Games Animation Forum

舊 02-06-10, 02:04 PM   #3
註冊日期: Feb 2002
文章: 3,337
PSN  IDAngelus01
XBox Live GamertagAngeluz01
Story related achievements, not missable !!


Slaughter at Acre - 5
Fight against the prisoner at Acre

This is a story related achievement. Your very first battle in the game will unlock this.

Abandon all hope - 15
Break through the gates of hell

This is a story related achievement. You will unlock it after destroying hell's gate while riding the beast.

Sentence the Judge - 25
Defeat King Minos

This is a story related achievement. You will unlock it after defeating the judge.

Lovers Torn Asunder - 25
Defeat Marc Antony

This is a story related achievement. You will unlock it after defeating Marc Antony in Lust.

He can be pretty annoying, as he blocks alot of attacks with his big shield. Stay on the move and use air to ground combo's. When he gets shielded by his lover, hit her giant hand until she falls and cancels the shield.
If you have any trouble with this boss, switch to Classic difficulty, it does not affect achievements.

The Great Worm - 25
Defeat Cerberus

This is a story related achievement. You will unlock it after defeating Cerberus in Gluttony.

This video shows pretty much everything you need to know:

Like Father Like Son - 25
Defeat Alighiero

This is a story related achievement. You will unlock it after defeating Alighiero in Greed.

This one’s pretty easy, use a hit and run tactic, as you cannot block his attacks. After chipping off his health, he will plunge his cross into the middle, causing a periodic aoe to tick. Switch to a hit and jump tactic while you keep pinching off health. When he’s near death, he does another aoe attack that seems to be unavoidable, make sure you have enough health to survive it.
Again, if it’s too hard, just switch to Classic for an easy achievement.

Gates of Dis - 35
Enter the lower circles of The Inferno

This is a story related achievement. You will unlock it after completing Anger and entering the city of Dis.

The Harrowing - 35
Escape Heresy

This is a story related achievement. You will unlock it after guess what… escaping Heresy.

Brotherhood - 40
Defeat Francesco

This is a story related achievement. You will unlock it after defeating Francesco.

I found it easiest to avoid his attacks all together by staying airborne and using air to ground combo’s. He blocks most ground attacks with his shield. The biggest annoyance are the shielded minions, who will block all your attacks unless you extinguish the fire on the shield with your cross attack.
Switch to Classic for yet another easy achievement.

Bitter Sweet - 50
Save Beatrice

This is a story related achievement. You will unlock it after the series of trials, before entering the ninth circle.

Lucifer's Match - 100
Defeat the Emperor of the Woeful Realm

This is a story related achievement. You will unlock it after defeating Lucifer.

If you have trouble doing the final boss, switch to Classic difficulty or watch this video:

Dante's Inferno DLC *Dark Forest* Trophy Guide

Dante's Inferno DLC *Dark Forest* Trophy Guide
PSN ID: jgrizzle358

as you may know there are only 2 trophies in the Dark Forest, both of them Bronze. here's how to get them:

Dark Forest: (complete the dark forest on any difficulty)
All you have to do to get this one is beat the level. pretty straightforward.

Clear Path Not Lost: (complete the dark forest without getting lost one)
thisis a bit harder, but not so much if you know what you are doing.

Puzzle 1: you have the go into the door to the east in each area. your guide is the moonlight. the beam of moonlight coming down is coming from the north, so depending on your camera angle, go to the east of what ever direction the moonlight is coming from. to make it easier i have the answer: if the moonlight is coming from the top of the screen go right, if it's coming from the right go down, if it's coming from the bottom go left, and if it's coming from the right go forward.

Puzzle 2: to solve this one you must travel west in each room. the beam of light coming from the lion statue is your clue here. in the first room turn the lion statue until it's facing to the left. then follow it through the mirror. in each of the following rooms the beam hitting the lion is the one pointing west, so you want to turn the statue so the beam coming out of the mouth is going the same way, it should end up looking like the beam is going in the lion's rear and out of it's mouth (it'll form a straight line) and then just go in the direction the lion is facing and repeat. you'll know if you messed up because it'll take you back to the first room .

Puzzle 3: this one is easier than it looks. just drag the column from the top right and drag it in front of the door at the top. now wait for the moonlight to aim at the door on the left or right (your choice) and when it appears as if the moon is shining from the door, go through it (i.e. TOWARDS the light), if done correctly, the assassin will run out of the opposite door and u will follow suit, as soon as Dante comes out of the door IMMEDIATELY turn around and go back through the door you just came through, you will end up coming out of the door the assassin is headed towards and intercept him.
(thanks to FetusZero for helping with the 3rd one)

if all of the above is done correctly, you will get both trophies during the last cutscene.

UPDATE: do NOT backtrack as it will count as getting lost. also, avoid fighting the flying monsters near the doorways, as they can knock you in

p.s. puzzle 3 does not count towards the trophy, I just thought I'd help you out with it anyways

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