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舊 04-10-07, 09:13 PM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Guitar Hero 3 [已售]

Guitar Hero III (Wii)
Published by: RedOctane
Developed by: Neversoft Entertainment
Genre: Music
Release Date:
US: Q3 2007

Also Available On: Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3

Guitar Hero 3 this Fall
RedOctane FAQ may have spilled the beans.

by Hilary Goldstein

April 9, 2007 - Guitar Hero 3 is coming to PS2, PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii this fall. That according to Guitar Hero co-publisher RedOctane's site. In its FAQ section, RedOctane answers a common question: "When is Guitar Hero 2 (II) Coming? Will there be GH 2 for Wii, PS3, XBox, Xbox 360, etc?" The answer goes above and beyond the call of duty, announcing that Guitar Hero 3 is coming later this year for all major consoles.

The official answer reads:

"Guitar Hero 2 for Playstation 2 launched 11/7/2006, Xbox 360 launched 4/3/2007 and both items are shipping now. Please check and for the most rrent information.

Guitar Hero 3 for the Playstation 2, PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii are currently scheduled for release in the United States in Fall of 2007."

It should be noted that the FAQ answer, which numerous message board readers began linking to this evening, is not an official statement or announcement by co-publisher Activision or developer Neversoft. Activision and RedOctane could not be reached for comment at time of publish.

此篇文章於 11-22-07 08:31 PM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-10-07, 09:56 PM   #2
Game Master
註冊日期: Apr 2005
文章: 3,119
PSN  IDcharlesiumHK
XBox Live GamertagCharles%20IUM
如果 KONAMI 都咁落力(多平台)就好啦~
玄武 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-10-07, 10:43 PM   #3
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 9,033
actually i was very confuse about Guitar Hero and Guitar Mania xD

Wii FC 5690-8031-2592-7760 <US Version>
Endless Ocean 8750-0794-4051 Mario Kart Wii 2020-0652-1136 Smash Bros Brawl 3480-2241-4047 PES 2008 / Winning Eleven Maker 0173 2123 0553
GimGim 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-11-07, 03:40 PM   #4
Game Master
註冊日期: Apr 2005
文章: 3,119
PSN  IDcharlesiumHK
XBox Live GamertagCharles%20IUM
作者: GimGim 查看文章
actually i was very confuse about Guitar Hero and Guitar Mania xD
KONAMI 出o個隻叫 GuitarFreaks,鼓 game 就叫 Drummania ~
玄武 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-11-07, 11:10 PM   #5
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

「《吉他英雄》系列」的版權所有者和發行商Red Octane公司今天正式對外確認,這款風靡全美的搖滾音樂遊戲的最新續作將全面登陸PS3、PS2、X360和Wii幾大主機平台,遊戲預定於今年秋天正式發售。

儘管Red Octane的所有者Activision公司並未正式對外公佈這一消息,但公司首席執行官Bobby Kotick對媒體確認,《吉他英雄》的新作將會從2007年開始全面登陸所有重要主機平台。而就在不久前,Activision的一位官方發言人還對記者確認,該系列同樣將尋求在任天堂主機Wii和NDS上的發展。

關於Red Octane是否會推出對應《吉他英雄III》的新遊戲控制器的問題,官方並未予以直接的答覆,但表示《吉他英雄II》對應PS2和X360的遊戲控制器已經推出,對應PS3和Wii的遊戲控制器預定在今年秋季上市。
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-17-07, 04:38 PM   #6
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Guitar Hero III will add online multiplayer, wireless
Next incarnation of the popular music game franchise will feature both cooperative and competitive online modes, as well as wireless guitar controllers; Wii and PS3 editions now official.

By Emma Boyes, GameSpot UK
Posted Apr 16, 2007 8:35 am PT;title;1

On board a specially designed Guitar Hero rock bus in London today, RedOctane president and founder Kai Huang confirmed details about the third installment of the Guitar Hero game to GameSpot.

Huang announced the game's platforms--as rumoured, it will indeed be coming to the Xbox 360, Wii, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 2, arriving in stores just before the end of year holidays. There will also be a Nintendo DS version of the series, which will arrive "early next year."

