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舊 03-05-13, 11:49 PM   #1
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 3,696
Thief 4

First Thief (4) screens

neo 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-05-13, 11:52 PM   #2
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
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neo 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-05-13, 11:55 PM   #3
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jul 2010
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PSN  IDwhassupbun
XBox Live Gamertagwhassupbun
皇者歸位 但一睇圖就諗起Dishonored

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PS5:【暗影火炬城】,【Aliens: Fireteam Elite】
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舊 03-06-13, 12:13 AM   #4
God of Gamer
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Game Informer 公佈 Thief for next-gen platforms

Square Enix plans to release Thief for PS4, PC, and other next-gen platforms sometime in 2014.
enishi 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-06-13, 12:44 AM   #5
Junior Member
註冊日期: Jun 2010
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PSN  IDericchan618
XBox Live Gamertagericchan618
i've played xbox version be4
it was a really great game
it is really exciting when u steal some treasures
ericfiona 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-06-13, 01:29 PM   #6
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 3,696


  Eidos蒙特利爾工作室,Square Enix歐洲分部及《殺出重圍:人類革命》遊戲開發商聯合打造《神偷(Thief)》【神偷系列第四代】遊戲正式公佈,遊戲對應平台為PS4,PC和其他次世代平台,將於2014年正式發售。





  接著Garrett聽到兩名衛兵與富人車主的對話。這位車主名叫Theodore Eastwick,是一位建築師。他受男爵所邀為城鎮建造了很多哥特建築,從而得以進入上流社會。從三人的談話中Garrett瞭解到他們正前往一處名叫House of Blossoms的地下娛樂設施——這是一處專為富人提供服務的風化場所。

  午夜時分,馬車到達了目的地,Garrett靠投擲空瓶吸引衛兵的注意力,之後在夜色的掩護下成功潛入House of Blossoms。這地方到處是富人與風塵女子,在擁擠的人群中,Garrett跟丟了Theodore。不過他馬上發現一個可以讓自己發一筆的傢伙:一個叫「Xiao Xiao」的異裝癖。這傢伙正在招待客人,並自大地說他們的保險櫃萬無一失、金剛不壞,客人可以放心地把財務交給他寄存。不過這話讓Garrett聽到,不撬開保險櫃撈一筆、讓他們長長見識似乎對不起自己「神聖」的職業,於是我們的主角暫時更換了目標,潛入辦公室、盜走了大量珠寶——這裡有個開鎖小遊戲——並從一處密道成功離開。

  接著Garrett成功找到了Theodore的客房,他成功潛入並盜取了一枚徽章,之後Garrett使用「焦點」能力照例留下自己的「印記」後脫離了現場。不過Theodore很快意識到自己遭竊了,他馬上大聲呼喊尋求幫助,Xiao Xiao則指揮守衛四處搜索,而Garrett則從通風管逃脫。





  遊戲有導航功能引導玩家到達目的地,但遊戲鼓勵玩家進行探索,每個房間都有多條通道,如何到達、選擇哪條潛行路線到達目的地相當自由。 「焦點」能力在遊戲中有多種用途,比如尋找可互動的對象(如蠟燭、隱蔽的管道等)、顯示敵人的弱點、進入子彈時間或用來偷敵人的東西等等。  每次關卡結束後,Garrett可以用錢升級他的裝備,不過為了符合Garrett「賊」的身份,大多數道具都是用來提升他的潛行能力的。


  - 黑斗篷:在接近敵人時做隱蔽之用;
  - 弓箭:強力的武器,並且可以使用特殊箭矢(如火箭),在戰鬥之外的地方也有用處;
  - 鉤爪:主要做攀爬之用;
  - 特殊箭矢:擁有各種特效,如煙霧箭可以製造煙霧潛行。
neo 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-06-13, 01:36 PM   #7
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 3,696
Game Informer: Thief (Eidos Montreal, PC/PS4/"Next-Gen", 2014)


