Games Animation Forum

舊 11-17-12, 12:52 AM   #401
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 16,473
美國國會報告 --- 特 區 護 照 不 可 能 獲 免 簽

Wan Chin

1. Pro-Beijing parties enjoyed a financial advantage over their rivals, which enabled them to build exten- sive logistical networks to mobilize voters and exploit Hong Kong’s electoral peculiarities. (p.267)

2. Babies born in the territory enjoy the privileges of Hong Kong citizenship: access to the city’s superior health and education systems, and greater free- dom to travel and settle inside and outside China.(p.267)

3. So-called ‘‘birth-tourism’’ quickly became a hot-button issue, with some going so far as to depict mainland Chi- nese as ‘locusts.’(p.268)

4. Censorship controversies at the South China Morning Post, one of Hong Kong’s most prominent newspapers, increased following the appointment of Wang Xingwei as editor-in-chief in January 2012. Mr. Wang, a former China Daily reporter, concurrently serves as a member of Jilin Province’s Political Consultative Con- ference,424 a Chinese Communist Party-selected and -controlled or- ganization.‡ In June, he was accused of censoring coverage of the death of Li Wangyang, a well-known Chinese dissident. (p.270)

5. The city’s public schools were going to be required to begin teach- ing a course in ‘‘moral and national education’’ by 2015, which some called a thinly veiled ‘‘brainwashing’’ effort evocative of the Cultural Revolution.(p.272)

6. Beijing’s increasing influence in Hong Kong’s affairs calls into question the security of advanced technology products exported from the United States to Hong Kong.(p.273)

7. Congress reauthorize Section 301 of the U.S.-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992, which requires the U.S. secretary of State to submit an annual report to Congress on political, economic, and social developments in Hong Kong of relevance to the United States. This should include reporting on mainland interference in Hong Kong’s internal political affairs and Chinese efforts to leverage the territory as a platform for the internationalization of the RMB.(p.274)

8. Congress review the U.S.-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992 to deter- mine its continued applicability. In particular, Congress should review the security of advanced technology products exported from the United States to Hong Kong.(p.274)

9. Members of Congress, when visiting mainland China, also visit Hong Kong and that Congress encourage senior administration officials, including the secretary of State, to make visits to Hong Kong part of their travel.(p.274)


1. 特區護照可以享有VWP嘅機會係零,因為多謝呢班中國蝗蟲孕婦,日後特區護照免簽越嚟越少係好正常嘅事,睇嚟大家換定BN(O)都無走雞。

2. 美國已經唔信一國兩制,而日後大家買高科技產品果陣遇到大量阻滯,多謝北京呢班

3. 重新啟動美國香港關係法第301條,要求國務院必須提交香港政經情況嘅報告,美國高官訪問中國一定訪港,咁搞法意在警告中國,唔好亂嚟。

當年美國人要英國人交出香港俾中國,因為中國係反蘇盟友,成件事唔係無條件,依家中國似係走數,美國人亦唔會客氣。所以英國俾國會嘅半年報告,日後隨時U turn,人地美國人寫份報告咁詳盡兼火氣十足,FCO班友寫埋啲垃圾,炒得喇。



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