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真十人€ 02:32 PM 03-11-12
作者: naytk:
Bad news 都係新料,嘛,有消息update 下都好過咩都無然後不了了之。
鈴蘭 02:35 PM 03-11-12
月牙火介 02:52 PM 03-11-12
作者: 真十人€:
玩亞発売日變左 Q2, 2012,VITA預定入手時間繼續推後。
真十人€ 11:45 AM 03-29-12

Has Dragon's Crown Been Cancelled?
Orphan 04:38 PM 03-29-12!/shigatake/sta...76549321334784
真十人€ 04:41 PM 03-29-12
okabe 11:42 AM 04-20-12
PS3・PSVita 『ドラゴンズクラウン』 販売はアトラスが担当し、2013年に北米で発売予定!

BREAKING NEWS: Atlus is taking over publishing duties in Japan and North America! What’s more, key (and very talented) members of the Atlus internal development team will be involved with the project as producer(s). You know, some of the people who’ve worked on games in the critically acclaimed Persona series. Yeah, we know: we’re stoked, too!

What does this mean for the game? For one, it means that it’s going to be better than ever. It will, however, come a bit later than originally expected, as it’s now slated for release in 2013.

When we took over the reins, we realized that a lot of the information made available to the public was ambitious and unfounded conjecture. The release timing, the pricing, and many of the features detailed for fans and members of the press were simply unknowable at the time they were disseminated (and frankly we were quite shocked to find out that many of the details were made public unbeknownst to even the developers).

It’s still way too early in development to be talking about specifics, but we can say that the game simply cannot retail for $29.99. We don’t know where that price point came from, but it is a logistical impossibility. We’re all gamers and we all wished it could be so, but it would have essentially destroyed any chance for profitability.

There’ll be plenty more news on the game in the coming months, and many questions that you’ll want answered. We promise that we’ll do our very best to answer them!

SUMMARY: Dragon’s Crown is still coming to PS3 and PS Vita, Atlus is bringing it (and helping to produce it), and it’ll hit North America in 2013.

*lowers goggles*

You may fire when ready.
小昭Teddy 11:50 AM 04-20-12
魔璃 11:53 AM 04-20-12
okabe 11:55 AM 04-20-12


 インデックスは本日(2012年4月20日),「ドラゴンズクラウン」(PlayStation 3 / PlayStation Vita)のタイトルIPおよび製造・販売権をIgnition Entertainmentから取得し,アトラスブランドで取り扱う契約を締結したことを発表した。

 本作は,「オーディンスフィア」や「朧村正」などを手がけてきたヴァニラウェアが開発中のベルトアクションRPG。プレイヤーがファンタジー世界に生きる冒険者となり,迷宮の奥深くに財宝を求め,キャラクターを成長させながら“伝説のドラゴン”の秘密に迫っていくというタイトルである。独特の2Dグラフィックスで描かれたファンタジー世界を,最大4人のプレイヤーで協力しながら冒険することができる作品で,PS3とPS Vitaの連動要素なども注目されている。


インデックス、PlayStation 3/PlayStation Vita 用ゲームソフト
「ドラゴンズクラウン」のタイトルIP ならびに製造・販売権取得の

 株式会社インデックス(本社:東京都世田谷区、代表取締役社長:小川善美、以下 インデックス)は、PlayStation 3/PlayStation Vita 用ゲームソフト「ドラゴンズクラウン」のタイトルIP ならびに製造・販売権をイグニッション・エンターテイメント・リミテッド(本社:9400 ガージントンロード オックスフォード・ビジネスパーク オックスフォード OX42HN イングランド、シニアバイスプレジデント:ロケシュ・ダー)から取得し、インデックスのコンシューマゲームブランド「アトラス」にて取り扱う契約を締結しました。

 「ドラゴンズクラウン」はヴァニラウェア有限会社(本社:大阪府大阪市中央区、代表取締役:神谷盛治、以下 ヴァニラウェア社)開発によるPlayStation 3/PlayStation Vita 用ゲームソフトです。この度の契約締結により、引き続きヴァニラウェア社による本ソフトの開発は継続され、インデックスにて製造・販売を取り扱うことになります。

 ヴァニラウェア社開発、「アトラス」ブランドにて、2007年5月17日に発売された「オーディンスフィア」(PlayStation 2 用ゲームソフト)において、日本及び、北米・欧州地域にて35万本を超える販売を達成しております。


= ドラゴンズクラウン =
ディレクター :神谷盛治(ヴァニラウェア社)
開発元 :ヴァニラウェア社
発売元 :アトラス
プラットホーム:PlayStation 3 / PlayStation Vita
ジャンル :ベルトフロアアクションRPG
プレイ人数 :1~4人
CERO :審査予定
発売日 :未定
希望小売価格 :未定
(C)Index Corporation 2011 Produced by ATLUS
小昭Teddy 11:55 AM 04-20-12
鈴蘭 12:42 PM 04-20-12
Rance 12:45 PM 04-20-12

鈴蘭 12:52 PM 04-20-12
作者: Rance:

武藤遊戲 01:23 PM 04-20-12



代官 02:12 PM 04-20-12
Dragon's Crown on Vita and PS3 Has A New Publisher

"Atlus is taking over publishing duties in Japan and North America!" says Jabbari. "What's more, key (and very talented) members of the Atlus internal development team will be involved with the project as producer(s)." He went on to state that Atlus now publishing the game "means that it's going to be better than ever," but that it will now "come [out] a bit later than originally expected, as it's now slated for release in 2013."

