Games Animation Forum

舊 02-06-10, 01:55 PM   #1
註冊日期: Feb 2002
文章: 3,337
PSN  IDAngelus01
XBox Live GamertagAngeluz01
★★ Dante's Inferno ★★ 但丁的地獄之旅 ★★★★★★ 白金攻略討論區 ★★★★★★ DLC updated ㊣

- Estimated achievement difficulty: 3/10
- Approximate time: 8-10 hours
- Offline: 1000 

- Online: 0
- Missable Achievements: 8 - Well done Judas, Light Relics, Dark Relics, Forbidden Love, Old Friend, The Damned, Burning Eyes, The Guide
- Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1 (2 if you don't grind in Gates of Hell)
- Glitched achievements: 0

- Cheats: 0,5 (Classic is ridiculously easy, so I count this as half a cheat !)

Playthrough 1:
Fire up your first playthrough on whatever difficulty you want, there are no difficulty achievements, but playing on Classic WILL ruin the experience, keep it for your 2nd playthrough or if you're just looking for a quick 1000 fix.

First of all, click here for the collectibles guide and keep it close. It contains all locations to relics, coins, shades and Beatrice stones. Coins, shades and virgil (explained in next paragraph) do NOT carry over nor is there a chapter selection screen, so missing one will require a FULL new playthrough in order to get the achievement.
Save often and in different slots.

Second, make sure to talk to Virgil, the poet, every time you see him, and keep talking to him until he disappears. Some of them hand out relics and are also mentioned in the guide. There is one appearance that 'can' be missed and it's the one in the room right before your first boss. The location guide mentions a relic there, so going for that relic will expose him anyway.

Third, pick an alignment and stick with it for your whole first playthrough, by the end of it, you will have reached it's maximum level and be able to purchase all skills in it. I recommend taking unholy first and get to know your scythe moves. If you, for some reason, do not max it out or can't buy all the skills, there's no need to worry as you carry over your stats and relics to your next playthrough.

Lastly, 'Old Friend' and 'Forbidden Love' require you to absolve the shades in question. Even when you're going for Unholy first DO NOT punish them, but absolve them by pressing . The locations are in the guide, along with a word of warning that you need to absolve them for the achievement.

Once you entered the first circle of hell, remember to punish/absolve shades and enemies, depending on what tree you picked, for they give the needed exp to max out the tree. Enemies that can be punished/absolved will display an symbol when weakened. Minions and babies are punished/absolved by grabbing them with .

While progressing through the game, keep in mind that you have to defeat 20 enemies with a counterattack, and 20 enemies with magic. I suggest doing this on minions, as they die the quickest. The counterattack achievement requires a skill in the Unholy Tree, but it's a lvl 1 skill and easy to obtain early on.


In theory, you do not need to play through the game again, but I highly recommend to do so anyway.
Beating the game will unlock ressurrection mode (new game+) and 'Gates of Hell' survival mode.
When starting Gates of Hell, you will be asked to load a save and save again after beating it. All souls and experience gained during this mode will count towards your character. Finishing your first tree and/or maxing out the second this way, will be a long and tiresome grind.

Playthrough 2:
If you followed the locations guide and focussed on 1 tree only in your first playthrough, you should only have 2 achievements left... those for maxing out your second tree.
Start a new game and you will be asked to start it in ressurrection mode. Accept, choose your difficulty and rip your way through hell while maxing your second tree.

Congratulations on one of the easiest 1000GS for a hack'n'slash !


總共26 銅盃, 13 銀盃, 3 金盃, 同 1 白金

Precious - 10
Find a Beatrice stone

See ‘Power of the Cross’

Power of the Cross - 20

Find all 3 Beatrice stones

If you miss the original location, they will appear again in other fountains you encounter later on in the game.
If you did not complete this in your first playthrough, you'll be able to find the remainder of the pieces you miss in the exact same locations
you found the others before.

'Backup' Locations:

-Anger: Do not drop down to a big circular platform but continue along the cord to find an orange fountain.
-After the mirror maze area, you'll climb down a wall with several fire spouts. After you get to the bottom, you'll be in an area with mana and health fountains. Jump up to the alcove to the right. Then jump left across the gap. You'll see an item fountain behind you and one further ahead. You have to jump kind of around the wall to get to the one further along, which has the stone in it. (Thanks to Sting7785)

Backup' Locations:

Beatrice Stones - Anger

Beatrice Stones - Greed

Footsteps of a Traitor - 10
Find 10 pieces of silver

See ‘Well Done, Judas’

Betrayed with a Kiss - 10
Find 20 pieces of silver

See ‘Well Done, Judas’

Well Done, Judas - 20 ---Missable
Find All 30 pieces of silver

Throughout the game, you will encounter orange fountains, which award souls, and some of them a silver coin.
For every 5 silver coins you collect, you will get a small soul boost when defeating enemies.

