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舊 04-16-08, 07:15 PM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Wii Fit -Part II [you can weigh your pets!]

Wii Fit
機  種: Wii
類  型: 體育
開 發 商: Nintendo
發 行 商: Nintendo
發 售 日: 2008年5月19日
售  價: 89.99美元

《Wii Fit》套裝定價90美元,5月19日登陸美國
來源: 時間:2008-4-16 編輯: 六段音速

上個月曾有來自零售商的渠道透露,《Wii Fit》在美國有望以70美元的價格首發。遺憾的是任天堂官方今天否決了這一定價,宣佈《Wii Fit》與平衡板套裝在美國的建議零售價為89.99美元,預定5月19日發售。

90美元的售價雖然比之前外界的估計略高,但鑒於近期美元對日元匯率的持續走低,這個價格也並沒有超出可以接受的範圍。不過對於美國玩家來說最重要的,還是任天堂接下來公佈的《Wii Fit》預定方案。

據悉,任天堂官方的《Wii Fit》首發預定活動將從4月18日啟動,地點僅限位於美國紐約的任天堂世界商店總部,前1000名預定的玩家可以獲得由任天堂遊戲大師宮本茂簽名的T恤一件。

Wii Fit membership dues set at $90
Balance Board is part and parcel of Nintendo's fitness-gym-in-a-box when it launches May 19.
By Tom Magrino, GameSpot

Posted Apr 15, 2008 10:08 am PT;title;4

Retail Radar has proven to be a useful tool in the past, but it appears that last July's detection of a $70 price tag for Nintendo's Wii Fit was merely an errant flock of seagulls. The publisher said today that when the fitness simulator goes on sale on May 19 in the US, its one-time membership dues will total $89.99 for the game and the balance board.

The $90 price tag is higher than what many expected after the game's ¥8,800 price--$75 at the time--was revealed for Japan last October. However, the floundering US dollar has since altered that conversion substantially, with ¥8,800 now being worth about $86.75. Wii Fit launched in Japan to ravenous consumer demand last December, and a European edition is expected to go on sale April 25.

In addition to officially confirming the price, Nintendo also announced a special preorder program available exclusively at the Japanese publisher's Nintendo World store in New York City. Beginning April 18, the first 1,000 people who put $5 down on Wii Fit will receive a limited-edition T-shirt featuring the mug of Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto along with his reproduced signature.

While Nintendo's training simulators have thus far focused on building the mind, Wii Fit offers more than 40 different exercises aimed at strengthening the body, with a focus on yoga, aerobics, strength training, and balance. For more on Wii Fit, check out GameSpot's recent preview.

此篇文章於 04-25-08 11:23 AM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-16-08, 07:17 PM   #2
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Wii Fit
Published by: Nintendo
Developed by: Nintendo
Genre: Sports
Number of Players: 1
Release Date:
US: May 19, 2008
Japan: December 1, 2007
Europe: April 25, 2008

Hands-on Wii Fit
We played. We conquered. And we woke up incredibly sore the next day. We're not kidding.

by Matt Casamassina

April 15, 2008 - The following account comes to readers from IGN Nintendo Team editor-in-chief Matt Casamassina, who extensively tested out the English version of Wii Fit from Nintendo's Media Summit event in San Francisco last week:

I think gamers -- hardcore or otherwise -- who still believe that Wii Fit is a gimmick, an impostor, or an all-out fake are in for a rude awakening. Whether you want to refer to it as a game or an exercise program, you will eventually have to concede, as I have, that it's the real deal. It'll give you a work out. You will sweat. Your heart will move. And you might just wake up sore the next day. I'm speaking from experience for exactly that happened to me at last week's Nintendo Media Summit, where I went hands (and feet) on the Wii Balance Board and cycled through some of the exercises and minis in Nintendo's sort-of-kind-of-game and soon-to-be-hit.

I've been through the basics of Wii Fit a dozen times before, but just in case you've been out on vacation for the last 10 months, I've provided a quick primer. Nintendo's latest "casual" or "bridge" title, set to debut on May 19 in America, takes the fundamentals of Wii Sports to the next level. Whereas the pack-in encouraged players to get off their couches and swing the Wii remote like a real tennis racket or bowl like a pro, Wii Fit challenges participants to compete in mini-workouts, the end goal being to tone muscle and hopefully burn fat. You stand on an included scale-like device called the Wii Balance Board and it very accurately measures every shift, however subtle you might make, as you battle and play through 40 different minis and exercises spread across strength training, yoga, aerobics, and balance games.

