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舊 09-27-07, 11:58 AM   #1
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: May 2006
文章: 1,103
PSN  IDrexenos
XBox Live Gamertagrexenos
Kingdom Hearts Coded

- Developed by the Before Crisis FFVII team.
- Disney worlds will be available as individual downloads.
- The setting involves Sora's memories being accessed, possibly through a computer. It is compared to CoM's scenario in that sense.
- Graphics are 2D sprites on 3D backgrounds to allow both high spec and low spec phones to be support.
- Planned to be released internationally, hence the focus on compatibility.

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主題 主題作者 版面 回覆 最後發表
[PSP] Kingdom Hearts -Birth by Sleep- [Final Mix 今冬発売] romrom2004 手提遊戲機討論版 317 02-02-11 12:02 AM
[NDS] Kingdom Hearts -358/2days- [已售] romrom2004 手提遊戲機討論版 288 11-10-09 09:14 AM

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