Overview/opening sequence

- Garrett has been away from his hometown for a long time
- When he returns to City, he sees “a city of melting prosperity”
- Iron-fisted Baron now rules the city
- Baron crushes City’s citizens through militarized watch
- Good fortune only for the elite
- Garrett views the political chaos as a chance to get rich
- Not concerned with being the hero
- Garrett finds his way into the Stonemarket district in the back of a covered wagon
- Watches the bodies of plague victims piling up on street corners
- Guards quell small civil disputes with force
- Wealthy men stroll by with bodyguards
- “Would-be revolutionaries preach to deaf ears while men in stockades slowly waste away”
- Garrett becomes interested in a conversation between two guards talking about Eastwick, a wealthy man
- Theodore Eastwick: principle architest, richest man
- Baron commissioned Eastwick to build many of the City’s Gothic structures
- Guards say that Eastwick is visiting a pleasure house on the other side of the size
- Eastwick going to the House of Blossoms
- This is an underground cathouse serving the elite
- Gates close at midnight
- Garrett crouches behind crates, which results in a dark tint covering the screen to show that you’re hiding safely
- Bottle thrown to distract the guards, and then Garrett climbs up a pipe up the side of a building
- Garrett moves across roofs, bounds over merchant tables and under wagons, and dives through a nearby building window
- Eastwick passes through the secret entrance in the House of Blossoms
- All of the above is not a cut-scene

Next sequence

- Garrett enters the House of Blossoms undetected
- Area has rich patrons, scantily clad women who saunter by and flirt with men
- Xiao Xiao, a transvestite, greets guests
- Garrett loses Eastwick in a crowd
- Xiao Xaio notes that there is more security than usual and that anyone with something valuable can store it in his office strongbox
- Use Xiao Xiao’s logbook to determine where Eastwick has gone
- Garrett wants to get his hands on whatever is in the storngbox, so he heads to Xiao Xiao’s room
- Logbook shows Garrett which bedroom Eastwick is in
- Garrett then decides to lighten Xiao Xiao’s strongbox
- This results in a lockpicking mini-game
- Align the tumblers of a lock until it opens
- Before Garrett can crack the lock, Xiao Xiao enters

Another sequence

- Xiao Xiao enters, but Garrett rolls into a darkened corner
- Xiao Xiao doesn’t detect Garrett
- Xiao Xiao leaves to deal with a situation with one of his girls
- Garrett opens the chest and takes out a jewel-encrusted heirloom
- Garrett can’t leave the room since Xiao Xiao is just outside the door talking with the girl
- Secret button slides the wall to slide open and reveals a hidden passageway
- Garrett comes across Eastwick’s room by using the House of Blossoms’ network of backdoors
- Garrett enters the room and takes a medallion
- He then uses Focus to look at the wall Eastwick is examining
- Focus shows a mysterious symbol written on the wall in blue energy
- Symbol corresponds to one of the runes written on the medallion
- Garrett turns a band of the medallion to line up that rune with an arrow, but the medallion then begins to glow with a similar blue energy
- Four adjacent rooms show four more symbols to line up
- After the last symbol is in place, the medallion whirls and spins
- Soon after, Eastwick notices that he has been robbed and calls for help
- Garrett hears through the wall that Xiao Xiao is ordering guards to search everywhere

Last sequence

- Guards are scattered everywhere
- Garrett heads to one of the House of Blossoms’ back rooms
- He had heard two serving girls talking about a catastrophe that followed after the ventilation system was accidentally overfilled with opium
- Garrett dumps the house’s stock of opium into vents and cracks open the flue
- Everyone is sent into a deep sleep as the vapors flood the House of Blossoms
- Garrett has to hold his breath and move quick or he’ll see the same fate
- Guards circle Garrett, who retreats into the opium fog and uses his bow to fire an arrow at a statue hanging above a doorframe
- Statue falls and crushes two guards
- Another guard pins Garrett against a wall
- To buy time, Garrett enters Focus mode
- Garrett grabs the guard’s arm, jerks it back behind his soldier, eventually falls against the stone floor
- Garrett breaks free from the final guards, grapples onto a nearby vent, and rapples down into the depths of City’s sewers