所有收集品详细图文位置 中文版from

Click here for a location guide to all Coins/Shades/Relics

Collectibles Location Guide
This is a list with all the locations of shades, coins and relics in chronological order.

Coins are always found in orange fountains. There are 30 coins.

Relics are obtained by absolving demon dogs, talking to the poet and defeating bosses. Relics are listed by name, in order to easily track missed relics. There are 31 relics in total.

Shades are lost souls with an aura. You will hear them whine and complain if you're near one. There are 27 shades.

If you die before getting to a new checkpoint, make sure to reacquire everything you found along the way, this includes talking to the poet, or you WILL have to do another full playthrough.


Thanks Ashapola, Shulamm and The Dauntless for providing the missing relic locations !


-Death Blade : Talk to the poet until he disappears 1/31
-Coin : A bit further you’ll see an orange fountain on a ledge. Double jump to reach it 1/30
-Coin : Turn a lever to reach a breakable door, keep turning the lever past the door and you’ll notice an orange fountain in an alcove to your left 2/30
-Shade : Sitting left of the demon door, can’t be missed 1/27
-Coin : Behind the statue at which a rope is attached 3/30
-Charon's Oar : When hanging on the side of the ship, do not go up into the ship, hop further to the right to find a demon dog in an alcove. Absolve it for your second relic 2/31
-Coin : Inside the ship, before using the crate to advance, position it below the left alcove to reach an orange fountain 4/30
-Shade : Sitting in front of the demon wall, can’t be missed 2/27


-Coin : Right before Charon’s head, go to the left, outside, to find an orange fountain 5/30
-Eyes of St. Lucia : Don’t go through the demon door on the right yet, but pass Charon’s head and you’ll find a fountain with a Beatrice stone and a demon dog with a relic 3/31
-Beatrice stone: next to the relic
-Lord's Blessing : Talk to the poet standing next to a demon door until he disappears 4/31
-Shade : Go through the demon door next to the poet until you reach a balcony 3/27
-Saladin's Mercy : In the room, right before the judge, you’ll notice a switch on your left. Go to the side (green fountain there) and make a double jump towards it. Pulling the lever will lower a statue, revealing a demon dog with relic 5/31
-Tail of Minos: From the boss 6/31


-Coin: When you climb a series of ropes, go up the second one onto the ledge to find a coin 6/30
-Francesca's Book: You'll see a pair of vines further to your right when climbing up the rope. Swing to them and climb up to reach a demon dog. 7/31
-Shade : After dropping down from the series of ropes, can’t be missed. (Absolve for achievement!) 4/27
-Filipo's Rage : On the bridge with electricity, third statue on the left. You can drop down here to reach a demon dog with relic 8/31
-Coin : On the bridge with electricity, fourth statue on the left. You can drop down here to reach an orange fountain with coin 7/30
-Tristran's Desire: Talk to the poet in the tower 9/31
-Coin: Raise the platform with the statue on it to reach the left alcove 8/30
-Shade: When you reached the top with the platform, go right and down the vine (Absolve for achievement!) 5/27
-Shade: After climbing the demon wall, to the right of the save statue 6/27
-Arrow of Paris: Drop down at the shade to find a demon dog 10/31
-Coin: Jump to the left of the save statue, to an alcove 9/30
-Antony's Standard: From boss 11/31


-Rain of Gluttony: At the save statue, don't go down, but go all the way to the right on the rope to find a demon dog 12/31
-Azrael's Apprentice: From boss 13/31
-Coin: After defeating Cerberus, to your left. Cannot miss 10/30
-Shade: Left of the save statue. Cannot miss 7/27
-Shade: inside the mouth on your left 8/27
-Ciacco's Bile: Talk to poet after passing through the mouth 14/31
-Coin: Climb both demon walls in the mirror maze to reach the upper fountain for a coin 11/30
-Beatrice stone : Reach the lower fountain in the mirror maze for your last piece
-Coin: One of the vines let you climb up to a platform for a coin and a demon dog 12/30
-Octavian's Gold: See above 15/31


