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舊 12-13-06, 12:13 AM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Link's Crossbow Training[Wii Zapper同梱&對應] [已售]

Game Informer 165: Phantom Hourglass Update December 10, 2006

Just received my copy of Issue 165 of Game Informer. I believe much of the info about Twilight Princess is already out there, but I don't think anyone caught two cool tibits. The first relates to the much anticipated Phantom Hourglass for the Nintendo DS. At GDC 2006, it was revealed and Iwata hinted it would be out by the end of this year. However, at E3 2006 it became apparent this wouldn't be the case, and The Hylia confirmed a delay to 2007 after speaking with Nintendo at San Diego Comic Con in July.

Game Informer is reporting that Phantom Hourglass has not just been pushed back to "early 2007" as previously reported, but all the way to October 15th, 2007. If so, that means the first DS Zelda adventure will be out next Holiday season. We've also heard rumors the game is getting a major reworking since E3 2006 - as nothing new has been shown for the title since that time.

The other cool bit of information is also a rumor from Game Informer, which states the next Wii Zelda has already been under development for about a year (this sort of contradicts what the Iwata Asks interviews have been saying, but hey, nothing is impossible). The bottom line from the rumor is expect the next Wii Zelda sooner rather than later.

As for Twilight Princess, Link was voted the #1 Hero of 2006, Zant (The Twilight King) was voted the #2 Villain of 2006, The Postman was voted the #9 Dork of 2006 and Twilight Princess took home Game of the Year and #1 Moment of the Year. The game also received Game of the Month honors and received a perfect 10.

Source: Game Informer

P.S:係最初公佈Wii(Rev)時任天堂曾表示過Zelda新作在開發中,而當時係未公佈過會將Twilight Princess放係Wii上推出的.

此篇文章於 12-13-06 01:03 AM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 12-13-06, 12:34 AM   #2
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 11,131
Nintendo Switch ID1803-0934-0218
3DS Friend Code2148 9542 0542

作者: 神祕人1號 查看文章
Game Informer 165: Phantom Hourglass Update December 10, 2006
正常不過!通常任天堂完成一隻家用版 zelda 之後就會立即企劃下一隻家用版 zelda。


3DS FC: 2148-9542-0542
NS FC: 1803-0934-0218
阿聰 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 12-13-06, 04:20 AM   #3
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2004
文章: 477
TP 跟本係GC game,

小寶 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 12-13-06, 10:14 AM   #4
God of Gamer
The Flash
註冊日期: Nov 2004
文章: 14,779
Nintendo Switch ID6287 6181 7226
d 場景設計好smart,仲要有d 特別event 玩其他玩法....

wii 尼隻都係期待

信長 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-09-07, 10:24 AM   #5
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
GDC 2007: Eiji Aonuma on Zelda Franchise
The director of Twilight Princess says that much more is possible for the next Wii Zelda.

by Matt Casamassina

March 8, 2007 - The name Shigeru Miyamoto is synonymous with the Mario franchise, but these days gamers have also come to know the name Eiji Aonuma. Nintendo's game director, who helmed such titles as Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess, has created some of the most compelling Zelda titles ever made and is currently working on the DS effort Phantom Hourglass. We recently sat down with Aonuma and chatted candidly about the future of the Zelda franchise.

Nintendo has stressed repeatedly that with Wii it wanted to develop a console that anybody could enjoy and to that end it has also developed a library of games that are simply and easily approachable. Aonuma, however, dismissed the notion that going forward Nintendo would downplay the relevance of epic titles such as Zelda and instead focus its energies on casual-style games.

"Nintendo has come out with games like Wii Sports and Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. They're both very different games and the experiences are completely different, but they are both produced by Miyamoto-san," Aonuma said. "It's not as though one is better than the other -- it's just that the overall experiences are very different. They're both fun in their different ways. So it's not as though Nintendo's heading into a more simplified direction. It's all about balance."

With more than a million copies of Twilight Princess sold on Wii in America alone, it's no secret that the franchise is as viable today as it was when Ocarina of Time debuted years ago. And for almost as many years, Aonuma has captained the Zelda charge at Nintendo, but will he continue to be the go-to-guy for all things Hyrule?

"I'm 43 and I'll be 44 very soon so as game creators go I'm kind of up there," he said, laughing. "I'm hoping to nurture those below me and train them to become Zelda creators as well."

Aonuma indicated that Twilight Princess, for as good as it was, is just the tip of the iceberg for what can be done to the franchise on Wii.