The latest game will also boast new wireless controllers "so that fans can finally rock out in their living room and jump off their couches and do all that crazy rock star stuff." There will also be a variety of colours and a new design for the guitar controllers, along with some higher-end options made to look and feel more like real guitars.

Like developer Harmonix's recently announced Rock Band, Guitar Hero III will also feature strong online elements. There will be both cooperative and competitive online modes, along with extra downloadable content.

"We've got a lot of songs and artists still that we would love to have," Huang commented. "In particular, we've been trying to get Metallica, AC/DC, and Led Zeppelin. So hopefully sometime in the near future, my wish and everybody's wish will come true and we can get some of their music in the game."

For more about Guitar Hero III, check out GameSpot's full interview with RedOctane founder and president Kai Huang.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-18-07, 09:02 AM   #7
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2003
文章: 3,733
Why isn't there a thread on Guitar Hero 2 in this board...It's a great game.
BeBop 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-26-07, 11:05 PM   #8
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Guitar Hero III for Wii
We explore the challenges and opportunities in bringing the popular music franchise to Nintendo's console.

by Matt Casamassina

April 25, 2007 - Games that revolve around add-on peripherals are dangerous undertakings for publishers because consumers sometimes perceive them as pricy, gimmicky and unnecessary. Just ask Capcom, which delivered the 40-button mech controller in a package with its Xbox super-bomb Steel Battalion. Or just ask Nintendo, whose own Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, a 3D platformer controlled with a pair of bongos, failed to sell well despite critical acclaim. But one game has not only shed, but obliterated the danger zone so commonly associated with peripherals to become a household name. We're referring, of course, to Guitar Hero, a franchise born on PlayStation 2 and recently updated on Xbox 360. The series has, since its release in America two years ago, become increasingly popular with new iterations complete with fresh tracks and robust multiplayer modes. Guitar Hero skipped the GameCube generation altogether, but Nintendo fans will finally get to play their way to victory in the Wii-bound sequel, Guitar Hero III.

Even as the Guitar Hero franchise continues to chug forward, a lot of changes have transpired behind the scenes. Original developer Harmonix was purchased by MTV and is currently creating a title called Rock Band for Electronic Arts. The game will enable gamers to play a variety of instruments in tune with music. PS3 and 360 versions were formally announced and a Wii build is unofficially on the way, too. Quizzed earlier this month about whether a Wii iteration of Rock Band would be forthcoming, Harmonix CEO Alex Rigopulos said, "Absolutely. We will, at some time, bring Rock Band to every [important] platform," adding, "I think the Wii-mote is something that holds enormous promise." Meanwhile, original publisher RedOctane and the Guitar Hero brand were purchased by Activision, which is currently overseeing the third installment in the series, also coming to Wii.

Wii owners who have never played Guitar Hero or its sequel before needn't look much further than Dance Dance Revolution to understand the concept. On PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360, the titles come packed with a custom plastic guitar that plugs into the system, essentially becoming the dance pad. Rather than stomp your feet on arrows, players strum a key designed to simulate the strings and press and depress any of five differently colored frets in sequence to on-screen cues. As the songs become faster and more complex, the on-screen cues scroll quicker and the chords become more difficult to play. It's a simple design made crack-like addictive thanks to superior execution.

The Opportunities
The Wii Guitar Hero III is set for release alongside the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 3 builds later this year and it will bring at least one immediate advantage to the home concert stage - at least over previous versions. The Wii guitar shell will almost certainly be wireless due to the very nature of the Wii console. Unless Activision and RedOctane choose to plug the guitar into Wii's GameCube docking port - highly unlikely - it's going to need to utilize the Wii remote's wireless functionality. This truth makes the Wii build immediately attractive for Guitar Hero fans who have for years complained that the peripheral is wired. Theoretically, Activision could cut costs by using all the functionality of the Wii remote, including its accelerometer for the tilt-based "rock out" motions that have become a staple of the franchise. We envision the custom-designed guitar for the Wii iteration of the title as follows, slick-white presentation and all.

A mock-up of what the Guitar Hero III peripheral for Wii could look like.

