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舊 01-24-07, 08:47 AM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon

Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
AKA: MK: Armageddon (US)
Publisher: Midway
Developer: Midway
Release Date: May 1, 2007

Mortal Kombat: Armageddon Q&A
We caught up with Ed Boon to find out how Midway's classic fighter is shaping up for the Wii.

By Staff, GameSpot
Posted Jan 22, 2007 5:48 pm PT;title;4

Mortal Kombat: Armageddon Official Movie 11

Midway's Mortal Kombat franchise has been a fighting staple for well over a decade now, and in that time its winning formula has been experimented with a number of times--with varying degrees of success. The series' Wii debut will be an updated version of Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, which was released for the PlayStation 2 and the Xbox last year. We recently spoke with executive producer Ed Boon about his plans for the upcoming Wii game, which include a gesture-system control scheme and an all-new gameplay mode.

GameSpot: How long has the game been in development?
Ed Boon: We have been developing the Wii version of MK: Armageddon since we finished the PS2 and Xbox versions.

GS: Why did you decide to bring MK: Armageddon to the Wii, as opposed to creating an original installment of the series?
EB: MK: Armageddon is such a hit with the fans, and what better game to bring to a new console than a game with every character from the history of MK in it? Any "new game" would have fewer characters; we wanted to bring them all to the Wii to bring as much kontent as possible to the Wii.

GS: Was taking an existing game and tailoring it to the Wii a challenge?
EB: Certainly any new console brings challenges to development, and the Wii brings its own additional challenges because of its innovative controllers. The controllers have been the biggest challenge, and as such, have been the focus of most of our design time. We wanted the controls for the Wii to feel different and exciting. Right now it feels great--we're really excited to get it into people's hands and see what they think.

GS: Did any of the user feedback on the released versions of Armageddon affect development of the Wii game?
EB: Yes; MK fans will notice some additional features and tweaks to the kombat. For example, we have implemented and are tuning some new kombat centered around the "laying down" actions in the game. We listen closely to feedback on the game and like to make things better where we can.

GS: Were you able to upgrade the visuals on the Wii over the current-gen versions of the game?
EB: The Wii has some things that it naturally does better than other consoles, just like others have things they naturally do better. However, in general your average player will not see a big difference in the graphical look of the game.

GS: How did you approach control in the game? Did you feel like you had to use the Wii Remote and motion sensing? How did you implement it?
EB: Using the Wii-mote for MK: Armageddon was a must for us. We felt there would be no point in doing this game for the Wii if we did not support the Wii-mote for all modes and features. We didn't want to just support it, though--we wanted to utilize it and customize the gameplay experience. When you play it, you will notice that every single super move in the game is controlled by a Wii gesture system; also, the fatality systems will use the gesture system. For example, to do a move like throw Scorpion's spear, you will swing the Wii-mote away from your enemy and then bring it back toward your enemy, as if you are throwing the spear yourself toward the enemy, in an "away-toward" motion. It makes all of the moves feel more visceral, and it feels like you are more directly doing the action over just button presses. We want the controls of MK: Armageddon to be the biggest feature of this game on top of all of the content it already has.

GS: Did you implement alternative control methods to make sure longtime MK vets weren't alienated?
EB: Yes! To make sure we stayed true to our fans and people who like the other controllers, we are also supporting the Wii's Classic Controller as well as the GameCube controller for use in MK: Armageddon for the Wii. You could be playing Mortal Kombat with one person using a Wii-mote and Nunchuk, one person with just the Wii-mote, one person on the GameCube controller, and one person on a Classic Controller. We wanted the player to have as many options as possible.

GS: How much Wii-exclusive original content is in the game?
EB: There are two main things that we are bringing to the Wii exclusively over the PS2 and Xbox versions. As we've talked about, we have focused a lot on the controls and how we'll use those in the game as creatively as possible.

Additionally, we have implemented a new mode called "Endurance mode" for the Wii. We wanted to enhance the single-player experience on the Wii. In this mode you will fight a series of opponents one round at a time, without getting any additional health after each enemy. How many can you beat? Can you beat all 20 in Endurance mode?

GS: Is there any online functionality in the game?
EB: No. The online components of the Wii were not ready for us when we would have needed them in the development cycle.

GS: Are you or were you tempted to include Mii support?
EB: It is an interesting feature, but not something that really fits into Mortal Kombat.

GS: Was there anything about the hardware or remote that surprised you?
EB: Other than the controls, not really. The Wii is focused on a new and innovative way of playing games and a different kind of gaming experience. The hardware is about what you'd expect from Nintendo under the hood.

GS: What are your overall impressions of the hardware?
EB: From a gamer's standpoint, many of the guys on the MK team are big fans of the Wii. I already have a lot of Wii games at home.

From a developer's standpoint, doing a game for the Wii is very similar to doing games for the GameCube, with the addition of the Wii's controllers. It will be interesting to see how developers approach the Wii going forward, considering how different it is than other next-gen consoles.

GS: Thanks for your time.


神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 01-24-07, 08:48 AM   #2
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
* Select from more than 50 characters from the Entire Mortal Kombat Fighting Universe: From Liu Kang to Shang Tsung to Shao Kahn, Mortal Kombat: Armageddon will feature more playable fighters than any other Mortal Kombat game to date.