- Garrett isn’t a fighter
- Fighting against four or more guards in combat won’t go well
- Guards and other NPCs are aware of the level design, so they know where a person might try to hide
- Guards understand the topography of the level and which areas could be useful for hiding
- Different NPCs will look for Garrett in different ways

Gameplay mechanics

- Navigation beacon shows players where to go
- Dev. team wants players to explore environments as they see fit
- Multiple entrances and exists in each room
- Multiple options available for stealth approach
- “Focus” mechanic: has many uses, including being able to aid Garrett’s vision as he navigates through open levels
- Focus lights up the screen and highlights pipes you can climb + candles you can put out to make the room darker
- Can upgrade Focus
- Doing so will give you a bigger radius of things to see
- Fingerpints system: gives you hints on which drawers are best to look in
- Every drawer is accessible
- Can pickpocket
- Use Focus while pickpocketing to slow time and swipe up to three times as many items from others
- Can spend money to upgrade supplies and equipment at the end of each mission
- Various artifacts are scattered throughout the game’s levels
- Can use these to decorate Garrett’s hideout
- Garrett is motivated by the thrill of stealing something that others can’t take
- Focus will show a number of attack points on enemies
- Can select a point (like the chest) to do a quick push that will buy him more time to dash off into the shadows
- Can also string together a number of points to perform a more debilitating attack
- Team is trying to find a balance between making combat enjoyable and allowing players to enter combat if they want
- Major mechanics are in place


- Blackjack: use when sneaking up behind guards to knock them unconscious
- Bow: powerful, can be used outside of combat (ex: fire at a bottle in another room to lure a guard away, trigger a switch to lock the guard inside)
- Specialty Arrows: different uses; dry-ice arrow can be used to snuff flames from far away; smoke-starter arrow: cover and a distraction
- Claw: grapple attaches to certain points


- Garrett design made by game director Nicolas Cantin
- Garrett’s scar represents that his past has left long-lasting effects on his life
- Eidos being vague about how faithful the team is remaining to the original Thief lore
- Many of the series’ magical elements will be toned down
- “Eidos-Montreal compares game development to a high-speed train collision between art and technology.”
- Team was kept small and “stayed within the concept phase of development for a longer period of time.”
- The staff experimented with featuring a new character, making it a third-person game involving either tactical gameplay or environmental clambering (like Assassin’s Creed)
- “At one point in development, the game had so many third-to-first-person transitions that the constant camera shifting was making people sick.”
- Many experiments during first three years of development

neo 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-06-13, 03:31 PM   #8
Senior Gamer
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舊 03-06-13, 04:39 PM   #9
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舊 03-06-13, 07:21 PM   #10
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2004
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人在做, 天在看
wing 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-02-13, 10:51 AM   #11
Advance Moderator
註冊日期: Dec 2001
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Thief - announcment trailer

neo2046 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-02-13, 10:56 AM   #12
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Oct 2005
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PSN  IDhwong909

古云: 龍在邊緣,鳳在腰間,龍鳳配乃天下無雙
darkvolver 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-02-13, 11:04 AM   #13
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jul 2010
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PSN  IDwhassupbun
XBox Live Gamertagwhassupbun
作者: darkvolver 查看文章
只係因為未正式公佈next-gen XBOX個名啫

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PS5:【暗影火炬城】,【Aliens: Fireteam Elite】
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舊 04-02-13, 11:22 AM   #14
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2004
文章: 19,138
以前少呢類game, 真係驚為天人..... 不過依家多左咁多潛行game, 加上個IP真係已經好舊, 少人識, 依家出番真係好難有好大impact. 如果Dishonored 呢D新貴出續集, 風頭一定蓋過Thief.

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wing 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-02-13, 11:46 AM   #15
Game Master
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此篇文章於 04-02-13 11:51 AM 被 D-Joe 編輯。
D-Joe 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-02-13, 11:50 AM   #16
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2004
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作者: D-Joe 查看文章
隻game出街時, ps3/360已經變了上代主機了.

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wing 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-02-13, 11:51 AM   #17
Game Master
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PSN  IDN2O1990
XBox Live GamertagN2O1990HK
作者: wing 查看文章
隻game出街時, ps3/360已經變了上代主機了.