Notice how the Wii remote fits snugly into the guitar shell. Although the remote would rest in the guitar's indentation, the peripheral itself would need to plug into the bottom of Nintendo's controller in order to utilize its wireless abilities and precise accelerometer. That aside, the shell would be almost indistinguishable from other versions.
In a recent interview with IGN, RedOctane's cofounder and president, Kai Huang, revealed that the Wii build of Guitar Hero III would "… have all the features of the other version of Guitar Hero III and some new Wii-specific features." Bearing that in mind, it's possible that Activision may utilize the Wii remote's internal speaker to play sound cues or, if we're really lucky, take advantage of its accelerometer for a style system more complex than Guitar Hero fans have ever experienced before.

The same mock-up from a different angle.

The Challenges

Huang's comment also solidifies the fact that the Wii build of Guitar Hero III will feature a robust online mode and the option for gamers to download and play new songs from the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. There are, of course, some inherent hurdles the development studio will need to address if it's going to make the online experience as seamless as it might be. For starters, it needs to bypass the Wii Shop Channel altogether and keep gamers in the Guitar Hero III user interface when they purchase new songs. And on top of that, the company would do well to store entered credit card information in the game so that potential buyers needn't re-enter all of their data with every purchase, as the Shop Channel requires. And, of course, there's the issue of lag - a streamlined online component must facilitate the means to enable online competitive matches: one guitarist against the other. Nintendo's online network is unproven, to say the least, and as a result Activision's development team will need to become a pioneer if it's to deliver a Guitar Hero endeavor worth taking online.
Easily the biggest challenge, however, is the issue of space - or in Wii's case, lack there of. The console features 512 megabytes of onboard flash memory (about 312 megabytes is usable), which is there to store saved game data, Virtual Console titles and Channels. When one considers that some N64 titles alone can weight in at 64 megabytes, well, that space doesn't amount for much. Each track in Guitar Hero III can be upward of 15 megabytes since they are multi-layered and there are dozens upon dozens of possible songs. Do you see where we're going with this? There are only two possible solutions: the songs will need to be saved to either an unreleased hard drive attachment or they will alternatively need to go to an SD card - the latter is now available in sizes up to eight gigabytes. But there issues that comes with SD cards on Wii, too. So far, games cannot store data directly to SD cards -- it goes into Wii system memory and then it can be copied over -- so downloading songs could be a troublesome affair at the very least. Depending on what kind of DRM protection the songs included, if any, matters could be made all the more difficult.

The Track List
You can have all the functionality or gameplay changes in the world, but it won't matter at all unless the track list in Guitar Hero III rises to the occasion. For Wii, the situation is a little different, as it's the only system that will support GHIII that hasn't already had its fix of metal-shredding goodness. Since the song list will be the same across all platforms (at least for the most part), we can't help but wonder if an extra incentive will be given to Wii gamers that haven't had a chance to experience the true greatness of GH and GHII.

After all, how do you expect us to venture up the Stairway to Heaven if we haven't had a chance to rock out to such insane titles from the original Guitar Hero such as "Ace of Spades" by Motorhead, "Bark at the Moon" by Ozzie Osborne, Pantera's "Cowboys From Hell," "Higher Ground" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, or the legendary rockings of Jimmy Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughn in "Spanish Castle Magic" and "Texas Flood." As for Guitar Hero II, titles such as "YYZ" by Rush, "Beast and the Harlot" by Avenged Sevenfold, and the truly classic "Free Bird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd should in some way be remembered. And while we're at it, let's not forget about the amazing bonus tracks, including "Push Push (Lady Lightening)" by Bang Camaro, and "Jordan" by the always-amazing Buckethead. These titles need to be represented somehow, right? Please?

As for all the new songs in Guitar Hero III, Activision is keeping us in the dark thus far, and while we don't have our definitive "Must Have" list created just yet (we won't lie… we're too busy playing the newly-released GHII for 360), there are still some must-have tracks that didn't make it onto GHII that we mentioned a few months ago. Some of those must-have titles include "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin, "Eruption" by Van Halen, "Johnny B. Goode" by Chuck Berry, "25 or 6 to 4" by Chicago, "I Believe in a Thing Called Love" by The Darkness, and another appearance by the legendary Hendrix in "All Along the Watchtower". To be honest, we could go all day (and if you're interested in seeing our original story about it, you'll find that we did), but it's all speculation at this point. Just know there'll be more face-melting riffs, insane technical chord-based compilations, and remembered classics from decades upon decades of rock music.

