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PC電腦遊戲討論版>The best game of the RUnet: Tanks Online
Onio 10:19 PM 10-03-10

For a long time dream drive a multiton steel large object and to unroll to level of a ground of tens, and even one hundred enemies, love a smell of solar oil and weapon gunpowder? Think of registering in a tank division? With last it is not necessary to hurry up! Much dissect on various combat material, without harm for health, it is possible in game Tanki Online/Танки Онлайн.

Tanks Online — multiple user browser action on the basis of Adobe Flash.

Players battle on on-line arenas, earning money and moving ahead upwards on a career ladder. In game various types of tanks and the weapon, landing in the field of fight and bonuses bought before battle are accessible. Some modes of game and system of military ranks are provided, the chat functions.

The participant of the award of the RUnet. The winner of set of awards and votings. The project started in the summer of this year. Hurry up to take a place in a top!

Toy hurricane!

Ask at Wikipedia about this game!

The roller all will tell

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Tanks Online
Onio 10:30 PM 10-03-10
人們很早就夢想著引導多噸級鋼鐵巨人,並滾動到地面幾十,甚至幾百個敵人,喜歡的氣味,柴油燃料和武器級粉?思考如何報名參加一個坦克師?隨著後者不應該匆忙!騎夠各種軍事裝備,不損害健康,有可能在比賽中 Tanks Online.

Tanks Online - 免費瀏覽器為基礎的行動的基礎上 Adobe Flash.




Wikipedia 這個遊戲!


Tanks Online
