Games Animation Forum

舊 08-29-12, 11:30 PM   #1888
Senior Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2006
文章: 387
作者: enishi 查看文章
Vita firmware update locks memory cards

Remember how you could change the PSN account on your Vita without changing your memory card and without formatting it? Well, as of firmware update 1.80 the fun is over. Your memory card is now locked to one account and this can only be changed by formatting the memory card.

If you switch accounts you are now greeted by this wonderful message:

If you select "Cancel" the Vita will behave as if no memory card was inserted.

I guess this screws up more people than just me. It's an especially wonderful gift considering they just gave us PSOne games which a lot of people (or at least some) have probably spread across multiple accounts.

Sorry 又做 d onX 野!!
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