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neo 11:03 AM 07-01-13
PlayStation 4 情報總合 02

「PlayStation 4」硬體規格概要

neo 11:03 AM 07-01-13
PlayStation 4 情報總合 01
neo 11:04 AM 07-01-13
e t c # # #
Majesty 08:07 PM 07-01-13
Number Two 10:46 PM 07-01-13
不如頭post加番PS4玩唔到PS2/3 game同用唔番d週邊

KTN 11:40 PM 07-01-13
Number Two 02:17 PM 07-03-13
作者: KTN:
作者: :
The only remaining accessories will work with the PS4 is the PlayStation Move controller

lwl 09:58 PM 07-03-13
作者: Number Two:
不如頭post加番PS4玩唔到PS2/3 game同用唔番d週邊

唔講唔知,原來玩唔到ps3 game
シェンムー 01:38 PM 07-02-13
已確定沒有analog av output
wutoms 02:48 PM 07-03-13
已確定沒有analog av output
analog audio 都無埋?
普通人一個 03:11 PM 07-03-13
作者: wutoms:
analog audio 都無埋?
應該一係hdmi出埋,一係就optical出,所以如果想用電腦mon加埋電腦speake玩,就要加多張有optical-in既sound card,除非你塊底板咁勁有
Number Two 07:23 PM 07-03-13
作者: 普通人一個:
應該一係hdmi出埋,一係就optical出,所以如果想用電腦mon加埋電腦speake玩,就要加多張有optical-in既sound card,除非你塊底板咁勁有

wutoms 09:08 PM 07-03-13
作者: 普通人一個:
應該一係hdmi出埋,一係就optical出,所以如果想用電腦mon加埋電腦speake玩,就要加多張有optical-in既sound card,除非你塊底板咁勁有
作者: Number Two:
Lure 01:35 AM 07-03-13
歐洲銷售商洩露《Demon′s Souls 2》登陸PS4

此洩露事件相當可靠,《Demon′s Souls》此名版權是屬於Sony獨家的,可能於9月東京遊戲展公佈
於6月E3被問到是否有《Demon′s Souls》的續作的時候,SCE全球工作室的總裁吉田修平在今年E3上的發言也令人想入飛飛.
“那是個有趣的問題,但出於某些問題我不能回答,但是我個人非常喜歡《Demon′s Souls》,我花了大把大把的時間來玩它,我喜歡那支開發
團隊,我喜歡《Demon′s Souls》,我也很樂意見到更多的《Demon′s Souls》的作品,那是我現在能說的全部了。”
SONY于2009年發售《Demon′s Souls》並擁有此IP的版權,鑒於原作開發商From software正在開發
SONY可能指派了其他的團隊來專注于《Demon′s Souls》新作的開發。
歐洲銷售商CDON之前也爆出過《GT 6》登陸PS3,《Dead Rising 3》獨佔登陸XBox One的消息。
( ゚ω゚)? 01:45 AM 07-03-13
Edge #256: Why PS4 is your next console

Edge #256: Why PS4 is your next console – and the titanic errors on Xbox One’s road to ruin

We detail how Sony crushed Microsoft at E3 2013 and why PS4 is your next console in the new issue of Edge magazine.

Our extended Hype section takes in the biggest and most significant new games to emerge from this year’s E3, including Metal Gear Solid 5, The Division, Titanfall, Battlefield 4, Watch Dogs, Dark Souls II, Final Fantasy XV and many more.
Number Two 09:57 PM 07-03-13
Y!拍賣 見到都係百幾蚊
野良猫 09:16 PM 07-04-13
Lure 09:17 PM 07-04-13
Sony PlayStation 4 將預載 The Playroom 上市

各位還記得那個在 E3 上用來演示 PlayStation 4 主機、DualShock 4 手把以及 PlayStation 4 Eye 功能的 The Playroom 遊戲嗎?當時我們還不確定 Sony 會不會拿出這個好玩的東東與大家分享,但現在答案來了,它已經確定會被預載在 PlayStation 4 系統內隨主機一同上市。

如果你還不知道這款作品有多有趣的話,可以先看下繼續閱讀中的影片。總的來說,它就好像是 PlayStation 4 上的 Wii Sports,可以很好地發揮出 DualShock 4 及 PlayStation 4 Eye 的實力(DualShock 4 上的光條、PlayStation 4 Eye 的距離感應器等)。可能有的朋友原來只打算購置 PlayStation 4 主機,但在看過 The Playroom 的演示之後,應該也會對另售的 PlayStation 4 Eye 動心吧。
( ゚ω゚)? 03:48 AM 07-05-13"PS4 Bites Back: Sharper Gaming Teeth Make Xbox One Look Like a Meek Media PC" says Stuff Magazine

Suff Magazine has revealed the front cover of its August 2013 issue, and guess what it has on it, Sony's next-gen Playstation console "PS4" with a tagline "PS4 Bites Back" and "Sharper Gaming Teeth Make Xbox One Look Like a Meek Media PC".