The Big N has shied away from stating that Wii Fit is a true exercise solution (and I can't really blame it when we live in a world where stupid people who accidentally break their TVs with Wii remotes will actually sue the publisher), but the fact remains, many of the challenges encapsulated within Wii Fit are hard and very taxing on your body. I'm by no means Mr. Universe, but I do go to my local gym about four times per week and I adhere to regular workout cycles, sometimes concentrating on my chest and back, other times focusing on my arms and stomach. I've been doing this for years and like to think I'm fairly well-versed in a solid exercise program. And yet, 20 minutes with Wii Fit kicked my ass, which surprised me.

Always politically correct, Nintendo has designed Wii Fit to measure your body mass index or BMI as opposed to your weight. That said, you can set the game to display your weight, too, and according to Shigeru Miyamoto, who hatched the concept, the Wii Balance Board is actually one of the most accurate scales that money can buy. I'm inclined to believe him having seen just how precisely the contraption measured my every tiny nuance of a momentum shift and movement. In addition to your BMI, which is a fancy way of describing the measurement of body fat, the title awards you with a Wii Fit Age (go figure, right?), the latter of which is based on an initial balance test. As you play Wii Fit every day, you'll want to secure and maintain a healthy age.
Right, so my primer was a little longer than I teased, but everybody needs a refresher now and again. In my recent play-through of the title, I first engaged in a strength-training exercise that was one part push-up and another part yoga. Bear in mind that I'm used to shoulder-length push-ups, but in Wii Fit, the size of the Balance Board -- about the width of a day-to-day scale -- requires that you pull your arms a little closer together like a diamond push-up. This, in case you're wondering, is considerably more difficult. Both hands are placed firmly on the Balance Board, knees still on the ground. Next, you stretch your legs out and hold your body at the high point of the push-up. Breath in and slowly lower yourself to the Board while breathing out. Now hold for one, two, three seconds. Not so bad, right? Wrong. It's about to get tricky. Now you have to keep the position while you wrap your right leg around your left, reach toward the sky with your right arm and pivot your body, shifting all of your weight on your left arm. Hold. Return to the push-up position -- smoothly now -- and repeat the process. Six times. (You can unlock higher reps as you use Wii Fit on a daily basis.)

IGN's resident not-sure-what-she-does Jessica Chobot and I competed in two different push-up competitions and somehow, against all odds, she beat me. I am not entirely sure how this happened given that her arms are no wider than soda straws, but I think it may have something to do with my form -- as I noted, I was a little wobblier than Jess due to the fact that I have weight to consider (particularly in my belly, I'm not embarrassed to admit) and Chobot practically floats. Even so, I at least finished the competition, competing all six reps. Jess, on the other hand, gave up halfway through, fell on her face and smashed her hip. That she still won remains an enigma.

In Wii Fit, when you start the exercise, an on-screen trainer -- either male or female depending on your preference -- gives you important advice about form, breathing, position holds, and timing. You're going to want to listen to the trainer as they offer invaluable guidance throughout your workouts and they're advice changes dynamically throughout your programs as the title measures different shifts in your form and momentum. It's pretty incredible to receive genuinely helpful guidance halfway through an instruction.

There are all sorts of other exercises, some more difficult than others. In strength training alone, which I find particularly appealing (mostly because it's not Yoga, which I seem to be incapable of showing any kind of prowess in), there's single leg extension, sideways leg lifts, arm and leg lifts, single arm stands, torso twists, rowing squats, single leg twists, lunges, push-ups and side planks, jackknifes, plank and tricep extensions, and more. In aerobics, you can partake in hula-hoop challenges, basic steps, basic runs, super hula-hoops, advanced steps, rhythm boxing, free steps and free runs. In Yoga, there's deep breathing, half moons, dances, cobras, bridges, spinal twists, shoulder stands, warrior poses, tree poses, sun salutation poses, standing knee poses, palm tree poses, chair, triangle and downward-facing dog poses. It's a ridiculously complete set of traditional exercises.

