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舊 04-22-08, 10:22 PM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Guitar Hero IV

Guitar Hero IV
Published by: Activision Blizzard
Developed by: *TBA
Genre: Music
Release Date:
Also Available On: PS3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, Wii

Interview With Activision CEO
Activision C.E.O. Bobby Kotick bought Guitar Hero and became a star. But will competitors' aggressive moves—like Electronic Arts' hostile bid for Take-Two—knock him on his ax?

Guitar Hero IV Branching Out
Maybe call it Rock Band Hero.

by Daemon Hatfield

April 21, 2008 - The Guitar Hero franchise is more popular than ever, but the music game is facing tough competition from Rock Band. How will Activision's guitar-only game stay competitive in the face of Electronic Arts' band-in-a-box? When Guitar Hero 4 is released later this year, it may be harder to tell the two products apart.

Speaking in the May issue of Conde Nast Portfolio magazine, Activision CEO Bobby Kotick revealed some of Guitar Hero's future plans. Other instruments are apparently getting the Hero treatment, including vocals. The fourth installment of the franchise will also let players jam along with local bands from their area.

"It's not just about guitars," Kotick says. "We'll include a lot of other instruments, vocals. It will help us expand internationally. It's the first game we've had in which we can use local content and local bands."

IGN is awaiting clarification from Activision.

此篇文章於 05-22-08 12:07 AM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 05-09-08, 11:01 PM   #2
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Guitar Hero Becomes Fab Four
You wanna' rock? In 2008, you're sure as hell gonna'.

by Nix

May 8, 2008 - If you're a cheap gamer like us at IGN, it probably hurt to pay big bucks to buy all of those guitar accessories you have lying around the house. However, that $70 some-odd you paid for your Guitar Hero controllers must be looking like a bargain now, because Activision has officially announced that a fourth Guitar Hero game will be released in 2008 for all major game consoles. That is in addition to the spin-off Guitar Hero: Aerosmith that will also be launched this year. We know game consoles that have had fewer titles released for them compared to this funky little guitar accessory.

Making official news that had been spoken about and rumored about for months, the company has announced the fourth as-of-yet untitled entry in the Guitar Hero franchise for PS3, PS2, Xbox 360, Wii and Nintendo DS. Although little info has been made available about what changes will be made in the next game, Activision promises that this new game will provide a "significant leap forward in innovation" for the franchise and for music gaming in general. More announcements are promised later as to exactly what the specific innovation it is that Activision is so proud of. The game will be released worldwide around the Holiday 2008 sales period.

In other Guitar Hero news, Activision announced that it is working with Nintendo to offer a bundled package that will pack together a Nintendo DS along with the Guitar Hero game and its corresponding peripheral. This means that all those first-time gamers who broke their game-playing cherry on a Guitar Hero game and who don't have a Nintendo DS handheld can now get everything they need to kick out the jams in one complete package. This is the first time a Third Party publisher has arranged with Nintendo to pack in a game with a DS bundle, so Nintendo and Activision must be expecting big things from this game.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-14-08, 11:49 AM   #3
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
『Guitar Hero IV』にはドラム、マイクが登場 ユーザーによる楽曲のアップロードも?by Kako @ 2008/5/13 15:00

以前、Activision CEOであるBobby Kotick氏が明かしたGuitar Hero IVの内容。もはや“ギターヒーロー”と呼べないくらいの変化が噂されるNo.1音楽ゲームについてさらなる情報が舞い込んできました。NeoGAF経由、最新のGameInformerに掲載された情報によれば、Guitar Hero IVはカスタムソングクリエイションと複数の楽器を特徴とする、とのこと。


どうやら確からしい情報として既に議論も飛び交う楽器とユーザーメイドコンテンツの追加。ドラムとマイクが追加されることで完全にRock Bandと並ぶことになり、やっぱりこれはロックバンド・ヒーロー……?早くも互換性についての話も出てきています。楽曲のアップロードについては具体的な方法は不明ですが、著作権との関連も気になるところ。PS3、PS2、Xbox 360、Wiiで今秋にも発売予定のGuitar Hero IV。正式なゲーム内容の発表はかなりのサプライズを持って迎えられそうです。
(ソース: shacknews) (イメージ: Flickr)

Guitar Hero 4 Includes Song Creation and Sharing, Multiple Instruments, Van Halen, Linkin Park
by Chris Faylor May 12, 2008 6:09pm CST tags: Guitar Hero IV

Neversoft's Guitar Hero IV (PS3, PS2, X360, Wii) will feature custom song creation and multiple instruments when it arrives this fall, according to the June issue of Game Informer magazine.

