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舊 08-27-12, 05:08 PM   #1
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2002
文章: 20,716
Guild Wars 2 Vol. 3 - 好評發售中!OUR TIME IS NOW!! 官網重新發售GW2!


Q: GAF 有自己論壇的公會嗎?
A: 有. 遊戲內為 Games Animation Forum <GAF>

Q: 如何加入GAF公會?
A: 方法有2種,
1. 可以在此串留下自己的 gw2 user id 以及後面的號碼, 如asuna.5240
2. 可以在遊戲內直接pm任何一個公會會員

Q: 為什麼我不能加入進公會?
A: GW2 公會人數是有上限的, 如果剛好遇上了上限可以提醒古手神主把其提高. 公會人數最高上限為500人.

Q: 我要把我每個角色都加入公會嗎?
A: 不需要. 公會是帳號相關的, 非角色獨立.

Q: GAF公會的玩家都集中在哪裡伺服器?
A: Henge of Denravi

Q: 我在其他的伺服器, 我可以加入GAF公會嗎?
A: 可以. 但是只可以參加PVE 活動, 沒辦法參加WvWvW

Q: 我已經加入了別的公會, 可以加入GAF公會嗎?
A: 可以.

Q: 要怎樣才可以在GAF公會頻道發言?
A: 必須represent gaf 公會才可以發看到公會頻以及發言. 不想看到公會頻道的時候可以stand down 或者represent 其他公會

Q: representation 還有什麼其他的功用?
A: 只有你represent 自己的公會的時候才可以用得到公會的共用儲物空間, buff 以及公會頻. 亦只有在represent 該公會的時候公會才可以得到influence.

Q: 如何退出公會?
A: stand down -> leave guild

Q: 公會會開放公用空間嗎?
A: 會. 你可以把不太值錢的物件存進去供他人使用. 放進去就是公家的了, 與人無關, 一切後果自付!

Guild Wars 2 Collector's Edition


Collector's Edition Physical Items
  • 10-inch Rytlock figurine
    This meticulously sculpted and painted figurine of the charr warrior Rytlock Brimstone will seize and occupy a place of pride in your home.
  • 112 page Making of Guild Wars 2 book
    Go behind the scenes of Guild Wars 2 in this 112 page hardback book featuring lush art, fascinating facts, and interviews with the development team.
  • Best of Guild Wars 2 Soundtrack CD
    Famed composer Jeremy Soule's sweeping musical score captures the epic grandeur and mystery of Tyria.
  • Art Portfolio and Five Art Prints
    Five high-quality art prints featuring work by award-winning Guild Wars 2 artists.
  • Custom Art Frame
    Display your concept art in this finely made art frame

Collector's Edition Digital Items
  • Summon Mistfire Wolf Elite Skill
    This unique elite skill allows the player to summon a temporary Mistfire Wolf pet for use in combat.
  • Miniature Rytlock
    This rare miniature is a perfect replica of Rytlock Brimstone and will accompany your character on all of their adventures throughout Tyria.
  • Chalice of Glory
    Earn some extra Glory with this one-time use chalice. Use Glory to unlock rewards in PvP as well as compare your progress against other players.
  • Tome of Influence
    Give your guild a one-time boost of influence. Useful for unlocking guild vaults, emblems and other items for your guild.
  • Golem Banker
    Your very own golem banker, at your command for 5 days! This mechanical man-servant will grant you access to your account storage from anywhere in the world.

Pre-Purchase Bonuses
  • Access to all Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend Events
  • Three Day Headstart Access
  • Hero’s Band
    Hero's Band Provides: +2 Power, +2 Precision, +2 Toughness, +2 Vitality, +2 Condition Damage, +2 Healing, and +2% Critical Damage

Minimum System Requirements*
* Due to potential changes, system requirements may change over time, and you may be required to upgrade your current system (or obtain a new system) to continue to play the game.
  • Windows® XP Service Pack 2 or better
  • Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 2.0 GHz, Core i3, AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 or better
  • 2 GB RAM
  • NVIDIA® GeForce® 7800, ATI Radeon™ X1800, Intel HD 3000 or better (256MB of video RAM and shader model 3.0 or better)
  • 25 GB available HDD space
  • Broadband Internet connection
  • Keyboard and mouse

各位如果有O野想改,如轉佐SERVER/入佐GUILD等等,可以重新入多次資料,我見到同一個GAF ID有兩個紀錄,我就會將舊紀錄DELETE佐佢。多謝合作。

Vol. 1:
Vol. 2:

"This botch job makes Fantastic Four look good." —Peter Travers, Rolling Stone
NS CC:Morphus X300

此篇文章於 09-16-12 08:43 PM 被 david 編輯。
david 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章



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