03-03-04, 01:05 PM | #1 |
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2002
文章: 1,367
由GAMEFRONT放出的今年预定5月举行的E3参展游戏列表,注意有很多游戏还未确定,不过可信度可达80%以上. 黑色为确定于E3上展出的游戏 蓝色为已公布的游戏,但未确定在E3上展出 红色为编辑根据各种小道消息和谣传的而推测的游戏 游戏名前有Hot字体的为本人推荐的热门游戏,后面的括号内会稍微介绍一下该作的近况 ACCLAIM Alias Xbox, PS2 Action Combat Elite: WWII Paratroopers ? Action Juiced Xbox, PS2 Racing Legend of Wrestling Xbox, PS2 Sport The Red Star Xbox, PS2 Shooting ATARI Mehrere Spiele PSP Action Hot DRIV3R PS2, Xbox Action (著名类GTA游戏续集) Duel Masters Game Boy Advance Strategie New Matrix Game ? Action Shadow Ops: Red Mercury Xbox Shooting Hot Sid Meier's Pirates! PS2, Xbox, GC Action/Adv. (著名游戏制作人Sid Meier的最新作) Terminator 3: Redemption Xbox, PS2, PS2, GBA Action Transformers Armada PS2 Action Hot Yu-Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament PS2 Action (幽游白书改编,该动画最近在北美热播中) ZOIDS: Battle Legends Gamecube Action ACTIVISION 2 Spiele PSP ? Hot Call of Duty: Finest Hour ? Action (大家关心PC游戏的话应该还记得前作在去年年底推出时所得到的各种超高评价) Fantastic Four (Marvel) ? Action Iron Man (Marvel) ? Action Shark Tale Xbox, PS2, GC, GBA Action Shrek 2 : The Game Xbox, PS2, GC Action Spider-Man 2 Xbox, PS2, GC Action Hot Tony Hawk ? Sport (著名滑板游戏新作) True Crime II Xbox, PS2, GC Action X-Men Legends (Marvel) ? Action CAPCOM Hot Crimson Tears PlayStation2 Action (日版4月发售,美版未定,所以蓝色) Hot Devil May Cry 3 PlayStation2 Action (没必要介绍了,之前有过谣传要出的) Hot Dino Crisis 4 PlayStation2 Action/Adv. (恐龙危机3曾于XBOX推出,游戏主题完全和1,2无关,不知如果有4的话是否剧情会紧接1,2) Disney's Aladdin Game Boy Advance Action Ghouls 'N Ghosts Online Xbox, PS2 Action Hyper Street Fighter II PlayStation2 Action Jiraiya: The Magical Ninja PlayStation2 Action Hot Killer 7 PS2, GC Action/Adv. (之前预定GC独占的5连发之一,现在PS2同时推出) Hot Maximo 3 PlayStation2 Action (同DMC3,也是之前有过谣传) Mega Man Battle Network 4 Red Sun / Blue Moon Game Boy Advance Action Mega Man Mania Game Boy Advance Action Mickey's Magical Quest 3 Game Boy Advance Action Hot Monster Hunter PlayStation2 Action (日版预定3/11发售,本人是超级期待) Nightmare Before Christmas PlayStation2 Action Hot Onimusha 3 PlayStation2 Action (日本已发售,首周36w,不是很理想,不过因为加入了尚雷诺,可能在欧美能比系列之前2作更加热卖) Hot Resident Evil ******* PS2 Survival Horror (Resident Evil是生化危机的美版名,不过这个我估计是那些编辑yy的...不过有鉴于生化:爆发在PS2上的热买,不排除会继续推出新作的可能) Hot Resident Evil 4 Gamecube Survival Horror (少废话) Hot Resident Evil Outbreak PlayStation2 Online Action (日版去年年底已发售,销量不错) RSII: Riding Spirits II (Spike) PS2 Racing Hot Shadow of Rome PlayStation2 Action (使用鬼武者3引擎,专门针对欧美厂商开发的动作大作) Hot Viewtiful Joe PlayStation2 Action (同样少废话,谣传已经不是一天两天了,前一阵子美国PS2官方杂志也透露过会推出PS2版) Way of the Samurai 2 PlayStation2 Action CODEMASTERS Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis Xbox Action/Adv. Race Driver 2 Xbox Racing MTV Music Generator 3 Xbox, PS2 Musik EIDOS Hot Hitman: Contracts Xbox, PS2 Action (杀手最新作,感受暗杀的感觉吧) ShellShock: Nam '67 Xbox, PS2 Shooting Thief: Deadly Shadows Xbox Action/Adv. ELECTRONIC ARTS 8 - 12 Spiele PSP ? Hot Battlefield 1942 Xbox Action (该作PC版至今还留在本人硬盘上,没事就上去和别人连几盘) Hot Burnout 3 Xbox, PS2 Racing (该系列超级爽快,爽快形赛车游戏的超究级形态) Catwoman Xbox, PS2, GC Action Golden Eye 2 Xbox, PS2 3D Shooting Hot FIFA Online PlayStation2 Sport (.................