As relayed by trustworthy NeoGAF user SolidSnakeX, the fourth Guitar Hero title will expand the series' offerings to include drum and vocal gameplay in addition to bass and guitar. It is not known if the controllers for Harmonix's multi-instrument music title Rock Band will be compatible.

The song creation functionality will somehow allow users to customize everything but vocals, though the specifics of this remain unclear. Users will apparently be able to upload and share songs on all platforms, and will even be able to create their own album art.

Four bands have been confirmed thus far for the game--Van Halen, The Eagles, Linkin Park and Sublime--with Neversoft noting that all songs within the game will be master tracks provided by record labels.

In addition to song creation, Guitar Hero IV is said to place a strong emphasis on player and instrument customization, in part due to the recent legal troubles with guitar maker Gibson.
檔案類型: jpg guitar934.jpg (81.5 KB, 526 次查看)

此篇文章於 05-14-08 02:11 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 05-14-08, 12:43 PM   #4
Game Master
註冊日期: Apr 2005
文章: 3,119
PSN  IDcharlesiumHK
XBox Live GamertagCharles%20IUM
好,咁我唔駛等 Rock band 行貨喇...
玄武 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-15-08, 12:30 AM   #5
Metal Gear NT
註冊日期: Oct 2002
文章: 20,122
PSN  IDjasonpoon
Game Informer snags first pic of Guitar Hero IV drums

Some of you may have already received the June 2008 issue of Game Informer in the mail, but, for those who haven't, we thought you might enjoy seeing the first image of the new Guitar Hero IV drum kit one subscriber scanned. As you can see, the main difference from the Rock Band kit is that the yellow and orange drums have been turned into two wedge-shaped pieces elevated above the others.

Cool as it looks, we still don't have the most important piece of information about the kit: If it will be compatible with Rock Band, or if RB's kit will work with Guitar Hero IV. We like fake instruments as much as the next nerd, but two fake drum kits may just be more than our dens, living rooms and dignity can withstand.

[Update: Just so there's no question, you have to click the picture to see the full image. There is totally a foot pedal.]
Guitar Hero IV Drum Kit Picture

其實係咪應該改叫Band Hero, Rock Hero...

All things Apple.

Metal Gear NT 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-21-08, 11:37 PM   #6
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898


此篇文章於 05-21-08 11:43 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 05-22-08, 12:13 AM   #7
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
World Premier Debut Trailer
World Premier Debut Trailer HD
This fall, join together and experience Guitar Hero like never before, with the biggest set list, the biggest artists, the most realistic drums and more.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-22-08, 12:34 AM   #8
God of Gamer
youtube 頻道
註冊日期: Mar 2002
文章: 17,244
Wii U IDeightsin88
Nintendo Switch ID3414-6520-7624
3DS Friend Code1762 2635 0638
PSN  IDeightsin88
XBox Live Gamertageightsin88

作者: 玄武 查看文章
好,咁我唔駛等 Rock band 行貨喇...


[ 歡迎讚好 八仙果遊戲頻道,只要跟 TV games 有關的,都想跟大家分享,多多指教 ]

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八仙果 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-22-08, 12:52 AM   #9
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Oct 2004
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3DS Friend Code1075 0689 4521
XBox Live Gamertagmilkin2007
作者: 八仙果 查看文章
Rock Band 依家攪到要等 Wii 美版先有機會玩到

呢隻 GH4 睇落真係夠殺 , 吾洗 Rock Band 都得
上大仁 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-23-08, 09:34 PM   #10
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
吉他英雄 世界巡演
原  名: Guitar Hero:World Tour
機  種: PS2
類  型: 音樂
開 發 商: Neversoft Entertainment
發 行 商: Activision
發 售 日: 2008年第四季度
售  價: 未定
其它機種: Wii PS3

《吉他英雄 世界巡演》今秋輪到你的樂隊上場!
來源: 時間:2008-5-23 編輯: 光年

Activision本週四向外界正式確認原定的《吉他英雄4》正式更名為《吉他英雄 世界巡演》這款遊戲將在今年的秋季登場,對應PS3、X360、Wii、PS2等多個平台。並會有無線架子鼓、吉他、耳麥,多音軌工作室模式和增強的在線多人模式。

