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舊 05-09-06, 03:40 AM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors! [已售]

Pre-E3 2006: Square Enix Backs Wii
The maker of Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest to unveil not one, but two major Wii titles at E3 2006.

by Matt Casamassina

May 8, 2006 - If you're both a Nintendo and a Square Enix fan, you might want to have a seat. Sources close to Nintendo tell IGN that the publisher of the acclaimed Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest franchises is in development with not one, but two titles for the Big N's new generation Wii console. The games will allegedly be unveiled to the world prior to the Electronics Entertainment Expo 2006 at today's Square Enix pre-event media conference, which begins shortly.

Square Enix officially announced at last year's E3 that it was underway with a Wii sequel to the Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles series, which originated on GameCube as a multiplayer-centric RPG with real-time battle mechanics. Crystal Chronicles was developed by Q-Fund-backed Game Designer's Studio and Square Enix, and published by Nintendo. The title received a solid 7.6 rating from IGN for its lush visuals and intriguing storyline, but the game's reliance on Game Boy Advance controller functionality and link cables at times made its touted multiplayer mode a chore.
Square Enix has not released any new information about the Wii sequel to Crystal Chronicles, but Nintendo fans can undoubtedly look forward to a title that continues the basics of the first game while adding free-hand style controller compatibility and, quite possibly, an online multiplayer cooperative mode.

As for the second Square Enix Wii title, sources stop just shy of slipping us the name, but one insider we chatted with did allege that it's a game which will "make Japanese RPG fans very, very happy." Uh, with Final Fantasy already announced, only one other Square Enix series comes to our mind: Dragon Quest.

Square Enix's DQ titles have remained throughout the years the perfect alternative and, more recently, complement to its Final Fantasy projects, offering up epic storylines and robust fighting systems. Like Final Fantasy, the Dragon Quest games are some of the best-sellers in Japan on a regular basis. Unlike Final Fantasy, which graced GameCube in 2004, Dragon Quest has not seen a Nintendo console since the days of the Super NES.

Square Enix's pre-E3 conference begins soon. Watch this space for official news.

此篇文章於 12-09-06 11:32 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 05-09-06, 03:42 AM   #2
God of Gamer
The Flash
註冊日期: Nov 2004
文章: 14,779
Nintendo Switch ID6287 6181 7226

信長 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-09-06, 03:44 AM   #3
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 9,033
20 more mins, salute to 神祕人1號's hard work tonight /

Wii FC 5690-8031-2592-7760 <US Version>
Endless Ocean 8750-0794-4051 Mario Kart Wii 2020-0652-1136 Smash Bros Brawl 3480-2241-4047 PES 2008 / Winning Eleven Maker 0173 2123 0553
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舊 05-09-06, 03:56 AM   #4
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
2006年5月9日(火) 4時33分




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舊 05-09-06, 04:05 AM   #5
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 9,033
since theres no SE conference thread

Wii FC 5690-8031-2592-7760 <US Version>
Endless Ocean 8750-0794-4051 Mario Kart Wii 2020-0652-1136 Smash Bros Brawl 3480-2241-4047 PES 2008 / Winning Eleven Maker 0173 2123 0553
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舊 05-09-06, 04:12 AM   #6
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
E3 06: Square Enix press conference--LIVE NOW
Japanese RPG magnate begins a week of E3 festivities with its lavish press conference, bearing the promise of electrifying next-generation development details.

By Staff, GameSpot
Posted May 8, 2006 1:02 pm PT

CAPTION GOES HERE.LOS ANGELES--Kicking off a week of potentially explosive gaming announcements is Square Enix's annual pre-E3 press conference, being held this morning at LA's Palladium event venue. With new consoles due out this fall from Sony and Nintendo (and the Xbox 360 already plowing ahead at full steam), excitement here is understandably high about new products the titanic Japanese publisher may announce for next-generation platforms.

A throng of eager journalists assembled outside the Palladium prior to the event. Surprisingly, Metal Gear Solid designer Hideo Kojima made an appearance, eschewing the spotlight and sitting among the regular audience.

Following a brief delay, the audience was herded into a fashionably decorated auditorium where the company's most closely held secrets will be revealed. Banners displaying existing properties--from Final Fantasy XII to Dirge of Cerberus--draped the walls, display cases full of statuettes bearing familiar likenesses greeted attendees at the entrance, and a rousing score from many of the company's most popular games.

But even minutes before the show began, no hint of Square Enix's new, next-generation games was yet in evidence.

1:02 pm The conference is starting with a cavalcade of announced products on video--Dawn of Mana, Final Fantasy V and VI for GBA, Rocket Slime (!), some mobile stuff. President Yoichi Wada's now taking the stage, wasting no time talking about the promise of next-gen and telling us they've got some hot secrets for us today. So let's have 'em already!

