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舊 02-19-14, 11:46 PM   #12
( ゚ω゚)?
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2010
文章: 9,253

Insider: Uncharted on PS4 To Have Gameplay Fidelity Comparable To The Last of Us Cutscenes

Also talks about the performance overhead of the PS4 compared to Xbox One.

19th, Feb. 2014 | Posted In News | By Ravi Sinha| Follow This Author @splitscreener


Impressed with The Order: 1886 and how it shows off the PS4′s power despite being so early in development? Then you’ll be getting a kick out of Naughty Dog’s next Uncharted when it arrives.
Industry insider Ahsan Rasheed, who goes by the handle “thuway” on NeoGAF, recently tweeted about how the “Next Uncharted will have fidelity in gameplay that is comparable to cutscenes in The Last Of Us.” It also seems that there’s “Something also about a boat.”
Vehicular sections in speedboats? We’ll have to wait for more information but considering the already impressive fidelity of The Last of Us’s cinematics, this is some truly startling news.
But that’s not all. Rasheed also tweeted about how “It’s safe to say the PS4 has approximately a 100 percent performance overhead over the Xbox One. 100 percent.”

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