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舊 04-10-10, 10:16 AM   #1
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註冊日期: Feb 2004
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Bulletstorm [EPIC games X People Can Fly X EA]

Looks like we were spot on with the second game Bleszinski was set to announce. Bulletstorm is a new first-person shooter due for release in 2011 from Epic Games and People Can Fly for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. EA’s publishing, as expected.

Bulletstorm is set in the 26th century where a group known as the Confederation of Planets is one of the most dominant forces in the galaxy. Protagonist Grayson Hunt is one of their best men, where under General Serrano, leads a team on a special mission to assassinate a man allegedly responsible for countless deaths. However, as they make their way towards the enemy, a “manipulative and psychotic side” to the protagonist is revealed. People Can Fly won’t say exactly how, for story purposes.

Grayson ends up a drunken pirate ten years later, with his only friend being a cyborg named Ishi Sato. Roaming through the galaxy, he bumps into the ship of General Serrano, where he rams it and both his and Serrano’s ship go hurdling towards the planet Stygia. That’s where one of the game’s first long (20 minute) cutscenes kick in and the prologue ends. Many of the cutscenes actually show Grayson, who’s not very politically accurate in his speech, rather than give players a first-person view.

The first-person shooter will have an online component, which the team thinks is going to “kick-ass” but they’re “not ready to reveal [multiplayer] yet.” They pretty much shot down any hope for co-op, using story-elements as a defense.

The visuals look amazing. Look forward to the announcement Monday. This is one you’ll want to keep your eye on.

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舊 04-14-10, 01:24 AM   #2
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註冊日期: Dec 2001
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EPIC GAMES與EA聯手共創《狂彈風暴》,將帶來槍戰與大屠殺交織而成的血腥交響曲!

  Epic Games、People Can Fly及美商藝電(NASDAQ: ERTS)今日正式發表了研發中的遊戲產品《狂彈風暴》(Bulletstorm)。由獲獎無數,銷售量突破百萬的《戰爭機器》、《浴血戰場》及《Painkiller》系列遊戲幕後團隊所製作的全新原創作品。預定於2011年上市的《狂彈風暴》將透過其獨創且精彩的「技巧殺戮」遊戲機制,為第一人稱射擊動作遊戲再掀高潮。

  「《狂彈風暴》帶來了真正純粹的娛樂,」Epic Games總裁麥可.卡普茲博士(Dr. Michael Capps)表示。「People Can Fly採用最新的Unreal Engine 3技術,創造樂趣無窮的第一人稱射擊遊戲,並導入更上層樓的「技巧殺戮」機制。」

  本作故事是以受菁英傭兵團隊保護的未來聯盟「死亡迴聲」(Dead Echo)為主軸,當「死亡迴聲」成員葛雷森.韓特(Grayson Hunt)和佐藤石井(Ishi Sato)得知他們效力於錯誤陣營時,卻遭到他們的指揮官背叛,並被放逐到銀河系的遙遠之境。葛雷森和石井兩人發覺身處於荒棄的樂土,並被成群變種人和食人幫派包圍。他們有兩個目標:活著逃出這個星球,並向那些把他們流放至此的傢伙復仇。


  「能和Epic Games與People Can Fly進行合作令我們感到興奮,首次見到《狂彈風暴》時馬上就知道即將再掀狂熱風暴,並為射擊玩家帶來前所未見的嶄新體驗,」美商藝電資深副總裁暨EA Partner總經理大衛.迪馬丁尼(David Demartini)表示。

  肯定會成為明年最受期待原創遊戲的《狂彈風暴》,將推出Xbox 360、PS3和PC三種版本。更多遊戲資訊,請造訪藝電幫部落格網站及 或透過 追蹤我們的推文。

neo2046 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 04-14-10, 01:25 AM   #3
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舊 05-01-10, 12:25 AM   #4
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Bulletstorm first screens
作者: Endless

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舊 05-13-10, 11:14 PM   #5
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舊 05-13-10, 11:26 PM   #6
The One
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¿Es lo que necesitabas?
Marco 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 05-14-10, 11:26 AM   #7
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BulletStorm PS3 Interview: Me and CliffyB

Posted by Sid Shuman // Senior Social Media Specialist
Cliff Bleszinski is a not an easy man to find. When he’s not Tweeting away, he’s cooped up in Epic Games‘ Raleigh, NC-based studio working on his latest ultra-violent fascination.

