Games Animation Forum

舊 06-07-12, 07:28 PM   #25
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,566
作者: neo2046 查看文章
should be "Game of the Show" this year
不過360 / PS3 邊有可能出到呢D畫面
畫面靚的係PC版,但會照出PS3/XBOX 360版睇下到時降級後畫面同整理上又幾吸引了。

Watch Dogs coming to Xbox 360 and PS3 'for sure,' producer says

Ubisoft Montreal producer Dominic Guay feels flattered by the whispers of suspicion surrounding Watch Dogs, a new third-person, open-world action game from Ubisoft. After an impressive debut at Ubisoft's E3 2012 press conference, Watch Dogs left viewers questioning whether its sophisticated environments and lighting (among other things) are a realistic match for current consoles. The official line is that it's coming to PC, Xbox 360 and PS3.

Speaking to Joystiq, Guay confirmed that the E3 demo is running on PC, but emphasized that Ubisoft Montreal is interested in getting Watch Dogs on "all the platforms we can." That means Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions "for sure," Guay said. A Wii U version is still up in the air.

It's easy to imagine Ubisoft releasing a scaled-down, optimized version of Watch Dogs, positioned to take advantage of the large, established audience on current consoles. It's even easier to envision the futuristic property popping up in Ubisoft's typical barrage of launch games for a new system. Both scenarios could play out by the time Watch Dogs ships, sometime after 2012.

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