正如之前所公佈的一樣,《吉他英雄 世界巡演》將會支持豐富的外設,並有音樂工作室模式供你創作原創歌曲。你可以上傳自創的曲目和其他玩家分享。



目前確定的曲目有來自於Van Halen、Linkin Park、The Eagles、Sublime以及其他很多官方稱為「最大牌樂隊的主打曲目」。你還可以在後期通過在線商店購買追加曲目。

目前有關《吉他英雄 世界巡演》的更詳細消息還沒有公佈,請繼續關注本站的後續報道。
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-24-08, 09:34 PM   #11
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Drummer Demo Trailer
Drummers from Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Police, and Blink 182 show off Guitar Hero's new kit.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-27-08, 10:58 AM   #12
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
來源: 時間:2008-5-26 編輯: 六段音速

曾執導《尖峰時刻》系列等電影的好萊塢著名導演布萊特·拉特納(Brett Ratner)日前向媒體透露,他希望能夠與美國遊戲業首屈一指的開發商Activision合作拍攝一部遊戲改編電影。



神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-29-08, 09:17 AM   #13
Metal Gear NT
註冊日期: Oct 2002
文章: 20,122
PSN  IDjasonpoon
Guitar Hero World Tour debuted (with Video)

A little earlier today Activision CEO Bobby Kotick debuted Guitar Hero World Tour to the audience at D -- but he wasn't content doing something trite like picking up a guitar (or drums) and playing himself. Oh no, he trotted out Paula Abdul (to judge), and Tony Hawk and Brody Jenner as the front-men for the virtual band. The video's after the break; it's a little bit front-heavy during the introduction, but there's certainly enough gameplay footage in there to get a basic idea of what to expect: Rock Band.

All things Apple.

Metal Gear NT 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-30-08, 09:46 PM   #14
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Guitar Hero 4 Wii DLC Includes Actual New Songs, Developer Explains GH3 Wii's Lack of DLC

by Chris Faylor May 29, 2008 6:23pm CST tags: Guitar Hero IV
Developer Vicarious Visions has confirmed to Shacknews the Wii edition of Guitar Hero World Tour will support true downloadable content when it arrives this fall, allowing users to purchase and download new songs in addition to user-created tunes.

"There's downloadable content for the Wii, similar to what you'd expect, downloadable songs," Vicarious Visions CEO Karthik Bala told Shacknews last night. "The GH Tunes and the Music Studio [are a] separate feature."

When World Tour, commonly referred to as Guitar Hero 4, was announced last week, publisher Activision boasted that the Wii version supported downloadable content.

At the time, it was not clear if that applied to the delivery of post-release licensed tracks, as seen in Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 editions of the franchise, or if it merely referenced the sharing of World Tour's user-created songs.

Few Wii titles have supported downloadable content due to the system's paltry 512MB of internal storage. While that storage can be expanded with an SD Card, at present, the Wii will only execute downloaded content if it is located within that 512MB internal block.

When asked how Vicarious Visions resolved those storage concerns, Bala responded, "I can't talk about that today."

Harmonix, which created the Guitar Hero franchise before it was acquired by MTV Games, cited storage concerns as the reason Rock Band Wii does not support downloadable content. Instead, the company is providing additional Rock Band tracks to the Wii and PS2, which also lacks DLC support due to storage issues, via an expansion disc.

As for Activision subsidiary RedOctane's previous statements that it was looking into DLC support for the Wii edition of Guitar Hero 3, Bala noted that Vicarious was "actively working on it" but "we weren't sure about the timing."

"We've been looking at DLC on the Wii for a long time, and with Guitar Hero 3, it was the first Guitar Hero game on the Wii," he explained. "It was the first third-party WiFi title with online play. That took a lot of effort to be able to do that. We didn't have the time, and the infrastructure and stuff wasn't in place [at the time], for DLC [in GH3]."

""It was the first third-party WiFi title with online play. " Uh, no it wasn't. "
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舊 06-03-08, 11:58 PM   #15
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Where's the Guitar Interview
Where's the Guitar Interview HD
Find out how to play Guitar Hero - without a guitar.
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舊 06-16-08, 10:26 PM   #16
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Guitar Hero World Tour (PS3)
Published by: Activision
Developed by: Neversoft Entertainment
Genre: Music
Number of Players: 1-8
Release Date:
US: October 2008
Also Available On: Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, Wii, Nintendo DS

More Guitar Hero IV Details Emerge
Activision to put its neck out for next game?

by Martin Robinson, IGN UK

UK, June 16, 2008 - Guitar Hero IV could utilize a guitar with a touch sensitive neck that enables players to utilize the entirety of the fret board, according to leaked marketing documents.