Will Wii owners have a chance to download tracks from the older games like GHII 360 owners? Could Activision release a "Best Of" title specifically for Nintendo fans that feature the hottest tracks from the original two games? Could Nintendo get on board and actually include rock versions of some of the Big N's best franchises? For now, we just don't know. All we know is that we'd kill for the opportunity to rock out to remixed Metroid and Zelda themes, complete with killer solos composed by the legendary Koji Kondo. DDR Mario Mix, eat your heart out.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-26-07, 11:15 PM   #9
Metal Gear NT
註冊日期: Oct 2002
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PSN  IDjasonpoon

All things Apple.

Metal Gear NT 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-26-07, 11:47 PM   #10
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Apr 2006
文章: 981
3DS Friend Code1633 4520 6340
個 wiimote 咁放入去有咩用?
(我未玩過 guitar hero的 )
shield 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-23-07, 11:50 PM   #11
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Wireless Axes Confirmed for Guitar Hero III
First Guitar Hero III info: new tracks, guitars, online mulitplayer and more.

by Rob Burman, IGN UK

UK, May 23, 2007 - Activision has rocked our world by officially announcing that Guitar Hero III will feature wireless guitars, an online multiplayer mode and original artists recordings when the game is released this Autumn.

Guitar Hero III will be available on PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii and will feature an abundance of new modes, including a multiplayer action-inspired battle mode, boss battles, unlockable content and authentic rock venues.

More importantly, wannabe rock gods can get their fingers in a twist with the all-new wireless guitar controllers, with the Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3 getting the Gibson Les Paul and PS2 the proud recipient of a Gibson Kramer. What's more, the guitars will have removable faceplates that allow fans to personalise their guitars, plus they'll include a new button colour design for "an even greater authentic feel and rock experience".

In addition Guitar Hero III will include an expanded online multiplayer in which axe-shredders worldwide can compete in head-to-head battles to prove they're the ultimate rock legend. As for the tracks you'll be rocking along to, Activision has revealed that GHIII features more master recordings than ever before, with the first tracks announced as follows:

Paint It Black - The Rolling Stones

Cherub Rock - Smashing Pumpkins

Sabotage - Beastie Boys

The Metal - Tenacious D

My Name is Jonas - Weezer

Knights of Cydonia - Muse

Rock And Roll All Nite - Kiss

School's Out - Alice Cooper

Slow Ride - Fog Hat

Cult of Personality - Living Colour

Barracuda - Heart

Dusty Welch, head of publishing at RedOctane, said: "The development team at Neversoft has been exceptional and we've been able to incorporate a host of fresh new online and multiplayer game play modes, along with exciting content into this version of Guitar Hero that our fans have been asking for. Also, many of the top bands and songs we've tried to get in the past are now on board."
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-24-07, 12:41 AM   #12
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Guitar Hero III Wii details - online play, wireless guitar and more!
Bumped this up to the front page so people could catch it.

SUNNYVALE, Calif., May 23, 2007 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ — After warming their amps in the basement garage to rocking sold out shows at Stonehenge, fans of Activision, Inc.’s (Nasdaq: ATVI) wildly popular Guitar Hero(TM) franchise will now be able to shred like never before with the next iteration of the game that will be available this fall. The new game will be released on the PlayStation(R)2 computer entertainment system and PLAYSTATION(R)3 computer entertainment system, Xbox 360(TM) video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, and Wii(TM) video game system from Nintendo.

Turning it up to 11, Guitar Hero fans will channel their inner rock god using Gibson Guitar’s Les Paul and Kramer models as the industry standard. In addition, players will experience an incredible number of newly added features and explosive content including a new multiplayer action-inspired battle mode, grueling boss battles, a bevy of exclusive unlockable content and authentic rock venues. Expanded online multiplayer game modes will also allow axe-shredders worldwide to compete head-to-head for true legendary rock status.

