Games Animation Forum

舊 06-03-12, 09:00 AM   #1
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: May 2006
文章: 1,103
PSN  IDrexenos
XBox Live Gamertagrexenos
Assassin's Creed III: Liberation

■It’s out same day as AC3 (October 30)
■Location is New Orleans
■Female assassin named Aveline of mixed heritage
■Looks like same time period as AC3
■Ubisoft Sofia is developing
■Takes place between 1765-1780 in the period between the end of the French and Indian war
■One of the bullet points is that it’s “true AC gameplay”
■Will not connect to Desmond
■Will have “multiplayer specifically tailored to the Vita experience”
■“The game has been released as a propaganda tool by Abstergo, who want players to experience a gray area of the Assassin/Templar conflict as an assassin rather than a Templar”
■Aveline’s mentor is an escaped slave named Agate,leader of the assassins in New Orleans
■Wildlife like alligators “wait on the banks of the swamp or hide beneath murky waters”
■Liberation will also take players “across the Gulf into Mexico”

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