-Crown of Carthage: After dropping down, shimmy along a ledge to reach a demon dog, he’s hard to spot so listen to his growls. If you have trouble finding it, use the next paragraph to locate it, since they’re pretty much at the same spot 16/31
-Coin: after climbing up the ledge you shimmied, you’ll notice an orange fountain on your right, jump to it, and double jump to your left, you’ll see another platform behind you. 13/30
-Beatrice stone: Go back to the platform you double jumped on and locate the fountain up ahead, it takes an awkward jump to get to it.
-Shade: Jump up the first series of cogs, jump to second series and back to the single cog above you. You’ll see the shade on your right… it takes a weird jump to reach it 9/27
-Coin: Next to the lever that opens the door in the ‘guillotine’ room 14/30
-Demon's Wing: When going for the door with spikes in the guillotine room, don’t go through it yet, but jump from the middle ‘guillotine’ to the right one, you’ll see an alcove with a demon dog 17/31
-Coin: In the circular room with the caged demon dog in the middle, drop down to find two fountains in the area 15/30
-Shade: After doing the jumps in this room, go through the demon door, flip the switch and go back to the platform, make a jump to the right to reach an alcove with a shade 10/27
-Wasted Gold: After pulling said switch, the cage will open and you can jump to the dog in the middle 18/31
-Coin of Plutus: After talking to the poet, don’t climb the demon wall but shimmy all the way to the right and drop down for a dog. You’ll see it behind bars when you enter this room. 19/31
-Coin: Go back a bit on the demon wall and drop down for a coin behind the second set of bars 16/30
-Coin: On the way to a lever to activate a platform, the second fountain you see has a coin 17/30
-Coin: In the room where you need to bring down a platform by burning a gold statue. The right platform lets you reach a coin 18/30
-Shade: Left of the save statue, next to a health and mana fountain 11/27
-Eye of Alighierd: From boss 20/31
-Hoarders Purse: After the boss, jump to the left for an alcove with a dog in it 21/31


-Coin: Before using the box to advance, push it to the right below an alcove to reach it 19/30
-Medusa's Call: Talk to poet 22/31
-Shade: Behind a breakable door to your right, hard to miss 12/27
-Coin: After dropping down and a fighting sequence, on a platform to the left, it’s hard to miss 20/30
-Shade: In the room where the switch is, to your right, hard to miss 13/27
-Guiding Flame: Next to the poet on the right together with a coin 23/31
-Coin: See above 21/30
-Shade: To the left of the savepoint, it’s hard to miss 14/27


-Rage of Farintha: talk to poet 24/31
-Coin: In the hallway with the fires, can’t miss. Don’t go for it when you see it, run for the switch first or the enemy will fry you 22/30
-Calvanti's Blade: After the two hallways with fire, you enter a room with virgil, to the right of him on the wall is vine you can climb. Climb it in order to reach a demon dog 25/31
-Shade: After dropping down from a rope, can’t miss 15/27
-Shade: After blocking the fire with a box and killing the heretics, can’t miss 16/27
-Coin: Near the box you need to pull to stop the melting pot from going back to it’s original position 23/30
-Coin: In the room with the moving platforms, jump to the second and then back above the first to reach an alcove 24/30
-Seal of Epicurius: Next to the coin above 26/31
-Shade: To your left of that second platform 17/27
-Coin: Right before the stalagtite room, drop down the vine to find a coin and a demon dog 25/30
-Frederik's Ring: Next to the coin above 27/31


-Coin: When entering violence, continue shimmying the second rope to reach a platform with coin, shade and demon dog, instead of dropping down 26/30
-Shoe of Nessus: See above 28/31
-Shade: See above 18/27
-Coin: Drop down the second fire platform, don’t cross the river yet, turn back and jump for a coin 27/30
-Attilla's Armor: Where you got the coin, you'll notice a demon wall, jump on to it and use it to turn a corner where you'll find a demon dog 29/31
-Coin: Left from the road after crossing the river 28/30
-Shade: On the road, cannot miss 19/27
-Coin: In the desert area, on a platform, hard to miss (Absolve for achievement!) 29/30
-Shade: next to coin above 20/27
-Coin: on a platform to the right of the road, hard to miss 30/30
-Shade: Go to the left side of the same road, you’ll notice a shade on an ‘island’, hard to miss 21/27
-Memory of Acre: To the left of a platform you need to jump on to advance, hard to miss 30/31
-Francesco's Forgiveness: From boss 31/31


-Shade: On your way to your first trial, can’t be missed 22/27
-Shade: After the 3rd trial, can’t be missed 23/27
-Shade: After the 9th trial, can’t be missed 24/27


-Shade: Next to the save statue 25/27
-Shade: Go up the ledge at the second vine 26/27
-Shade: Next to the final savepoint 27/27