D-Joe 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-05-13, 11:34 PM   #18
Advance Moderator
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 58,240
Thief runs on Unreal Engine 3
PS4 version looks 'almost identical' to PC version

The PS4 version of Thief will look "really, really close" to the PC version, the game's producer Stephane Roy has claimed, before hinting at a "special feature" that may only be found in the PC version.

"For Thief, everything started on PC," Roy explained in an interview with "So for example, all the interface, the menu and stuff like that, we want to adapt it [for next-gen consoles].

"But for a visual aspect - especially for a game like Thief - it's not a question of pushing more polygons, [or] now I can have 200 enemies at the same time and not just 100 enemies. So on our side, it's more a question of gameplay, the movement, stuff like that. I think with the next-gen, yeah visually speaking, with the high-end PC and next-gen it's going to be really, really close, honestly."

Despite the similarities between the console and PC versions, however, Eidos Montreal may look to take advantage of high-spec PC graphics cards, Roy teases.

"Maybe we are going to push a special feature with the PC because of working with the video card and stuff like that," he continued, "but it's not like 10 years ago where the difference was huge."
A Square Enix representative added that the team already has a build of the game running on PS4 that looks "almost identical" to the PC version.
Thief is being built using a modified version of Unreal Engine 3, not Unreal Engine 4, Eidos Montreal has confirmed.

Despite being one of the first next-gen titles to be revealed, the game's producer Stephane Roy explained that the decision to stick with Unreal Engine 3 rather than opt for Epic's next-gen Unreal Engine 4 was a matter of timing and "flexibility".

"Keep in mind when we started, Unreal 4 was [still in] development," Roy explained to

neo2046 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-06-13, 11:15 AM   #19
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2004
文章: 19,138
即是好似lara 在某display card會去左做hair treatment 咁.........

人在做, 天在看
wing 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-06-13, 11:21 AM   #20
Game Master
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舊 04-06-13, 12:01 PM   #21
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2004
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作者: kakajit 查看文章
呢隻應該未至於係咁..... 應該係用舊engine來加快開發時間. PS4應該做到依家PC的效果.

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wing 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-22-13, 02:19 PM   #22
The One
註冊日期: Jun 2002
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有Xbox One 版
ahleung 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-12-13, 03:07 PM   #23
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jul 2010
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PSN  IDwhassupbun
XBox Live Gamertagwhassupbun

Now Playing:
PS5:【暗影火炬城】,【Aliens: Fireteam Elite】
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舊 06-19-13, 05:19 PM   #24
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2002
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Thief producer: 'We have a single shot'

by Mike Suszek (21 hours ago)

In late March, Square Enix cited "weak sales" of big console titles to explain its massive restructuring, which saw the dismissal of now-former President Yoichi Wada. Games such as Hitman: Absolution and Tomb Raider were slated to reach over three million units in sales in fiscal 2013, arguably considered successful to other publishers.

Meanwhile, Eidos Montreal's reboot of the long-running Thief series reportedly suffered multiple setbacks during its lengthy development cycle. When asked if he feels pressure to ship a critically-acclaimed game in light of the "disappointing" sales of other top-tier Square Enix games, Thief Producer Stefan Roy told Joystiq at E3 that the developer "cannot compromise with this one. We reinvented this franchise, I think we have a single shot."

"We cannot say, 'oh sorry, we missed, so we are going to try again.' No, it doesn't work that way," he added. "So we cannot compromise, we must really give a good product, we must work closely with the marketing to make sure that the messaging around the game is really clear."
Thief (E3 2013)

"This botch job makes Fantastic Four look good." —Peter Travers, Rolling Stone
NS CC:Morphus X300
david 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-19-13, 05:32 PM   #25
Game Master
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[XB]Thief: Deadly Shadows圖片及影片,5/26發售(神偷再現!) 神祕人1號 電視遊戲討論版 15 05-03-04 11:22 PM
Thief 3圖片及影片 神祕人1號 PC電腦遊戲討論版 3 05-10-03 09:50 PM

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