This time that fascination is BulletStorm, an off-the-wall shooter spectacle that will grace the PS3 sometime in 2011. Cliff himself is a big fan of PS3 titles like Heavy Rain and the God of War series, and in our one-on-one interview for the PlayStation.Blog, he expressed excitement that BulletStorm will strut its stuff in front of PS3 players.

In the following video interview, you’ll also learn much, much more about BulletStorm’s unusual shooting gameplay and Cliff’s design inspirations. Sure, you can kill. But can you kill creatively? Let’s let Mr. Bleszinski answer that question (and many more!) in his own words.

Designer 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-10-10, 01:42 PM   #8
The One
註冊日期: Jun 2002
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Epic 寄俾傳媒既E3 Bulletstorm party邀請信, 隨函附送一包真肉+子彈+毛髮既混合物.......

ahleung 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 06-15-10, 08:34 PM   #9
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Bulletstorm Gameplay Walkthrough [EA-CONF]

neo2046 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 07-01-10, 10:27 PM   #10
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Cliffy B gives a developer walkthrough for Bulletstorm, lengthy gameplay footage included
Platforms : Xbox 360, PS3, PC
Published : 1st Jul, 2010
Bulletstorm developer walkthrough with Cliffy B - incredible vistas, skillshot mechanics, and mini boss battles

Epic games has released some lengthy new gameplay footage of its upcoming fps, Bulletstorm, due Feb 22, 2011 for the Xbox 360, PC and PS3. Cliffy B, senior designer at Epic games, takes us through the incredible vistas, explaining key gameplay mechanics and the new skillshot system which contribute to the factors that differentiates Bulletstorm from current gen first person shooters. The skillshot system which gives players incentives for scoring creative kills seems like an interesting and unique prospect for players trying out different ways of killing enemies.

One interesting skillshot that stood out for us is the "FIRE IN THE HOLE" skillshot for cleansing enemy A holes with lead. You have to see it to believe it.

Check out the incredible vistas, skillshot mechanics, and mini boss battles in the developer walkthrough of Bulletstorm below
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舊 07-02-10, 01:32 AM   #11
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XBox Live Gamertagwidepok
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舊 07-02-10, 01:49 AM   #12
The One
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XBox Live GamertagOrzAR8
Fire in the hole

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舊 08-28-10, 08:52 PM   #13
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舊 08-29-10, 04:36 AM   #14
Ultimate Gamer
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似醉非醉 , 形醉意不醉 TZ
(  ̄ー ̄)人(゚д゚;)
大懶財 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 09-27-10, 01:40 AM   #15
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舊 11-16-10, 01:28 AM   #16
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舊 11-16-10, 11:14 AM   #17
The One
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¿Es lo que necesitabas?
Marco 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 11-16-10, 06:24 PM   #18
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2002
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畫面對版收貨,GAMEPLAY睇落唔錯,而且似乎係360原生,SO FAR都係得360 GAMEPLAY DEMO。

"This botch job makes Fantastic Four look good." —Peter Travers, Rolling Stone
NS CC:Morphus X300
david 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 12-17-10, 11:53 PM   #19
The One
註冊日期: Jun 2002
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Epic Games And Ea Announce ‘Bulletstorm Epic Edition’
Exclusive Early Access To Gears Of War 3 Beta
December 17, 2010

Redwood City, CA, December 17, 2010 — People Can Fly, Epic Games, Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS) and Microsoft Game Studios today announced the “Epic Edition” of Bulletstorm™, the highly anticipated new action shooter from the makers of the award-winning Unreal Tournament and Gears of War series of games. In this unique promotion, Epic Games and EA are blowing out the launch of Bulletstorm with access to the public beta for Gears of War 3, the spectacular conclusion to one of the most memorable and celebrated sagas in video games. Players that purchase the Epic Edition are guaranteed early access to the Gears of War 3 beta*. Pre-order now to reserve a copy of the Epic Edition which will be available on Feb. 22, 2011 for MSRP $59.99, only for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system, while supplies last.