Said Aonuma: "Twilight Princess was created for the GameCube first and the Wii version came later. When we approached Twilight Princess and added the Wii compatible features, we tried to take advantage of the initial key features of the Wii, like the pointer and the motion sensor -- because it was a launch title. But moving forward, as we get more used to using the Wii controllers and we get more used to developing for the Wii, you can probably expect even more deeper controls."

Some critics have complained that Twilight Princess played and looked too similar to Ocarina of Time. We asked Aonuma if that was a design choice.

"No, it wasn't my intent at all to make something that looked like or played like Ocarina of Time. I wanted to create something that exceeded Ocarina of Time so that could be why it might seem similar. And some of the staff that worked on Ocarina of Time also worked on Twilight Princess, so that might have impacted it as well. But my goal was to create something new," said Aonuma.

Quizzed on whether or not there is room for visual improvement to the Zelda series on Wii, Aonuma responded: "With the Wii version of Twilight Princess, I was creating the Wii version of a GameCube game and wanted to make them similar, so I didn't use the Wii graphics capability to its full capacity. We could actually do a lot more with that and I'm looking forward to doing that."

We asked Aonuma why Twilight Princess didn't feature an orchestral soundtrack.

"i think you're probably talking about the comment I made at E3 about using fully orchestrated background music for Zelda. [Omitting that] was actually a conscious decision we had to make because of development timing," said Aonuma. "It's something that Kondo-san [the game's composer] is very frustrated about -- he really wishes we could have implemented that. So I'm hoping you'll look forward to that in future Zelda games."

Finally, we brought up a common gripe: the lack of any major voice acting in Twilight Princess. Unlike orchestral music, which Nintendo seems intent on doing for future games, the company is not yet convinced that characters should talk.

"In regard to voice acting, I made a conscious decision not to give Link a voice because Link is actually the player and to give him a voice would alter the experience for the player so I don't think that that will happen anytime soon. Unless, of course, it benefits the gameplay. It's all about gameplay, so it if benefits the gameplay then we would definitely consider including voice acting," Aonuma said. "There are many games out there that use voice recording and for me, if I were to choose to include voice acting in a Zelda game, it would have to change the game dramatically and make other people realize that it's a completely new way of using voices."
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-09-07, 04:26 PM   #6
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 666
XBox Live Gamertagandydy
andydy 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-09-07, 05:30 PM   #7
The One
註冊日期: Aug 2002
文章: 55,730
PSN  ID各位可以問我拎ID
我唔想等3 年~


XG3 (v3 UID=g21774, v4 UID=g14465, v5 UID=g8309, v6 UID=g8674)
GFV3 Complete Skill Set (203 FC, 10 EX, 2 HZD)
V Series Complete Skill Set (WIP)

PS プラチナコレクション (PS4: 9, PS3: 21, PSV: 1)
UC, BH5, KZ2, BOP, 塊魂Tribute, UC2, FFXIII, Dead Space, ガンダム無双3, KZ3, BioShock, SOCOM4, UC3, ガンダムExtreme VS, TOX, BH6, KZ, MGR, TR, TLoU, ガンダムExtreme VS FB, KZM, Destiny, The Order: 1886, MGSV:GZ, MGSV:TPP, BH0, UC4, Gravity Daze, Rise of TR, Gundam VS
基路亞 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 03-13-07, 11:28 PM   #8
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
GDC 07: Zelda's Link To The Past And Future - The Eiji Aonuma Interview
by Billy Berghammer
POSTED: 3/9/2007 11:46 AM

GI: Are you intrigued to get back to work on a new Zelda game for the Wii?
Aonuma: I am always looking forward to making new things, and because the Wii is a new piece of hardware there are so many possibilities with that I am looking forward to also creating games for it. But I don’t know if I can handle it physically right now. (laughs) I need a little break.

GI: You’ll have to ask Mr. Miyamoto to stop “upending the tea table!”

Aonuma: (laughs)

New Wii Zelda to focus on motion control
Monday 12-Mar-2007 2:13 PM Director Eiji Aonuma discusses the future of the legendary series

Talking about the future of Link and the epic Zelda series, Nintendo director Eiji Aonuma has expressed his wish to put more motion-controlled mechanics in the next Zelda game.

"I knew that the Wii was capable of many more controls than we added to the Wii version of Twilight Princess," admitted Aonuma in an interview with GameInformer.

He continued: "I was kind of afraid of adding too many [motion controls], because I didn't want to confuse the end user or make the game intimidating. Moving forward, though, that was a launch title so we had to keep it kind of "at the basics," but moving forward I can definitely see us incorporating more controls into the game."