什么时候有WE online?) Hot Madden NFL 2005 Xbox, PS2, GC Sport (该作每年一集,没集推出后必定成为当月销量No.1) MVP Baseball 2005 Xbox, PS2, GC Sport NCAA FOOTBALL 2005 Xbox, PS2, GC Sport PGA Tour 2005 Xbox, PS2, GC Action New Desert Strike Xbox, PS2 Action Hot SSX 4 ? ? (很不错的极限滑雪游戏) The Godfather ? ? Time Splitters 3 Xbox, PS2, GC 3D Shooting UEFA Euro 2004 Xbox, PS2, GC Sport KONAMI Boktai II (Continued: Bokura no Taiyou) Game Boy Advance Action RPG Div. Spiele PSP ? Gradius V PlayStation2 Shooting Hot Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes Gamecube Action (1的加强复刻版) Hot Metal Gear Solid 3 PlayStation2 Action (没多说的,期待) Hot Nano Breaker PlayStation2 Action (用的PS2恶魔城的引擎,背景为未来) Hot Neo Contra PlayStation2 Action (魂斗罗新作,视角改为俯视) Shaman King PS2, GBA Action Hot Silent Hill 4 Xbox, PS2 Action/Adv. (恶心) Hot Suikoden IV PlayStation2 RPG (幻想水浒传4,前作在欧美无论评价还是销量都比在日本高) Hot Ys VI PlayStation2 RPG (Falcom的经典依苏国6的PS2移植版,据说会加强画面和系统) Yu-Gi-Oh! The King of Destiny Xbox Action LIONHEAD STUDIOS The Movies Xbox, PS2, GC Simulation Unity Gamecube Action LUCASARTS Mercenaries Xbox 3D Shooting Hot Star Wars: Battle Front Xbox, PS2 Action (BattleField1942的星站版) Star Wars Battle Squadron (Factor 5) Gamecube Action Star Wars: Republic Commando Xbox Shooting MICROSOFT BC Xbox Action RPG Hot Doom 3 Xbox Action (这类游戏还是PC最高) Hot Fable Xbox RPG (寓言,很多人期待的超自由RPG,准确来说应该是ARPG Fuzion Frenzy 2 Xbox Action Hot Halo 2 Xbox 3D Shooting (不多说了) Jade Empire Xbox RPG Kameo: Elements of Power (Rare) Xbox Action Hot MechAssault 2 Xbox Mechsim. (PC上的机甲战士和机甲指挥官应该很多人熟悉,该作继承了机甲战士的各种优点) New ODDWORLD INHABITANTS Game Xbox Action/Adv. Hot Perfect Dark Zero (Rare) Xbox Action (完美黑暗,Rare的看家作,之前为N64在欧美的热卖立下了汗马功劳) Phantom Dust Xbox Action Hot Project Gotham Racing 3 Xbox Racing (Xbox上的看家赛车游戏) Psychonauts Xbox Action RalliSport Challenge 2 Xbox Racing Sudeki Xbox Action RPG Hot True Fantasy Live Online Xbox RPG (日本发售日已经延期到年底了,美版估计更晚) MIDWAY Area 51 Xbox, PS2 Action Hot Mortal Kombat Deception Xbox, PS2 Action (真人快打最新作,血腥的代名词) Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy Xbox, PS2 Action NAMCO Hot Ace Combat 5 PlayStation2 Action (经典空战游戏新作) Baten Kaitos Gamecube RPG Clockwork Online PS2 ? Dead To Rights II Xbox, PS2 Action Plague of Darkness Xbox, PS2 Action Hot Ridge Racer 6 PS2, Xbox, GC Racing (山脊赛车最新的正统续作) Star Fox Gamecube Shooting Smash Court Tennis Pro Tournament 2 PS2 Sport Street Racing Syndicate Xbox, PS2 Racing Taiko no Tatsujin PS2 Musik Hot Tales of Honesty / Rebirth / Justice ? ? (之前Namco注册了一堆传说系列的商标名称,现在还没透露具体内容,估计PS2,GC,GBA都会有) Hot Tales of Symphonia Gamecube RPG (仙乐传说美版,评价很高,销量不高,没办法,GC在日本也就老任本厂的东西能热卖点) Hot Tekken 5 ? Fighting (和VR战士系列对着干的铁拳新作,具体情报未知) The Nightmare of Druaga PlayStation2 Action RPG Hot Xenosaga 2: Jenseits von Gut und B?se PlayStation2 RPG (异度传说二章,n多人心目中的神作) Xenosaga Freaks PS2 Puzzle/RPG NINTENDO Custom Robo: Battle Revolution Gamecube Action