《EA Sports Active 私人教練》上市兩週內全球銷售量已突破60萬套。《EA SPORTS Active》已於5月19日在北美地區上市,全球各地也已於5月22日上市。《EA SPORTS Active》是一款專為Wii™開發的虛擬健身產品,不但能讓消費者能在家中舒服地享受個人教練的好處,還能自訂各種訓練內容。

  「消費者對《EA Sports Active 私人教練》的熱烈反應令我們感到十分欣喜,」 EA SPORTS總經理彼得.摩爾(Peter Moore)表示,「到目前為止,這是美商藝電史上最棒的Wii產品首發成績,更令人振奮的是,我們的第二週全球銷售量超越了第一週。除了零售成績亮眼之外,更獲得了消費者的空前迴響。大家從沙發上跳起,藉由《EA Sports Active 私人教練》盡情揮汗,擁抱健康的生活態度,這也將改變他們的生活。」

  評論家和消費者都齊聲讚揚《EA Sports Active 私人教練》。1up.com給了如此的評價,「《EA Sports Active 私人教練》終於在家庭和健身房之間架起了橋樑,堪稱目前Wii平台上最棒的運動遊戲。」Green Pixels也在其五星評論中寫到,「在這蓬勃發展的遊戲類型中,《EA SPORTS Active私人教練》輕鬆地贏得了霸主地位。」

  EA SPORTS將於今年聖誕檔期推出《EA Sports Active 私人教練》的新資料片,為此類型遊戲充實內容。資料片必需搭配主產品執行,將帶來更多的挑戰與變化性,讓《EA Sports Active 私人教練》的健身活動更上層樓。新資料片收錄了30種瞄準上半身、下半身以及心肺能力的全新活動與運動,使用者將可透過這些互動循環健身訓練來達到強化心臟功能的效果。

  《EA Sports Active 私人教練》的新資料片將強調包括屈膝兩頭起、捲腹伸展以及熱身/收操等特點。運動活動將包括踏步有氧(一種障礙訓練)、壁球以及划水,以及著重上半身和下半身鍛鍊的混合運動。全新的視覺風貌,將帶領使用者進入熱帶地區,在華麗的視覺饗宴中盡情享受熱帶活動。該產品也將收錄「六週挑戰」– 藉由強度逐週拉高的全新每日健身計畫,讓使用者獲得更棒的健康狀態以及體態。這項個人化的全身挑戰,將為使用者帶來全新可自訂的每週時程表,能在虛擬教練的陪同下,每週追蹤熱量、體重以及健身目標。

  《EA SPORTS Active》預定於2009年8月6日在日本地區上市。
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章


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