While continuing to retain all the key features from their prior legendary performances, fresh downloadable content will be offered on multiple platforms, and players can now shred to a killer set list from many of the gnarliest rock songs ever recorded. Delivering more master tracks than ever before, strategic partnerships have been secured with all the major and independent music record labels and publishers to allow unrivaled access to their deep history of music catalogs, along with supplying artists’ original recordings for even greater authenticity.

The initial list of face-melting awesomeness includes:

* Paint It Black (by The Rolling Stones)
* Cherub Rock (by Smashing Pumpkins)
* Sabotage (by Beastie Boys)
* The Metal (by Tenacious D)
* My Name is Jonas (by Weezer)
* Knights of Cydonia (by Muse)
* Rock And Roll All Nite (as made famous by Kiss)
* School’s Out (as made famous by Alice Cooper)
* Slow Ride (as made famous by Fog Hat)
* Cult of Personality (by Living Colour)
* Barracuda (as made famous by Heart)

For the first time ever, Guitar Hero fans will also be able to thrash and burn with new wireless guitar controllers available for each platform. The exclusive Gibson guitars will include innovative features such as removable faceplates that will allow fans to later personalize their guitars and make it their own, and a new button color design that will be integrated for an even greater authentic feel and rock experience. Gibson Guitar’s Les Paul model will be the battle axe of choice, and an industry standard for all rock gods on the Xbox 360(TM), PLAYSTATION(R)3 system, and Wii(TM). After much anticipation, PlayStation(R)2 system fans will also be receiving a new exclusive shape as well, the classic Kramer guitar, also a Gibson brand, popularized by hard rockers and known for its body design, pickups, electronics, and construction for furious finger fretting.

“The development team at Neversoft has been exceptional, and we’ve been able to incorporate a host of fresh new online and multi-player game play modes, along with exciting content into this version of Guitar Hero that our fans have been asking for. Also, many of the top bands and songs we’ve tried to get in the past are now on board, and we’ve definitely got some giant aces in the hole to say the least,” said Dusty Welch, head of publishing at RedOctane. “In addition, offering a new line of Gibson wireless guitars for each platform is going to truly add to the authentic rock star experience like no other.”

The next iteration of Guitar Hero, published by RedOctane(R) and developed by Neversoft, is not yet rated by the ESRB. For more information about Guitar Hero, please visit the dedicated community site
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-24-07, 12:44 AM   #13
God of Gamer
youtube 頻道
註冊日期: Mar 2002
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Wii U IDeightsin88
Nintendo Switch ID3414-6520-7624
3DS Friend Code1762 2635 0638
PSN  IDeightsin88
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作者: shield 查看文章
個 wiimote 咁放入去有咩用?
(我未玩過 guitar hero的 )
估計是當電腦感應到 Wiimote 被放垂直或擺動時,
可以引發 8x。

如果 360 今次又有行貨就好了,


[ 歡迎讚好 八仙果遊戲頻道,只要跟 TV games 有關的,都想跟大家分享,多多指教 ]

PSN ID 收集區:[這裡]
| Switch ID 收集區:[這裡] | Xbox One ID 收集區:[這裡]
八仙果 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-24-07, 04:46 AM   #14
The One
註冊日期: Aug 2002
文章: 55,730
PSN  ID各位可以問我拎ID
作者: 八仙果 查看文章
估計是當電腦感應到 Wiimote 被放垂直或擺動時,
可以引發 8x。

如果 360 今次又有行貨就好了,
但問題~ 頂頂發訊都遮住左點定位?
按制就話sense 到姐...



XG3 (v3 UID=g21774, v4 UID=g14465, v5 UID=g8309, v6 UID=g8674)
GFV3 Complete Skill Set (203 FC, 10 EX, 2 HZD)
V Series Complete Skill Set (WIP)

PS プラチナコレクション (PS4: 9, PS3: 21, PSV: 1)
UC, BH5, KZ2, BOP, 塊魂Tribute, UC2, FFXIII, Dead Space, ガンダム無双3, KZ3, BioShock, SOCOM4, UC3, ガンダムExtreme VS, TOX, BH6, KZ, MGR, TR, TLoU, ガンダムExtreme VS FB, KZM, Destiny, The Order: 1886, MGSV:GZ, MGSV:TPP, BH0, UC4, Gravity Daze, Rise of TR, Gundam VS
基路亞 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-24-07, 11:54 AM   #15
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2006
文章: 994
作者: 基路亞 查看文章
但問題~ 頂頂發訊都遮住左點定位?
按制就話sense 到姐...