收集品详细影像攻略 Video Guide

收集品详细影像攻略 Video Guide 2

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Relic Hunter - 10
Find a relic

‘See Dark Relics’

Light Relics - 20 ---Missable
Find all Holy relics

‘See Dark Relics’

Dark Relics - 20 ---Missable
Find all Unholy relics

Relics are accessories you can equip, granting you additional stats.
Holy/Unholy ones require you to reach a certain level in the respective tree to equip them
while others are unaligned and can be equipped right off the bat.
You can wear up 2 relics, increased by another 2 if you acquired the extra relic slot skill in both trees.
Collecting souls while wearing them will increase their stats and level to a maximum of 3. Refer to the relic itself to view the increments.

所有收集品详细图文位置 中文版from

Click here for a location guide to all Coins/Shades/Relics

Collectibles Location Guide
This is a list with all the locations of shades, coins and relics in chronological order.

Coins are always found in orange fountains. There are 30 coins.

Relics are obtained by absolving demon dogs, talking to the poet and defeating bosses. Relics are listed by name, in order to easily track missed relics. There are 31 relics in total.

Shades are lost souls with an aura. You will hear them whine and complain if you're near one. There are 27 shades.

If you die before getting to a new checkpoint, make sure to reacquire everything you found along the way, this includes talking to the poet, or you WILL have to do another full playthrough.


Thanks Ashapola, Shulamm and The Dauntless for providing the missing relic locations !


-Death Blade : Talk to the poet until he disappears 1/31
-Coin : A bit further you’ll see an orange fountain on a ledge. Double jump to reach it 1/30
-Coin : Turn a lever to reach a breakable door, keep turning the lever past the door and you’ll notice an orange fountain in an alcove to your left 2/30
-Shade : Sitting left of the demon door, can’t be missed 1/27
-Coin : Behind the statue at which a rope is attached 3/30
-Charon's Oar : When hanging on the side of the ship, do not go up into the ship, hop further to the right to find a demon dog in an alcove. Absolve it for your second relic 2/31
-Coin : Inside the ship, before using the crate to advance, position it below the left alcove to reach an orange fountain 4/30
-Shade : Sitting in front of the demon wall, can’t be missed 2/27


-Coin : Right before Charon’s head, go to the left, outside, to find an orange fountain 5/30
-Eyes of St. Lucia : Don’t go through the demon door on the right yet, but pass Charon’s head and you’ll find a fountain with a Beatrice stone and a demon dog with a relic 3/31
-Beatrice stone: next to the relic
-Lord's Blessing : Talk to the poet standing next to a demon door until he disappears 4/31
-Shade : Go through the demon door next to the poet until you reach a balcony 3/27
-Saladin's Mercy : In the room, right before the judge, you’ll notice a switch on your left. Go to the side (green fountain there) and make a double jump towards it. Pulling the lever will lower a statue, revealing a demon dog with relic 5/31
-Tail of Minos: From the boss 6/31


-Coin: When you climb a series of ropes, go up the second one onto the ledge to find a coin 6/30
-Francesca's Book: You'll see a pair of vines further to your right when climbing up the rope. Swing to them and climb up to reach a demon dog. 7/31
-Shade : After dropping down from the series of ropes, can’t be missed. (Absolve for achievement!) 4/27
-Filipo's Rage : On the bridge with electricity, third statue on the left. You can drop down here to reach a demon dog with relic 8/31
-Coin : On the bridge with electricity, fourth statue on the left. You can drop down here to reach an orange fountain with coin 7/30
-Tristran's Desire: Talk to the poet in the tower 9/31
-Coin: Raise the platform with the statue on it to reach the left alcove 8/30
-Shade: When you reached the top with the platform, go right and down the vine (Absolve for achievement!) 5/27
-Shade: After climbing the demon wall, to the right of the save statue 6/27
-Arrow of Paris: Drop down at the shade to find a demon dog 10/31
-Coin: Jump to the left of the save statue, to an alcove 9/30
-Antony's Standard: From boss 11/31


-Rain of Gluttony: At the save statue, don't go down, but go all the way to the right on the rope to find a demon dog 12/31
-Azrael's Apprentice: From boss 13/31
-Coin: After defeating Cerberus, to your left. Cannot miss 10/30
-Shade: Left of the save statue. Cannot miss 7/27
-Shade: inside the mouth on your left 8/27
-Ciacco's Bile: Talk to poet after passing through the mouth 14/31
-Coin: Climb both demon walls in the mirror maze to reach the upper fountain for a coin 11/30
-Beatrice stone : Reach the lower fountain in the mirror maze for your last piece
-Coin: One of the vines let you climb up to a platform for a coin and a demon dog 12/30
-Octavian's Gold: See above 15/31