1:06 COO Daishiro Okada is now on stage discussing the upcoming lineup. Final Fantasy XII will be out October of this year. Finally. Also some mobile stuff. Space Invaders? Elevator Action? Dirge of Cerberus: Lost Episodes also on mobile this summer.

1:10 Now we're getting into the meat with a long trailer for Final Fantasy XII, all in English. Sounds like they're sparing no expense on the voice acting for this one--it's all appropriately haughty, in line with the tone of the story.

1:18 More trailers for announced, current-gen stuff like Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth and the latest FFXI expansion. Now it's Final Fantasy on mobile--I knew my nerd sense was tingling for a reason.

1:25 Looks like their mobile strategy rages unabated--Dirge is the standout since it's all in 3D. Now we've got Final Fantasy III for DS, billed as "the only Final Fantasy never to reach Western shores." They're urging us to "complete the fantasy" with this 3D remake--fine by me since it looks like the best DS RPG yet.

1:28 Final Fantasies V and VI for GBA--not the biggest news, but near and dear to many hearts for sure. Promised to have new surprises. Now it's Mana time, starting off with the sorta middling Children of. But what's this? Ten years before Children of Mana, a 3D game: Dawn of Mana, of course. More CG than gameplay, but it looks pretty good.

1:32 Once upon a slime! It's Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime, which is the most bafflingly adorable name I've ever heard. Apparently, "it's payback slime." So cute, I'm sold. Now Shinji Hashimoto is taking the stage to talk about the utterly unsurprising massive success of the many Final Fantasy VII projects, from Advent Children to Dirge and the mobile games. Hey, and a US date for Dirge: August 22, with new features included.

1:43 Still showing off the Compilation of FFVII stuff, all of which is out here or in Japan. Bring on the next-gen games!


此篇文章於 05-09-06 04:50 AM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 05-09-06, 04:15 AM   #7
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 9,033
Square Enix Release Dates
Valkyrie Profile PSP: July 18
FFIII, Rocket Slime in Sept.
Valkyrie Profile 2: Sept
FFXII in October.

Dirge of Cerberus for Mobile Phones
SE announced Dirge of CerberUS: Lost Episode for mobile phones. To ship this year. Based on PS2 game of same name.

Wii FC 5690-8031-2592-7760 <US Version>
Endless Ocean 8750-0794-4051 Mario Kart Wii 2020-0652-1136 Smash Bros Brawl 3480-2241-4047 PES 2008 / Winning Eleven Maker 0173 2123 0553

此篇文章於 05-09-06 04:34 AM 被 GimGim 編輯。
GimGim 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-09-06, 04:34 AM   #8
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 9,033
gamespot live blogging
1:02 pm The conference is starting with a cavalcade of announced products on video--Dawn of Mana, Final Fantasy V and VI for GBA, Rocket Slime (!), some mobile stuff. President Yoichi Wada's now taking the stage, wasting no time talking about the promise of next-gen and telling us they've got some hot secrets for us today. So let's have 'em already!

1:06 COO Daishiro Okada is now on stage discussing the upcoming lineup. Final Fantasy XII will be out October of this year. Finally. Also some mobile stuff. Space Invaders? Elevator Action? Dirge of Cerberus: Lost Episodes also on mobile this summer.

1:10 Now we're getting into the meat with a long trailer for Final Fantasy XII, all in English. Sounds like they're sparing no expense on the voice acting for this one--it's all appropriately haughty, in line with the tone of the story.

1:18 More trailers for announced, current-gen stuff like Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth and the latest FFXI expansion. Now it's Final Fantasy on mobile--I knew my nerd sense was tingling for a reason.

1:25 Looks like their mobile strategy rages unabated--Dirge is the standout since it's all in 3D. Now we've got Final Fantasy III for DS, billed as "the only Final Fantasy never to reach Western shores." They're urging us to "complete the fantasy" with this 3D remake--fine by me since it looks like the best DS RPG yet.

1:28 Final Fantasies V and VI for GBA--not the biggest news, but near and dear to many hearts for sure. Promised to have new surprises. Now it's Mana time, starting off with the sorta middling Children of. But what's this? Ten years before Children of Mana, a 3D game: Dawn of Mana, of course. More CG than gameplay, but it looks pretty good.

1:32 Once upon a slime! It's Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime, which is the most bafflingly adorable name I've ever heard. Apparently, "it's payback slime." So cute, I'm sold. Now Shinji Hashimoto is taking the stage to talk about the utterly unsurprising massive success of the many Final Fantasy VII projects, from Advent Children to Dirge and the mobile games. Hey, and a US date for Dirge: August 22, with new features included.

1:43 Still showing off the Compilation of FFVII stuff, all of which is out here or in Japan. Bring on the next-gen games!

