Games Animation Forum

舊 05-30-17, 06:42 PM   #241
God of Gamer
The Flash
註冊日期: Nov 2004
文章: 14,779
Nintendo Switch ID6287 6181 7226
[PS4] 《血源 2》將不會在 E3 2017 上公佈?FS 魂式新作傳聞!

Some brief information, since it's just a"rumor"from a supposed notorious and accurate"leaker".
傳聞遊戲名為 「Phantom Wail」

--Ancient Aztec/Mayan/tribal aesthetic.

--Emphasis on hand-to-hand combat techniques and "martial art styles".
強調徒手戰鬥的技藝和 「武術」 動作風格

--Traditional melee weapons still in (i.e. clubs), but they won't have a major focus; weapon-based movesets are gone.

--Instead, players will customize and personalize their hand-to-hand movesets and fighting styles, there is customization for weapon fighting styles as well, however. (This kinda-sorta sounds like Nioh to me, with the weapon skill trees and such, just my personal opinion).

--Is the "Souls-like, dark fantasy, familiar" game Miyazaki mentioned when interviewed about the future of From Software. Armored Core and a "strange for From Software" game were the other 2 mentioned.
是宮崎之前提到的三個項目(Soulike 黑暗奇幻項目 裝甲核心新作 完全新 IP)中的黑暗奇幻項目

--Collaboration between Sony Japan and From Software (it's the Sony exclusive title).
SIEJxFS 合作製作的遊戲,所以 PS4 獨佔

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