babish 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-31-07, 02:17 PM   #16
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Guitar Hero III Hands-on
The rock fest continues with Neversoft at the helm. First look at the wireless guitar and screens are here.

by Erik Brudvig

May 30, 2007 - There was no way that the Guitar Hero franchise could continue to break all sales expectations and not get noticed by the big dogs of the business world. RedOctane and Harmonix, the two teams responsible for the hit franchise, got snatched up by Activsion and MTV respectively thus ending their partnership for future Guitar Hero games. Of course, we haven't heard the last of Axel Steel or Johnny Napalm. Activision put the development in the able hands of Neversoft, a team best known for the Tony Hawk series.

Neversoft's driving philosophy behind Guitar Hero III is a simple one: Give the fans what they want. That means the development team won't rock the boat too hard, staying true to the gameplay first laid out by Harmonix. But it also means that more of the songs and features we've all been clamoring for will finally make it in.

The song list has been carefully picked to meet the wishlists that have littered the internet since Guitar Hero was first released on PS2. More of the songs will be master tracks rather than covers. New multiplayer modes have been confirmed. A wireless controller is on the way. In short, you can put your fears aside. This is the same Guitar Hero we've all come to know and love. It looks a little different and has a few new fancy bells and whistles to get you excited all over again, but it's still Guitar Hero.

Since Harmonix is now owned by MTV and hard at work on Rock Band, Neversoft wasn't given access to the code from previous Guitar Hero games. That means Guitar Hero III is being built from the ground up. Even so, the basic gameplay is identical so the learning curve should be nonexistent. When we first jacked in ready to rock, we were met with instant failure. With Neversoft and RedOctane folks all around, awkwardness abounded.

You see, the timing window for when you can hit a note is not quite the same as Guitar Hero I and II. Not to worry. Neversoft is bringing in testers regularly to get their opinion on timing (amongst other things) and are constantly adjusting the window to nail the sweet spot. Even without being used to the timing on this early build, it only took about 2 minutes before we were ripping out fast licks with precision. After the opening miscues and adjustment, the game felt like the old glove it should and the fun kicked in. It only took a minor adjustment on our part and there's no reason for us to believe that Neversoft won't have the timing nailed down to perfection by the time the game releases this fall. For those that worry Guitar Hero III will be too hard (and let's face it, Guitar Hero II was hard!), Neversoft has assured us that they're not aiming to make the game even harder. Instead, they're aiming for a difficulty level somewhere between the first and second Guitar Hero Games.

Although the notes scroll down the screen in the same fashion as other Guitar Hero games, a few changes have been made to the rest of the display. The score multiplier box behaves the same, although it looks a bit different. The same goes for the star power meter which now consists of lights instead of a regular power meter. One big addition is the new inclusion of a string counter. If you hit enough notes in a row, a counter will pop up to tell you exactly how many notes you've nailed without a mistake. No longer will you have to wonder how close you are to stringing together 1000 notes. The screen will have all of the info you need.

The visual style has also been tweaked just a bit, giving everything a slightly more realistic feel to it while still maintaining the over the top feel that previous Guitar Hero games have. We saw a few of the rockers who are returning for another tour that highlighted these changes. Judy Nails is a bit more of a punk-goth girl now. Johnny Napalm still has his trademark mohawk and wiry frame along with some oversized feet to give him a comic book feel. Xavier Stone looks a bit less like Lenny Kravitz and more like Hendrix as he sports '60s attire and hair.

The venues will be all new and are being designed to match the feel of the career progression. There won't be any licensed locales in this game. The team toyed with that idea and tossed it out to give the art team more freedom to design some really killer backdrops. Your band starts out playing in a lowly dive bar that sports a few extra dancers in skimpy clothing to keep the crowd's attention (nothing too revealing, but it adds to overall feeling that this game is a bit more hardcore). We saw a few of the latter venues as well, including an art deco theater that features a giant dragon getting its head chopped off as the opening stage prop. The last stage we saw was modeled after the classic music festival. Think Bonnaroo; giant stage, huge lights, and a massive crowd.