Hot Donkey Konga Gamecube Musik (没听到过该作的任何消息过) Donkey Kong Country 2 Game Boy Advance Action Famicom Mini Games Game Boy Advance Div. Hot F-Zero 2 Game Boy Advance Racing (幻想类赛车游戏,爽快) Geist Gamecube Action Giftpia Gamecube RPG Hot Golden Sun Gamecube RPG (GBA上热卖的黄金太阳系列,在GC上能热卖么?) Hamtaro: Rainbow Rescue Game Boy Advance RPG Hot Kirby - The Great Mirror Labyrinth Game Boy Advance Action (卡比,可爱~) Hot Legend of Zelda: The Four Swords Gamecube Action RPG (该作特点在于多人同乐) Mario vs. Donkey Kong Game Boy Advance Action Hot Mario 128 Gamecube ? (资料还是很少) Mario Golf: Advance Tour Game Boy Advance Sport Mario Tennis Gamecube Sport Nintendo Puzzle Collection Gamecube Puzzle Hot Metroid Prime 2 Gamecube Action (银河战士最新作,本人不喜欢FPS的银河战士) Hot Mother 3 Game Boy Advance RPG (去年刚出1&2合集) Paper Mario Gamecube RPG Hot Pikmin 2 Gamecube Action (宫本贸的后院创意) Pilotwings 2 Gamecube Action Hot Pokemon Fire Red / Leaf Green Game Boy Advance Action (日版已发售,热卖) Pokemon Stadium Gamecube Action RPG Hot Zelda (EGM 04.01.04) Game Boy Advance ? (没啥消息) Hot Zelda The Wind Waker 2 Gamecube Action RPG (同上) SAMMY Darkwatch: Curse of the West Xbox, PS2 Action/Adv. Guilty Gear XX #Reload Xbox Fighting SEGA 1 Spiel von Digital Rex (Yu Suzuki) ? ? 2 Spiele von Amusement Vision Xbox ? 3D Ages Spiele PlayStation2 div. Altered Beast (Wow Entertainment) PlayStation2 Action Hot Astro Boy (Sonic Team) PlayStation2 Action (阿童木新作,日版本月发售) Hot Astro Boy: Omega Factor Game Boy Advance Action (财宝制作组制作,日版已发售) Blood Will Tell PlayStation2 Action ESPN NBA Basektball 2005 Xbox, PS2 Sport ESPN NFL Football 2005 Xbox, PS2 Sport ESPN NHL Hockey 2005 Xbox, PS2 Sport Hot Fish: Legend of 7 Waters & Gods (Sega Wow) PlayStation2 Sim. (不是钓鱼,是控制一条鱼) Headhunter: Redemption Xbox, PS2 Action Massively Multiplayer Online Spiel (angekündigt von Hisao Oguchi am 25.11.03) Xbox, PS2 Action New Game -1- (angekündigt von Hideki Okamura 14.01.04) ? ? New Game -2- (entsteht in Zusammenarbeit mit einem Hollywood Studio, best?tigt von Hideki Okamura 14.01.04) ? ? New RPG (best?tigt von Segas Hideki Okamura in der Dorimaga 14.01.04) ? RPG Hot Out Run Xbox Racing (发开中,经典赛车游戏Out Run,街机移植)) Planet Gun Smoke Trigun (Amuement Vision & Red) ? Action/Adv. Puyo Puyo Fever Xbox, PS2, GC Puzzle Hot Sakura Taisen V - Episode 0 PS2 RPG (樱大战V,偶不喜欢) Hot Sega Rally 3 (am 03.01.02 best?tigt vom damaligen Sega Chief Publicist Tadashi Takezaki). PlayStation2 Racing (该作早就在各发售预定表上看到了,不过至今没啥资料) Hot Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon (THQ/Amusement Vision) GBA RPG (光明力量正统作登陆GBA) Sonic Advance 3 (THQ) Game Boy Advance Action SpikeOut X-treme Xbox Fighting Super Monkey Ball 3 GC Action Hot Virtua Fighter: Cyber Generation PS2, GC Action RPG (没啥好说的,VF战士RPG版-_-) SONY Hot Arc the Lad Online PlayStation2 Online RPG (妖精战士online?