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電視遊戲討論版>Dead Rising (已售)
neo2046 04:39 AM 05-17-05

Source (swedish)

作者: :
*Produced by Inafune (Created Mega Man, the character, and Mega Man, the gaming series & Onimusha).
*Looks good
*Many zombies on the screen at the same time
*Reminds of Dawn Of The Dead
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E3 2005: Inafune Praises Xbox 360
Could a console get any better? Apparently not.

May 16, 2005
- While presenting Dead Rising Capcom's first Xbox 360 game, Onimusha creator Keiji Inafune called the Xbox 360 a "great machine." Through a translator, Inafune went on to claim that with the three-six-oh, there are "pretty much no limits" and that developers are "only limited by their own creativity." This is clearly displayed in the intro trailer for Dead Rising.

Though perhaps not as visually stunning as some might have hoped, Dead Rising allows gamers to interact with almost everything in the environment, to use their own creativity in order to take down an army of zombies. The final seconds of the video proved impressive as our hero is trapped atop a truck with hundreds of zombies surrounding him. That's in real time and in game. Look for more on Dead Rising throughout the week and expect plenty of Xbox 360 details following Microsoft's Press Conference.,0,0.html
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●Xbox 360用ソフト『デッド ライジング』が電撃発表!

 現地時間5月16日、E3に先駆けてカプコンが報道関係者向け発表会を開催! ここで、話題作『大神(OKAMI)』や『戦国BASARA(海外名、devil kings)』の詳細が発表されたほか、プレイステーション2用ソフト『ファイナルファイト ト ストリートワイズ』、PSP用ソフト『モンスターハンターポータブル』が電撃発表! さらに同社の看板クリエーター、稲船敬二氏がXbox 360向けソフト『デッド ライジング』を開発中であることが明らかに! 各タイトルの詳細は下でお伝えする。

◆数千のゾンビが襲い来る! Xbox 360『デッド ライジング』 (→まもなくアップ)

