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舊 07-15-08, 02:27 PM   #1
Junior Member
註冊日期: Jul 2004
文章: 12
E3 '08: Solid Snake actor writing Lost Planet movie

Capcom's arctic action game reportedly set to hit the silver screen, courtesy of Warner Bros.--with David Hayter penning the screenplay.
By Brendan Sinclair, GameSpot
Posted Jul 14, 2008 10:25 pm PT
Capcom is expanding its push into Hollywood, according to the Hollywood trade paper Variety. Not content with a new Street Fighter movie and the possibility of a fourth Resident Evil flick, the publisher has reportedly signed a deal with Warner Bros. that will see the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC action game Lost Planet: Extreme Condition hit the big screen.

The movie will apparently be produced by Seaside Entertainment (likely in conjunction with Capcom), and the screenplay assignment for the project has gone to David Hayter. Familiar to gamers as the voice of Solid Snake in Konami's Metal Gear Solid series, Hayter has a wealth of experience as a writer, having penned the upcoming film adaptation of DC Comics' Watchmen, as well as the first two X-Men movies.

The article didn't discuss possible casting, storylines, or release dates, but the location is likely set in stone (or snow, as it were). The game's defining characteristic was its frigid setting, a planet in the midst of a brutal ice age, and populated by menacing aliens.

The film is expected to be announced formally during Capcom's E3 Media & Business Summit press conference Tuesday afternoon.
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