资料还太少) Axel Impact PlayStation2 Racing Hot Athens 2004 PlayStation2 Sport (前不久以买断版权了,要玩雅典奥运会只有PS2了) Hot Champions of Norrath 2 PlayStation2 Online RPG (前作才刚发售,博得之门黑暗联盟的引擎制作,前作的总体评价比博得黑暗联盟2的高) Colony Wars Online PlayStation2 Online Action Hot Dark Chronicle 2 (Dark Cloud 3) PlayStation2 RPG (暗黑编年史新作,不知是否还是Level 5制作,如果是的话,应该还是经典) Hot EyeToy: Play 2 PlayStation2 Musik (欧洲已热卖超过200w套,日本销量不佳,北美应该情况和欧洲差不多吧) Forbidden Siren PlayStation2 Horror Adv. Hot G-Police PlayStation2 ? (98年时PC曾推出过同名作,科幻类直升机射击,个人感觉不错) God of War PlayStation2 Action Hot Gran Turismo 4 PlayStation2 Racing (没必要介绍) Hot Shots Golf Fore! PlayStation2 Sport Hot Nico (Ico 2) PlayStation2 Action (去年早些时候曾公布过Ico将会推出新作,之后又没消息,这次不知是否会在E3上登场) Hot Jak III PlayStation2 Jump'n Run (前作广受好评) Hot Killzone PlayStation2 3D Shooting (号称要毙掉Halo的游戏) Mark of Kri 2 PlayStation2 Action New POLYPHONY DIGITAL Project PlayStation2 ? New Syphon Filter PlayStation2 Action New Twisted Metal PlayStation2 Action New Wipeout (Online) PlayStation2 Racing Hot Ratchet & Clank 3 PlayStation2 Jump'n Run (和Jak系列就想双胞胎一样....用的同一个引擎,不过游戏风格不同) Rise of Honor 2 PlayStation2 Action Hot Syphon Filter Omega Strain Online PlayStation2 Action (虹吸战士新作,PS上成名的) Singstar PlayStation2 Musik Sly Cooper 2: Band of Thieves PlayStation2 Jump'n Run Hot The Getaway 2 PlayStation2 Action (类GTA游戏,前作在欧美还是比较成功的) SQUARE ENIX Ambrosia Odyssey PlayStation2 RPG Alien's Fortress ? ? Actionspiel ?hnlich Devil May Cry mit Cloud aus Final Fantasy VII (EGM) PlayStation2 RPG Actraiser Game Boy Advance RPG Brave Shot ? ? Hot Dragon Quest V PlayStation2 RPG (SFC移植加强版) Hot Dragon Quest VIII PlayStation2 RPG (日本国民RPG,在欧美一直不能热卖) Hot Final Fantasy VII Advent Children DVD DVD (VII的故事的延续,以DVD CG电影的形式推出) Hot Final Fantasy XI PlayStation2 RPG (MMORPG,年初开始已经进入盈利平衡点了) Hot Final Fantasy XII PlayStation2 RPG (由皇家骑士团&FFT&放浪冒险谭出名的制作人松野泰已制作) Hot Front Mission Online PlayStation2 Strategie (SLG改成动作射击了) Hot Front Mission 4 PlayStation2 RPG (日版已发售,销量一般) Hot Kingdom Hearts 2 PlayStation2 RPG (王国之心成就了SQUARE又一个神话,不知道续集会怎样?) Hot Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories Game Boy Advance RPG (剧情会和1有联系) New Online RPG PlayStation2 RPG New Sim RPG ? Sim RPG Samurai Legend ? Action Slime Morimori Dragon Quest Game Boy Advance Action RPG Hot Star Ocean Online ? Online RPG (资料太少,可能SO3DC中的对战模式是为此做的试验) Hot Star Ocean 3 Director's Cut PlayStation2 RPG (日版已发售,销量还可以) TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE Hot Army Men: Sarge's War Xbox, PS2 Action (从倒闭的3DO那儿买的版权) Carve Xbox Action Grand Theft Auto Game Boy Advance Action (GTA的GBA版,估计形式会和GTA1,2那样为俯视视角的2D作) Hot GTA San Andreas PlayStation2 Action (昨天才刚官方公布的GTA新作) New Hidden & Dangerous ? Action Manhunt Xbox Action Red Dead Revolver Xbox, PS2 Action The Warriors PS2 Action UFC: Sudden Impact PS2 Action TECMO Hot Dead or Alive Code: Cronus Xbox Fighting (新作,具体未知) Hot Dead or Alive Ultimate (DOA Online) Xbox Fighting (快发售了) New Deception (EGM 25.10.03) ? ? New TEAM NINJA Game Xbox ? Hot Ninja Gaiden Xbox Action (就这几天发售,n多人期待的神作) THQ 2-3 Spiele PSP ? Alter Echo Xbox, PS2 Action Daredevil PlayStation2 Action Full Spectrum Warrior Xbox Shooting MX Unleashed ? Action Scooby Doo Xbox, PS2, GC Action The Incredibles Xbox, PS2, GC Action The Punisher