And then there are the Balance Board games. I tried a few more of these out at the event. First, though, the selection, which includes soccer heading, ski slalom, ski jump, table tilt, tightrope walk, balance bubble, penguin slide, snowboard slalom and lotus focus. I delved a little deeper into the ski jump than I ever have before and found the mini to be immensely enjoyable, both simple and addictive. To play, you place both feet on the Balance Board and lean forward, shifting most of your weight toward the front of the peripheral. The position of your feet directly moves an on-screen reticule around and your immediate goal is merely to correctly balance yourself so that the reticule moves within another on-screen circle -- the money spot. The longer you keep the reticule in there, the greater speed your character will build as he slides down the hill. And just before you reach the jump at the end, you make a jumping gesture (but don't actually jump -- Wii Fit warns before several challenges that you should never jump). Just straighten your legs very quickly and, according to one Nintendo instructor, you should even try to stand on your tiptoes, as you're likely to gain greater height. (I tried this but was unsuccessful.) It took me about two tries to really get the hang of everything, another five or so to start ranking in the top five, and three more times on top of that before I finally nabbed first place. It's not a complicated mini-game, but I have to admit that I was glued to the ski slalom as I tried for first place. I didn't want to stop playing, which is always a great sign.

I also tried out the game's tightrope and penguin slide minis and found them to be nearly as enjoyable, although altogether different in execution. In tightrope, you walk by making a walking gesture with your left and right feet -- remember, you don't really want to lift your legs; same as jumping. As you walk the tightrope, you'll need to keep the balance and avoid obstructions by jumping over them. And in penguin slide, you tilt an icy platform left and right by shifting the balance with your respective feet, the goal being to eat as many penguins as possible. All fun.
There's no doubt that Wii Fit is going to appeal to the casual crowd. (I keep saying that if Nintendo can just get the title on Oprah Winfrey, it'll be a gargantuan success.) But I like to brand myself a hardcore gamer and I have to tell you, I think the program is incredible. Is this Nintendo's "bridge" strategy in effect? Perhaps. Whatever the case, though, I'm a believer. I go to the gym regularly, but sometimes I have to force myself to leave the house. Wii Fit succeeds in that it makes exercising fun -- addictive, even. In fact, gamers strictly opposed to working up a sweat may find the exercise component invisible -- you'll be having so much fun with the mini-games that you won't even notice you're technically burning calories until you're suddenly out of breath.

Nintendo is supporting Wii Fit with an epic marketing budget and allocating more than a million units for the title's launch in the U.S. on May 19. There's nothing gimmicky about the fitness game and I think America is going to quickly find itself hooked on the Big N's latest phenomenon.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-16-08, 09:07 PM   #3
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 19,015
Wii U IDbobogaf
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3DS Friend Code2793 0561 7788
PSN  IDbobogaf
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依家日版Wii FIT都係六百幾,已經好平啦

龍寶寶 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-16-08, 09:09 PM   #4
The One
註冊日期: Apr 2004
文章: 21,642
PSN  IDlauhenry
XBox Live Gamertaglauchai
作者: 龍寶寶 查看文章
依家日版Wii FIT都係六百幾,已經好平啦

>>>>>劉伯<<<<< 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-16-08, 09:12 PM   #5
註冊日期: Dec 2001
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Wii U IDbobogaf
Nintendo Switch ID4565-6477-0890
3DS Friend Code2793 0561 7788
PSN  IDbobogaf
XBox Live Gamertagbobogaf
作者: lauchai 查看文章

龍寶寶 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-16-08, 09:51 PM   #6
The One
註冊日期: Apr 2004
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XBox Live Gamertaglauchai
作者: 龍寶寶 查看文章

>>>>>劉伯<<<<< 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-18-08, 10:31 PM   #7
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
驅動之家[原創] 作者:Zhengogo 編輯:Zhengogo 2008-04-18 15:35:02

MTV遊戲頻道的Stephen Totilo前兩天有幸採訪了任天堂的宮本茂,其間他問到:

「您將Wii Fit視為遊戲嗎?」


(握話筒者是充任翻譯的Bill Trinen,也來自任天堂公司)


