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舊 04-18-04, 11:08 AM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
[全機種]The Sims系列強化新作The Urbz: Sims In The City圖片及影片

The Urbz: Sims In The City
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: Maxis
Genre" Simulation
Origin: U.S.
Number of Players: 1-2
Release Date: Q3 2004
ESRB Rating: M

Her name is Jayde, but she sure loves the purple.

Sims in the City
The first news about the Sims moving to the city in Urban Sims.

April 16, 2004 - The Sims have been causing a ruckus in the suburbs in the PC games and both The Sims and The Sims Bustin' Out on the consoles, but it's time to move on up to a bigger location. To get the Sims into the city, Maxis has announced that they are developing a new title called Urban Sims (working title ), that is scheduled for release this fall. Trading in their complacent lives that were constantly threatened by combustible toasters, the Sims are taking on a hipper 24/7 lifestyle and earning reputations as style mavens. With a whole new art style and some new gameplay, the Sims are growing up.

One of the biggest changes is the gameplay is that the job is no longer an invisible component of the game and gamers will have constant control of the Sims. Where before the Sims would disappear off-screen and come back a little more tired and grumpy, jobs will now become a much more integral part of the action. Walking down a street, a sushi chef might yell out that he needs help making sushi and the Sim can jump in and go to work to make some simoleans. Doing a good job at work will bring in promotions and access to power socials to meet other characters in the game. This is key because success in Urban Sims is all about the reputation.

After making some simoleans, it will be possible to buy some better gear and work on styling up the Sim. With a more detailed character customization than in previous games, it will be possible to create a highly unique Sim. Gamers will be able to tell if other characters like their style in the game since they'll be able to see other characters mimicking them. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and it's also a sure sign of others' respect. If the Sim gets more respect, he or she will get a better reputation and become more important in the Sim world.

The city is set to have different areas, each with its own unique feel and soundtrack. Gaining friends in a variety of areas will be vital in terms of getting a better reputation and gaining even more influence. As the Sim works on getting a serious rep, others on the street will recognize him or her as a true player. After getting some serious status, a Sim can even influence entire cultures in different parts of the city.

Anyone who's lived the 24/7 lifestyle knows that life isn't possible without at least one electronic device in the pocket. With a new user interface, Urban Sims will be introducing email, a cellphone, and an inventory box that will all look like a PDA. These will help to keep track of the missions and keep the Sim in contact with the rest of the world while wandering around in it.

To make sure that all of the styles and other aspects of the game are similar to what's actually being seen on the streets of modern cities, Maxis has brought in some cultural advisors for the project. We met with one of the advisors, "Hawaii Mike" Salmon, who has earned his own street cred by promoting hip-hop tours, editing the lifestyle section of The Source magazine for a few years, and even starting up his own lifestyle magazine, LTD Quarterly. Mike and the other advisors are on hand to make sure that the scenarios and missions in the game ring true for anyone who's spent time in a big city. They will also be making sure that the overall look of the whole game will look more modern with a whole new visual style.

Hit up the Media Page for a couple of images that show off this new style. Check back later when we'll have more information about Urban Sims.
-- Ed Lewis

此篇文章於 05-04-04 01:31 AM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-18-04, 11:10 AM   #2
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

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舊 04-24-04, 06:44 PM   #3
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
EA 發佈《模擬市民》最新作《模擬市民:上流社會》

EA(美商藝電)今天宣布《模擬市民:上流社會》原名:《The URBZ》目前正在下列幾個遊戲平台進行研發工作,包括 PS2、Xbox、GameCube 以及 Game Boy Advance。這是首度模擬市民居住在以名聲掛帥的城市之中,玩家可以自行創造市民喜歡的獨特風格並建立自己的身份地位,成為城市中的 Urbz(要人)。《模擬市民:上流社會》將在 5 月 12 ~ 14 日於洛杉磯所舉行的 E3 大展中嶄露頭角,並且預計在 2004 年秋天於各個遊戲平台同時上市。

  「我們將模擬市民電視遊樂器版本帶往一個更重大的革新方向及全新遊戲操控的境界;模擬市民直撃城市並成為眾所矚目的 Urbz(要人),她們擁有大膽流行的外表及風格。」EA 的副總裁兼任 Maxis 工作室的遊戲執行製作人 Sinjin Bain 說道「這也是第一次玩家可以在遊戲中控制市民一年 365 天時時刻刻的生活,不論是工作、享樂、贏得街頭聲譽或是探索城市的每分每秒,玩家都能真正的主導。」

◆ 關於電視遊樂器的版本(PS2、Xbox)




  《模擬市民:上流社會》將會支援 SONY 的 EyeToy 裝置,玩家可以利用 EyeToy 下載自己的影像檔輸入遊戲。當他們的名聲有所提昇時,他們或模擬市民的影像將顯現在遊戲之中。

◆ 關於 GBA 掌上型遊樂器的版本

  《模擬市民:上流社會》在 GBA 掌上型遊樂器的版本,是 EA 2003 年 GBA 平台產品銷售排行第一名模擬市民系列遊戲的續集,並由 EA 的 Maxis 工作室與傑出的工作室 Griptonite 共同合力研發。遊戲中玩家將身處大城市裡,藉由勤奮的工作增加模擬市民的聲譽,進而獲得進入城市中較熱門的區域。玩家的起始點位於城市較偏遠的地區,若是玩家遭到公司解雇,將會落入「吹牛老爹」的地盤,然後接管整個城市。當玩家想要建立聲譽成為城市中呼風喚雨的角色時,將會受到許多阻撓其邪惡計畫的挑戰。

  玩家擁有新的運載工具例如水陸兩用氣墊船,可用來探索 25 個全新的地點,包含義大利的 Urbania 、模擬住宅區或河港…等,可與當地居民產生密切互動;控制 8 個生動的小遊戲,例如 Moogoo Monkey Madness 和摩托車越野障礙賽、解放新的生理需求,還可收集超過 120 種以上的物件。除此之外,玩家還可將兩台 GBA 連線進行小遊戲肉搏戰,解開全新的遊戲特色並互通彼此擁有的物品。
(Alf.L 報導)
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-24-04, 07:35 PM   #4
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-04-04, 01:28 AM   #5
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
The Urbz: Sims In The City Trailer 7.5MB mov
The Urbz: Sims In The City Trailer 4MB wmv
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-04-04, 01:52 AM   #6
God of Gamer
youtube 頻道
註冊日期: Mar 2002
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Wii U IDeightsin88
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[ 歡迎讚好 八仙果遊戲頻道,只要跟 TV games 有關的,都想跟大家分享,多多指教 ]

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八仙果 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-04-04, 10:39 AM   #7
The One
註冊日期: Jul 2002
文章: 20,647
作者: 八仙果
但呢隻唔係 expension
係 stand alone.....
其實係咪就係 The Sims 2??
Zaku 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-04-04, 09:02 PM   #8
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
作者: Zaku
其實係咪就係 The Sims 2??
呢隻唔同The Sims 2(不過可能係同一遊戲引擎開發),所以你可以當係外傳或相關作品.而PC版模擬市民 2會有中文版

模擬市民 2中文版官方網站

此篇文章於 05-04-04 09:09 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-20-04, 10:41 PM   #9
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
The Urbz: Sims In The City Trailer MPEG 1:49 18.2MB{C6675AFC-8629-476D-B79B-9255AA566253}

神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-20-04, 11:12 PM   #10
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2003
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