“Epic is poised to break new ground in 2011 with Gears of War 3 and Bulletstorm,” said Dr. Michael Capps, president of Epic Games. “With these two highly anticipated triple-A experiences comes a unique opportunity to do something to really excite players, and that’s what we intend to accomplish with the support of Microsoft Game Studios and EA. This is for the shooter fans.” In addition to access to the beta, the Epic Edition gives players bonus in-game Bulletstorm content when playing online, including 25,000 experience points, visual upgrades for their iconic leash, deadly Peace Maker Carbine, boots and armor. With this unique gear, gamers can kill with skill in style. Bulletstorm’s insane Anarchy four-player online cooperative mode takes full advantage of the game’s unique skillshot gameplay and unlock/upgrade weapon system to deliver the best possible multiplayer experience within the Bulletstorm world. The combination of Bulletstorm’s multiplayer gameplay and skillshot system creates a frantic and frenzied experience setting itself apart from the multiplayer experiences in traditional shooter games.

Poised to be one of next year’s most anticipated original games, Bulletstorm will be available for Xbox 360, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and PC on Feb. 22, 2011 in North America and Feb. 25, 2011 in Europe. For more information on Bulletstorm, please visit and or follow us on Twitter at * Conditions and restrictions apply. See back of pack for details if and when available.
ahleung 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 12-18-10, 01:42 AM   #20
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2002
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XBOX獨佔EPIC EDITION?仲要同普通版一樣價錢?好似有O的反EA作風?定係EA卒之睇得透跨平台作品O既一向趨勢?


"This botch job makes Fantastic Four look good." —Peter Travers, Rolling Stone
NS CC:Morphus X300
david 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 12-18-10, 10:06 AM   #21
The One
註冊日期: Jun 2002
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我諗應該兩部機都有epic edition, 但剩係360版先會送個beta test code吧.
ahleung 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 12-18-10, 10:44 AM   #22
The One
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 28,498
- 更正, 真係360先有epic edition.
- 睇最尾條問題Mike個答法, 兩隻game可能真係會有更多連動.

Epic Games President Talks "Bulletstorm," "Gear of War 3" Multiplayer Beta

What happens when one company makes two of 2011's most anticipated games? Well, if you're Epic Games, you reward players who buy the limited edition of Bulletstorm with exclusive passes into the Gears of War 3 multiplayer beta.

But, unlike special editions that go for a significant mark-up, the Bulletstorm Epic Edition–which is for Xbox 360 only–will be available at no extra charge.

I had a chance to speak to Mike Capps, president of Epic Games, about the company's first-ever special edition release and how the beta program came about.

I think most people weren't expecting Bulletstorm to be connected in any way. Why link these two Epic properties together in this way?
From our perspective, we don't think about who's publishing this title or that title. We've got two great games and we think that Gears players are going to like Bulletstorm and vice versa. We brainstormed with EA and Microsoft to bring together these games in a way that would make Epic fans happy.
I think Crackdown was a really good example. That game was used to drive a really strong Halo 3 beta, but it was also the other way around, too. The Halo players were introduced to Crackdown, which was a new IP that they weren't familiar with. Crackdown was an awesome game; I might never have picked up that game if not for the Halo beta. But I'm really glad I did. So, we kind of want to introduce Bulletstorm to our Gears fans in the same way.

25,000 experience points, the new weapons, the gear… this is a really beefy reward. What's gotten into you guys?
We've been making games for 19 years and this is our first Epic Edition. The size of the package is a reward to our fans, who've supported us through the years. It's a limited edition–and it really will be limited–but it's the same price as the regular edition. We know that the Gears 3 beta acess codes will be highly sought-after, so our most passionate fans will get the inside track. The beta starts in the spring and, honestly, we're still debating what exactly is going to go into the beta so fans will want to be there from the very beginning to see how it evolves and grows.

