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H-GAMEの部屋>Where do you guys buy illusion 3d games ??
kanu 01:17 AM 09-03-02
hi all, i'm a newbies & only interested in 3dhgames by illusion.

i've bought the original version of Requeim 2, Battle Raper so far, both from Shun Woo 2/F, but i think the price is quite expensive ($680 for Req 2 & $750 for BR).

tonight i just asked how much for Des Blood 4 (DVD version), but the guy told me it costs $800 & i can take it the next after release (i.e. Sep 14) i really like this game & i know i'll order it by the end of this week, just curious if any of you know where to pre-order original games & the usual delivery time after release.

thanks all
Yakumo Fujii 10:52 AM 09-03-02
歡迎!!歡迎!! (呢o的唔係應該彩子講o既咩!?:-) )

想用比較合理價錢買Game 可到呢度o既買賣專區水貨星人

如有credit card 又有網上購物經驗!!
可到Quick Soft
寫封e-mail 打晒個人資料,地址,TEL ,Credit Card Number & Credit Card Expire Date 要訂乜Game 落order 就得!!
不過送貨時間有時頗耐!!(特別是最近更耐 :-) )
至少要一星期!!(最長可能一個月!!:-) )
彩子 11:23 AM 09-03-02
歡迎!!歡迎!! (是但啦~~!! :-) 反正你平時都幫我代答o甘多o野... :-) )

所有H-GAME全對7.5算〔日圓標升,加多0.05包郵費〕,如要店頭特典版〔即電話咭、海報等〕,就對9算。 :-)

QuickSoft 用e-mail訂Game o個陣最好標明清楚廠商同埋訂Game list入面o既"code",例如:

コード   タイトル                        発売元
A-020663 DES BLOOD4 ~LOST ALONE~ DVD-ROM(先行予約対象) イリュージョン
kanu 06:06 PM 09-03-02
Thank you Yakumo Fujii & 片桐彩子,

okay i'll take a look at 水貨星人 and see if i 'll order there, and what do you all think about illusion's games ??

i like Reqeuim 2 alot but quite dissappointed about Battle Raper, as i dont know japanese, i am not interested in static AVG games though the storyline maybe very good.

and finally i meet my first 3D hgamesDes Blood 3 (private version of course la), i am trully attarcted by its H scene presentation method (other than static picture with voice) & storyline & gameplay (really love the car chase portion). so i've played several of the illusion games like Req 2, Biko 2, Interact Play VR & Battle Raper.
Peter Yu 06:14 PM 09-03-02
You better use Chinese when you talk to水貨星人,
because he said he don't like people talk to him in English,
maybe he'll ignore your order.
