Games Animation Forum

舊 09-16-18, 04:03 AM   #349
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Apr 2007
文章: 8,691
PSN  IDChun-li
O_O 係有既!! (之前又係IGN亂up自我補完)

G: During a livestream at E3 you mentioned that body physics aren’t completely gone but have not seen any yet. I’m wondering, are they simply not implemented yet?

YS: This is still a build in development, and it’s not final, but we can show you that has not been removed. As you can see, there is movement.

[At this point Shimbori-san instructed the rep that was showing the game to showcase the implementation of the physics, which you can enjoy in our video here]

G: Oh! This wasn’t there before! What kind of sorcery is this?!

YS: As I mentioned, this build is still in development. In previous games, the movement of the chest was very exaggerated. Now we’re going for more realistic physical movements. For this game, we’re not using the Soft Engine, but we’re using a new engine that is being developed at Koei Tecmo Games. It’s still in development so it’s not yet ready for public showing, We brought this just as a sample to show you the stage of development at this point.


此篇文章於 09-16-18 04:09 AM 被 ComeLOLoh 編輯。
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