最新SAT試題(美國大學入學考試)第46問,與「Wii Fit之與遊戲」命題類似的是:

a) 樹木之與森林
b) 馬鈴薯之與水果
c) 摩托車之與馬裡奧賽車Wii
d) 瑜伽之與健身
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-19-08, 06:55 PM   #8
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-19-08, 09:36 PM   #9
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Wii Fit Out-of-Box Preview
We get our hands - and feet - on the final UK boxed retail version of Nintendo's guaranteed system shifter.

by Matt Wales, IGN UK

Creator Demos Wii Fit
Miyamoto showcases the finished product, talks future applications, and more.

by Fran Mirabella III

April 17, 2008 - This afternoon Nintendo held a private media event in New York City to bolster interest for Wii Fit's scheduled May release, arguably one of the company's boldest product debuts ever. Title creator Shigeru Miyamoto played host and was glowing with enthusiasm for the new product, which is already fast approaching sales of two-million copies in Japan.

He discussed the game's original inspiration reflecting, "Five or six years ago, I was weighing myself every day. My children and my wife saw me [measuring my fitness levels], and decided to get me a better scale." After that, Miyamoto's interest level rose and he began to graph his fitness at home. He became more self-aware of his health progress, but also experienced that visually seeing your progress was quite entertaining. This inspired him to design Wii Fit but he admits, "I still have graphs in my bathroom and to me they are as equally important as your most treasured save game data." Miyamoto commented that although there is clear videogame-type entertainment with Wii Fit's training activities, to him "the spirit of Wii Fit is weighing yourself and tracking your data." This explains Nintendo's choice to offer daily weigh-ins and stats through the system's Wii Fit channel on the front menu.

Creator, Shigeru Miyamoto, shows off his latest Wii title in New York.

As the company has frequently said, a goal of the Wii was to reach entire households and all ages. Miyamoto said he feels Wii has achieved the same freshness that the NES console from the '80s did. And in Japan they have seen the Wii dream is being realized to the fullest with Wii Fit, a product he said "we felt we absolutely had to create [to reach people that don't play videogames]." In his homeland the peripheral-based application is seeing as many as three to four users per household that own it, and those choosing to buy it are primarily husbands (60%) and (30%) wives.

It's clear Wii Fit is sparking broad interest, but there were no remarks on how Nintendo's long-standing audience of hardcore gamers is responding to it. Perhaps fans are waiting to see if other Wii games will use the balance board before they take up a digital fitness routine. Mr. Miyamoto confirmed this continued interest in researching new applications for the board, noting that Nintendo is finding many unique ways to use the four sensors. It's a peripheral Nintendo has physically widened and increased sensitivity on over the development cycle, which led Miyamoto to suggest you could potentially emulate snowboarding with it. Feel free to insert your 1080-degree Snowboarding wishes here. He also teased that the balance board is sensitive enough to be used for a gas and brake, volume control, or maybe for tapping your feet during a music game. During the post Q&A session he also said he could see using the board as a bonus peripheral in a game world like Mario's. Indeed, with a likely install base of millions worldwide, we expect future titles to support use of the board in new ways, but so far Nintendo says it's too early to promise any new titles for the balance board. In a related question about using multiple balance boards, Miyamoto agreed he could see multiplayer applications arising, but not a sole game based on the application given that few households would own two boards.

Miyamoto shows off a hidden mode, the Ultimate Balance Test.

Nintendo is hopeful that Wii Fit continues to introduce more people to gaming and grow the audience. It has surprised itself with the product's development, in fact. The veteran designer said he never thought they'd be using the same motion capture technology Zelda uses to capture yoga sessions -- which, for the record, was so detailed it was too much data to capture.

Last of note, there's nothing new in regards to online functionality for Wii Fit, but Nintendo isn't denying it will ever come forth either. As you can imagine it would be a perfect title for sharing data with friends or even downloading new training routines. Despite these details, we're confident Wii Fit is going to take the country by storm when it releases this May. Enjoy Smash Bros. Brawl, Mario, and Metroid while you can -- grandma and grandpa are coming to a Wii near you.