Coming from the same source that contains supposed details of much of Microsoft's E3 showings, the Intelliresponse leak claims that Guitar Hero IV will feature a peripheral with a neck slide, a touch sensitive fretboard that allows for more freeform solos. The same document lists some of the bands to feature in the game, stretching back to sixties stalwarts Jimi Hendrix and The Doors and taking in Foo Fighters, Korn, System of a Down, Ozzy Osbourne, Muse and Interpol. The game is also given a price point of $179.99, which would place it competitively with its key rival, Electronic Art's Rock Band.

Activision declined to comment on the details, but expect to see more come E3 in the middle of July.
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舊 06-17-08, 05:50 PM   #17
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2006
文章: 177
XBox Live GamertagMrBunzKuen
呢套鼓仲正過rock band 果套wo
BBBunzz 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-22-08, 10:14 PM   #18
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
GH: World Tour shreds new guitar, songs
Activision and Neversoft confirm rumors of "touch strip" guitar neck for Guitar Hero holiday edition; Billy Idol, Foo Fighters, Sublime, Linkin Park, Van Halen, and The Eagles on board.

By Tom Magrino, GameSpot
Posted Jun 20, 2008 1:12 pm PT;title;0

This week began with a torrent of rumors purported to have come from market-research firm Intellisponse. Although all parties involved in the leak were quick to brush off the info as far-from-finalized ideas, solid confirmation of the particulars continues to flow in through more valid channels. Today, Activision officially popped the lid on Guitar Hero: World Tour details, and as rumored, the franchise's titular instrument is in for a makeover.

During a press briefing this week, Activision and developer Neversoft took the stage with the third proper sequel to Guitar Hero, and gave in-depth looks at many of the previously teased new features. Though the three-pad, two-cymbal drum kit has been known for some time, the game makers showed off World Tour's new guitar, which will feature a multipurpose "touch strip" that, among other uses, accommodates DragonForce-style finger-tapping solos and adds a distortion effect separate from the standard whammy bar.

As speculated following Gibson's rash of lawsuits earlier this year, those about to rock in World Tour will do so on a generic-model guitar that is slightly larger than the previous Guitar Hero axes. Activision also noted that previous Guitar Hero controllers will be compatible with World Tour.

As previously announced, all tunes in World Tour will be master tracks, and the game's creators also teased the first few tunes from its substantive roster. During the media briefing, Neversoft performed Billy Idol's "Rebel Yell," The Foo Fighters' "Everlong," and Sublime's "Santeria," and said that Linkin Park, Van Halen, and The Eagles would also lend tracks to the game. As per the Intellisponse leak, Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, Smashing Pumpkins, Korn, System of a Down, Ozzy Osbourne, Interpol, and Muse are also rumored to be part of that setlist, which will include roughly 85 songs in total.

Guitar Hero: World Tour is expected to hit its opening chord on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, and Wii this fall. Pricing information has yet to be announced, but retailers and rumors peg the bundle at between $179 and $189.

For a more in-depth look at World Tour--including new info on rocker customization and song creation--check out GameSpot's still-simmering preview.
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舊 06-22-08, 10:18 PM   #19
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Guitar Hero World Tour
Activision Blizzard, Neversoft Ent. | Oct 21, 2008

Guitar Hero: World Tour First look
We get our first look at Guitar Hero's foray into the multi-instrument scene, including a glance at the surprisingly deep song-creation process.

By Shaun McInnis, GameSpot
Posted Jun 20, 2008 11:27 am PT;title;1

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舊 06-22-08, 10:39 PM   #20
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Bringing Guitar Hero World Tour to Wii
Downloadable content. Online multiplayer. Music Studio. It's got it all. Now, find out how.

by Matt Casamassina

June 20, 2008 - Last year, Activision debuted Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, developed by Vicarious Visions, for Wii. The title -- the only in the Guitar Hero franchise to remain in the top 10 best-selling games list of May, according to NPD data -- has quickly become one of the greatest third-party success stories on Wii, amassing domestic sales beyond two million units. If ever there was any doubt about whether or not Wii owners wanted the music series, GHIII obliterated those doubts. Now, Activision and Vicarious Visions are hard at work on the official sequel, an ambitious undertaking that strives to outdo Rock Band in every regard. It's called Guitar Hero World Tour, it comes not only with a guitar, but a microphone and drum set, too. And there's a music mixer program. And downloadable content. And online multiplayer. Guess what? The Wii version includes it all. We chatted with Vicarious Visions' CEO, Karthik Bala, about bringing the groundbreaking title to Wii. If you've been anticipating this game, keep reading -- you're going to be blown away.