Aonuma also declared that he would be prepared to bring back Princess of the Twilight, Midna, if that's what the fans wanted: "Because of the way Twilight Princess ended, I don't see her making a reappearance, but who knows. If we hear enough voices for her to come back, how can we not."

The cartoon-style Link from Wind Waker is set to live on in Phantom Hourglass on DS, and Aonuma had a bit to say about that too: "Because this game is on a handheld, the approach has been a little different than with the Wii or the GameCube.

"In this Zelda, there are several islands, and each one has its own story. It's pretty full because of this, and we'll explain more how this works closer to release. There are some dungeons that you'll have to play more than once. It's a very full, fleshed-out game."

He also confirmed that the one-on-one multplayer mode would be playable online. Check back on CVG later today for a full multiplayer hands-on preview from GDC.

For the record, we'll be all over Phantom Hourglass when it's released later this year.
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-11-07, 12:05 AM   #9
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898

Breaking news: Wii Zapper pack-in will be Zelda Crossbow Training
By Ben Kuchera | Published: September 09, 2007 - 11:37PM CT

If you're a manager for a GameStop store, at this moment you're in Vegas, enjoying all the vendors pitching their games to you. A source at the show tells Opposable Thumbs that after Nintendo's speech, the managers were given a world-exclusive first look at the pack-in game for the Wii Zapper. Are you ready? Zelda Crossbow Training.

"The game looked beautiful," my source said. "I'm pretty sure it was running on the Twilight Princess engine. It's a third-person game, and you had some control over Link. While the video was way too short to get a good idea of the gameplay, it looks like a light-gun inspired Zelda title." (He says that as if we'd know what a light gun-inspired Zelda title would look like.)

This is huge news, and it should sell a bunch of Wii Zappers. Zelda Crossbow Training will come packaged with the Wii Zapper hardware for $20. No specific release date was given.

Rumor: Zelda Crossbow Training to come with Wii Zapper?

There is a GameStop managers’ meeting going on in Las Vegas right now, and rumor is coming out that Nintendo has shown off the title that will be paired with the Wii Zapper. It’s a Zelda title being called “Zelda Crossbow Training”.

“The game looked beautiful. I’m pretty sure it was running on the Twilight Princess engine. It’s a third-person game, and you had some control over Link. While the video was way too short to get a good idea of the gameplay, it looks like a light-gun inspired Zelda title.” - GameStop Leak from Opposable Thumbs

Best news…the leak says the Zapper/Zelda: Crossbow Training bundle will cost $20. I didn’t think that price would stick! Does all this sound too good to be true, or just crazy enough to work?

此篇文章於 09-11-07 12:12 AM 被 神祕人1號 編輯。
神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-11-07, 12:07 AM   #10
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
GoNintendo “End of day” thoughts - Do you like the idea of Zelda: Crossbow Training?

This weekend really sucked! I am glad to have gotten through it, and to be back at the warehouse. A week of regular work never looked so good. I’ll catch you guys in a few hours, have a great morning!

The rumor of Zelda: Crossbow Training popped up very early this morning. As of right now there is no official confirmation, but the general consensus is that the game is the real deal. That may change by the time I wake up later on, but for now I’ll go with the idea of the game actually existing.

We knew that the Wii Zapper was heading our way. We also knew that the Zapper would be packaged with a piece of software, all for $20. At least, that’s what we were told at E3. When we first saw the Zapper, I think a lot of us envisioned a true sequel to Duck Hunt. We all have our fond memories of Duck Hunt and the NES Zapper. I still remember the first time I played it…I was blown away. While the idea of a new Duck Hunt game doesn’t exactly blow anyone away, it seemed like the right thing to do with the introduction of a new Zapper. I think one of the last things we would think of would be a Zelda game showing off the Zapper. Heading out with Link to take on a new adventure of sorts…with a Zapper peripheral. Is this something we want?

I guess I will play both sides of the fence here, and then give my opinion. First up, the people that are against this idea. This stance could be for the Zelda purist. The idea of a Zelda spin-off game that really isn’t part of the main series is an interesting idea. It is also one that is making a lot of Zelda fans cry foul. If we had a spin-off Zelda game, you wouldn’t really expect it to be something along the lines of Crossbow Training. Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland is a Zelda spin-off so far removed that it makes sense. From what we hear about Crossbow Training, you are playing as Link in a light-gun style game. None of those aspects are something I would put together. We’ve seen Mario go through the whoring out process through multiple titles…do we really want the Zelda series to head that way?