有排等 : (
fantasy俊仔 07:28 PM 04-20-12
等不是問題,搞好d 個故事就等都值,不要像朧村正劇情不足
鈴蘭 07:30 PM 04-20-12
fantasy俊仔 07:42 PM 04-20-12
用得crown 做名希望有返princess crown 咁既支線份量先
朧系統係好, 但真是打完晒d 野做好晒d 刀就冇動力再開來玩
鈴蘭 07:47 PM 04-20-12
但在我而言 我比較想佢係好似以前D&D咁樣高難度得黎有分歧同長,令人要練好耐先可以1con爆機
( ゚ω゚)? 07:41 AM 04-21-12

Dragon’s Crown Update: Atlus Assumes Publishing Duties for PS Vita, PS3

+ Posted by Aram Jabbari // Manager of Public Relations and Sales, Atlus

Denizens of the Blog of PlayStation,
You know how you’re really excited for something and then something happens and you get even more excited? Like that time you found out they were making a movie for The Hobbit and you were excited…but kinda bummed that Peter Jackson wouldn’t be directing it. But guess what happened: Peter Jackson announced that he *would* in fact direct it, and you got a heck of a lot more excited. Right?
Remember Dragon’s Crown, the next project from Vanillaware announced at last E3, a multiplayer action RPG with beautiful hand-drawn visuals slated to come to PS3 and PS Vita?

BREAKING NEWS: Atlus is taking over publishing duties in Japan and North America! What’s more, key (and very talented) members of the Atlus internal development team will be involved with the project as producer(s). You know, some of the people who’ve worked on games in the critically acclaimed Persona series. Yeah, we know: we’re stoked, too!
What does this mean for the game? For one, it means that it’s going to be better than ever. It will, however, come a bit later than originally expected, as it’s now slated for release in 2013.
When we took over the reins, we realized that a lot of the information made available to the public was ambitious and unfounded conjecture. The release timing, the pricing, and many of the features detailed for fans and members of the press were simply unknowable at the time they were disseminated (and frankly we were quite shocked to find out that many of the details were made public unbeknownst to even the developers).

It’s still way too early in development to be talking about specifics, but we can say that the game simply cannot retail for $29.99. We don’t know where that price point came from, but it is a logistical impossibility. We’re all gamers and we all wished it could be so, but it would have essentially destroyed any chance for profitability.
There’ll be plenty more news on the game in the coming months, and many questions that you’ll want answered. We promise that we’ll do our very best to answer them!
SUMMARY: Dragon’s Crown is still coming to PS3 and PS Vita, Atlus is bringing it (and helping to produce it), and it’ll hit North America in 2013.
*lowers goggles*
You may fire when ready.
Atlus comments on possible B1G1F bundle for PS3/Vita versions of Dragon’s Crown

Aram Jabbari, the Manager of Public Relations and Sales of Atlus has made a few interesting statements regarding the release of the upcoming multiplatform title, Dragon’s Crown (you can check out some screens of the game in the slideshow to the left of this article). When a fan asked about the price tag of the PS Vita version of the action role-playing game, in addition to the possibility of a “Buy One Get One Free” bundle scenario for both versions, Aram Jabbari responded with the following on the comments section of the Playstation.Blog:
As you’ll see on the new pre-order pages that appear, the Vita release currently carries a suggested retail price of $39.99. The BOGO scenario you mention, however, is highly unlikely.
Dragon’s Crown is currently being developed by Vanillaware with help from Atlus’ internal development team. Atlus will also be replacing UTV Ignition as the official publisher. The action role-playing game is now slated to come out for the Playstation 3 and PS Vita in North America in 2013.
( ゚ω゚)? 12:45 AM 04-26-12

Atlus comments on possible PSN release, multiplayer and more for Dragon’s Crown

Aram Jabbari has answered a few more fan inquiries regarding the upcoming multiplatform title, Dragon’s Crown. Atlus’ Manager of Public Relations and Sales commented a bit about the current plans for multiplayer support, Japanese voice acting option, Playstation Network release and when to expect more new for the 2D action role-playing game. You can check out the latest artworks and screenshots in the slideshow to the left of this article and Aram Jabbari’s responses from the comments section of the Playstation.Blog below:
Current plan for multiplayer support:
The current plan is for support of 1-4 players, as indicated by the existing Japanese website. As we caution in the OP however, some details are subject to change given how early in development the title is.
Japanese voice track option:
As we’ve said previously, it’s something we ALWAYS explore because we know our fans want it. Sometimes factors prevent the inclusion of the original Japanese audio track, but if it’s possible and feasible, we’ll do our best!
Digital or physical release for Dragon’s Crown:
Current plans include both.
When to expect more news:
There are no plans in place for when the game will next be shown, but we’ll certainly have a lot more to share in the coming months!
Dragon’s Crown is currently being developed by Vanillaware with help from some key staff members at Atlus. The 2D action role-playing game will be released for the Playstation 3 and PS Vita in North America next year.

武藤遊戲 09:50 AM 05-29-12
Dragon’s Crown Release Date Leaked On Amazon

2013 6/30
gradriel 02:54 PM 05-29-12
我比較想知道開發進度, 最好有D新的示範影片或圖片看看!!
草薙さん 03:01 PM 05-29-12
Amazon d發售日根本不需理會...
6/30係星期六, 只有超大作先會安排假日發售
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