Games Animation Forum

舊 03-04-19, 10:55 AM   #98
The One
註冊日期: Feb 2003
文章: 21,203
//北京的如意算盤,從來就是一面利用香港自治地位為其利益服務、另一方面則在政治上控制香港人。這個算盤要打得響,關鍵是美國不插手,閉起雙眼假裝香港仍有《香港政策法》下的「足夠自治」。我早前就說過,美國對香港有三個選項:一. 繼續放手不理香港;二. 全面取消《美國-香港政策法》;三. 通過《香港人權民主法》或局部制裁香港。看來美國已不會用選項一,就看華府是最終用選項二還是選項三。//
[方志恒 Brian]

//The wishful thinking of Beijing is always about making best use of Hong Kong's autonomy status to serve its regime interests while politically controlling Hongkongese. This formula will work only when US keeps a blind eye to Hong Kong's situation and continue to recognize its “sufficient autonomy” under the “US-Hong Kong Policy Act”. As I have said before, US has three options toward Hong Kong: First, continue to do nothing on Hong Kong; Second, to abolish the whole “US-Hong Kong Policy Act”; Third, to pass the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act” and impose selective sanctions on Hong Kong. It now seems that US will not adopt Option 1, let's see whether it will adopt Option 2 or Option 3.//
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