Asked about whether or not Nintendo would continue to create games for the hardcore crowd, Miyamoto said that he wanted to design titles that appeal to everybody, but that traditional software is still underway. He pointed to the fact that EAD's Zelda team has been reassambled, but would provide no further details.

Check back soon for more news on Wii Fit and deeper transcripts of Miyamoto's roundtable interview.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-22-08, 10:55 PM   #10
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Wii Fit - European site update
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-23-08, 02:06 AM   #11
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Oct 2002
文章: 4,046
WAL1 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-24-08, 02:04 AM   #12
God of Gamer
youtube 頻道
註冊日期: Mar 2002
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Wii U IDeightsin88
Nintendo Switch ID3414-6520-7624
3DS Friend Code1762 2635 0638
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いよいよ欧州でも明日発売の『Wii Fit』、過去最大のマーケティングに心配は品切れだけ?
2008年4月24日(木) 1時44分
ブックマーク (0) (0) (0)

任天堂は明日25日にいよいよ欧州でも『Wii Fit』を発売開始します。国内では既に190万本の大ヒットとなっている本作、欧州でも過去最大のマーケティングを行うという力の入りようですが、唯一の心配は需要をカバーするほど出荷できるかという点のようです。

シニアプロダクトマネージャーのロブ・ロウ氏は「Wiiの発売時も含めて、『Wii Fit』のキャンペーンは過去最大のものになりました。日本でも最も早いスピードで売れたWiiタイトルになりましたし、英国で主要なターゲットと考える主婦層からも非常に大きな反響がありました」とコメントしました。

またロウ氏は『Wii Fit』が単に売上の面だけでなく、ゲーム業界にとって非常に大事なタイトルだと述べました。「『Wii Fit』はビデオゲームの歴史上、数限りなく寄せられてきた批判の声に応えるものです。『Wii Sports』はゲームを社会性のあるものだと認知させましたが、今回は更に先のステージを目指すものになります」


(Article written by Mr.Cube)


[ 歡迎讚好 八仙果遊戲頻道,只要跟 TV games 有關的,都想跟大家分享,多多指教 ]

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八仙果 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-24-08, 12:35 PM   #13
Game Master
註冊日期: Feb 2004
文章: 2,024
宮本茂:《Wii Fit》讓其他遊戲成為可能

《Wii Fit》究竟算不算是一款真正意義上的遊戲。或許這個在宮本茂看來理所當然的問題,足以讓玩家們討論
馬裡奧之父再次針對這些疑惑給出了新版解釋,在他看來《Wii Fit》不僅是遊戲,而且是橋樑。

眼看《Wii Fit》即將登陸美國,宮本茂日前接受了美國眾多新聞媒體的採訪,當被MTV電視台記者問及如何看

Fit》以及任天堂試圖通過《Wii Fit》所努力嘗試的目標,是對電視遊戲人口的拓展。實現這一目標之所以至關
重要,是因為當有越來越多不同年齡層次的人開始接觸遊戲的時候,哪怕是《Wii Fit》這樣的遊戲。


是的,把宮本大師的發言總結起來就是:《Wii Fit》,讓所有其他遊戲成為可能。

† your worst fears ( 恐怖 )
† the inevitable destruction of society... ( そして破壊 )
† trust your inner senses ( 新しい刺激 )
† you've never seen biohazard this before ( 今までとは違う )
romrom2004 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-25-08, 11:22 AM   #14
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
North American Wii Fit bonus - you can weigh your pets!

I know, I know…calm down. It must be hard to breathe after that megaton. I swear to you, it’s 100% true. The information comes from the man himself, Shigeru Miyamoto. Apparently, Miyamoto wanted to have a pet-weighing feature in the Japanese version, but there just wasn’t enough time. He managed to squeeze it into the NA version though. Wii Fit will offer up a message that tells you to hold your pet while you weigh yourself. Then, you can weigh yourself without the pet…subtract the difference, and you’ll find out your pet’s weight! So basically, it’s something you could have done on your own without Miyamoto putting that message in. Or, you could have used a regular scale.

