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舊 11-13-08, 08:44 PM   #15
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
《熾焰帝國 2》實際遊玩影片首度釋出 細緻呈現大規模戰場廝殺震撼 2008-11-13 20:42:25

《熾焰帝國 2》官方網站

  由韓國 BLUESIDE 開發的《熾焰帝國》系列 MMO 新作《熾焰帝國 2(Kingdom Under Fire II)》,於韓國「G★2008」展中首度釋出實際遊戲畫面與影片,供玩家參考。

  《熾焰帝國 2》是以中古歐洲風奇幻世界為背景的《熾焰帝國》系列正統續篇新作,承襲前作故事,並採用融合大規模多人線上(MMO)要素的動作即時戰略玩法。

  遊戲採用 BLUESIDE 自行開發的「FAME tech 2」引擎製作,以先進的高解析度 3D 繪圖來呈現大規模戰場震撼激烈的戰爭場面,並提供更豐富多樣化的角色動作演出。



  BLUESIDE 同時也宣布,已與經營「Hangame」網路遊戲社群平台的韓國遊戲發行商 NHN 簽訂合作契約,後續將由 NHN 負責《熾焰帝國 2》於韓國地區的發行與營運。

  《熾焰帝國 2》預定 2009 年採跨平台方式推出,製作平台目前未定。
(Sam 報導)

A Sequel bound to redefine the Kingdom Under Fire universe!

True Action RTS sequel heir to the world acclaimed Kingdom Under Fire series
Pioneering a new genre, MMOARTS (Massively Multiplayer Online Action RTS) for multi-platforms.
The first revealed real-time screenshots off a work-in-progress build.

BLUESIDE globally announced that they will team up with PHANTAGRAM and co-develop a true sequel to the award-winning Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders and Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes, well known for their innovative pioneering of a new genre called Action RTS and highly lauded by worldwide audiences as the first ever hybrid game of action and real-time strategy. Named as "Kingdom Under Fire II", the new version of Kingdom Under Fire is aiming for 2009 release and will be available worldwide on both PC and console platforms.
Kingdom Under Fire II will not only inherit all the merits of the previous Action RTS series that numerous fans have raved about but also feature much enhanced game system that will allow gamers to experience vastly immense tactical game play and intense action in unprecedented scale of battlefield. Moreover, it will support a single offline mode and an online mode where thousands of gamers can join in a server to pit their skills against each other. With next-gen quality of graphic and rich game play, it will truly be an unheralded gift in a pleasant way to both gamers and gaming industry.

Whereas Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom was an Action RPG deviated from the main Action RTS stream of Kingdom Under Fire Series, this sequel version will be a true inheritor of the world acclaimed Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders in the truest sense with promises to deliver a unique game play and story line where the plot is filled with drama between game characters, who will all contribute to raise suspense and intensity of combat. Unlike the previous RTS series where the Human Alliance and the Dark Legion faced each other in endless battles, there will be a new third faction vying for control of the world, which will definitely pique the curiosity of fans worldwide.

BLUESIDE's CEO Sejung Kim stated that "We are preparing for an immense game that will feature not only field battles, but also titanic siege engines and thousands of units that will swarm over monstrous fortresses in siege battles of epic proportions." clearly expressing her confidence in the next title.

While more information around the game shall be revealed down the road, the development of new Kingdom Under Fire is on track to explore new worlds where no one has gone before.

*A true Action RTS inheritor of the world acclaimed Kingdom Under Fire series, which continues a saga of Bersian heroes on Kingdom Under Fire universe.
*Massively Multiplayer Online game where thousands of gamers can co-play and write their own epic poetry of war.
*Much empowered real-time strategy game system with highly intense action and intuitive control while succeeding all the great merits of previous versions.
*Unprecedentedly massive scale of castle siege mode to deliver realistic mediaeval battle onto your nose.
*Deeper and richer campaign mode than that of "Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders"
*Competition and War among 3 factions over the domination of Bersia continent; Human Alliance, Dark Legion and a new mystery force.

Please click the link below for more game information.

[IGN] Kingdom Under Fire 2 Q&A

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