Xbox, PS2 Action/Adv. Warhammer 40.000: Fire Warrior PlayStation2 Action UBISOFT Hot Far Cry Xbox, PS2?, GC? 3D Shooting (前不久的PC beta泄漏版来看,该作画面超一流) Massively Multiplayer Online Spiel ? ? Nightmare Creatures 3 - Angel of Darkness Xbox Action Hot Prince of Persia 2 Xbox, PS2, GC Action (波斯王子,前作评价非常高) Hot Rayman 4 ? Action (UBI的看家系列) Hot Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow Xbox, PS2, GC Action (类MGS游戏中最为成功的,这次的新作开发主要由UBI上海负责) VIVENDI Bard's Tale Xbox, PS2 RPG Chronicle of Riddick Xbox, PS2 Action Cold Winter PS2 ? Crash 6 Xbox, PS2, GBA Action Crash Bandicoot: Fusion Game Boy Advance Action Fast and Furious Xbox, PS2 Action Fight Club Xbox, PS2 Action Ghost Master Xbox, PS2 ? Krusty Demons Xbox, PS2 Action Leisure Suit Larry Xbox, PS2 Adv. Men of Valor Xbox Action Marvel Universe MMP (Marvel) ? Action Outlaw Golf 2 Xbox, PS2 Sport Predator Xbox, PS2 Action Red Ninja Xbox, PS2 Action Spyro 5 Xbox, PS2, GBA Action Spyro: Fusion Game Boy Advance Action Hot Starcraft: Ghost Xbox, PS2, GC Action (已经延期了好几次了,暴雪真是精益求精啊) The Hulk 2 (Marvel) ? Action unbekanntes Spiel von PANDEMIC ? ? Van Helsing Xbox, PS2 Action X-File Resist or Serve Xbox, PS2 Action SONSTIGE PUBLISHER 2 Spiele Xbox, PS2 ? Circle Studio ? 24 (BBC) ? Action/Adv. ? BBC Adventure Game PSP Adventure Visual Impact ? Animal Wars ? Mechsim. Factor 5 ? Hot Armored Core Nexus PS2 Mechsim. From Software From Software (装甲核心新作,日版3/19发售) Black 9 Xbox, PS2 Action Starbreeze Majesco Digimon Racing GBA Racing Bandai Bandai Hot Gun Griffon: Devine Xbox Mechsim. Game Arts ? (武装雄狮新作) Joe PSP Action/Adv. Humansoft ? Hot Mafia 2 Xbox, PS2 Action Illusion Softworks Gathering (类GTA作品,加入更多的FPS游戏要素,前作的PC版评价很高) Hot Half-Life 2 Xbox Shooting Valve ? (因为alpha版的泄漏,该作估计还会拖) King of Fighters 2003 PS2 Fighting SNK Neo Geo SNK Neo Geo King of Fighters Maximum Impact PS2 Fighting SNK Neo Geo SNK Neo Geo Knight Rider 2 Xbox, PS2 Action Davelix ? Korea: Forgotten Conflict Xbox Strategie Cenega Cenega La Pucelle: Tactics PS2 Taktik RPG Nippon Ichi Mastiff Last Ninja Xbox Action Simon & Schuster Simon & Schuster Malice Xbox, PS2 Action ZeniMax Evolved Metal Slug 3 Xbox Action SNK Neo Geo SNK Neo Geo Metal Slug Advance GBA Action SNK Neo Geo SNK Neo Geo Michigan PS2 Horror Grasshopper Manufacture Spike Miami Vice Xbox, PS2 Action Davelix ? Mutant Storm Xbox Action PomPom Games ? New Game ? ? Ready at Dawn ? New LEVEL 5 RPG ? RPG Level 5 Level 5 Painkiller Xbox 3D Shooting People Can Fly DreamCatcher Phoenix PS2, GC, Xbox Stealth Action Bits Studios Kemco Second Sight PS2, Xbox, GC Action/Adv. Free Radical ? SNK vs. Capcom Chaos Xbox Fighting SNK Neo Geo SNK Neo Geo Pillage PS2, GC Strategie Zed Two ? Powerdrome Xbox, PS2 Racing ZeniMax Evolved Pure Pinball nGen Xbox Flipper Iridion ? Reservoir Dogs Xbox, PS2 Action SCi Games ? Sakurasaka Shouboutai PS2 Action Irem Irem Spooks Xbox, PS2 Action/Adv. BBC BBC Sword of Dracula Xbox?, PS2?, GC? Action Critical Mass ? World Rally Championship 4 PS2 Racing Evolution Studios ?
