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舊 06-13-10, 10:00 PM   #60
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
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因為Elia衰多口, 全隊荷蘭禁玩Twitter

Eljero Elia sparks Dutch Twitter ban

June 11, 2010
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By Soccernet staff
Netherlands' World Cup squad has been banned from using Twitter after Eljero Elia sparked a racism row with comments on a live streaming video.

Eljero Elia has sparked a Twitter row.
There was an angry response when Elia appeared to insult Moroccans, forcing him into an apology and coach Bert van Marwijk took immediate action by imposing the ban.

The stream showed Elia and team-mate Ryan Babel playing a computer game in front of a webcam, with several other team members in the room.

"I want to apologise to the Moroccan community but I am not a racist," a chastened Elia said. "I grew up in The Hague in a neighbourhood with 75% Moroccans and have a lot of friends among them. What I said was meant for a friend of mine, Reduan, who always calls me 'negro' ... it sounds odd, but it is some slang."

England and Spain had already barred their players from using Twitter.


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