Games Animation Forum

舊 05-27-13, 03:29 PM   #334
Hello MiMi
Game Master
註冊日期: Nov 2011
文章: 2,970

估計唔可以用 PSN$ 了

Payment Methods
Credit Cards or Debit Cards
We accept a variety of credit cards and debit cards that customers can register to pay for various services and subscription fees.

Square Enix Crysta
Square Enix Crysta can be added to a Square Enix account using a payment method such as a credit card, and then used for various services such as subscription fees.
* Please click here for further details about Crysta.
* Additional payment options may be introduced in the future.

香港買美版既朋友, 可以試下 Ultimatepay

佢甚至乎 accept Mycard / Gas 黎增值...
但詳細都係要 check 左先可以confirm

此篇文章於 05-27-13 03:39 PM 被 Hello MiMi 編輯。
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返回主題: [PS4] FINAL FANTASY XIV -ONLINE- 発売&サービス開始日が8月27日に決定!丨FF14にライトニング参戦が決定 Vol.2