12-12-06, 12:36 PM | #1 |
Game Master
註冊日期: Feb 2004
文章: 2,024
Alien Syndrome
Sega announces Alien Syndrome (by Totally Games) for Wii, PSP
http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=39239 SEGA announced Alien Syndrome, a fast-paced action-RPG set in a stunningly imaginative sci-fi universe, offering two fast-paced action-RPG modes – the dramatic and engaging single-player campaign, plus a hugely re-playable co-op multiplayer mode where up to four players can delve into the daring quest. Derived from the classic SEGA IP, Alien Syndrome for the Wii and PSP plunges players into its easy to pick up and play action-RPG gameplay, while offering depth and a wealth of features and missions to challenge all gamers. Alien Syndrome puts players in control of the strong and enigmatic heroine – Earth Command Trooper Aileen Harding – as she battles through a wide variety of environments including onboard infested spaceships and bizarre alien planets, taking on a mixture of fearsome aliens and colossal bosses. Players can choose from a wide selection of character specialties and skills to hone their character before embarking upon their sci-fi adventure. As they progress through the engrossing campaign, protected by different types of armour and using a variety of melee and ranged weaponry, players can improve their heroine’s statistics and discover powerful new abilities. “Alien Syndrome is a great update of a classic franchise that has been designed to fit perfectly onto both the innovative Wii and the portable PSP,” said Matt Woodley, Creative Director, SEGA Publishing Europe Ltd. “Alien Syndrome is the only fast-paced, sci-fi action –RPG for the Wii and PSP and brilliantly blends arcade-style shooter gameplay with elements from RPGs.” “Completely re-designed from the ground up for the PSP and the Wii, this new Alien Syndrome offers a refreshing blast-athon on a venerable classic,” said Larry Holland, President and Creative Director of Totally Games. “As well, it has allowed us to exercise our science fiction chops to the fullest to create a totally involving futuristic action-RPG game experience.” Alien Syndrome offers 20 different weapons to use, ranging from flamethrowers, quad-barrelled lasers, nanobot swarms that dissolve enemies and incendiary grenades that unleash fire geysers from the ground. Each weapon offers different advantages and disadvantages, dependent upon how it is used and which speciality the player has chosen to adopt. With the sheer variety of weapons and abilities available to players, any number of combat strategies can be used to defeat hordes of more than 100 different alien enemies. Alien Syndrome on the Wii will utilise the Wii remote’s unique gyroscopic feature by enabling players a full range of motion when slashing through enemies, unloading devastation on bosses, or running and gunning through hallways. Players will also be able to access various new game modes and mechanisms. These extra features include using the Wii controllers to craft new items, to enhance existing items and character abilities and to hack into computer systems. For gamers on the go, Alien Syndrome on the PSP is wi-fi enabled so that up to four players can embark upon playing cooperatively through the alien infested levels in various multiplayer modes. Alien Syndrome is developed by Totally Games and will be available for the Wii and PSP system in summer 2007.
† your worst fears ( 恐怖 ) † the inevitable destruction of society... ( そして破壊 ) † trust your inner senses ( 新しい刺激 ) † you've never seen biohazard this before ( 今までとは違う ) 此篇文章於 12-13-06 04:39 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。 |
12-12-06, 12:50 PM | #2 |
Ultimate Gamer
諸行無常 諸法無我
繼獸王記,戰斧後,一代名作又復活!! 今次Totally Games,應該唔會失手~掛!! |
12-13-06, 04:11 AM | #3 |
Game Master
註冊日期: Feb 2004
文章: 2,024
† your worst fears ( 恐怖 ) † the inevitable destruction of society... ( そして破壊 ) † trust your inner senses ( 新しい刺激 ) † you've never seen biohazard this before ( 今までとは違う ) |
12-13-06, 09:32 AM | #4 |
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2004
文章: 13,614
12-13-06, 09:41 AM | #5 |
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 5,206
02-03-07, 08:15 PM | #6 |
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
02-04-07, 01:38 AM | #7 |
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Aug 2004
文章: 824
02-04-07, 09:51 AM | #8 |
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
http://media.wii.ign.com/media/869/869043/imgs_1.html http://www.totallygames.com/ See all: Games Developed Games Developed Amiga Battlehawks 1942 Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain Apple IIe/c/c+ PHM Pegasus Strike Fleet Atari ST Battlehawks 1942 Maniac Mansion Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain Commodore 64/128 PHM Pegasus Strike Fleet GameCube Secret Weapons Over Normandy PC Battlehawks 1942 PHM Pegasus Secret Weapons Over Normandy Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe Star Trek: Bridge Commander Star Wars: X-Wing Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance Star Wars: X-Wing Collector Series Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain PlayStation 2 Secret Weapons Over Normandy PlayStation Portable Alien Syndrome Wii Alien Syndrome Xbox Secret Weapons Over Normandy 此篇文章於 02-04-07 10:02 AM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。 |
02-04-07, 11:55 AM | #9 |
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Apr 2002
文章: 1,478
02-04-07, 11:56 AM | #10 |
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 5,206
睇個list唔覺呢間廠特別勁,似乎之前係出PC game為主添 睇埋d圖,就更加唔覺... |
02-04-07, 08:44 PM | #11 |
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 1,072
alvinbetic alvinbetic
點解d廠係wii出game, 就以為畫面可以得過且過....?
