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舊 04-20-13, 12:16 PM   #29
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God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2010
文章: 9,253
Tencent Games Confirm Monster Hunter Online In The West

April 19, 2013 - Blaine Smith - 2 Comments

Speculation has been rife since the discovery of a Chinese website for a possible addition to the MMO world for Monster Hunter Online. An announcement from Crytek earlier today sees a brand new collaboration between Tencent Games and Capcom that will bring the world of Monster Hunter Online to an international audience.
As a PC exclusive addition to the Monster Hunter franchise the smash-hit Japanese game will blend the trademarks of the console and handheld titles with a plethora of new customization options and MMORPG related additions.
“The Monster Hunter games are known for immersing players in breathtaking worlds where great gameplay and spectacular sights go hand in hand,” said Areil Cai, Director of Business Development – CryENGINE. “CryENGINE 3 is the perfect fit for the series, and will ensure Tencent Games and Capcom are well equipped to make Monster Hunter Online the groundbreaking MMORPG experience fans worldwide are eagerly anticipating.”
The series has already sold over 20 million copies and the recently released Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate increased Wii U sales by 115% in the UK, and 300% in France. It’s clear the Western audience has a taste for the world of Monster Hunter and we’ll finally have the opportunity to explore it in the West.
Source: Crytek Press Release

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返回主題: Monster Hunter Online | CryEngine 3 | 開発元: 騰訊+CAPCOM