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舊 10-08-07, 12:54 PM   #901
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2003
文章: 38,560
PSN  IDPear_Prince
安 祖 莊 遜 因 傷 退 隊

安 祖 莊 遜 取 得 今 季 聯 賽 首 個 入 球 卻 換 來 退 出 國 家 隊 。

安 祖 莊 遜 因 為 腳 踝 受 傷 不 能 參 加 英 格 蘭 即 將 到 來 的 2場 歐 國 盃 外 圍 賽 賽 事 ,對 手 分 別 是 愛 沙 尼 亞 與 俄 羅 斯 。

該 名 26歲 的 射 手 在 之 前 愛 華 頓 2比 3不 敵 紐 卡 素 的 英 超 的 賽 事 中 ,在 下 半 場 攻 入 自 己 今 季 第 一 個 聯 賽 入 球 ,可 是 比 賽 之 後 宣 佈 他 受 傷 ,不 能 加 入 英 格 蘭 領 隊 麥 卡 倫 即 將 到 來 的 國 家 隊 大 軍 名 單 。

愛 華 頓 領 隊 莫 耶 斯 在 比 賽 之 後 說 ﹕「 今 日 對 安 祖 莊 遜 來 說 是 一 個 好 日 子 (指 他 取 得 入 球 ),但 是 他 在 週 一 將 會 進 行 一 次 手 術 ,解 決 他 現 有 的 傷 患 問 題 ,他 將 會 缺 陣 3至 4星 期 。 」

但 這 場 比 賽 麥 卡 倫 仍 然 收 到 一 個 好 消 息 ,主 力 前 鋒 奧 雲 做 完 手 術 之 後 ,在 今 場 以 後 備 身 份 復 出 並 且 取 得 一 個 「 士 哥 」 。

英 格 蘭 將 會 在 週 六 坐 鎮 溫 布 萊 球 場 主 場 迎 戰 愛 沙 尼 亞 ,而 在 10月 17日 將 會 到 訪 莫 斯 科 出 戰 俄 羅 斯 ,如 果 2場 比 賽 都 取 勝 ,他 將 會 穩 奪 08歐 國 盃 的 入 場 券 。


Waiting around for somebody to change your life for you is a loser's game.
If you want a great friend, you've got to be a great friend; if you want a great partner,you've got to be a great partner.
啤梨王子 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-08-07, 07:33 PM   #902
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2007
文章: 1,452
3DS Friend Code0645 5723 1961
PSN  IDhin0404
hin0404 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-09-07, 12:29 AM   #903
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2007
文章: 968
XBox Live Gamertagsupremehk
作者: lph_1818 查看文章

21/3 - 31/3 英法之旅 !
曼聯屠殺利物浦 , 受死啦!!
PlayStation 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-09-07, 12:30 AM   #904
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2004
文章: 19,230
kin~kin 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-09-07, 01:49 AM   #905
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2007
文章: 1,452
3DS Friend Code0645 5723 1961
PSN  IDhin0404
作者: PlayStation 查看文章
hin0404 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-09-07, 02:03 AM   #906
The One
註冊日期: Aug 2002
文章: 32,139
3DS Friend Code5386 8293 2357
PSN  IDDevilElvis
作者: lph_1818 查看文章

DevilElvis 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-09-07, 07:05 AM   #907
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2003
文章: 38,560
PSN  IDPear_Prince
傳 媒 呼 籲 棄 用 保 羅 羅 賓 遜

保 羅 羅 賓 遜 近 況 令 人 失 望 。

熱 刺 2比 2被 利 物 浦 迫 和 後 ,傳 媒 表 示 熱 刺 門 將 保 羅 羅 賓 遜 毀 了 球 隊 到 手 的 勝 利 ,並 且 鄭 重 建 議 麥 卡 倫 接 下 來 對 愛 沙 尼 亞 和 俄 羅 斯 的 歐 國 盃 ~ 圍 賽 換 人 。

球 季 開 始 前 媒 體 曾 經 認 為 熱 刺 有 實 力 衝 擊 歐 冠 盃 門 票 ,但 開 季 至 今 這 已 經 成 為 英 超 笑 話 之 一 。 球 隊 戰 績 糟 糕 ,後 防 線 不 穩 是 其 中 一 個 原 因 ,他 們 竟 然 失 了 18球 ,是 僅 次 於 弱 旅 打 比 郡 外 ,英 超 失 球 第 2多 的 球 隊 ,這 顯 然 不 是 一 支 強 隊 應 有 的 表 現 。

球 隊 防 守 差 勁 ,保 羅 羅 賓 遜 難 辭 其 咎 ,雖 然 領 隊 祖 爾 依 然 為 他 辯 護 ,認 為 保 羅 羅 賓 遜 的 狀 態 沒 有 問 題 ,依 然 是 國 門 的 第 一 人 選 ,祖 爾 表 示 ﹕「 每 場 比 賽 都 不 一 樣 ,只 要 他 做 出 一 次 完 美 撲 救 ,他 就 能 找 回 感 覺 。 」

