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舊 06-24-13, 08:45 PM   #1
( ゚ω゚)?
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2010
文章: 9,253
[PS3, Vita] Superfrog HD - Amiga remake

'Superfrog HD' preview: Remake offers PS3, Vita-exclusive features

Published Sunday, Jun 23 2013, 17:51 BST | By Matthew Reynolds | 3 comments
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Superfrog HD has been fully unveiled by developer Team 17 at PC and indie games expo Rezzed.

The remake of the 1993 Amiga platformer will feature redesigned stages and several PlayStation exclusive features, such as cross-platform exploration and a level editor.

© Team 17

The Magic Woods world in Superfrog HD.

PR and marketing assistant Bethany Aston explained that the original's 24 stages have been made "fairer" than the challenging original.

"They've been redesigned, not to necessarily make them easier, but make them fairer," she told Digital Spy.

"So for example, before you would be running down a hill and there would be spikes you would have to jump, and they would usually take the player clean out.

"There are a lot of people we've spoke to who have really fond memories of the original, but they never really got past the first world, they never got too far into it. It was just a lot harder back then, I think."

© Team 17

The Egyptian tombs return.

Other changes include no longer having to collect a certain amount of coins for the level exit to open, and a revised camera that can zoom dynamically when needed.

However, for fans of the original, classic map designs will be available as unlockables from a fruit machine in between stages.

It will also offer unlockable brushes and objects for an all-new level editor, which will be exclusive to the PS3 and Vita version.

While creations cannot be shared between players, cross-buy functionality means creations and level progress can be transferred between a Vita and PS3.

© Team 17

The Circus world in Superfrog HD.

There is also a Cross Controller feature where the Vita version acts as a map while users play on the PS3, highlighting secret areas.

These exclusive areas will be accessible through a portal, which sees Superfrog jump from the television to the Vita.

It was added that a new mode Frog Trial mode will be available on all versions, which is an endless runner that has players collect clocks and last as long as possible, and offers online leaderboards.

Announced earlier this year, Superfrog HD will be available on PS3 and Vita in July or August, and will be followed shortly by a PC version.

Spooky House in Superfrog HD

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Copyright: Team 17

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