Games Animation Forum

舊 03-03-06, 11:51 PM   #16
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 4,707
第1 隻玩ga d&d是eye of the beholder
一直玩到 temple of elemental evil

不過lee 隻吾玩lu..... 太貴... 平均每日未必玩到1 小時

>>此終都係覺得佢係一個 action game, 用 shield 擋要自己按, 連閃避都要自己按....
即是無左d&d 最有趣ga 地方

A Knight is sworn to valor
His heart knows only virtue
His blade defends the helpless
His might upholds the weak
His word speaks only truth
His wrath undoes the wicked
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