1:49 I spoke too soon: Here's our first real footage of FFVII Crisis Core for the PSP. Stars Zack of Soldier fame, apparently, and there's a ton of Sephiroth in here (down, boys 'n girls). No gameplay footage, only real-time cutscenes, but it looks amazing for a PSP game.

1:51 Here we go--Dragon Quest is coming to the Wii. Some dude is fighting a stone golem in a forest. Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors. Launch title for the Wii! No real footage of the game, but still, big news.

1:54 The hits keep on coming--now we have Akitoshi Kawazu, exec. producer of Crystal Chronicles. Two new games from that series: one DS, one Wii. DS game is Ring of Fates, and will have wi-fi multiplayer (duh). Looks a bit more whimsical than the Cube version, same basic sense of style though. They're showing four players at once, like you'd expect. Yay DS!

1:58 And here comes the Wii title. That Final Fantasy theme still makes me all misty-eyed. Wow, these visuals are nice--random shots of CC-style little dudes fighting bombs and other monsters. If any of that was real-time footage of the game, the Wii graphics ought to do us just fine. Hard to say if it was just CG, though. Code name: Chrystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers. No major details on the game available yet though.

2:02 Final announcement! For PS3! E3 is so damn exciting sometimes. What is it?!

FINAL FANTASY XIII. FINAL FANTASY XIII. They pulled a serious bait-and-switch on us. Sword-and-gun-wielding heroine who looks like Yuna, flipping her way around a high-tech, futuristic world. No idea what it was until the end when that NAME popped up. Yoshinori Kitase directing! This is the guy behind all the best ones--VI, VIII, VIII, X. Be still my heart.

2:08 Sorry, I jumped the gun--Mr. Kitase was merely presenting. Motomu Toriyama will direct the game. And apparently FFXIII isn't the only game coming out of this universe--there's a, uh, mobile game too. Oh. It's Final Fantasy Agito XIII.

Now it's Fabula Nova Crystallis--"the new tale of the crystal" in Latin. They're big on the Latin today. Whoa, wait, another new game? Another PS3 game?! Final Fantasy Versus XIII? They're emphasizing that in Latin, versus means "to change direction." This is a Tetsuya Nomura game, and he's taking the stage now.

2:17 Nomura is providing more details. The CG movie we just saw, featuring a spiky-haired character (natch) squaring off against machine gun-wielding soldiers, was created by the Advent Children team, but the game itself will be made by the Kingdom Hearts team, and will feature "extreme action elements." He says "bonding" will be the primary theme of the game.

2:20 The conference draws to a close with a comment from Hashimoto that this should demonstrate Square Enix's commitment to next-generation gaming, but that it's "only the beginning." A final movie showcases the name Final Fantasy XIII, as if each new installment in this mega-enormous series is now a franchise unto itself.

Finally, Mr. Wada has retaken the stage. "How did that grab you?" Laughter and applause. Some more commentary on SE's commitment to supporting the next gen. Speaks more about the "synergy between products" being a proven formula with Compilation of FFVII. Looks like they're taking the same tack with FFXIII.

Some more info on FFXIII (can't type fast enough!): The game was begun by the FFX team for PS2, but the team was then derailed to make last year's FFVIII PS3 tech demo. They were so happy with the hardware, they decided to then shift development to the new platform. Apparently the game will run on the "White Engine" and will feature the most technologically advanced civilization ever featured in a Final Fantasy. The storyline will center on "those who resist the world." Yeah, okay.

2:27 The conference is officially over. I'm gonna go change my drawers. Stay tuned for screens of all this FFXIII madness, and a lot more. And to think, E3's still two days away.

Wii FC 5690-8031-2592-7760 <US Version>
Endless Ocean 8750-0794-4051 Mario Kart Wii 2020-0652-1136 Smash Bros Brawl 3480-2241-4047 PES 2008 / Winning Eleven Maker 0173 2123 0553

此篇文章於 05-09-06 05:43 AM 被 GimGim 編輯。
GimGim 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-09-06, 04:55 AM   #9
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
1:43 Still showing off the Compilation of FFVII stuff, all of which is out here or in Japan. Bring on the next-gen games!

1:49 I spoke too soon: Here's our first real footage of FFVII Crisis Core for the PSP. Stars Zack of Soldier fame, apparently, and there's a ton of Sephiroth in here (down, boys 'n girls). No gameplay footage, only real-time cutscenes, but it looks amazing for a PSP game.

1:51 Here we go--Dragon Quest is coming to the Wii. Some dude is fighting a stone golem in a forest. Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors. Launch title for the Wii! No real footage of the game, but still, big news.

1:54 The hits keep on coming--now we have Akitoshi Kawazu, exec. producer of Crystal Chronicles. Two new games from that series: one DS, one Wii. DS game is Ring of Fates, and will have wi-fi multiplayer (duh). Looks a bit more whimsical than the Cube version, same basic sense of style though. They're showing four players at once, like you'd expect. Yay DS!