On the flip side, perhaps this game really isn’t a bad idea. Instead of getting a title like Wii Play that you are just buying for the Wiimote, now we get a title that could hold some serious gameplay. We will be in the Zelda universe, and taking on an actual adventure instead of just shooting targets. The idea of a Zelda game built around this mechanic while still including aspects of the series that interests us is pretty appealing. You would hope that if Nintendo is going for an idea like this, they have some pretty good ideas to back it up. They protect their first party characters, and they aren’t about to ruin one of their biggest stars.

Personally, I am excited for the idea. I really hope it turns out to be true. I am a Zelda whore, so I will pick up anything that is part of the series. I know I can expect a level of quality from the games, and this title should be no different. I wouldn’t expect it to be along the lines of a real Zelda game, but it should provide some of those elements. I would be very surprised if the title turned out to be a complete failure.

How do you feel about the idea? Let’s hear your thoughts.
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舊 09-11-07, 04:18 PM   #11
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 45,256
Wii U IDlastwill
3DS Friend Code5241 1873 3778
Link's Crossbow Training[Wii Zapper同梱&對應] 美版11月19日發售

2007年9月11日(火) 11時13分

任天堂オブアメリカは「Wiiザッパー」を『リンクのクロスボウ・トレーニング』(Link's Crossbow Training)に同梱して11月19日から発売すると発表しました。本作はゼルダシリーズに基づいた作品で、Wiiリモコンとヌンチャクに組み合わせて使用する「Wiiザッパー」をフルに生かした内容になるという事です。価格は19.99ドル(約2300円)と抑えられています。




サードパーティからはEAの『メダルオブオナー ヒーローズ2』、カプコンの『バイオハザード アンブレラ・クロニクルズ』、セガの『ゴースト・スカッド』などが「Wiiザッパー」に対応しているということです。国内では10月25日に『ゴースト・スカッド』と同時に発売予定です。ゼルダも期待したいですね。


WILL 3780-8206-2363
按此看我的3DS Mii
W!LL 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-11-07, 05:39 PM   #12
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Aug 2006
文章: 6,625
Wii U IDRealityFantasy
Nintendo Switch ID4064 9412 4240
3DS Friend Code0430 8383 4001
PSN  IDRealityFantasy
XBox Live GamertagFrancisFantasy
bowgun 射擊訓練...聽落幾單調下
老任真係幾落力sell 這個Zapper

希望會有d 驚喜
fantasy俊仔 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-11-07, 05:55 PM   #13
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Aug 2005
文章: 8,539
作者: fantasy俊仔 查看文章
bowgun 射擊訓練...聽落幾單調下
老任真係幾落力sell 這個Zapper

希望會有d 驚喜
MO 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-11-07, 06:05 PM   #14
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 45,256
Wii U IDlastwill
3DS Friend Code5241 1873 3778
咁出法, 可能唔買gs住lu, gs既非同梱版實會好快跌價


WILL 3780-8206-2363
按此看我的3DS Mii
W!LL 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-11-07, 06:45 PM   #15
Metal Gear NT
註冊日期: Oct 2002
文章: 20,122
PSN  IDjasonpoon
用Zelda o黎做示範作點都好過duck hunt o既...

All things Apple.

Metal Gear NT 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-11-07, 06:59 PM   #16
Game Master
註冊日期: Feb 2004
文章: 2,024
光槍控制器Wii Zapper 11月發售,同捆附帶林克弓箭遊戲一款

任天堂今天宣佈,之前在E3 2007上公開的Wii光槍型控制器周邊Wii Zappe將於今年11月19日正式發售。控制器同捆附帶一款以林克為主角的弓箭模擬遊戲,其畫面與Wii版《塞爾達傳說:黃昏公主》接近,玩家要在遊戲中扮演林克,完成一系列弓箭的射擊訓練。

除了這款Wii Zapper同捆附帶的迷你遊戲以外,任天堂在此前的E3 2007展前發佈會上還公佈了一些將會對應這款新周邊遊戲作品,其中包括EA公司的《榮譽勳章 英雄2》、Capcom公司的《生化危機:安佈雷拉歷代記》以及世嘉公司的《幽靈戰隊》等。

