Games Animation Forum

舊 01-29-20, 12:22 AM   #422
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2006
文章: 11,600
Nintendo Switch ID8526-5981-1889
3DS Friend Code0860 3263 4537

Tottenham have made midfielder Giovani Lo Celso's loan move from Real Betis permanent, completing a £27.2m transfer.

The Argentina international has signed a deal until 2025.

Lo Celso has scored two goals in 20 appearances for Spurs so far this season.

A Spurs statement read: "We are delighted to announce that we have exercised the option to convert the loan of Giovani Lo Celso to a permanent transfer.

"The midfielder has produced impressive performances after establishing himself in the team following a hip injury which restricted his playing time in the early part of his loan at the club."
其實腳下功夫同用波都比Eriksen好, 差咗默契不足, 之後應該會改善
冬季第一簽, 合計轉會費為42m
第二簽Steven Bergwijn應該好快出現

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