不 過 媒 體 認 為 保 羅 羅 賓 遜 現 在 的 心 態 並 不 適 合 充 當 國 家 隊 首 席 門 將 ,他 在 對 傳 中 時 的 猶 豫 不 決 ,以 及 自 信 不 足 都 是 難 以 解 決 的 重 大 問 題 。 現 在 他 並 沒 有 處 在 自 己 的 最 佳 狀 態 ,和 球 隊 一 起 處 於 低 谷 ,讓 他 擔 任 國 家 隊 主 力 ,很 可 能 葬 送 英 格 蘭 的 歐 國 盃 之 夢 。


Waiting around for somebody to change your life for you is a loser's game.
If you want a great friend, you've got to be a great friend; if you want a great partner,you've got to be a great partner.
啤梨王子 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-09-07, 07:06 AM   #908
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2003
文章: 38,560
PSN  IDPear_Prince
林 柏 特 準 備 好 為 英 軍 上 陣

林 柏 特 (左 )趕 及 復 出 。

車 路 士 的 林 柏 特 因 為 受 腳 傷 困 擾 而 缺 陣 6週 ,但 在 週 日 對 保 頓 的 賽 事 中 這 位 出 色 的 中 場 再 次 回 歸 賽 場 。

林 柏 特 在 這 場 比 賽 中 踢 足 90分 鐘 ,而 且 更 表 示 他 已 作 好 為 英 格 蘭 國 家 隊 在 歐 國 盃 外 圍 賽 對 愛 沙 尼 亞 及 俄 羅 斯 的 比 賽 上 陣 的 準 備 ,林 柏 特 說 :「 我 很 高 興 能 在 這 場 比 賽 踢 完 全 場 90分 鐘 ,我 只 是 和 隊 友 一 起 操 練 了 幾 日 的 時 間 。 」

林 柏 特 補 充 說 :「 我 現 時 主 要 是 擔 心 剛 治 好 的 傷 ,和 我 的 狀 態 恢 復 到 什 麼 程 度 。 當 我 踢 完 90分 鐘 的 比 賽 ,我 感 到 十 分 疲 憊 ,但 我 卻 感 到 很 高 興 。 在 週 一 有 1天 的 時 間 讓 我 休 息 ,可 讓 我 今 週 更 好 恢 復 並 為 國 家 隊 作 好 準 備 。 」


Waiting around for somebody to change your life for you is a loser's game.
If you want a great friend, you've got to be a great friend; if you want a great partner,you've got to be a great partner.
啤梨王子 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-09-07, 07:08 AM   #909
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2003
文章: 38,560
PSN  IDPear_Prince
艾 舒 頓 慨 嘆 再 次 受 傷

艾 舒 頓 (左 )恐 再 次 無 緣 為 英 軍 作 賽 。

艾 舒 頓 表 示 對 於 自 己 再 一 次 在 為 英 格 蘭 國 家 隊 上 陣 前 受 傷 感 到 失 望 。 這 名 韋 斯 咸 前 鋒 是 在 韋 斯 咸 以 1比 0擊 敗 阿 士 東 維 拉 一 戰 中 弄 傷 膝 部 韌 帶 。

艾 舒 頓 在 星 期 日 已 經 就 傷 勢 接 受 診 斷 ,受 傷 程 度 將 會 在 星 期 一 得 到 結 果 。 這 可 能 將 是 艾 舒 頓 繼 14個 月 前 因 傷 缺 陣 國 家 隊 賽 事 後 第 二 次 無 緣 為 國 效 力 。

這 名 23歲 的 前 鋒 在 首 次 被 麥 卡 倫 徵 召 入 伍 時 因 足 踝 受 傷 而 與 國 家 隊 擦 肩 而 過 ,而 這 次 他 重 新 獲 得 徵 召 以 頂 替 希 斯 基 的 位 置 ,不 幸 又 被 腳 傷 困 擾 ,他 自 己 也 承 認 感 到 非 常 失 望 。


Waiting around for somebody to change your life for you is a loser's game.
If you want a great friend, you've got to be a great friend; if you want a great partner,you've got to be a great partner.
啤梨王子 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-09-07, 07:10 AM   #910
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2003
文章: 38,560
PSN  IDPear_Prince
奧 雲 駁 斥 冒 險 上 陣 傳 聞

奧 雲 是 英 格 蘭 入 球 的 保 證 。

奧 雲 堅 稱 並 非 不 顧 自 己 的 健 康 而 冒 險 上 陣 。

該 名 已 經 肯 定 可 以 上 陣 08年 歐 國 盃 外 圍 賽 的 英 格 蘭 射 手 ,雖 然 在 接 受 手 術 仍 然 感 到 少 許 痛 楚 ,但 這 亦 不 能 阻 止 該 名 射 手 於 週 日 主 場 擊 敗 愛 華 頓 的 賽 事 中 攻 入 致 勝 的 一 球 。