沒關係?沒關係。 |
02-05-07, 06:10 AM | #13 |
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2006
文章: 807
玩創意,都要有畫面架... |
02-05-07, 07:23 AM | #14 |
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2003
文章: 14,192
背棄了理想,誰人都可以 那會怕一天只得你共我!! |
02-06-07, 09:30 PM | #15 |
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
異形 症候群
原名 Alien Syndrome 機種 Wii/PSP 廠商 Sega/Totally Games 類型 ACT 價格 未定 發售日 2007年第三季度 《異形 症候群》Wii版新遊戲畫面公開 http://www.levelup.cn/article/html/n...02/6151925.htm 《異形 症候群》將以充滿異形生物的外太空為背景,而玩家扮演的則是地球防衛軍士兵艾琳·哈丁,為了逃出生天必須要面對超過100種不同種類的恐怖異形生物的襲擊。當然,女主人公並非赤手空拳與外星生物作戰,玩家在遊戲中不僅可以使用20種以上的不同武器裝備,而且還會隨著遊戲的進行習得各種實用的技能以獲得更多的生存機會。 艾琳在遊戲中並非孤軍奮戰,一名機器人侍從將自始至終跟隨在女主人公左右,同時發揮保鏢和商店的功效。玩家可以指揮機器人替自己攻擊敵人,也可以從它那裡購買到各種武器和道具,而且這名機器人侍從是決不會被破壞的,玩家大可放心使用。 遊戲的PSP版將對應Wi-Fi無線聯機功能,玩家可以同時與最多三名好友一起合作挑戰關卡或進行對戰。Wii版則將充分發揮動作感應手柄的獨到遊戲方式,允許玩家使用手柄對敵人進行砍殺或是射擊,而且動作感應機能還將被應用到主人公的一些特殊技能以及遊戲中的部分特殊關卡中。 |
03-02-07, 08:46 PM | #16 |
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Alien Syndrome - Gameplay Trailer
http://download.gametrailers.com/gt_..._gptrailer.wmv http://download.gametrailers.com/gt_..._gptrailer.mov |
04-20-07, 02:16 AM | #17 |
Advance Moderator
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 58,245
The Weapons of Alien Syndrome (April 18, 2007)
Low-Res | http://media.wii.ign.com/media/869/8...d_1965913.html High-Res | http://media.wii.ign.com/media/869/8...d_1965912.html
04-20-07, 08:06 PM | #18 |
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jul 2005
文章: 1,387
如果Control好似Wii Play 隻坦克大戰 有雙打 Or WIFI 可以考慮考慮 |
04-20-07, 10:08 PM | #19 |
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 6,852
好有幾年前一d二線PC act game o既感覺
04-21-07, 12:02 AM | #20 |
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 5,206
此篇文章於 05-05-07 09:47 AM 被 cinimod 編輯。 |
05-05-07, 09:27 AM | #21 |
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Alien Syndrome - Wii Weapons Profile
http://download.gametrailers.com/gt_...ii_weapons.mov http://download.gametrailers.com/gt_...i_devdiary.wmv http://download.gametrailers.com/gt_...i_devdiary.mov Alien Syndrome - Trailer 2
http://download.gametrailers.com/gt_...syndrome_2.wmv http://download.gametrailers.com/gt_...syndrome_2.mov |
05-05-07, 11:12 AM | #22 |
Game Master
反而玩番d gc game會覺得仲靚過wii 可能係因為gc時期比較著重畫面掛 |
05-05-07, 12:44 PM | #23 |
Advance Moderator
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 58,245
Gameplay Movie (gamespot / May 4, 2007)
07-21-07, 03:22 AM | #24 |
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 3,696
Front End and Intro (July 18, 2007)
Flash low http://media.wii.ign.com/media/869/8...d_2061269.html Flash High http://media.wii.ign.com/media/869/8...d_2061268.html General Gameplay (July 18, 2007) Flash low http://media.wii.ign.com/media/869/8...d_2061275.html Flash High http://media.wii.ign.com/media/869/8...d_2061277.html Level 1 Boss Fight (July 18, 2007) Flash low http://media.wii.ign.com/media/869/8...d_2061264.html Flash High http://media.wii.ign.com/media/869/8...d_2061267.html Alien Syndrome Published by: SEGA Developed by: Totally Games Genre: Action RPG Release Date: US: July 24, 2007 Europe: August, 2007 |
07-21-07, 12:03 PM | #25 |
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: May 2006
文章: 3,838
1676 3642 5459
有啲廠係畫面上真係好求其下, 畫面有時仲衰過GC game, 真係可以同N64比...
PC GTA V online SWITCH ZELDA 3DS 壞左 隱藏、二周目、儲齊裝備、獎杯等都放棄了啦, 因為跟本唔夠時間打機, 買一隻爆一隻都好難...。 |