* All-New Customized Kreate-A-Fighter Mode: For the first time ever in a Mortal Kombat game players will be able to use a Kreate-A-Fighter feature to create and define their fighter’s look, abilities and personality with a deep level of customization and take that unique fighter online.

* Unique Kreate-A-Fatality System: Fans now have the ability to create their own custom fatalities by stringing together a series of attacks via a series of button combos; those that prove worthy can take their very own death moves online to showcase to the world.

* Entirely Revamped & Improved Konquest Mode: What formally served as a training mission has evolved into a full-blown adventure.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 01-24-07, 08:54 AM   #3
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2006
文章: 11,600
Nintendo Switch ID8526-5981-1889
3DS Friend Code0860 3263 4537
fiendray 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 01-24-07, 09:00 AM   #4
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
作者: fiendray 查看文章
係格鬥game,曾幾何時本作係香港都幾受歡迎ga(因為血腥),之前譯作真人格鬥同龍爭虎鬥,而且本作係歐美更係非常受歡迎,之前推出的PlayStation 2同Xbox版銷量已過百萬.

MK: Armageddon sells a million
Midway's gory fighter hits 1 million shipped across both PS2, Xbox; Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks also hits milestone.

By Tim Surette, GameSpot
Posted Jan 8, 2007 5:08 pm PT

Ripping heads off torsos and dismembering bodies may not make good substitutes for parenting, but it sure does sell a lot of games. Midway Games today announced that Mortal Kombat: Armageddon has shipped 1 million units worldwide.

The game was released in October on the PlayStation 2 and Xbox and is allegedly the final Mortal Kombat game for current-generation consoles. The finale packed in dozens of characters from previous MK games and was met with generally positive reviews. The game is also headed to the Wii in April.

Midway also revealed that the 2005 game Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks has also shipped more than 1 million units. Shaolin Monks was released on the Xbox and PS2.

此篇文章於 01-24-07 09:08 AM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 01-24-07, 09:08 AM   #5
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2004
文章: 3,521
估唔到wii都會出Mortal Kombat
不過好懷疑呢集仲夠唔夠以前咁血腥? (硬係覺得「血腥類」同wii好唔夾 )

We Lie!We Cheat!We Steal!
Latino Heat! \

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舊 01-24-07, 09:17 AM   #6
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2006
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PSN  IDiweng
葛葉雷堂 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 01-24-07, 09:49 AM   #7
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Jul 2005
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記得細個果陣玩超任版玩到想嘔 (因為 d 畫面太血腥...)

my wii fd code:

8750 5764 1526 4448
user name: GAP
add me play together la~

add 左我 ge 人請 PM
Hung99hk 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 01-24-07, 09:01 PM   #8
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

Mortal Kombat Wii 'Ed Boon Tutorial'
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 01-24-07, 09:13 PM   #9
terry bogard
Game Master
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作者: 葛葉雷堂 查看文章
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舊 01-24-07, 11:07 PM   #10
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舊 01-25-07, 01:28 AM   #11
Insane Gamer
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XBox Live GamertagKeithL1985
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舊 01-27-07, 09:20 PM   #12
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
AKA: MK: Armageddon (US)
Publisher: Midway
Developer: Midway
Release Date: May 1, 2007
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon Company Line
Company Line -- This Content Was Not Created By GameSpot

Posted Jan 26, 2007 4:21 pm PT

For the first time ever on the Nintendo Wii, players will be able to experience the latest chapter in Midway's award-winning, best selling video game fighting franchise, Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. With the most complete roster ever, including more than 60 fighters from the entire Mortal Kombat universe (past, present and future), a revolutionary Kreate-A-Fighter mode and Kreate-A-Fatality mode, plus a brand new Konquest mode and Endurance Mode, Mortal Kombat: Armageddon promises to be the most complete, intensely lethal, fighting experience ever!

Features :
*Exclusive to the Wii: Players will be able to take their fighting action to a whole new level with all special moves and fatalities executed via the Wii-mote. In addition, not only will gamers be able to enjoy all aspects of Armageddon with the Wii-mote, but the GameCube and Classic Controller as well!
*New Endurance Mode Comes to the Wii: Appearing for the first time on consoles, Armageddon will feature a deeply enhanced Endurance Mode, allowing gamers to test their true fighting stamina.
*Select from more than 60 characters from the Entire Mortal Kombat Fighting Universe: From Liu Kang to Shang Tsung to Shao Kahn, Mortal Kombat: Armageddon will feature more playable fighters than any other Mortal Kombat game to date.
*All-New Customized Kreate-A-Fighter Mode: For the first time ever in a Mortal Kombat game players will be able to use a Kreate-A-Fighter feature to create and define their fighter's look, abilities and personality with a deep level of customization and take that unique fighter online.
*Unique Kreate-A-Fatality System: Fans now have the ability to create their own custom fatalities by stringing together a series of attacks via a series of button combos; those that prove worthy can take their very own death moves online to showcase to the world.
*Entirely Revamped and Improved Konquest Mode: What formally served as a training mission has evolved into a full-blown adventure.

Movie Mortal Kombat: Armageddon Interview 1 Jan 26, 2007
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 01-28-07, 05:31 PM   #13
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Jul 2006
文章: 1,711
嘩, 俾人fatality點算?

===============Kunoichi Terminator==
鄙人 浪客行 維新義士
女忍 絲襪衣 封建舊物
絕殺 車輪斬 去舊迎新
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