而 被 問 及 會 否 冒 險 於 本 週 六 對 愛 沙 尼 亞 的 賽 事 中 為 英 格 蘭 上 陣 時 ,奧 雲 說 出 了 可 讓 麥 卡 倫 放 心 的 答 案 。 他 說 ﹕「 沒 有 問 題 。 當 然 領 隊 或 者 球 迷 會 說 這 說 那 ,但 如 果 我 沒 有 好 好 照 顧 自 己 ,我 不 會 讓 自 己 上 陣 比 賽 。 醫 生 亦 建 議 我 盡 自 己 所 力 去 比 賽 ,而 我 感 覺 自 己 比 手 術 前 更 加 強 壯 。 」


Waiting around for somebody to change your life for you is a loser's game.
If you want a great friend, you've got to be a great friend; if you want a great partner,you've got to be a great partner.
啤梨王子 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-10-07, 07:55 AM   #911
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2003
文章: 38,560
PSN  IDPear_Prince
布 朗 因 傷 缺 陣 對 愛 沙 尼 亞

布 朗 無 緣 參 戰 愛 沙 尼 亞 。

根 據 英 格 蘭 領 隊 麥 卡 倫 表 示 ,後 衛 布 朗 因 為 膝 傷 問 題 將 缺 陣 週 六 晚 對 愛 沙 尼 亞 的 歐 國 盃 外 圍 賽 。

麥 卡 倫 接 受 採 訪 時 表 示 :「 布 朗 需 要 返 回 曼 聯 接 受 治 療 ,他 可 能 會 在 下 週 返 回 國 家 隊 ,但 情 況 並 不 樂 觀 。 」

除 了 布 朗 之 外 ,已 經 確 定 會 缺 陣 的 還 有 愛 華 頓 前 鋒 安 祖 莊 遜 與 韋 斯 咸 前 鋒 艾 舒 頓 ,而 麥 卡 倫 就 表 示 不 會 找 別 人 去 代 替 二 人 的 位 置 。

而 之 前 接 受 了 鼠 蹊 手 術 的 奧 雲 雖 然 只 是 訓 練 了 11日 ,但 他 的 狀 態 看 起 來 相 當 不 俗 ,麥 卡 倫 說 :「 奧 雲 目 前 的 狀 態 很 好 ,我 相 當 滿 意 。 」


Waiting around for somebody to change your life for you is a loser's game.
If you want a great friend, you've got to be a great friend; if you want a great partner,you've got to be a great partner.
啤梨王子 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-10-07, 07:57 AM   #912
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2003
文章: 38,560
PSN  IDPear_Prince
泰 利 渴 望 出 戰 愛 沙 尼 亞

泰 利 (右 )希 望 為 英 軍 作 出 更 多 的 貢 獻 。

泰 利 希 望 能 代 表 英 軍 出 戰 歐 國 盃 外 圍 賽 對 戰 愛 沙 尼 亞 的 賽 事 。

英 格 蘭 領 隊 麥 卡 倫 公 開 表 示 有 意 讓 該 名 隊 長 休 息 ,因 為 只 要 多 領 1面 黃 牌 他 便 須 要 停 賽 。 這 樣 做 便 能 確 保 泰 利 能 出 戰 4日 後 對 俄 羅 斯 的 賽 事 ,而 該 名 車 路 士 守 將 亦 表 示 同 意 麥 卡 倫 所 作 出 的 任 何 決 定 。

但 泰 利 同 時 亦 向 麥 卡 倫 表 明 不 要 把 他 的 傷 患 列 入 予 他 休 息 避 戰 的 考 慮 因 素 之 一 ,他 堅 持 自 己 能 夠 在 一 週 內 應 付 2場 賽 事 。

泰 利 在 告 訴 媒 體 :「 我 的 身 體 並 無 什 麼 大 礙 ,同 時 我 亦 很 高 興 自 己 能 再 次 入 選 。 我 將 會 盡 力 做 得 最 好 ,不 論 是 週 中 或 週 末 我 亦 能 保 持 最 佳 狀 態 。 關 於 我 是 否 出 戰 我 們 會 再 次 商 討 ,但 主 要 目 的 是 希 望 能 使 英 格 蘭 國 家 隊 做 得 更 好 。 因 為 除 我 以 外 ,李 奧 費 迪 南 、 艾 殊 利 高 爾 和 祖 高 爾 同 樣 有 牌 在 身 。 」


Waiting around for somebody to change your life for you is a loser's game.
If you want a great friend, you've got to be a great friend; if you want a great partner,you've got to be a great partner.
啤梨王子 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-10-07, 02:28 PM   #913
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2004
文章: 19,230
即係今個星期果d now有冇得播? 好似有一場係主場
kin~kin 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-11-07, 07:29 AM   #914
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2003
文章: 38,560
PSN  IDPear_Prince
費 爵 爺 警 告 英 格 蘭