Wii Zapper與林克弓箭遊戲的同捆套裝售價為19.99美元,目前日版的發售日和售價尚未公開。

† your worst fears ( 恐怖 )
† the inevitable destruction of society... ( そして破壊 )
† trust your inner senses ( 新しい刺激 )
† you've never seen biohazard this before ( 今までとは違う )
romrom2004 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-22-07, 12:04 AM   #17
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 3,696
Nintendo's press
Link's Crossbow Training™
Format: Wii™
Launch Date: 11/19/07
ESRB: T (Teen): Fantasy Violence
Game Type: Shooting
Accessories: Wii Zapper™ – included (requires Wii Remote™ and Nunchuk™)
Players: 1-4 (turn-based)
Developer: EAD

Link returns from The Legend of Zelda®: Twilight Princess to pick up the Wii Zapper and take aim at a host of targets in this shooting-gallery-style game.

* Anyone can pick up the Wii Zapper and become a master marksman in the quick-play shooting galleries of Link's Crossbow Training. Dozens of fast-paced stages offer a wide variety of game play, from shooting stationary targets to defending a supply wagon from onrushing hordes of enemies. Multiplayer modes let players and their friends share a Wii Zapper to shoot for the high score.

* Link's Crossbow Training comes bundled with the Wii Zapper. After a few rounds of Link's Crossbow Training, players will be more than ready to pick up any of the future Wii Zapper titles, like Medal of Honor Heroes™ 2, Ghost Squad™ and Resident Evil®: The Umbrella Chronicles.

Using the Wii Zapper: The Wii Zapper requires the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, housing both in a comfortable and intuitive frame. The control stick on the Nunchuk controls player movement (on stages that allow player movement), while simply aiming the Wii Zapper moves the targeting reticule on the screen. Pulling the trigger fires Link's crossbow. By aiming off screen, players can turn Link to face in a new direction (again, on stages that allow this).

Link's Crossbow Training contains three basic game styles: target shooting, defender and ranger. There are 27 stages in total, and these categories represent only generally how each individual stage operates. Each stage's goal is to earn the highest score possible within the time limit. All rounds can be played with multiple players: Players pass the Wii Zapper around and then play one at a time and compete for the high score.

Target Shooting: In target-shooting rounds, players shoot bull's-eyes as they pop up on the screen. In early stages, targets are stationary. As the game difficulty increases in later levels, the targets move. Hitting the center of the bull's-eye nets more points, and hitting targets in succession without missing earns combo multipliers. Link can aim anywhere on the screen.

Defender: In defender rounds, players remain stationary but can look and aim in all directions - sometimes even in a full 360 degrees - by aiming off screen. Hordes of enemies assault Link, and he must fight them off. These battles have a great deal of variety, from fighting off skeletons in a desert to defending a wagon from boar-riding Bokoblins.

Ranger: In ranger rounds, players can move throughout the level using the control stick and aim anywhere they want by aiming the Wii Zapper wherever they want to look. In these missions, Link storms enemy encampments, fights his way through a forest and seeks out his foes while exploring the environments.

neo 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-22-07, 12:52 AM   #18
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2005
文章: 3,952
Wii U IDseed2005
3DS Friend Code4038 6080 2757
seed2005 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-24-07, 01:34 PM   #19
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 3,696
Confirmed locations: Hyrule Field, Snowpeak Ruins, Hidden Village.
Simple target shooting to third person action
Target shooting points operate on a combo system
Third person levels - Control Link by control stick, the camera follows the reticule when it hits the edge of the screen.
Confirmed enemies - Bublins, Stalfos, Tektites.
-Mini-games are short.
-Consecutive multiplayer
-Ships November 19th


此篇文章於 09-24-07 01:42 PM 被 neo2046 編輯。
neo 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-24-07, 01:40 PM   #20
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 45,256
Wii U IDlastwill
3DS Friend Code5241 1873 3778


WILL 3780-8206-2363
按此看我的3DS Mii
W!LL 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-24-07, 01:45 PM   #21
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2005
文章: 9,828
PSN  IDmartin1979
作者: W!LL 查看文章
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舊 09-24-07, 01:51 PM   #22
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2004
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ELT 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-27-07, 07:37 PM   #23
註冊日期: Jan 2002
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神祕人1號 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-27-07, 07:49 PM   #24
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 45,256
Wii U IDlastwill
3DS Friend Code5241 1873 3778
笑死我喇, 最後果張仲要放大


WILL 3780-8206-2363
按此看我的3DS Mii
W!LL 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-28-07, 05:47 AM   #25
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 9,033
actually i love the part when Link go into the "forgotten" city in TP, very nice feel battling with the bow and arrows

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