-Crown of Carthage: After dropping down, shimmy along a ledge to reach a demon dog, he’s hard to spot so listen to his growls. If you have trouble finding it, use the next paragraph to locate it, since they’re pretty much at the same spot 16/31
-Coin: after climbing up the ledge you shimmied, you’ll notice an orange fountain on your right, jump to it, and double jump to your left, you’ll see another platform behind you. 13/30
-Beatrice stone: Go back to the platform you double jumped on and locate the fountain up ahead, it takes an awkward jump to get to it.
-Shade: Jump up the first series of cogs, jump to second series and back to the single cog above you. You’ll see the shade on your right… it takes a weird jump to reach it 9/27
-Coin: Next to the lever that opens the door in the ‘guillotine’ room 14/30
-Demon's Wing: When going for the door with spikes in the guillotine room, don’t go through it yet, but jump from the middle ‘guillotine’ to the right one, you’ll see an alcove with a demon dog 17/31
-Coin: In the circular room with the caged demon dog in the middle, drop down to find two fountains in the area 15/30
-Shade: After doing the jumps in this room, go through the demon door, flip the switch and go back to the platform, make a jump to the right to reach an alcove with a shade 10/27
-Wasted Gold: After pulling said switch, the cage will open and you can jump to the dog in the middle 18/31
-Coin of Plutus: After talking to the poet, don’t climb the demon wall but shimmy all the way to the right and drop down for a dog. You’ll see it behind bars when you enter this room. 19/31
-Coin: Go back a bit on the demon wall and drop down for a coin behind the second set of bars 16/30
-Coin: On the way to a lever to activate a platform, the second fountain you see has a coin 17/30
-Coin: In the room where you need to bring down a platform by burning a gold statue. The right platform lets you reach a coin 18/30
-Shade: Left of the save statue, next to a health and mana fountain 11/27
-Eye of Alighierd: From boss 20/31
-Hoarders Purse: After the boss, jump to the left for an alcove with a dog in it 21/31


-Coin: Before using the box to advance, push it to the right below an alcove to reach it 19/30
-Medusa's Call: Talk to poet 22/31
-Shade: Behind a breakable door to your right, hard to miss 12/27
-Coin: After dropping down and a fighting sequence, on a platform to the left, it’s hard to miss 20/30
-Shade: In the room where the switch is, to your right, hard to miss 13/27
-Guiding Flame: Next to the poet on the right together with a coin 23/31
-Coin: See above 21/30
-Shade: To the left of the savepoint, it’s hard to miss 14/27


-Rage of Farintha: talk to poet 24/31
-Coin: In the hallway with the fires, can’t miss. Don’t go for it when you see it, run for the switch first or the enemy will fry you 22/30
-Calvanti's Blade: After the two hallways with fire, you enter a room with virgil, to the right of him on the wall is vine you can climb. Climb it in order to reach a demon dog 25/31
-Shade: After dropping down from a rope, can’t miss 15/27
-Shade: After blocking the fire with a box and killing the heretics, can’t miss 16/27
-Coin: Near the box you need to pull to stop the melting pot from going back to it’s original position 23/30
-Coin: In the room with the moving platforms, jump to the second and then back above the first to reach an alcove 24/30
-Seal of Epicurius: Next to the coin above 26/31
-Shade: To your left of that second platform 17/27
-Coin: Right before the stalagtite room, drop down the vine to find a coin and a demon dog 25/30
-Frederik's Ring: Next to the coin above 27/31


-Coin: When entering violence, continue shimmying the second rope to reach a platform with coin, shade and demon dog, instead of dropping down 26/30
-Shoe of Nessus: See above 28/31
-Shade: See above 18/27
-Coin: Drop down the second fire platform, don’t cross the river yet, turn back and jump for a coin 27/30
-Attilla's Armor: Where you got the coin, you'll notice a demon wall, jump on to it and use it to turn a corner where you'll find a demon dog 29/31
-Coin: Left from the road after crossing the river 28/30
-Shade: On the road, cannot miss 19/27
-Coin: In the desert area, on a platform, hard to miss (Absolve for achievement!) 29/30
-Shade: next to coin above 20/27
-Coin: on a platform to the right of the road, hard to miss 30/30
-Shade: Go to the left side of the same road, you’ll notice a shade on an ‘island’, hard to miss 21/27
-Memory of Acre: To the left of a platform you need to jump on to advance, hard to miss 30/31
-Francesco's Forgiveness: From boss 31/31