費 sir分 析 透 徹 。

曼 聯 領 隊 費 格 遜 警 告 下 週 中 作 客 俄 羅 斯 的 英 格 蘭 國 家 隊 將 會 面 迎 重 大 的 挑 戰 。

下 週 三 在 盧 治 歷 基 球 場 (Luzhniki Stadium)上 演 的 俄 羅 斯 對 陣 英 格 蘭 的 賽 事 ,將 是 英 格 蘭 國 家 隊 首 次 在 人 造 草 皮 上 進 行 國 際 性 賽 事 ,費 爵 爺 認 為 這 將 是 一 個 巨 大 的 考 驗 。

費 格 遜 表 示 ﹕「 就 草 地 的 安 全 性 來 說 是 完 取 沒 有 問 題 ,因 為 這 與 當 年 質 素 參 差 的 人 造 場 不 同 ,現 今 的 人 造 草 場 在 草 地 的 質 感 上 已 與 天 然 草 場 無 異 。 但 問 題 在 於 在 人 造 草 場 上 皮 球 的 回 彈 、 速 度 均 與 天 然 場 有 所 不 同 。 主 隊 俄 羅 斯 一 定 比 甚 少 使 用 人 造 草 場 的 英 格 蘭 佔 有 優 勢 。 這 將 是 一 個 嚴 重 的 問 題 ,不 是 這 麼 容 易 克 服 。 」


Waiting around for somebody to change your life for you is a loser's game.
If you want a great friend, you've got to be a great friend; if you want a great partner,you've got to be a great partner.
啤梨王子 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-11-07, 07:30 AM   #915
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2003
文章: 38,560
PSN  IDPear_Prince
英 軍 3將 缺 席 操 練

麥 卡 倫 誓 帶 領 球 隊 擊 敗 對 手 。

據 悉 英 格 蘭 大 軍 當 中 ,包 括 布 朗 、 蘇 甘 保 和 阿 倫 史 密 夫 均 因 傷 缺 席 了 球 隊 週 二 的 操 練 。

布 朗 目 前 備 受 膝 傷 困 擾 ,上 週 曼 聯 大 勝 韋 根 4比 0的 賽 事 亦 無 緣 上 陣 ,目 前 他 仍 要 接 受 治 療 。 而 蘇 甘 保 和 阿 倫 史 密 夫 分 別 因 跟 腱 和 膝 傷 缺 席 週 二 的 訓 練 ,他 們 正 在 球 隊 訓 練 基 地 接 受 英 格 蘭 軍 醫 的 治 療 。 而 其 餘 25名 入 選 麥 卡 倫 最 新 大 軍 的 球 員 均 出 現 在 訓 練 場 上 ,這 意 味 著 剛 傷 癒 的 奧 雲 和 林 柏 特 均 有 參 與 球 隊 訓 練 。

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Waiting around for somebody to change your life for you is a loser's game.
If you want a great friend, you've got to be a great friend; if you want a great partner,you've got to be a great partner.
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舊 10-11-07, 10:52 AM   #916
註冊日期: Aug 2003
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(星島) 10月 11日 星期四 06:30AM

(星島日報 報道)韋斯咸 前鋒艾殊頓因上周對阿士東維拉 時膝部韌帶重創而退出英格蘭 國家隊,經掃描後宣布將缺陣六星期。該名二十四歲前鋒總是與國家隊緣慳一面,○六年便因足踝受創而退出國家隊。

天使之國 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-12-07, 12:12 AM   #917
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2004
文章: 1,840
McClaren: We must concentrate on Estonia

McClaren: We must concentrate on Estonia

England coach Steve McClaren has urged his players to concentrate on Saturday's Euro 2008 qualifier with Estonia at Wembley and not get distracted by their forthcoming trip to Russia.

McClaren is aware much of the attention has turned already to next Wednesday's potentially make-or-break clash with the Russians on an artificial pitch in Moscow.

But he points to England's goalless draw with Macedonia at Old Trafford 12 months ago as a reminder not to take three points for granted against the minnows.

McClaren said: 'We have put ourselves in pole position but we have said to the players and the staff `Forget Russia'. We have got to concentrate on Estonia.

'We have got to make sure we don't make the mistake we made 12 months ago when we drew at home with Macedonia. That cost us two precious points and we need that positive result against Estonia.

'Russia had to play Macedonia before they played England last month and I noticed their manager (Guus Hiddink) said the focus was on Macedonia and not England.

'That is what I've said to our players. We don't talk about Russia. When the Estonia game is over on Saturday evening, then we will focus on Russia.

'Estonia have got a new coach, a new way of playing, they beat Andorra, drew in Macedonia and only lost 2-0 to Croatia and when we played them, they were really dogged right to the end.