Page 110: Even Though Wii Fit Is Clearly Intended For the Human Animal, Nintendo Design Guru Shigeru Miyamoto Still Got Mad Love For His Dogs
N'Gai Croal

Bill Trinen and Shigeru Miyamoto show Wii Fit to journalists last week in NYC

Last Wednesday, the Level Up staff and one of its colleagues, health writer Anne Underwood, made the two-block trek to the Le Parker Meridien hotel for a private demonstration of Nintendo's upcoming exercise game, Wii Fit. Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America executive vice president of sales and marketing and self-proclaimed "Miyamoto groupie" (more on that in a future Page 110 report) was among our gracious hosts, which put us in a VIP kind of mood. But the star of the show was product marketing manager Bill Trinen, best known as He Who Translates Miyamoto Into English. But until Wii Fit is finally released in North America, he should be known as The Fittest Man In Videogames, for demonstrating how the "game" works at various events.

Asked if we had experienced Wii Fit at previous events, we responded affirmatively, leaving Trinen to demo it and Underwood to try it out, freeing ourselves up to sample the delicious oatmeal raisin cookies that were so incongruously being made available during our preview session of a fitness game. Strange, that. But oh, so tasty.

Despite our reluctance to get our sweat on in front of witnesses, we nevertheless managed to elicit one exclusive scooplet when we asked Trinen whether there were any features that had been added to the North American version of Wii Fit following its Japanese release last year. Whereupon Trinen explained that Nintendo design boss Shigeru Miyamoto had wanted to include a mode that would allow players to weigh their pets. He wasn't able to include it in the Japanese version, but in the North American version, available May 19th, players will receive a message informing them that if they weigh themselves while holding their pets, then weigh themselves again separately and subtract the two, the difference will tell them how much their pet weighs. It's just one more reason why we've dubbed this Wii Hit.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-25-08, 08:41 PM   #15
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 3,696
宮本茂:《Wii Fit》可以給寵物稱體重

請注意!即將在美國發售的任天堂健身遊戲《Wii Fit》和平衡板將不僅僅可以幫助你制定瘦身計劃,同樣可以用來為你的寵物稱重並幫助它們保持健康的體態。 上週四任天堂在美國紐約舉辦了一次面向媒體的《Wii Fit》演示及體驗活動,任天堂美國分社市場部副總裁Cammie Dunaway和遊戲製作人宮本茂也出席了活動,宮本茂表示希望在美版的《Wii Fit》中加入寵物稱重的要素。



neo 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-26-08, 01:17 AM   #16
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Apr 2005
文章: 7,520
Wii U IDtsuiwil
3DS Friend Code1461 6149 1247
PSN  IDtsuiwil_jp

Wii Fit selling 90 per minute
April 25, 2008

Nintendo Wii Fit Nintendo's Wii Fit game was launched today and has been selling at the rate of 90 copies per minute in Woolworths, the store claimed.

Woolworths said that people were queueing outside its stores this morning before opening time to make sure they got their hands on a copy.

Wii Fit is a game based on aerobics that comes with an exercise mat and sells for £70.

"This is a revolution in computer gaming. For a game not targeted at gamers to sell in numbers like this is unheard of and is genuinely changing the market," said Woolworths games trading manager Gerry Berkley.

Berkeley said that Woolworths expected to run out of stock very soon.

"Woolworths stores still have stock left at this stage but some stores will run out today and others will sell out tomorrow morning. We are talking to Nintendo about securing extra stock and doing everything we can to ensure this happens in the event of a sell out," he said.

Yesterday it was claimed that games consoles such as the Wii have a positive effect on family life.

TNS Technology found in a survey that many parents believe they encourage interaction between the family and even improve fitness.

"Whether or not playing games like the Wii is an acceptable alternative to running around the great outdoors is still up to the individual – although looking at the results, parents are particularly excited about the positive impact it is having on their children," said Amy Cashman, head of TNS Technology UK.
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舊 05-22-08, 06:47 AM   #22
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無貨可賣,《Wii Fit》美國首發遭遇尷尬

在今年2月的遊戲開發者會議(GDC 2008)上,任天堂官方宣布體感健身遊戲《Wii Fit》將於今年5月19日登陸美國。任天堂美國分社社長雷吉表示,任天堂為美國首發準備了充足的貨源和大手筆的廣告宣傳。然而奇怪的是,當《Wii Fit》的廣告開始在全美境內推出時,發售日卻由原先的19日改為了21日。