-Shade: On your way to your first trial, can’t be missed 22/27
-Shade: After the 3rd trial, can’t be missed 23/27
-Shade: After the 9th trial, can’t be missed 24/27


-Shade: Next to the save statue 25/27
-Shade: Go up the ledge at the second vine 26/27
-Shade: Next to the final savepoint 27/27

收集品详细影像攻略 Video Guide

收集品详细影像攻略 Video Guide 2

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Forbidden Love – 20 ---Missable
Find and absolve both Francesca da Polenta and Paolo Malatesta

Both shades can be found in Lust and they are pretty hard to miss.
The location guide mentions when you're about to encounter these 'achievement shades'.
Grab the shade by pressing R1/RB. Absolve them by pressing O/B, if you punish them (□/X), you will miss this achievement.

Old Friend - 20 ---Missable
Find and absolve Brunetto Latini

You'll find him on a platform in the Violence desert area, pretty hard to miss.
The location guide mentions when you're about to encounter this 'achievement shade'.
Grab the shade by pressing R1/RB. Absolve them by pressing O/B, if you punish them (□/X), you will miss this achievement.

Brunetto Latini 位置Video

The Damned - 50 ---Missable
Punish or absolve all 27 shades of The Inferno

Click here for a location guide to all Coins/Shades/Relics

Collectibles Location Guide
This is a list with all the locations of shades, coins and relics in chronological order.

Coins are always found in orange fountains. There are 30 coins.

Relics are obtained by absolving demon dogs, talking to the poet and defeating bosses. Relics are listed by name, in order to easily track missed relics. There are 31 relics in total.

Shades are lost souls with an aura. You will hear them whine and complain if you're near one. There are 27 shades.

If you die before getting to a new checkpoint, make sure to reacquire everything you found along the way, this includes talking to the poet, or you WILL have to do another full playthrough.


Thanks Ashapola, Shulamm and The Dauntless for providing the missing relic locations !


-Death Blade : Talk to the poet until he disappears 1/31
-Coin : A bit further you’ll see an orange fountain on a ledge. Double jump to reach it 1/30
-Coin : Turn a lever to reach a breakable door, keep turning the lever past the door and you’ll notice an orange fountain in an alcove to your left 2/30
-Shade : Sitting left of the demon door, can’t be missed 1/27
-Coin : Behind the statue at which a rope is attached 3/30
-Charon's Oar : When hanging on the side of the ship, do not go up into the ship, hop further to the right to find a demon dog in an alcove. Absolve it for your second relic 2/31
-Coin : Inside the ship, before using the crate to advance, position it below the left alcove to reach an orange fountain 4/30
-Shade : Sitting in front of the demon wall, can’t be missed 2/27


-Coin : Right before Charon’s head, go to the left, outside, to find an orange fountain 5/30
-Eyes of St. Lucia : Don’t go through the demon door on the right yet, but pass Charon’s head and you’ll find a fountain with a Beatrice stone and a demon dog with a relic 3/31
-Beatrice stone: next to the relic
-Lord's Blessing : Talk to the poet standing next to a demon door until he disappears 4/31
-Shade : Go through the demon door next to the poet until you reach a balcony 3/27
-Saladin's Mercy : In the room, right before the judge, you’ll notice a switch on your left. Go to the side (green fountain there) and make a double jump towards it. Pulling the lever will lower a statue, revealing a demon dog with relic 5/31
-Tail of Minos: From the boss 6/31


-Coin: When you climb a series of ropes, go up the second one onto the ledge to find a coin 6/30
-Francesca's Book: You'll see a pair of vines further to your right when climbing up the rope. Swing to them and climb up to reach a demon dog. 7/31
-Shade : After dropping down from the series of ropes, can’t be missed. (Absolve for achievement!) 4/27
-Filipo's Rage : On the bridge with electricity, third statue on the left. You can drop down here to reach a demon dog with relic 8/31
-Coin : On the bridge with electricity, fourth statue on the left. You can drop down here to reach an orange fountain with coin 7/30
-Tristran's Desire: Talk to the poet in the tower 9/31
-Coin: Raise the platform with the statue on it to reach the left alcove 8/30
-Shade: When you reached the top with the platform, go right and down the vine (Absolve for achievement!) 5/27
-Shade: After climbing the demon wall, to the right of the save statue 6/27
-Arrow of Paris: Drop down at the shade to find a demon dog 10/31
-Coin: Jump to the left of the save statue, to an alcove 9/30
-Antony's Standard: From boss 11/31


