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舊 07-17-12, 07:31 PM   #1
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Aug 2005
文章: 8,539
Angry Birds Trilogy

Angry Birds Trilogy goes retail on 3DS, Xbox 360 and PS3

You can buy Angry Birds plushes, t-shirts, fruit snacks, board games, and dozens of other items at stores, but until this holiday the one thing you couldn't get in a box was the actual game. Now, Rovio has announced the Angry Birds Trilogy, a collection of Angry Birds, Angry Birds Seasons, and Angry Birds Rio, on a PS3 or Xbox 360 disc or 3DS cartridge, for release this holiday season.

"You can think of the game as the ultimate collector's edition," Rovio EVP of Games Petri Järvilehto told IGN. "There are new cinematics, extras and other entertaining content. In addition all of the existing material has been uprezzed and re-treated for the high-resolution and big screen." New "reactive" backgrounds take advantage of the fact that you're playing on a screen big enough to see backgrounds.

The upgrades also feature Kinect and Move capability, as well as StreetPass functionality on 3DS. Most importantly, they support the "being able to be bought and given as holiday gifts" functionality that Rovio has lacked so far.
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舊 09-25-12, 03:21 PM   #2
God of Gamer
youtube 頻道
註冊日期: Mar 2002
文章: 17,244
Wii U IDeightsin88
Nintendo Switch ID3414-6520-7624
3DS Friend Code1762 2635 0638
PSN  IDeightsin88
XBox Live Gamertageightsin88


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