'We have to treat them with respect - but we also have to take the confidence of the performances and victories against Isreal and Russia last month into these two games.'

Frank Lampard has to wait to find out if he will earn an instant recall after his recovery from injury after the form of Gareth Barry in the last two internationals.

But McClaren insisted: 'Frank Lampard has not got anything extra to prove. He has been a great servant for England. He was our man of the match against Germany.

'Unfortunately, he has not played since then, but he comes back into the picture now. He had 90 minutes for Chelsea at the weekend and he is looking good in training.'

McClaren is keeping his cards close to his chest as to whether he has decided to rest John Terry, Rio Ferdinand, Joe Cole and Ashley Cole on Saturday as another yellow card would rule them out against the Russians.

He said: 'There are plenty of issues when you talk about the team for Saturday and decisions will be made this week.

'There are issues with yellow cards, in the midfield area, and up front. There are quite a few things to think about. I will watch them train, work on a few things, then name the team on Friday.'

Wes Brown has returned to Manchester United because of his knee injury but Sol Campbell (Achilles) and Alan Smith (knee) are expected to train today after missing yesterday's opening session.

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舊 10-12-07, 12:14 AM   #918
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2004
文章: 1,840
Barry happy to fight for starting berth

Barry happy to fight for starting berth

Gareth Barry has hailed England's midfield strength in depth and claims that is why he was made to wait so long for his chance to shine.

The Aston Villa captain was one of the best players on the pitch in the Euro 2008 qualifying games against Israel and Russia last month - but now faces pressure to hold on to his place, with Chelsea midfielder Frank Lampard fit again.

Barry insists he is happy just to be in Steve McClaren's squad - and responding to a question regarding Lampard, he told Sky Sports News: 'The sort of players you mentioned are the reason you have to wait so long for a chance to play for your country.

'There are great players, especially in that central midfield role, and chances don't come around too often so when they do you have got to try and take them.

'There is competition everywhere, so it's nice to put my name in among the players you've been talking about.'

Barry has not yet heard whether he will retain his place, but is relishing another chance to impress against Estonia on Saturday and then Russia next Wednesday.

'It's always great to be selected to play for your country,' he added. 'To play the last two games was a bit of a surprise, with the injuries (to other players). It's nice to put in two good performances and for people to talk about the way I played.

'The last two games were brilliant for me. But going back to the Germany game [a friendly in August], I got a good 40 minutes - and got a lot of confidence, which set me up for the qualifying games.'

He was in bullish mood about England's qualification prospects, adding: 'You only have to look at the league table before the two games, and it probably wasn't easy reading. But now it's all in our own hands.'

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舊 10-12-07, 12:15 AM   #919
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2004
文章: 1,840
Allardyce slams Owen rift reports

Allardyce slams Owen rift reports

Newcastle manager Sam Allardyce has dismissed suggestions of a simmering row with Michael Owen over his England return.

And Owen has hit back at allegations he is more interested in playing for England than Newcastle.

Allardyce has found himself in the spotlight after revealing he let national boss Steve McClaren know his feelings about the £17million man's fitness following Owen's goalscoring cameo in the 3-2 win over Everton just eight days after he underwent surgery on a groin problem.

With Owen insisting he has been told by top German specialist Ulrike Muschaweck, who carried out two operations on him the weekend before last, he can push himself as hard as he wants, rumours of a three-way debate have been rife.

However, McClaren insisted last night there is no disagreement between the parties, and Allardyce confirmed that view today.

He said: 'It's just people trying to get between myself and Michael.

'The same has happened with Steven Gerrard and Rafa Benitez at Liverpool earlier this year - it's a common theme during the international breaks.

'For me as manager, I have 14 players away on international duty representing their countries, and for each and every one of them, all I can do is keep my fingers crossed they come back fit and well.'

Visibly angry as he addressed the issue at England's Watford base this lunchtime, Owen feels the facts do not back up the criticism.

'If I was only interested in playing for England, I would not have bust a gut to get myself fit and be available for Newcastle's game with Everton last Sunday,' he argued.

'I cannot fathom any of the debate that is going on. The injury is no longer. I flew to Munich on Thursday, had the operation on Friday and came back on the Saturday.

'I was walking on Sunday, jogging on Monday and did everything; sprints, blasting balls on Thursday. I trained with the team on Friday and Saturday and was available for Sunday.

'The specialist who carried out the operation in Munich has said exactly what happened and how long my recovery time would be.

'Yet, somewhere along the line, everyone seems to have gone the opposite way and started questioning the surgeon.

'I find it very strange that people question a specialist who has done thousands of operations before, who is saying you could be back in a matter of a few days. That is exactly what has happened.'

Owen, whose double against Russia last month saw him become only the fourth player to score 40 goals for England, feels his club loyalty has been questioned virtually since the day he launched his international career with the famous wonder-goal against Argentina in the 1998 World Cup.