A lot of times these limited edition assets become available later after launch, for an additional fee. Is that something that Epic is thinking about as well?
There will definitely be material that's only available in that box. That's kind of the whole idea. We want it to be really and truly exclusive. When we did something similar for Gears 2, they all sold out on day 1.

With this linkage between the two games, is there any chance that Grayson, Trishka and the Bulletstorm crew will show up as playable characters in Gears of War 3 multiplayer?
[Laughs] That's a really cool idea! We haven't said anything about it but I'd love to have some kind of collaboration between the two IPs. I don't have anything to announce about it but that would be an obvious and cool idea.
ahleung 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 12-18-10, 10:49 AM   #23
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2002
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作者: ahleung 查看文章
我諗應該兩部機都有epic edition, 但剩係360版先會送個beta test code吧.

Bulletstorm 'Epic Edition' includes Gears of War 3 beta early access
by JC Fletcher on Dec 17th 2010 9:28AM

Not sure how you feel about the we-hope-it's-satire taste level in Epic's Bulletstorm? Allow us to help you make peace with the shooter: Buying the newly-announced "Epic Edition" for Xbox 360 will grant you early access to a Gears of War 3 beta. Yum yum beta juice. The beta is scheduled to begin sometime this year. Bulletstorm is still on for February 22.

The limited-run, 360-exclusive Epic Edition will retail for the same $60 price as the standard edition and includes in-game extras in addition to that all-important beta access -- like 25,000 bonus experience points, "visual upgrades" for your leash, new boots and armor, and the "Peace Maker Carbine."


"This botch job makes Fantastic Four look good." —Peter Travers, Rolling Stone
NS CC:Morphus X300
david 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 12-24-10, 11:03 AM   #24
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2002
文章: 20,716
Bulletstorm to feature a mother-hugging profanity filter
by Griffin McElroy on Dec 23rd 2010 8:50PM

It's time once again to play Choose Your Own Analogy! Here's the situation: People Can Fly's Adrian Chmielarz recently addressed concerns about Bulletstorm's frequently obscene dialogue on Twitter, explaining that the game "features optional subtitles, and yes, you can tone the language down if you wish so." (In a followup tweet, Chmielarz suggested one might want to mute the voices and display the profanity in subtitles, say, if the kids could be listening from another room.)

Chmielarz clarified to Joystiq that the game will apparently feature options to tone down "both" the voice-overs and subtitles, though it's as yet unclear if that will entail replacement words or a simple censoring device. If the latter, here's where we play the analogy game: Based on the promotional material we've seen so far, we can't help but feel like playing through Bulletstorm with a dirty word filter on will result in more beeps than a ...

•Car alarm factory
•Old-timey Morse code station
•Chiptunes concert
•Los Angeles traffic jam
•Beeper convention
•Chiptunes concert held at a car alarm factory on the same block as the beeper convention

"This botch job makes Fantastic Four look good." —Peter Travers, Rolling Stone
NS CC:Morphus X300
david 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 01-04-11, 10:28 AM   #25
The One
註冊日期: Jun 2002
文章: 28,498
ESRB ironically rates Bulletstorm 'Mature,' tries to summarize game

by Alexander Sliwinski (4 hours ago)

If you're not sure whether Bulletstorm exists to mock a 15-year-old's view of masculinity, or to celebrate it, the ESRB's rating summary isn't going to deliver any answers.

The ESRB puts on a straight face as it describes Bulletstorm's inclusion of "Intoxicated Skillshots," references to "sexual acts, venereal diseases, and having sex with one's mother" and skillshots infused with sexual innuendo (e.g., Gag Reflex, Rear Entry, Drilldo, Mile High Club). The ratings board makes special note of one skillshot, "Fire in the Hole," which involves shooting at enemies' "exposed buttocks." Yummy!
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