03-03-04, 01:23 PM | #2 |
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Aug 2002
文章: 7,816
[E3]今年のE3、噂含む出展タイトル 時期が時期ですので、噂や予想が出るのは当たり前ですが、情報量の多さと見易さなどから紹介します。 気になったタイトルがいくつかあるので、この場で紹介します。(2004/03/02) ■…開發がほぼ確実、もしくは日本では発売済みだがE3でのプレゼンが不確定タイトル ■…噂、予定 CAPCOM Devil May Cry 3 PS2 ■ Dino Crisis 4 PS2 ■ マキシモ 3 PS2 ■ バイオハザード ****** PS2 ■ ビューティフルジョー PS2 ■ ELECTRONIC ARTS SSX 4 PS2 ■ SCE アークザラッド Online PS2 ■ ダーク新作 PS2 ■ Nico (Ico 2) PS2 ■ マイクロソフト Project Gotham Racing 3 Xbox ■ ナムコ Ace Combat 5 PS2 ■ Ridge Racer 6 PS2、Xbox、GC ■ 鉄拳 5 ? ■ 任天堂 F-Zero 2 GC ■ マザー3 GBA ■ SQUARE ENIX Devil May Cry風のクラウドのゲーム PS2 ■ アクトレイザー GBA ■ New Online RPG PS2 ■ スターオーシャン Online |
03-03-04, 02:37 PM | #3 |
Game Master
=.=a 情迷大姐姐
註冊日期: Aug 2003
文章: 2,012
Resident Evil 4 應該好搶鏡
一世任天堂迷 不斷回post,比多d人睇到我個簽名 capcom 無口齒!!! 支持三上過檔 任天堂 |
03-03-04, 02:54 PM | #4 |
Game Master
註冊日期: Feb 2003
文章: 2,559
之前唔係話DINO CRISIS 係俾XBOX獨占架咩??
終於都夠POST數啦!! 等我「輕先」先!! |
03-03-04, 03:28 PM | #5 | |
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2003
文章: 8,090
3523 2002 7295 LeifeiPatrick fpatrick
不過話知佢, 我一集DC都未玩過亦冇諗過玩, 無論現在或將來
莫問我是誰~!! ╮(﹀_﹀" )╭ 無論你多接近神, 都依然係一個凡人, 別以為自己很了不起 此篇文章於 03-03-04 03:30 PM 被 破戒僧 編輯。 |
03-03-04, 03:50 PM | #6 | |
Game Master
註冊日期: Feb 2003
文章: 2,559
終於都夠POST數啦!! 等我「輕先」先!! |
03-03-04, 03:54 PM | #7 |
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 17,046
4511 1485 9506 tcuphk2 tcuphk
一望個 list, 感覺叫 '悶'
唔知係咪太多係續習遊戲關係? |
03-03-04, 04:06 PM | #8 |
The One
註冊日期: Dec 2003
文章: 24,140
期望今次E3會公佈MGS3既新片段同埋發售日! :Good:
03-03-04, 05:07 PM | #9 |
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 45,256
lastwill 5241 1873 3778
Zelda The Wind Waker 2 喔...期...期待耶~~~