Games Animation Forum

舊 05-01-19, 02:04 PM   #323
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Apr 2002
文章: 7,807
"It's not a time loop," according to Joe Russo in a recent Q&A. "Both Ancient One and Hulk were right. You can't change the future by simply going back to past. But it's possible to create a different alternate future. It's not butterfly effect. Every decision you made in the past could potentially create a new timeline. For example, the old Cap at the end movie, he lived his married life in a different universe from the main one. He had to make another jump back to the main universe at the end to give the shield to Sam."

即係話Cap跳翻去還石同埋冇再翻嚟,而最後同Carter一齊的,其實果條已經係另一條新timeline,然後佢到老咗90幾歲時,再經quantum realm翻嚟比個盾Falcon。即係話原MCU timeline冇改過,Carter都係冇同Cap一齊,識咗另一個老公。而原MCU的Cap就喺還石時跳去另一timeline生活咗50-60年,再跳翻嚟交盾、聚舊、退役。

當然我原本的說法都唔係唔通,原MCU timeline一直就係Carter隱瞞(為咗唔想劇透Endgame,劇透會比人打的),所以Cap一直係佢老公,而年輕Cap解封去搵佢時,佢果句"因為我先識到我老公",係語帶相關。

官方當然比較合理,因為老Cap係突然出現喺長椅上,所以佢係time jump翻嚟的。

我諗到有咗呢個技術都幾茅,有咩野搞唔掂,未又time jump搵人搵石幫手囉,既然冇蝴蝶效應,受害的至多係其他timeline。不過亦都可能係咁,下一個saga可能就係講報應,一係講time travel的報應(Kang the Conqueror),一係講multiverse的報應(Secret Wars)。講Kang係好大可能的,因為佢好大可能已經出現咗(如果知道Kang故事的,應該估到我講邊個)!

諗起Ancient One果一幕,當佢聽到Strange居然放棄time stone,就改變主意比Hulk拎石。其實佢本來都係墨守成規的,又要守規矩唔用粒石,但又唔可以毀咗粒石,係始終覺得有件秘密武器喺身邊先有安全感,又或者係死守保衛者之名。但係Strange就唔同,多次用粒石,而且最後係敢去放棄,反而教識Ancient One去放棄。今次亦解答咗大家,下次Doctor Strange 2冇可能再用上次個招了。
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