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舊 07-11-12, 12:38 PM   #1
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2002
文章: 20,716
Angry Birds Trilogy (Holiday 2012)

Angry Birds Trilogy goes retail on 3DS, Xbox 360 and PS3

by JC Fletcher (10 hours ago)

You can buy Angry Birds plushes, t-shirts, fruit snacks, board games, and dozens of other items at stores, but until this holiday the one thing you couldn't get in a box was the actual game. Now, Rovio has announced the Angry Birds Trilogy, a collection of Angry Birds, Angry Birds Seasons, and Angry Birds Rio, on a PS3 or Xbox 360 disc or 3DS cartridge, for release this holiday season.

"You can think of the game as the ultimate collector's edition," Rovio EVP of Games Petri Järvilehto told IGN. "There are new cinematics, extras and other entertaining content. In addition all of the existing material has been uprezzed and re-treated for the high-resolution and big screen." New "reactive" backgrounds take advantage of the fact that you're playing on a screen big enough to see backgrounds.

The upgrades also feature Kinect and Move capability, as well as StreetPass functionality on 3DS. Most importantly, they support the "being able to be bought and given as holiday gifts" functionality that Rovio has lacked so far.

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舊 09-25-12, 03:15 PM   #2
God of Gamer
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'Angry Birds Trilogy' preview: Rovio brings the phenomenon to consoles


Angry Birds Trilogy brings the mobile gaming phenomenon to Xbox 360, PS3 and 3DS with new bells and whistles. Offering the first three releases together - Angry Birds, Angry Birds Seasons and Angry Birds Rio - in one retail package, each game has entirely new visuals designed for high definition televisions, optional Kinect and Move controls and exclusive new stages and bonus content.

Angry Birds has seen a staggering amount of success in its three short years. Since December 2009, the physics-based puzzle game - which sees players fling birds from a slingshot at structures to take out pigs and rack up a high score - has seen more than a billion downloads across mobiles, online platforms and PC and Mac.

In a bid to make the brand the most "definitive casual entertainment globally", executive producer Kalle Kaivola explains that Angry Birds needs to be on all screens, including those in the living room. Surprisingly, the franchise has somehow bypassed the addition of traditional consoles, and so bringing it to systems such as Xbox 360, PS3 and 3DS makes it available to an even wider audience.

While only being announced earlier this year, Rovio has planned a console release since early 2011 when Angry Birds Rio first launched - a time when the buzz around the franchise became a deafening roar. Angry Birds Trilogy finally entered development last summer, and has seen release thanks to the help of two external studios - Super Stardust developer Housemarque and Oxford mobile studio Exient.

New visuals, sounds and animations

When Rovio was ready to bring Angry Birds to consoles, it wanted a faithful experience well suited to the platform. The three games have each essentially been recreated in order to best suit a larger screen interface.

Early versions that simply transferred mobile levels to a television screen yielded disappointing results, with the birds and objects taking up far too much screen estate and the art looking worse for wear. Kaivola said the team managed to "get away with murder" on such small screens, and so Rovio set off on a "significant project" to help make the transition work.

The end result is that all artwork has been completely redrawn at a higher resolution, with added visual effects. The first stage, for example, now has swaying palm trees in the background and dandelions floating through the air. In action, the birds now have a splash of motion blur in flight, and on landing, more sparks fly as they collide with their targets.

Meanwhile, the basic interim animations between stages have been entirely redrawn as more elaborate cutscenes, and all audio has been re-recorded with a 5.1 surround sound set-up in mind. While it's all keeping within the original game's aesthetic, such work ensures that Angry Birds now really shines on a television.

How Rovio brought Kinect to Angry Birds

The shift to consoles also paves the way for new control schemes. The most obvious for Xbox 360, PS3 and 3DS is the ability to aim birds using an analogue stick by pinging it back and pressing a button, providing a different, tactile feel than using touch interfaces did previously.

But perhaps the most interesting addition is support for motion controllers. PlayStation Move adds a cursor to the screen, and similar to touch input, allows you to pan around the stage before settling on the slingshot, aiming and pressing a button to fire. Kinect, meanwhile, is somewhat similar in that it also offers a cursor, but also adds additional physical motions.

Once you've aimed with your left hand and are ready to fire, raising your right hand up fires the bird across the stage, and lowering it again activates its unique action, such as dropping bombs or zipping across the screen.

It was, of course, something that required vigorous prototyping. Working closely with Microsoft, Rovio was interested in opening and closing your hand for firing the birds, which Kinect was unable to detect properly and was a frustrating experience, ultimately settling on the current control scheme.

"Whenever there was a sacrifice to be made between precision of both the angle of the bird and the release of the bird, we always went with finer control," Kaivola explained.

The 3DS version also offers the benefits of direct touch with a stylus, and an exclusive new feature for StreetPass, where basic tunes can be composed and sent to other passing owners of the game. It also offers the same leaderboards and range of in-game achievements, and of course, the added benefit of stereoscopic 3D.