任天堂官方對於廣告中發售日變更的解釋是,由於“(《Wii Fit》)到全美各個州的出貨時間不統一”所致,但遊戲的最終發售日依然是5月19日。今天,《Wii Fit》正式在美國首發,但任天堂卻在發售前最後一分鐘突然宣布,此次首發只限定在紐約任天堂世界商店總部進行。

根據來自紐約的最新消息,任天堂世界商店的全部《Wii Fit》存貨已經在首發開始後不到1個小時內售完,但包括GameStop、Best Buy和Target在內的全美其他數十家大型零售商的情況卻正好相反,許多已經提前打出了預定廣告的店家,由於到現在依然沒有拿到任天堂方面的供貨,不得不更改所有的銷售計劃。

有消息說5月21日《Wii Fit》就會陸續到達全美各地的零售商手中,但依然有不少商家對此次出貨延期表示了不滿。對此任天堂官方尚未給出明確的解釋,因此我們還不清楚此次事件究竟只是單純的計劃變更還是出貨量不足所導致。

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舊 05-23-08, 10:09 AM   #23
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宮本茂:《Wii Fit》可以給寵物稱體重
見到you can weigh your pets衝入黎睇...點知原來係咁...之前7百幾入手之後幾日我太太已經用咗呢個方法幫隻狗仔磅重
EXTASY 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-26-08, 11:55 AM   #24
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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Wiiの魔法使い!世界進出『Wii Fit』 宮本茂氏が海外TIME誌に語る舞台裏
by Miu @ 2008/5/26 07:00

日本では昨年の発売以来ヒットを続け既に200万本を突破、大々的なキャンペーンと共に先週、北米でもデビューを迎えて好調な滑り出しを見せているWii Fit。その最初のアイディアから開発に携わり、海外のTIME誌による「世界で最も影響力のある100人」に選ばれたこともある、おなじみ任天堂の宮本茂氏に同誌がインタビューを行いました。

その名も、"Shigeru Miyamoto: The Wizard of Wii"(宮本茂、Wiiの魔法使い)。任天堂の公式サイトで好評の、岩田氏による社長が訊くシリーズが英語圏でも掲載され、最近は海外でもすっかり有名になった必殺のちゃぶ台返しを始め、世界のメインストリームメディアを相手に、開発の苦労やその発想の源についての内容がまとめられています。

* * * * * * * * *




おなじみの任天堂キャラクター達から宮本さんは距離をとり、Wii Fitではゲーマー達を新しい方向へと連れ出します。多くの人にとって体重を計ることは、それ自体が恐怖である一方、この体重137ポンド(62kg)の華奢なゲームデザイナーは、自分で壁に貼りつけた紙へと体重を記録していくことが面白いと気づいたとき、Wii Fitのアイディアは生まれました。


開発者達が、バランスボードの4隅に対してそれぞれ運動センサーを取り付けて、当初は正方形だった形を長方形にしようと決めたとき、Wii Fitのブレイクスルーはやってきました。これのおかげでただ体重を量るだけでなく、日本の整体術にヒントを得たバランステストや、板をスノーボードに見立てたスラロームに使ったりもできるようになったのです。

現在55歳の彼、ビデオゲームにおける紛れもないウォルト・ディズニーには、創造力の天秤を途中でひっくり返してしまうだけのエネルギーがあります。その彼をして、Wii Fitを完成させるまでには、それで遊ぶことより遥かに苦しかったと認め、こう言います。



そしてWii Fitにおいて、宮本さんはありふれた日常さえ、新しいエンターテインメントの源になるということを教えてくれます。

「あらためてWii Fitを見たときに、これを本当に幅広い層へ受け入れてもらえるインタラクティブな娯楽として、マリオと一緒に比較して考える人はなかなかいないと思います。いきいきとした本物のようなファンタジー世界を作ることにも魅力がある一方で、自分はみんなが普段とても面白いものだとは思ってもみないやり方で、現実そのものとやり取りする体験を考えるのです」


(ソース: TIME: “Shigeru Miyamoto: The Wizard of Wii”) (イメージ: NintendoFanboy, Flickr),00.html

此篇文章於 05-26-08 11:57 AM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
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