Like all good music rhythm games, Guitar Hero is best played with a group of friends. Neversoft, a company which had been throwing weekly Friday night Guitar Hero office parties even before they had anything to do with the game, knows this well. Much of what is new with Guitar Hero III that we've seen so far comes in the multiplayer side of things. The game is still only for two players and the face off and pro face off modes are still present without any noticeable changes to the format. Co-op and battle mode are where things get interesting.

The co-op mode from Guitar Hero II has been reworked into its own career mode. That means you and a friend will be able to work together to move through a two player career, unlocking songs as you go. It won't be the same as the single player career though. Instead, it will have its own song list, pulled from the master list to only include the songs best suited for two players. The co-op set list isn't finalized yet, but it may end up having a few surprises that you don't find in the single player career.

Battle mode is Neversoft's attempt at turning the end of the movie Crossroads into a game. No, we're not talking about the Britney Spears movie. Shame on you if that's what popped into your mind. We're talking about the Ralph Macchio flick that ends with a guitar battle between him and Steve Vai. When the mode was first described to us, it didn't sound too interesting. Once we tried it out, we had a blast. Check back Friday for an in-depth look and impressions on how this new multiplayer mode plays.

When the Guitar Hero franchise made its first appearance on the current generation of hardware on Xbox 360, two important features were missing in action. On a console that is increasingly defined by its online features, Guitar Hero II had no online modes of play. In a game that is all about rocking out to your hearts extent, players were tethered to their consoles with a wired controller. Both of these issues will fade to black with Guitar Hero III.

Neversoft was keeping tightlipped about the online play when we sat down to talk Guitar Hero with them. It does exist though and we can probably expect most of the same multiplayer modes that exist offline to make their way online and perhaps a few we haven't heard about yet. They did tell us that they're aiming for identical online features for both PS3 and Xbox 360 and that it would "rock."

The new Les Paul inspired controller will be the first 3rd party Xbox 360 wireless controller. Microsoft finally budged and allowed RedOctane to license their technology. While we only got our hands on the nonfunctional 360 prototype version, we were told the PS3 controller would be similar in design and features.

There are several instantly recognizable changes to the controller, aside from the shape of the body and lack of wire. The buttons on the fret board have gone back to the rounded shape first used on the PS2 Guitar Hero controller. They still have the same color layout, but now have a mostly black face to make the controller look less like a toy and more like a real axe. New removable faceplates have added as well. The one we saw was plain white, but it seems likely that RedOctane will have a variety of different designs up for sale when the guitar releases. It doesn't look too difficult to pop the faceplate off and mod it yourself either.

The guide button and d-pad have been moved to prevent accidental presses and the start and back buttons have been replaced with the original circular "knob" buttons from the PS2 model. The guitar also has to places to strap in on the neck and, get this, a removable neck. The neck can unlock for easier travel and RedOctane wasn't shy about hinting that they may have other plans in store for that functionality.

Read and see more on the wireless axe on IGN Gear.

There's not much to complain about with Guitar Hero III which shows just how far Neversoft is going to keep up with what the fans want. It's more of the same, but it's also a lot more. Check back tomorrow as IGN takes a deeper look at the songs that have been announced so far as well as a couple you haven't heard about yet.
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舊 06-01-07, 10:55 PM   #17
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Guitar Hero III Song Update
Two new tracks revealed with song impressions to boot.

by Erik Brudvig

May 31, 2007 - When it comes to music rhythm games, the song selection is just as important as how well the game plays. Even the best foundation can't support a track list that just doesn't jive with players. With the massive popularity of the Guitar Hero series, Neversoft and RedOctane have had more freedom than ever before to pick the perfect list. What was once a struggle to get big name bands to commit to lending their songs has transformed into a situation where some bands are clamoring to get in.