'It has been stirred up for quite a while, right back to my Liverpool days,' he said. 'I scored for England in the World Cup at such an early age at a time when Liverpool were coming fourth and fifth in the league.

'My room-mate was Jamie Carragher, who is a Liverpool fan. All his family are Liverpool and Everton fans as well, so they are right in the thick of things within the city.

'I remember him saying that because I made my name with England, I would always be associated with them, that the fans would think I was England's player rather than Liverpool's until I won something with Liverpool.

'When we won the (2001 cup) treble, I definitely felt a warmth towards the fans but unfortunately that label has stuck with me right the way through my career.'

Although a fractured metatarsal and a ruptured cruciate ligament have restricted Owen to just 17 starts since his £17million arrival from Real Madrid in August 2005, his nine goals, the latest of which effectively secured Newcastle three points against Everton on Sunday, emphasised his value to Allardyce.

Yet he still cannot understand why such a fuss is being made of his presence with the England squad when other player's international commitments are not being questioned at all.

'It was the manager's decision to put me on the bench on Sunday but I was definitely up for starting,' he said.

'I look around for other examples and I see Shaun Wright-Phillips. He has missed a couple of games with a hamstring injury but he is fit for England. And I saw John Toshack talking about Craig Bellamy possibly being available for Wales' game next Wednesday. He has had the same injury as me but no-one seems to be mentioning that.

'I would play in any game; for Newcastle or England and I thought pushing myself to get back on Sunday the way I did would have dispelled any thoughts that I was just trying to get myself right for England.'

And as for Barton, he said: 'Obviously Joey has to get back in the Newcastle team and perform well.

'I am sure if he gets called up for England, he won't be saying that.'

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舊 10-12-07, 12:16 AM   #920
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2004
文章: 1,840
Pearce defends Barton outburst

Pearce defends Barton outburst

England Under-21 boss Stuart Pearce is confident Joey Barton's comments about playing for his country reflects frustration at being out injured rather than disrespect.

Pearce, a fierce patriot who represented England 78 times, managed Barton at Manchester City, helping him address temperament problems and then seeing his midfielder earn a first international call-up.

The 25-year-old has suggested honours for his current club, Newcastle, would outweigh success for England, but Pearce believes they are comments from a player desperate to prove himself after missing the start of the season with a foot injury.

Pearce said: 'Reading between the lines and in support of Joey, I would probably think he was trying to say `I need to play for Newcastle before I can think about playing for my country'.

'When he got the call-up, he was absolutely made up. I'm sure that was the nature of his comments.'

Pearce was angered during the summer when David Bentley pulled out of the European Under-21 Championship finals squad citing fatigue, while Gabriel Agbonlahor could not be contacted to confirm his call-up.

As Pearce explained during the tournament in Holland, playing or coaching for England is the highest honour for someone in football, in his opinion.

He reiterated that stance today, saying: 'It's a great honour to play for your country.

'It should always be there. Quite often it comes from the individual. I make sure that is passed on to my set of players - if you are fortunate to be called up to the seniors, take it with both hands because it is a real honour.

'You probably only realise what a real honour it is when you retire.'

Ahead of the Euro Under-21 2009 qualifier against Montenegro on Friday, Pearce was at the Walkers Stadium helping launch the FA Tesco Skills Programme in Leicester.

Pearce joined in the coaching sessions with the youngsters, helped by Under-21 players Michael Kightly, Steven Taylor and Matt Derbyshire.

It was second nature to Derbyshire, who was a community coach at Blackburn before turning pro and had started taking his badges, making him one of the best qualified young players around.

'I always wanted to be a coach,' he said. 'I did my Junior Managers and was onto my final assessment with the FA but got taken on at Blackburn at that point.

'To be honest, it's a great job, you have a football at your feet every day and can influence the development of other young players.

'That was the line I wanted to go down - I also wanted to play at the highest level possible, never thinking I'd make it this far.'

Derbyshire is expected to lead the attack against Montenegro before the qualifier against Republic of Ireland on Tuesday.

Michael Johnson, Craig Gardner, Dexter Blackstock and Joe Lewis have pulled out of the squad.

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Montella 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-12-07, 12:18 AM   #921
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2004
文章: 1,840
Barry: O'Neill key to England comeback

Barry: O'Neill key to England comeback

Gareth Barry has hailed the influence of Aston Villa manager Martin O'Neill in helping to revive his England career.

Barry was all set to leave the midlands club in the summer of 2006 after eight years as he became disillusioned with the direction in which Villa were heading.

But the arrival of O'Neill as David O'Leary's successor proved to be a turning point for the former Brighton trainee.

The Irishman persuaded Barry to sign a new four-year contract, promoted him to captain in place of Olof Mellberg and then switched him from a wide left to a central midfield role.