IGN: Wii owners lapped up Guitar Hero III. It's quickly becoming the best-selling version of the game. Explain for those still unaware the biggest differences between GHIII and the upcoming World Tour?
Karthik Bala: Wow, where to begin. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was the first Guitar Hero game on Wii. Many people have said that it has set a standard for music games on the Wii platform. It also had full online play – the first third-party Wi-Fi Connection game on Wii.

For us, it was really a strong foundation to build from and improve upon in almost every way. Guitar Hero World Tour adds drums and a microphone, in addition to some great innovations on the guitar. On the software side, we have robust character customization, online play with up to eight players (including Band Vs Band online), downloadable songs and the ground breaking Music Studio, in which players can create their own tunes and share them with other Wii players via GHTunes. It's all there on the Wii.

IGN: Sounds great. What kind of music tracks are featured in the game?
Karthik: I'm really psyched about the set list. Guitar Hero World Tour features over 85 songs, all of which are master tracks. We've got Sublime's "Santeria, Billy Idol's "Rebel Yell," and the Foo Fighters' "Everlong" just to name a few, plus a huge assortment of others from rock megastars like Van Halen, The Eagles, and Linkin Park.

IGN: The song mixing feature, Music Studio, looks really extensive on the 360 and PlayStation 3. How close will that feature carry over to the Wii version?
Karthik: The Music Studio is really cool. It allows players to create their own note charts for guitars and drums. They can record it in real-time or go into the advanced recording features and layout the notes and edit/modify as needed to create a masterpiece.

Just like YouTube, we expect fans to create amazing songs that everyone else can download and play! We're really looking forward to seeing what people create. Who knows, it may even break out new garage bands into the mainstream!

The Wii version will be very similar to the PS3/360 version, but the content sharing can only be traded within the Wii community.

The Wii instruments are wireless by default. Thank you, Wii remote!

IGN: You've announced in-game downloadable content for the Wii. Not even Nintendo has done in-game downloadable content yet, so how did you end up being the first disc-based game to feature it? How will it work with the Wii's limited internal memory? Will you be able to use SD cards?
Karthik: DLC is something we've been looking at since GHIII. It was the most requested feature by Wii players and the team has really worked hard to deliver on this promise. I know there has been detractors who say the Wii can't do DLC for various technical reasons – and they are dead wrong. The system is quite capable.

The guys at VV are really passionate about Nintendo's platforms. We really try to push the limits of the hardware and deliver to Wii and DS gamers what they deserve. Yes, the Wii has limited storage and it has taken longer than we anticipated getting this feature fully working. But it works and it's cool.

GHWT Wii has an in-game Music Store, which allows players to preview, purchase and download new songs as we release them online. Players can purchase songs using their Wii Points. It's really easy. You can download to the Wii System Memory or store songs on an SD Card, called the "Rock Archive."

We have a new feature called "create-a-set list". So when you want to play songs you have purchased, you just make a custom set list of songs you wish to play from the Rock Archive, pick a venue and play!

If you accidentally delete a song, or don't have an SD Card and have run out of room in the Wii system memory, you can always re-download the song for free.

IGN: Outside of the downloadable content, will there be any online multiplayer like in Guitar Hero 3?
Karthik: Heck yeah! The guys here have a lot of experience with Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection service. Tony Hawk's American Sk8land for DS was our first online title on Nintendo's system (and the first Nintendo third party online title back in 2005). We figured, if the DS could do some amazing things online, the Wii should be able to top that!

GHIII was two-player online and we were really surprised at the number of online Wii players. Believe it or not, the number of active online GHIII Wii players is almost equal to Xbox 360. So, there's a really active Wii online community.

With the introduction of the new instruments, we can do eight players online – and still maintain a high quality experience. Players can go head-to-head (such as two vs two, three vs three or Band vs Band), play cooperatively or play the career mode online.

IGN: Rock Band will be available for the Wii several months before World Tour, will you support the drum kit and microphone from that game?
Karthik: Our instruments follow Nintendo's Wii remote wireless standard. So the guitar and drums work by plugging the Wii remote into the instrument. So unfortunately the game won't support any instrument that doesn't follow Nintendo's standard. The microphone however is a wired USB microphone (also Nintendo's recommended approach), so any USB microphone will work.