此篇文章於 05-09-06 05:01 AM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 05-09-06, 05:48 AM   #10
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 9,033
wrap up from SE conference
- Final Fantasy XIII, PS3 (from FFX guys)
- Final Fantasy Versus XIII, PS3 (from Nomura)

- Final Fantasy XIII: Fabula Nova Crystallis (from Nomura)
- Final Fantasy XIII: Agito, Mobile

- Dragon Quest Gaiden, Wii
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles II, Wii
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles DS

Wii FC 5690-8031-2592-7760 <US Version>
Endless Ocean 8750-0794-4051 Mario Kart Wii 2020-0652-1136 Smash Bros Brawl 3480-2241-4047 PES 2008 / Winning Eleven Maker 0173 2123 0553
GimGim 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-09-06, 05:51 AM   #11
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
E3 2006: Dragon Quest on Wii
The RPG will be present for the system's launch.

by Daemon Hatfield

May 8, 2006 - At its press conference today Square Enix announced a Dragon Quest game for the Nintendo Wii.

Titled Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen at the Tower of Mirrors, the title will be available at the system's launch.

Dragon Quest is a long-running Japanese RPG series, and Dragon Quest VIII was one of the most critically acclaimed titles of 2005.

No details on gameplay, yet, but stay tuned for more from Square Enix's conference, currently in progress.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-09-06, 05:51 AM   #12
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2002
文章: 7,416
> Final Fantasy XIII: Fabula Nova Crystallis (from Nomura)

FFversusXIII is the same as the "Fabula Nova Crystallis" thing
Kaga 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-09-06, 06:40 AM   #13
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
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舊 05-09-06, 06:45 AM   #14
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2006
文章: 366
作者: 信長

wpp 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-09-06, 07:05 AM   #15
Game Master
註冊日期: Jul 2005
文章: 3,495
DQ Sword 同FFCC2今次會同主機發售, 必入了!!
Netnet 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-09-06, 09:12 AM   #16
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
任天堂新型機「Wii ?(ウィー)」専用ソフト ドラゴンクエストシリーズ最新作
『DRAGON QUEST SWORDS 仮面の女王と鏡の塔』を発表
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舊 05-09-06, 11:54 AM   #17
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 45,256
Wii U IDlastwill
3DS Friend Code5241 1873 3778


WILL 3780-8206-2363
按此看我的3DS Mii
W!LL 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-09-06, 01:45 PM   #18
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

勇者鬥惡龍 神劍 假面女王與鏡之塔
機種 Wii
廠商 Square Enix
類型 不明
價格 未定
發售日 未定

Square Enix 公司於今天宣佈,將在任天堂公司的次世代主機Wii平台上推出專用遊戲、《勇者鬥惡龍》系列最新作《勇者鬥惡龍 神劍 假面女王與鏡之塔》。

《勇者鬥惡龍 神劍 假面女王與鏡之塔》將是對應新主機Wii的獨特性能而製作的新遊戲,將會作為Wii的首發遊戲發售。遊戲將由掘井雄二擔任劇本和遊戲設計,由鳥山明擔任角色設計。遊戲的詳細信息將會在日後發表。
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-10-06, 02:15 AM   #19
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
コンセプトビデオ : E3 2006 : Nintendo

ソフト紹介ビデオ : E3 2006 : Nintendo

此篇文章於 05-10-06 02:54 AM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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舊 05-10-06, 10:10 AM   #20
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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舊 05-17-06, 10:01 AM   #21
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Dragon Quest Swords - E3 2K6 First Look
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-25-06, 11:20 PM   #22
Advance Moderator
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 58,244

Kenshin Dragon Quest gameplay

neo2046 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-26-06, 12:31 AM   #23
God of Gamer
The Flash
註冊日期: Nov 2004
文章: 14,779
Nintendo Switch ID6287 6181 7226
作者: neo2046

Kenshin Dragon Quest gameplay
原來之前都唔錯, 第一身都幾有dq feel, wii 版斬應該唔會太硬

信長 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-26-06, 08:10 AM   #24
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 7,363
作者: neo2046

Kenshin Dragon Quest gameplay

mph FC: nick 0601-9706-0534
content fc:nick 3007-1618-1079

wii fc
3221-5238-1799-9879 //pm fc /4424-6802-0768 //mkwii fc 105.2621-2747-8510//日動物之森 fc: /3738-3048-3107 惡魔:3652-5761-5259

nick 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-26-06, 08:50 AM   #25
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Apr 2006
文章: 1,101
作者: neo2046

Kenshin Dragon Quest gameplay

... ...
Mobile: MA, CC, PFF
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