As per the details we have received, Stuff Magazine August 2013 Issue carries a full debrief on the next-gen console battle, looking at the games, the hardware, the multimedia skills, the controllers (or lack of) and the third way: a Steam Box.
You can check out the front cover of Stuff Magazine August 2013 Issue below:
We have no idea how popular Stuff Magazine is among gamers, but views shared by them are very much similar to that of Edge Magazine, which in its latest issue (#256) said Playstation 4 is the "only option right now" for consumers across the globe.
Source: Stuff TV

( ゚ω゚)? 04:01 AM 07-05-13

SCE President on the PS4′s DRM Policy: “We Were Slightly Perplexed, Because we had no Intention of Changing”

July 3, 2013 Written by Jason Dunning

E3 may be a distant memory right now, but a few pieces of information and interviews are still trickling out from the major event, including one involving Andrew House, President and Group CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment, with The Guardian.
Something that’s already been discussed in great detail is how Sony never planned to implement DRM or used game restrictions on the PlayStation 4, with Andrew giving us a little backstory on the matter:
Dating from about our February event, there had been questions about what our online policy would be. And I have to say that we were slightly perplexed, because we had no intention of changing from a model that I think has served us really well for several platform life-cycles. And then, of course, it was really the actions of others, and the reaction coming from consumers, which led to more speculation. So we felt that with E3, and Monday night’s press conference, it was a really good opportunity to set the record straight. But there weren’t any changes that we’d been considering.
As for the huge standing ovation they received once they announced that the PlayStation 4 would follow the same guidelines as PS3, House offered his opinion on it:
What you saw coming from gamers is not just, in my view, the views of the vocal minority. It became an expression of a little bit of concern bubbling up around the subject of what ownership means in an age of digital content overall. We and other entertainment industry players need to be very conscious of that and very careful. Bringing it back to the fundamentals again, we need to be fair and to think of the consumer experience first.
With everything they’re doing with the PS4, Andrew likens it to “taking Sony Computer Entertainment back to our original roots.” This is because, with the PS1 and PS2, “the goal was to give the consumer more choice, and lots of flexibility at a time when the delivery mechanism of games, on cartridges, placed a lot of restrictions on the industry.” He continued by talking about how discs gave developer “the chance to take risks and build a business.”
House then talked about how the PS4 is much easier to develop for, which has them “seeing a lot of developer coming out of the mobile space,” which he thinks is a “tremendously positive trend for console gaming” because they now “have access to a whole set of talent in gaming that we didn’t have before.”
( ゚ω゚)? 08:41 PM 07-05-13

Usain Bolt on PS4 vs Xbox One: 'PS4. I'm a PS fan.'

Usain Bolt, the world's fastest man, has made it clear he's got Sony's back in the next-gen console race and is well and truly behind the PS4 ahead of its release at the end of the year.
The world-famous athlete was in France ahead of the Paris Diamond League, where he will race on Saturday 6 July, and Pocket-lint got a couple of minutes with the Jamaican superstar at a Samsung press event promoting its NX cameras.
When we asked Bolt whether he used any tech or apps to train outside of his team's supervision, he casually replied with a grin: "When I'm by myself all I do is just play video games. That's not ideal most of the time."

We pressed for more to see if Bolt was excited about the Playstation 4 vs Xbox One head-to-head at the end of the year.
"Yes, definitely."
And which one will he be buying?
"PS4. I'm a PS fan, definitely."
So there we have it. But will Sony's next-gen console be as fast as Bolt out of the starting blocks when it goes on sale against the Xbox One ahead of Christmas 2013? We'll have to wait and see.
( ゚ω゚)? 10:35 PM 07-05-13
PS4 store display mock up shows you what next-gen will look like on the shelf

Comments 0
Phil Iwaniuk at 02:58pm July 5 2013

This snap of a mock up store display for the PS4 has been released by Sony to get you all amped for the winter-time, when its next-gen console finally hits the shops.
PS4 store display teaser

The picture was taken at a Sony event held in London for retailers and journalists, and as such the display’s intended to give potential stockists a flavour for how the next-gen console will look on the shop floor. Mmmm, blue.
Thanks, Dualshockers.

SHCEHUK 08:01 AM 07-06-13
whassupbun 11:11 AM 07-06-13
你睇上面套片, 佢有講前面UBS Port旁邊有個slot入碟
SHCEHUK 12:11 PM 07-06-13
作者: whassupbun:
你睇上面套片, 佢有講前面UBS Port旁邊有個slot入碟
標籤:PlayStation 4, 綜合情報
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