-Rain of Gluttony: At the save statue, don't go down, but go all the way to the right on the rope to find a demon dog 12/31
-Azrael's Apprentice: From boss 13/31
-Coin: After defeating Cerberus, to your left. Cannot miss 10/30
-Shade: Left of the save statue. Cannot miss 7/27
-Shade: inside the mouth on your left 8/27
-Ciacco's Bile: Talk to poet after passing through the mouth 14/31
-Coin: Climb both demon walls in the mirror maze to reach the upper fountain for a coin 11/30
-Beatrice stone : Reach the lower fountain in the mirror maze for your last piece
-Coin: One of the vines let you climb up to a platform for a coin and a demon dog 12/30
-Octavian's Gold: See above 15/31


-Crown of Carthage: After dropping down, shimmy along a ledge to reach a demon dog, he’s hard to spot so listen to his growls. If you have trouble finding it, use the next paragraph to locate it, since they’re pretty much at the same spot 16/31
-Coin: after climbing up the ledge you shimmied, you’ll notice an orange fountain on your right, jump to it, and double jump to your left, you’ll see another platform behind you. 13/30
-Beatrice stone: Go back to the platform you double jumped on and locate the fountain up ahead, it takes an awkward jump to get to it.
-Shade: Jump up the first series of cogs, jump to second series and back to the single cog above you. You’ll see the shade on your right… it takes a weird jump to reach it 9/27
-Coin: Next to the lever that opens the door in the ‘guillotine’ room 14/30
-Demon's Wing: When going for the door with spikes in the guillotine room, don’t go through it yet, but jump from the middle ‘guillotine’ to the right one, you’ll see an alcove with a demon dog 17/31
-Coin: In the circular room with the caged demon dog in the middle, drop down to find two fountains in the area 15/30
-Shade: After doing the jumps in this room, go through the demon door, flip the switch and go back to the platform, make a jump to the right to reach an alcove with a shade 10/27
-Wasted Gold: After pulling said switch, the cage will open and you can jump to the dog in the middle 18/31
-Coin of Plutus: After talking to the poet, don’t climb the demon wall but shimmy all the way to the right and drop down for a dog. You’ll see it behind bars when you enter this room. 19/31
-Coin: Go back a bit on the demon wall and drop down for a coin behind the second set of bars 16/30
-Coin: On the way to a lever to activate a platform, the second fountain you see has a coin 17/30
-Coin: In the room where you need to bring down a platform by burning a gold statue. The right platform lets you reach a coin 18/30
-Shade: Left of the save statue, next to a health and mana fountain 11/27
-Eye of Alighierd: From boss 20/31
-Hoarders Purse: After the boss, jump to the left for an alcove with a dog in it 21/31


-Coin: Before using the box to advance, push it to the right below an alcove to reach it 19/30
-Medusa's Call: Talk to poet 22/31
-Shade: Behind a breakable door to your right, hard to miss 12/27
-Coin: After dropping down and a fighting sequence, on a platform to the left, it’s hard to miss 20/30
-Shade: In the room where the switch is, to your right, hard to miss 13/27
-Guiding Flame: Next to the poet on the right together with a coin 23/31
-Coin: See above 21/30
-Shade: To the left of the savepoint, it’s hard to miss 14/27


-Rage of Farintha: talk to poet 24/31
-Coin: In the hallway with the fires, can’t miss. Don’t go for it when you see it, run for the switch first or the enemy will fry you 22/30
-Calvanti's Blade: After the two hallways with fire, you enter a room with virgil, to the right of him on the wall is vine you can climb. Climb it in order to reach a demon dog 25/31
-Shade: After dropping down from a rope, can’t miss 15/27
-Shade: After blocking the fire with a box and killing the heretics, can’t miss 16/27
-Coin: Near the box you need to pull to stop the melting pot from going back to it’s original position 23/30
-Coin: In the room with the moving platforms, jump to the second and then back above the first to reach an alcove 24/30
-Seal of Epicurius: Next to the coin above 26/31
-Shade: To your left of that second platform 17/27
-Coin: Right before the stalagtite room, drop down the vine to find a coin and a demon dog 25/30
-Frederik's Ring: Next to the coin above 27/31


