Games Animation Forum

舊 12-18-03, 11:54 PM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
[PS2,XB]Manhunt on XB,Red Dead Revolver on PS2 and XB,GTA: Vice City in Japan

Manhunt on Xbox & PC/GTA on GBA
Rockstar Games has just announced the exit of Red Dead Revolver on PlayStation 2 and Xbox for spring 2004 in the USA, the development of this Western-Shooter was taken again by Rockstar San Diego after its beginnings at Capcom.

Rockstar also envisages to leave Manhunt on Xbox and PC as well as an adaptation Large Theft Auto on Game Boy Advance during the fiscal year 2004.

The editor also hopes to extend the next shutter Large Theft Auto on console of living room at the end of the year 2004.

Sam Houser (President of Rockstar Games) :'We are excited to announce this astounding new franchise which portrays one of the most fascinating periods of time in American history. Red Dead Revolver is Rockstar Games' first foray into the wild west and the Rockstar production team is eager to deliver an engaging and visually stunning experience that pays homage to this era.'

Diego Angel (President of Rockstar San Diego) : 'With this game, we have pushed ourselves technically, stylistically and gameplay wise further than ever before. We are aiming to make a western experience that sparks memories of the past as well as looks forward with an inventive new approach.'

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