Over 700 stages and all-new content

The elephant in the room is the difference in pricing - a bundle of three $1 games packaged into a £30 box - but Rovio argues that Angry Birds Trilogy is not only priced appropriately for the platform (each game was previously released on PC for £10 each, for example) but it's also cheaper than the majority of new retail releases and offers much more value.

There's no denying there's a staggering amount of content on offer; the three games have over 700 levels between them, which is estimated to take "30 hours to play through the whole thing" normally, and each individual stage offers their own Xbox Live and PSN leaderboard, a technical feat that was a "tough nut to crack", explains Kaivola.

For the especially dedicated, notching up three stages on everything will take over 100 hours, while one particular Achievement - clearing each stage with the Mighty Eagle at 100% - is expected to take a whopping 300 hours to complete.

There's also exclusive content; 19 brand new stages that are some of the franchise's most ambitious to date, using the wider screen estate to deviously cram in more structures and pigs, as well as bonus artwork, developer sketches and bird biographies.

Angry Birds Trilogy is being touted as the ultimate "collector's edition" for the franchise, and between its recreated visuals and vast amount of content - both exclusive and familiar - it's easy to see why.

The package's release this week is a pivotal moment for the studio. As this release pays homage to the three games that put the studio on the map, Rovio is also releasing its first Angry Birds spin-off, Bad Piggies on September 27. The new title is tipped to take the franchise in a new direction, and continues Angry Birds's seemingly unstoppable march for global entertainment dominance.

Angry Birds Trilogy is available on Xbox 360, PS3 and 3DS this week, on September 28 in Europe and September 25 in North America.


[ 歡迎讚好 八仙果遊戲頻道,只要跟 TV games 有關的,都想跟大家分享,多多指教 ]

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此篇文章於 09-25-12 03:18 PM 被 八仙果 編輯。
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舊 09-25-12, 03:18 PM   #3
God of Gamer
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註冊日期: Mar 2002
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Wii U IDeightsin88
Nintendo Switch ID3414-6520-7624
3DS Friend Code1762 2635 0638
PSN  IDeightsin88
XBox Live Gamertageightsin88

Angry Birds Trilogy achievement takes approximately 300 hours to attain

By Jeffrey Matulef Published 24 September, 2012

Get 100 per cent destruction on every stage with the Mighty Eagle.


Angry Birds Trilogy will have an achievement that developer Rovio expects will take players 300 hours to complete.

As reported by Digital Spy, Rovio executive producer Kalle Kaivola noted this as an estimate for an outlandish achievement that requires players to clear all 700 or so stages with 100 per cent destruction with the Mighty Eagle.

"I'd love to meet the guy who does that first, I'm just totally going to congratulate them," said Kaivola.

Without going for the achievement, it's expected to take most players 30 hours to complete the anthology and 100 hours to do so with a three-star ranking on each stage.

These lofty goals may be ludicrous, but we suspect some Tommy-like savant will rise to the challenge. Any interest, Billy Mitchell?

Angry Birds Trilogy is coming to Xbox 360, PS3 and 3DS on 28th September, where it supports HD visuals, Move and Kinect at the expense of a ludicrously high price tag of $40 in the US, so about £25 in the UK. If you measure games in legal tender and length that's good value, but who measures that way anyway?


[ 歡迎讚好 八仙果遊戲頻道,只要跟 TV games 有關的,都想跟大家分享,多多指教 ]

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舊 09-26-12, 11:23 AM   #4
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,566
佢段宣傳片都係用XBOX 360手掣玩的,

Angry Birds Trilogy out today, invades real life to celebrate

This Angry Birds Trilogy trailer shows a beautiful residential suburb being attacked by a devastating wave of winged menaces. Yet the victims seem oddly content about having their windows smashed and barbecues ruined. When you're seeing visions of cheerful cartoon birds flying about, you're probably in a pleasant mental space, we suppose.


此篇文章於 09-26-12 11:25 AM 被 IDGAF 編輯。
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舊 09-26-12, 11:35 AM   #5
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2003
文章: 1,967
呢D GAME出家用機把X咩...
minolta 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-26-12, 11:38 AM   #6
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
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作者: minolta 查看文章
呢D GAME出家用機把X咩...
如果佢搞都好,個題材都好適合做PARTY GAME係大電視前面玩的~!


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舊 10-08-12, 09:20 PM   #7
The One
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 28,498
唔知有無wow: 188見到360版, 無留意價錢
ahleung 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 10-09-12, 01:56 AM   #8
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,566
Angry Birds Trilogy,IGN 7.0分

Angry Birds Trilogy(憤怒鳥三部曲)


Angry Birds Trilogy may be the definitive Angry Birds experience, but is it worth the high price tag?

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舊 10-09-12, 05:27 AM   #9
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,566
題外話,呢隻憤怒鳥三部曲唔包Star Wars版,

Angry Birds Star Wars - Teaser Trailer

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舊 10-09-12, 05:49 AM   #10
ben wai
Game Master
註冊日期: Feb 2004
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XBox Live GamertagDOP169WI

Cancel time phase is STUPID.
Even West or East.
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舊 09-05-13, 03:20 AM   #11
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
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此篇文章於 10-01-13 06:16 PM 被 IDGAF 編輯。
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