-Coin: When entering violence, continue shimmying the second rope to reach a platform with coin, shade and demon dog, instead of dropping down 26/30
-Shoe of Nessus: See above 28/31
-Shade: See above 18/27
-Coin: Drop down the second fire platform, don’t cross the river yet, turn back and jump for a coin 27/30
-Attilla's Armor: Where you got the coin, you'll notice a demon wall, jump on to it and use it to turn a corner where you'll find a demon dog 29/31
-Coin: Left from the road after crossing the river 28/30
-Shade: On the road, cannot miss 19/27
-Coin: In the desert area, on a platform, hard to miss (Absolve for achievement!) 29/30
-Shade: next to coin above 20/27
-Coin: on a platform to the right of the road, hard to miss 30/30
-Shade: Go to the left side of the same road, you’ll notice a shade on an ‘island’, hard to miss 21/27
-Memory of Acre: To the left of a platform you need to jump on to advance, hard to miss 30/31
-Francesco's Forgiveness: From boss 31/31


-Shade: On your way to your first trial, can’t be missed 22/27
-Shade: After the 3rd trial, can’t be missed 23/27
-Shade: After the 9th trial, can’t be missed 24/27


-Shade: Next to the save statue 25/27
-Shade: Go up the ledge at the second vine 26/27
-Shade: Next to the final savepoint 27/27

The Guide - 40 ---Missable
Collect all Virgil commentaries

The poet can be found at regular intervals, mostly before entering a new area or encountering a boss, giving you a piece of backstory. You can talk to him by pressing R1/RB. Keep talking to him until he disappears as he hands out relics which are needed for another achievement.

There's one appearance that can be missed if you rush through the room, and that is the room right before going to the judge in Limbo. Take a small tour in the room and you'll see him

poet - Virgil commentaries

Into the Blind World - Right after you climb some demon wall, there will be a Judas coin on a little cliff nearby.

Shores of Acheron - After you kick open a door that you had to turn a lever and break a breakable wall to get to.
You see Charon and people constantly falling in the background.

Limbo - After ripping off Charon's head and getting back onto land (you had to run across a breaking bridge right before this).

Unblessed Infants - You'll get to this right after you meet the unbaptized babies with scythe hands for the first time.

Hall of Kings - Right before King Minos, the judge of the dead.
Virgil will be in the corner and when entering the door before him you see him for a split second.
Run to the bottom right to see him and then talk to him.

Winds of Lust - Literally right in front of the Lust Storm. On the left.

Semiramis - After the snake head that you have to break it's teeth to continue.
You also receive a cutscene with Beatrice sitting in on a bed.

Helen - After killing Cleopatra in Lust, you do a few jumps and he'll be waiting for you when you land.

Gluttony - Before fighting Cerebus and after you do some platforming to get down to Gluttony.

Valley of Mud - After the room with the three mouths and before the mirror puzzle.

Greed - After descending into Greed, you'll see Virgil right in front a bunch of gold looking stuff and moving platforms.

Earth's Treasure - After getting passed the room that closes in on you and/or enemies. Right next to a demon wall.

Plutus - Right before the giant statue of Plutus.

The Wheel of Fortune - After you climb up Plutus, open the door and go across the rope,
Virgil is waiting for you when you drop off the rope.

Anger - After descending into Anger, Virgil will be waiting for you.

Pigs in the Mire - After using a box to make a platform go down.

The City Draws Near - After going up the platform that you have to make sure the fire thing doesn't catch up.
Right next to the rope that goes down and you'll get onto the big behemoth's head that you'll ride through the City of Dis
(except that's not yet, you ride it across a pond).

Heresy - After descending into Heresy, he'll be waiting for you.

The Harrowing - Right after you go through the two hallways that have fire levers (one of which, demons try to catch you in it).

Epicurus - When you get to the main room where you're moving up a statue so it gets hit by light (the first time),
you'll have to get across some demon walls and once you are passed them,
Virgil will be waiting for you. It's also right before the room with 5 fire walls
needing to be closed.

Three More Circles - This is after you get passed the room where all the platforms around you are breaking and falling (also known as the stalactite room).

Violence - Right next to the River of Boiling Blood, when you first get there.

Wood of Suicides - After crossing the River of Boiling Blood, Virgil will be waiting for you.

Abominable Sands - After leaving the Wood of Suicides and before entering the sandy area.

The River Phlegethon - After pushing the big piece of wood to continue on,
you'll see red water/blood at a waterfall in the background. Right before the rope you descend to fight Francesco.

The Final Circle - After you get done with the Malbolge, Virgil is waiting on the path.

Treachery - Literally right at the beginning of the crumbling ice bridge (right before the final boss).
He blends in with the scenery, so he's easy to miss.

Soul Reaper - 50
Collect 60,000 Souls

This will come naturally as you progress through the game. This is cumulative, you do not need to stockpile 60,000 souls.

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