Games Animation Forum

舊 11-08-20, 12:10 PM   #2
Advance Moderator
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 58,244
improvements in ME1; no multi-play in ME3
Electronic Arts still hasn’t revealed Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, and that’s for a reason. The publisher originally planned to launch the remastered trilogy, that I first reported on back in May, with an October reveal and release. But now EA and developer BioWare are pushing that release into early 2021, according to people familiar with the development.

The primary factor holding up development, beyond the pandemic, is the original Mass Effect game. It currently does not live up to the quality of the rest of the package. It would make a poor first impression for new players, and it might disappoint fans who then won’t go on to play and experience the impressive upgrades for Mass Effect 2 and ME 3.
But one aspect those fans won’t get to experience regardless of how much time BioWare gets is the multiplayer. EA doesn’t plan to include the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer in this package.
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返回主題: [多機種] Mass Effect Legendary Edition | PS4, PS5 XB1, XSX, PC | 三部曲 Remaster | 2021 春 |