IGN: Will Guitar Hero World Tour be compatible with the guitar that was sold with Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock?
Karthik: Yes, absolutely! Anyone who bought the Les Paul guitar (with GHIII Wii or the upcoming GH Aerosmith Wii) can use them in Guitar Hero World Tour.

IGN: Any chance we might see some connectivity with the DS? You've got the Guitar Grip peripheral, it'd be cool to get handheld gamers jamming with the Wii gamers.
Karthik: That's a great question and something we may explore adown the line, but we've got our hands a bit full at the moment. ☺

IGN: The Wii version of GHIII has sold through the roof. Will you be doing anything exclusive for the Wii build of World Tour?
Karthik: A dedicated team at VV is building the game for the Wii, in parallel with Neversoft's efforts on PS3 & 360, o a lot of the features you will see are being built in a Wii specific way. In addition to that, we're doing some Wii exclusive stuff we can't talk about just yet.

IGN: What exactly is included accessory wise in the World Tour package?
Karthik: Well, there's the new guitar – which has a couple of major new features and a lot of subtle improvements over last year's design. The velocity sensing drums are kick butt. They can really take a brutal beating and hold up well. Plus they break down incredibly easily for storage (only two pieces), if you don't have the room to keep them set up in your living room all the time. The hardware guys at Red Octane are a bunch of geniuses. I'm constantly amazed at what they come up with and their attention to quality and detail. Then there's the USB microphone with a cool Guitar Hero logo on it. ☺ And don't forget the nifty stickers that come in the package!

IGN: Explain again what's wireless and what isn't.
Karthik: The guitars and drums are wireless using the Wii remote. Just plug them in and go. No messy cables, no interference and great response time. The microphone is a standard USB wired mic.

IGN: Okay -- we can't resist: will Guitar Hero World Tour feature stereo sound?
Karthik: Yes, yes it will! Actually, we've had to significantly upgrade the technology to handle many more simultaneous audio streams than we did in GHIII for the various instruments and vocals. When you add all the other things we're doing, we're pushing the Wii CPU very hard and maintaining a smooth 60 frames per second.

Not a Wii screenshot, but it should look pretty close indeed.

IGN: Do the PS3 or 360 versions of World Tour boast any features not included in the Wii build?
Karthik: Other than the obvious graphical differences, we've really tried to keep the Wii on close parity. The team has been working really hard to deliver a deep, rich experience for the Wii consumer. We're not copping out with a simple port.

IGN: Have you thought about licensing Nintendo music for Guitar Hero: World Tour? Imagine rock-style remixes of classic Mario tunes.
Karthik: This is another great idea we have discussed already, but right now there's nothing we can announce for Guitar Hero World Tour.

IGN: Wii owners are a finicky bunch. In your opinion, why should they be truly excited about World Tour on Wii?
Karthik: I don't know if they are finicky. I think they just want more good games outside of Nintendo first party. All I can tell you is that there's a really hard working team that's dedicated to building the standard setting music game on the Wii platform. We're a bunch of Nintendo fanboys who want to push what can be done on the Wii and debunk some of the myths about what the system can and can't do. It's been a real tough project so far because we're taking the hard road…so hopefully in the end folks will really enjoy what we've done.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-15-08, 10:40 PM   #21
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Guitar Hero World Tour Xbox 360 Gameplay - Direct-Feed

E3 2008: E3 2008: MS Conference Presentation
E3 2008: E3 2008: MS Conference Presentation HD
Kai Huang shows his passion for Guitar Hero and Metallica.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-16-08, 06:46 PM   #22
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
E3 2008: All-New Trailer

E3 2008: Gameplay Debut

E3 2008: Sublime - Santeria Gameplay

E3 2008: Sublime - Santeria Gameplay HD
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-16-08, 09:41 PM   #23
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2004
文章: 833
即係gh2 or 3 個guitar 仲用唔用得?

可唔可以剩玩guitar , 唔打drum??(即係唔買drum set...剩買GH4 再用番old guitar)

呢排打番Gamecube Zelda Princess --> Zelda wind waker--->MArio Kart-->Gota Force
LEDIV 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-24-08, 12:52 PM   #24
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

GC 2008: Beat It, No Really Gameplay (Cam)

GC 2008: Livin on a Prayer Gameplay (cam)
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 08-24-08, 01:08 PM   #25
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2002
文章: 6,202
3DS Friend Code2363 6017 4707
PSN  IDultcth
XBox Live GamertagMontagueC
個drum set真係幾好feel 但guitar個slide好似有d無謂

Montague 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章


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