Games Animation Forum

舊 05-17-19, 11:17 PM   #20
Advance Moderator
註冊日期: Dec 2001
文章: 58,244
Closed Beta Test Matchup: Daigo vs. Fuudo!
1. There's a dedicated dodge button

2. You can block with a dedicated guard button or a traditional directional input

3. Abilities have a cooldown after use. You can use a dedicated special button to use abilities (3 seconds), you can also use EX moves with longer cooldown (10 seconds). But if you use motion inputs your cooldowns would be much faster (1 second)

4. The gauge below your health is for Supers that you can only use it at 100%. If your health is low enough that Super would be in a powered-up form.

5. Using your super seems to place all of your abilities on cooldown, if it hit you have enough time to have it regen after the animation finishes but if it whiffs you can't use those abilies until the cooldown is over.

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