There's a secondary effect to the rising popularity of the Guitar Hero brand. Not only do the options for which songs can be put in the game expand, the number of songs in the game that have master tracks also expands. Guitar Hero II only had a handful of master tracks outside of the bonus songs. The rest were covers. Even though most of the covers were quite good, a cover just isn't as powerful as the real thing. For Guitar Hero III, roughly half of the songs will be master tracks.

Why not all master tracks? There's actually a few interesting details that make such a feat virtually impossible. For some songs, the recordings happened so long ago that the master tracks can't even be found. Other times, a song that everybody wants in the game has a long patch in the tune without a guitar playing. For these, a master track just wouldn't work. Can't You Hear Me Knocking, a Rolling Stones song on Guitar Hero II, is an example of this. The original recording has an extended saxophone solo. That section was removed when the tune was covered for the game to make playing the song more fun.

Here's a list of the tracks that have been announced so far:

Paint It Black: The Rolling Stones
Cherub Rock: Smashing Pumpkins
Sabotage: Beastie Boys
The Metal: Tenacious D
My Name is Jonas: Weezer
Knights of Cydonia : Muse
Rock And Roll All Nite: Kiss
School's Out: Alice Cooper
Slow Ride: Fog Hat
Cult of Personality: Living Colour
Barracuda: Heart

IGN had the opportunity to fly down to Neversoft's studios and give a few of these songs a test run. You can check out Slow Ride and My Name is Jonas for yourself in the video gallery below. We'll fill you in on a few others.

Paint it Black is a master track, brought into the game from the original four track recording. Playing along with the ghostly sitar riff laid down by Brian Jones over 40 years ago is simply awesome. Sabotage is also a master track and is pretty much designed around the co-op experience. The song is fairly repetitive and easy, which isn't too surprising given the song. Still, with the volume turned up, the classic is fun nonetheless.

The Living Colour song, Cult of Personality, is a track that people have been wanting in Guitar Hero for a long time. There was a slight hitch with it though. The master track was nowhere to be found. Instead of getting a cover, Living Colour came in and re-recorded the song just for the game. And they threw in a wicked solo that makes this song on expert just plain ridiculous.

Two new tracks are also being announced today, exclusively on IGN. They are:

Evenflow: Pearl Jam
Lay Down: Priestess

Evenflow is a much more fun song to play than the previous Pearl Jam song we've seen, Life Wasted, which was one of the 10 new tracks included on the Xbox 360 iteration of Guitar Hero II. It's also a master track, so you won't have to wonder how it will turn out other than note placement.

Lay Down is also a master track and it's one of those nice surprises that Guitar Hero games are known for. Priestess isn't a member of the rock pantheon so you might not have heard about them yet, but this metal song is a ton of fun to play. It's fairly fast and has a great riff to it. It isn't the toughest song to play, but the fast nature of it make it a nice choice for a Guitar Hero III battle.

Speaking of battle mode, we'll conclude our three days of Guitar Hero III tomorrow with an in-depth look at it and an IGN Weekly video preview.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-01-07, 10:58 PM   #18
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Slow Ride (May 31, 2007)

My Name is Jonas (May 31, 2007)
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-07-07, 12:00 AM   #19
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Metal Battle (June 5, 2007)

Cult Battle (June 5, 2007)
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-07-07, 12:19 AM   #20
God of Gamer
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舊 06-15-07, 10:10 PM   #21
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Guitar Hero III - The Metal by Tenacious D

Guitar Hero III - My Name is Jonas by Weezer

Guitar Hero III - Cult of Personality by Living Colour

Guitar Hero III - Slow Ride by Foghat
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舊 06-16-07, 02:38 PM   #22
Insane Gamer
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香港有得賣先好阿 之前guitar hero2 好似神秘game咁

唉...桃花依舊, 人面全非
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舊 06-16-07, 07:09 PM   #23
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舊 06-16-07, 09:24 PM   #24
God of Gamer
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作者: JENOVA 查看文章
香港有得賣先好阿 之前guitar hero2 好似神秘game咁


[ 歡迎讚好 八仙果遊戲頻道,只要跟 TV games 有關的,都想跟大家分享,多多指教 ]

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舊 06-17-07, 10:25 AM   #25
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香港有得賣先好阿 之前guitar hero2 好似神秘game咁


買d game番黎都冇時間玩
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