Barry responded by enjoying an excellent season, continued in the same mode at the start of the current campaign and now is at the forefront of England boss Steve McClaren's plans.

An injury to Frank Lampard earned him a start in the European Championship qualifiers with Israel and Russia last month and now he is in strong contention to play against Estonia and the return meeting with Russia in Moscow.

Barry said: 'Martin O'Neill has been very good to me. One of the first things he said to me when he arrived at Villa 14 months ago was `if you stay here with me, you'll improve a player and you'll eventually get your England call-up again'.

'He is a quality person, someone you listen to and he has been proven right in what he said, which goes to show what a good manager he is.

'At that time, I was facing a big decision, whether to try moving to a new club, whether it would be good for my career.

'But when I heard Martin O'Neill was arriving, that got me thinking straight away, even before I spoke to him, that it maybe best for me to stay around and that has been the case.'

Barry was a left-sided centre-back when chosen for the Euro 2000 squad under Kevin Keegan, then switched to left-back and onto the left-sided midfield slot before O'Neill shifted him into the middle of the park.

He said: 'We were 1-0 down at half time to Everton when I first got a chance in the middle. The manager changed it around then, we finished the game quite strongly and since then I've stayed there.

'In the central midfield position, you are in the thick of the action. Passing is a big part of my game and in central midfield you can express yourself a bit more.

'I've been pushed about the park for years so I didn't get nervous about playing a new position. The fact I'd played 30-40 games there at Villa meant there were no nerves in the Euro games last month.'

Barry recognises the experience and class that Lampard and Steven Gerrard possess and he is just happy to be in the shake-up to face Estonia at Wembley on Saturday.

He said: 'At this moment, it is great just being talked about playing for your country. These are big games and, if selected, I feel I can do the same job again.

'But when you come in here, you meet up with great players who have got more experience of playing for England than me. I wouldn't say there is a big rivalry.

'But I do feel I am playing as well as I ever have.'

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舊 10-12-07, 12:18 AM   #922
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2004
文章: 1,840
Owen warned of injury risk on Russian pitch

Owen warned of injury risk on Russian pitch

Michael Owen has been warned that he risks injury 'trouble' if he plays for England against Russia on a plastic pitch.

Steve McClaren's side face their Euro 2008 qualifying rivals at the Luznikhi Stadium in Moscow next Wednesday in a match which seems likely to decide their fate in Group E.

Controversially, the crunch game is to be played on an artificial surface, and it was suggested earlier this week that the Russian Football Federation had refused to upgrade the pitch in a bid to maximise their team's advantage.

Birmingham striker Garry O'Connor played on the pitch regularly during his time with Lokomotiv Moscow, who call the Luznikhi home.

And he believes Owen, only recently returned from stomach and groin injuries, would be putting his health in jeopardy by playing there.

'If I was Michael Owen I would not want to risk anything on that pitch,' he told The Sun.

'It used to hurt me for three or four days after I'd played on the it. I would really ache because it's just not a natural surface.

'It really messes with your body. So, if anyone is a doubt with a muscle injury, they could be in trouble.'

The pitch also received a less than ringing endorsement from former Russia captain Alexei Smertin, who believes Russia will gain a massive advantage from it.

'We have a good opportunity to get some points because we're playing on the plastic pitch,' the Fulham midfielder told the Daily Mirror.

'I've played on that pitch. What's it like? Rubbish. I played there two or three times last year with Dinamo Moscow, my previous team, and it's not so good, to be honest.

'It's quite dangerous because it's different - your feet stick and you can't turn quickly and you can't turn properly as you run.

'The ball does bounce a funny way and it depends, for example, if the pitch is slippery. Then the ball goes very quickly. If it's not, it's very slow.'

England full-back Micah Richards has, however, attempted to play down the effect the pitch is likely to have on the match.

The squad will train at Blessed Thomas Holford Catholic College in Altrincham before flying out to Moscow, where there is a pitch made of identical material to that used at the Luznikhi.

'A lot of people have asked me how I am going to find playing on their artificial pitch but, to be honest, I don't know yet - although we will get to play on the same surface in Altrincham on Monday,' Richards said in his column for the BBC.

'It will make things trickier though. I have heard it is like Astroturf and when I used to play on that when I was younger it made a difference for things like slide tackles.

'But I am sure we will be all right. We may be used to playing on beautiful pitches week in, week out, but we have all played on a bad pitch before so we are just going to have to do it again.'

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舊 10-12-07, 12:19 AM   #923
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2004
文章: 1,840
Charlton happy for Owen to take his record

Charlton happy for Owen to take his record

England's record goalscorer Sir Bobby Charlton has no problem with Michael Owen surpassing his landmark.

The Manchester United legend hit 49 goals in 106 matches for the national side but has watched the Newcastle striker move within nine of that figure.

If the injury-plagued Owen stays fit he is likely to set the new record and if he does no-one will be happier than Charlton.

