Games Animation Forum

舊 06-05-12, 11:37 AM   #3
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,566
我睇Ubisoft's pre-E3 press conference見個試玩拎果個手掣似PC手犁多過Xbox 360controller 喎, 雖然略略睇到個手掣有類似ABXY果的紅黃綠藍按鈕。

'Watch Dogs' announced, looks futuristic [update: gameplay demo added!]

Watch Dogs, a new title from Ubisoft Montreal, was just announced during Ubisoft's pre-E3 press conference. The game was being played with an Xbox 360 controller during the presentation; however, it looked remarkably better than any console title we've seen to date. Could this be our first hint at the next generation? Ubisoft announced no platforms. It also looks like there may be drop-in-drop-out multiplayer, which is always a welcome addition.

Check after the break for the stunning gameplay demo.

Update: Ubisoft's press site has filed platform listings for Watch Dogs: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.


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