'Just now Michael is certain to beat my record as long as he keeps fit and does not get any injuries and that pleases me immensely because he's a great little player,' Charlton told The Sun.

'He's a proven goalscorer and is sure to score more England goals than me and I certainly have no grudge as he's a superb striker.'

The former England star has also been impressed by Owen's recovery from potentially serious cruciate knee ligament damage sustained at last year's World Cup.

'I admire anyone who has bounced back from a career-threatening injury,' added Charlton.

'I never had a serious injury so I don't know what it's like but it must have been lousy.

'And I'm pleased he is working very hard and making the England team tick again.'

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舊 10-12-07, 12:20 AM   #924
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2004
文章: 1,840
France to play England, Spain in 2008 friendlies

France to play England, Spain in 2008 friendlies

PARIS, Oct 11 (Reuters) - France will play England in a friendly at the Stade de France on March 26, the French federation said on Thursday.

The World Cup finalists will also host Spain on Feb. 6 although the venue for that match has still to be decided.

Les Bleus will play a friendly against Romania before next year's European Championship finals but the date and venue have not yet been set, the FFF said.

France are third in Euro 2008 qualifying Group B, two points adrift of leaders Scotland and a point behind Italy with three matches remaining.

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舊 10-12-07, 12:21 AM   #925
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2004
文章: 1,840
Rooney frustrated by poor England form

Rooney frustrated by poor England form

Wayne Rooney has admitted it is two years since he last played well for England - and if Emile Heskey had been fit, he would be facing a real fight to start Saturday's Wembley showdown with Estonia.

Virtually since the day he broke onto the international scene as a raw 17-year-old against Australia in 2003, the thought of an England manager leaving out a fully-fit Rooney has been viewed as a non-existent prospect.

Yet the Manchester United front-man accepts it was a distinct possibility had Heskey not suffered the kind of broken metatarsal injury that has scarred his own career immediately after playing a starring role in last month's wins over Israel and Russia.

Heskey's absence offers Rooney another chance to impress - and end a goal drought in competitive action for England which stretches back to Euro 2004.

'My England career started well but it hasn't really been on track for the last year or two,' he said.

'Emile was brilliant and I am sure if he was fit the manager would have had a difficult decision to make as to who he played up front.

'I have been frustrated with my form but it is not through lack of effort. I have given 110% every time I have played but for some reason it just has not happened.

'It just makes me more determined to put it right and start scoring again.'

Despite amassing 38 caps so far, Rooney, who celebrates his 22nd birthday later this month, claims he feels like a new-boy in the current England squad.

His last appearance for the Three Lions came against Andorra in Barcelona in March, a match that will forever be remembered for the ferocity of abuse directed at manager Steve McClaren and his team as they struggled to overcome the part-timers.

Since then, Rooney has sat out five games through a combination of injury and suspension. Three of them - all qualifiers - have been won, transforming England's Group E prospects and totally changing the atmosphere around the camp.

'Coming in this week feels like my first squad again,' said Rooney.

'You cannot help but notice a change in the atmosphere. It is far more relaxed now.

'When I was last involved, there was a lot of pressure on the team. Obviously, we have had good results over the last few games.

'I am sure that has helped and hopefully it will help us in the next few matches as well.'

While McClaren wrestles with selection issues that look increasingly likely to see Gareth Barry retain his place in central midfield, Nicky Shorey start ahead of Ashley Cole at left-back and Sol Campbell take over John Terry's central defensive berth - whether scans on the captain's knee injury are positive or not - Rooney knows he will be ask to provide support for leading marksman Michael Owen.

It is not a partnership that has always worked well, even though Rooney and Owen are, beyond question, the best two strikers McClaren has.

'Michael is an important player, who scores lots of goals for England and I am confident we can play together and do the job we need to do,' said Rooney.

'It is different at club level because you are playing with people you train with every day. But if you are good enough, the chemistry will work and I am confident that will be the case between myself and Michael.'

Having found himself at the centre of a major club-versus-country row over his World Cup selection, Rooney has a unique insight into the arguments that continue over Owen's fitness.

The player insists he is fit; his manager, Sam Allardyce, has some concerns; and some Newcastle fans feel their £17million striker is more interested in England than he is the Magpies, an allegation Owen strongly refutes.

'As a player, you know your body better than anyone else,' observed Rooney.

'If you feel you are fit to play then you should be fit to play.

'I don't want to get too involved. But I have been training with Michael and he seems fit.'

An expected victory over Estonia this weekend would leave England in a strong position to qualify.

Not only would Russia have to beat McClaren's men in Moscow, they would also have to defeat Israel in Tel Aviv next month.

That is something that proved beyond England in March and only Croatia have managed in the past seven years.

'I always believed we were going to qualify,' said Rooney.

'We have two games coming up and we know if we can get maximum points from them we will almost be in the tournament.'

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